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African History

The Reason Europeans Erased Africans from History



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  1. @metalfingerz4203

    March 30, 2023 at 11:07 am

    Ohhh so here's the guy that invented the story about afro pharaoh

  2. @mirzaghalib8659

    March 31, 2023 at 5:28 pm

    so it's all white people's fault, huh? way to take agency from black people alive today…how do you expect to be taken seriously with bullshit like this….

  3. @mlionea

    April 1, 2023 at 8:59 pm

    They didn't succeed. Because I now know alot of inventions are from Africans
    Going forward its very important to snob non Africans mostly Europeans from our projects. Keep them away from you in education, sports , culture, dating, travel , farming etc.
    I am working hard to erase everything slapped on Africans by Europeans

    Try your best Africans to erase Europe in your system

  4. @ShawnSullivan352ACR

    April 6, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    I'm not being funny but Africa has not created any structures from these so-called great societies they supposedly had there is no proof you can look at Ancient Rome or the Aztecs or Mayans and there is proof of these great civilizations and what did they all of a sudden regressed to living in mud huts with no running water? And Africans are always claiming to be Kings and Pharaohs for in ancient Egypt the ancient Egyptians were not African they are Middle Easterns no Pharaoh was black stop lying with that we wuz Kings

  5. @sabahsabrie1426

    April 11, 2023 at 5:08 pm

    African ancestor 🇸🇴make sure they curvy them selfs

  6. @sabahsabrie1426

    April 11, 2023 at 5:08 pm

    They wanna be as

  7. @hellodaboi835

    April 28, 2023 at 5:39 am

    Okay, right now black people are erasing European cultural heritage by sabotaging nearly every British or American film about Europe set in the past.

  8. @marvelouslukpata5345

    May 15, 2023 at 10:57 pm

    Sad but true ☹️☹️😔😔

  9. @clbo9878

    May 17, 2023 at 11:56 pm

    Black people can have ALL of the personal and racial esteem they want it will NOT do them an OUNCE of good if they don't have POWER!!

    If DEVELOPING POWER in the world is NOT the ULTIMATE GOAL and INTENTIONS of black people you're not talking about ANYTHING OF VALUE because NOTHING else matters but POWER!!!

    It's ALL about POWER!!!


    Lean it, study it, APPLY it.


    Amos Wilson

  10. @edmundleung2098

    May 18, 2023 at 7:29 am

    High racial esteem always reminds me of Germany a while back.

  11. @DavidJohnson-dc8lu

    May 27, 2023 at 4:02 pm

    Guess what Monkey's don't have, Melanin. Funny they have tried to convince us we are monkey's for decades.

  12. @Mish_Da_Mash

    June 2, 2023 at 2:48 pm

    what history has been erased ?

  13. @BibleSamurai

    June 2, 2023 at 7:24 pm

    I have born-again esteem. Know the Lord.

  14. @snakemanjones8272

    June 4, 2023 at 4:12 am

    The real reason is that onced we helped them get established they started to realize that history will show that their history started with us teaching them. So they went out and destroyed almost any trace of us and gave most of our achievements to either themselves or other races.

  15. @chadparsons50

    June 7, 2023 at 1:54 am

    Erasure or preservation of a people's History have been irrelevant to conquerors from time immemorial. Did the Romans consider the History of the Greeks before conquering them? The Mongols the Chinese? The Angles the Britons? Motivation to conquer is motivated by self-interest and/or the taking of offense, everything else is tactic and strategy.

  16. @media-rn6zc

    June 8, 2023 at 2:08 pm

    Very clear that the Bible sanctions slavery. It's very clearly written and no amount of twisting and turning will help.

  17. @DavidJonesy

    June 15, 2023 at 9:29 am

    What exactly has stopped anyone who wants to explore African history – including Africans themselves – from exploring it and writing about it?

