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African History

Africans in America Before Columbus?



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  1. @elaztic

    July 28, 2020 at 11:44 pm

    Mansa to the Musa


    July 28, 2020 at 11:49 pm

    Every black person is not African. There were 5 haplogroups 3 we're black.

  3. @enidesylvestre3168

    July 29, 2020 at 12:30 am

    China is our world problem with those knowledge it's was received to execute before the beast.

  4. @enidesylvestre3168

    July 29, 2020 at 12:31 am

    Time is up Creator to get revenge upon the son of men, because of the manipulation of those knowledge.

  5. @bravecoldwater9061

    July 29, 2020 at 1:00 am

    Great breakdown of Ancient Punt Doctor Winters. Thank you.


    July 29, 2020 at 1:51 am

    The Wayuu are from South America in the Guajira.


    July 29, 2020 at 1:56 am

    Which African Historians ?
    African tribes ?

    Confirm thier people traveled to America and became the Olmec

    Is it possible Civilizations in America are older than Africa

    Is it possible the Brown people with AFROS and LOCS on the olmec Murals
    Where already HERE in America

    Where are the olmec in Africa
    Where are the

  8. @justicetruth5456

    July 29, 2020 at 2:36 am

    Thank you for your