  18. @Vegas.-

    June 19, 2023 at 11:29 am

    Inferiority complex

  19. @LordConstrobuz

    June 26, 2023 at 5:58 pm

    black people have low racial esteem? lmao. every black mf i see is talmbout "im black and im proud" "we wuz kangz' blah blah blah. but supposedly black people are violent towards each other because they have low racial esteem. hilarious. and lets not gloss over the fact that blacks are violent not just towards other blacks but ever other race as well. and im not even going to get into the whole "erased from history" thing thats a huge myth. black americans simply dont know their history because they never bothered to do any research. and honestly that goes for most white americans as well, people just dont care about their roots anymore, everyone is living in the "now"

  20. @Freliop

    June 30, 2023 at 1:15 pm

    It’s such a hard thing because it’s a survival tactic for black people. They just want to survive or not be limited and they see black association as a limit in some manners. It’s difficult. You are insulted by everyone…however most races have their racial group as a whole who agree to support one another….black people don’t have that…we don’t want to help each other because we want more ease in our life…when you don’t have the tools you just try to destroy. The deep distrust is from lack of resources and support. Instead of giving resources and support they criticize…the literally say we don’t have anything or Im going to do this and that…people can only believe in you as much as they believe in themselves and have a practicality about themselves…black people are impatient and insecure but they don’t realize that most people are…you just have to push through and we can’t afford not to push through…everyone has antagonist around them you just need more people who support you than don’t…we don’t have enough people with the mindset to support….I do believe they hate themselves and their blackness but mask it with hyper confidence.

  21. @abdelkarimkarim9737

    July 8, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    To any black Muslims out there, this guy is a flaming anti-Islam hater. He hates Islam with a passion. Be careful who you listen to.

  22. @toolguyslayer1

    July 19, 2023 at 7:53 am

    1:51 history is necessary because you need to know you come from if you are an electrician and you did not know the basics about you will be a basketball player and who's to say you are not a basketball player you don't know anything about basic electrical 🤔🧐 clearly you don't know what you are so you are what we say you are😮😢😮 basketball player or is it an electrician if you knew your past you would be able to tell someone what you are and you would be able to act accordingly 😎

  23. @DavidJohnson-dc8lu

    July 31, 2023 at 10:53 pm

    When the Europeans rewoite the Bible to we were the cursed tribe. Make it make sense, scientifically, historically and factually Africans were the first man on earth and Pheomelanin can't magically give birth the Eumelanin, Eumelanin can only be inhibited or watered down. We couldn't have come from Ham and through him enter into Africa. No one birth us and we came from Africa. Ask yourself this, if Eumelanin is an antioxidant molecule born from Tyrosine and dopamine that protects from the sun's radiation, protects from the appearance of aging, and protects from age related brain illnesses, and God blessed the Eumelanated man with a resourceful like Africa how were we cursed? More like people saw what we had and just wanted it, and acted like savages for our resources, strength and power.

  24. @gasbaroni

    August 16, 2023 at 3:38 pm

    We wuz kangz n`shieet

  25. @andrew8394

    August 22, 2023 at 10:08 pm

    Black people were the original people of
    the human race. The first white people
    were obviously Albinos. Draw your own
    Thanks For Sharing

  26. @YafuCCinboy

    August 31, 2023 at 3:17 am

    African’s really don’t have no world history tbh.

  27. @ballenboy

    September 7, 2023 at 3:24 pm

    Summary from an European perspective. When The Greeks and Romans made laws, buildings, art and philosophies over 2000 years ago, they didn't bother Africans. When the Huns invaded and the great peoples migration happened 1300 years ago, they didn't bother Africans. When the Mongols invaded and brought the plague that killed close to 50% of Europeans 700 years ago, they didn't bother Africans. When the Europeans recovered and went through the renaissance and printing press 600 years ago, they didn't bother Africans. After the Europeans started sailing further and further away from Europe they discovered the New World, Asia and also African kingdoms selling slaves 500 years ago, they didn't bother Africans just bought their slaves. After having bought Africans from other Africans as slaves and paying in industrial products for 300 years, Europeans started banning slavery 200 years ago, this bothered Africans as they had built up an economy of mostly enslaving and selling humans and not so much any industry. Now Africans are poor and with no industry to compete with the rest of the world with and 140 years ago when European powers only had acquired under 10%(mostly coastal areas) suddenly medicine and technology allowed the Europeans to decide to take over Africa without barely any resistance and in 25 years it went from under 10% to 95% under European empires rule and as the natives didn't have much to say. The Europeans Powers(with their industrial and scientific revolution) in their competition with each other took land and drew borderlines with each other, this bothered Africans but without a industry, technology, statecraft or army there really wasn't any fight. For about 60 years (2-3 generations) the African lands are under European colonial management with any attempt of freeing themselves being futile. After 2 world wars and the steam of the world spanning empires had run out the decolonization happened around the world, as the Europeans left most African countries eighter went strongman dictatorship or communist (let's share the wealth! what wealth?), none too successful recipes. Now the Africans are "free" (with some European influences left, and some new Chinese influences gained). There still might not be any great industry, technology, statecraft or army but now Africans will have to stand on their own legs and compete with the rest of the world, and no one is going to hold their hand.

  28. @Stonecutter334

    September 27, 2023 at 12:56 pm

    Not just Africans. Everybody who wasn’t them found themselves raped of their knowledge and culture. Then murdered.
    European exploration is just theft and death.

  29. @judasmaccabee3

    October 3, 2023 at 12:26 pm

    Retarded take. Most sub-saharian people had no writing systems before Europeans showed up. Therefore they did not even record any history. The concept was foreign to them.

  30. @revivedsoul1099

    October 9, 2023 at 3:11 am

    Very true, glad came to this good sir. This is sad truth, atleast know. May god and our people change for a more justified and peacefull world

  31. @jamal5714

    December 1, 2023 at 6:16 am

    Damn this needs to go viral. It's sad what they have done to Africans globally

  32. @robertmiles1603

    December 17, 2023 at 6:51 pm


  33. @user-ut8zn2ol3d

    January 13, 2024 at 5:12 pm

    People became "nobody" when they were first captured and sold as goods by Africans to Europeans.

  34. @seicer7727

    January 29, 2024 at 11:17 pm

    What history?? Your history is been 10000 behind the other cultures and now you cry because you don't have nothing to be proud.

  35. @Kemet3.0

    February 3, 2024 at 8:31 pm

    I agree and I won't resort to using offensive language, including racial slurs.
    Disagreements are natural, but my exploration of the Black Pharaohs of Kemet in Africa has broadened my perspective.
    It has opened up a new world, allowing me to clearly envision and realize my full potential.

    I have eliminated the use of the N-word from my vocabulary.

    And, focus on studying history of Ancient Kemet, in which should serve as a template or blueprint for people of African descent and indigenous communities.

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African History

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African History

How Africa Shaped Our Christmas Celebrations: Discover the Hidden History



Interestingly, many Christians, particularly Black Christians, are often unaware of the true origins of the December global celebration. Previously, the celebration was variably scheduled in January, March, April, May, or September, reflecting uncertainty about the actual birthdate of Jesus.
The holidays we observe today have their roots in sacred days from ancient Kemetic or what is popularly known as Egyptian culture, where these occasions were timed with celestial events such as the alignment of stars, constellations, and the sun’s position relative to Earth.

Selected References
1. Massey, Gerald. (1883). The Natural Genesis: Second Part of a Book of the Beginnings, Containing an Attempt to Recover and Reconstitute the Lost Origins of the Myths and Mysteries, Types and Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for the Mouthpiece and Africa as the Birthplace, Volume Two.
2. Massey, Gerald. (1907). Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Mysteries of Amenta.
3. Budge, Wallis. (1904). The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume Two.

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🍿 Our Recommended Reading List About African History

1. African Origin of Civilization – The Myth or Reality (Audible Audiobook) – Unabridged by Cheikh Anta Diop
2. Precolonial Black Africa by Cheikh Anta Diop
3. Africa Must Unite by Kwame Nkrumah
4. Cultural Genocide in the Black and African Studies Curriculum by Yosef Ben-Jochannan
5. Black Man of the Nile by Yosef Ben-Jochannan
6. New Dimensions in African History by John Henrik Clarke
7. Black Athena : Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Civilization by Martin Bernal
8. 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof by J. A. Rogers
9. African Presence In Early Europe by Ivan Van Sertima
10. They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America by Ivan Van Sertima

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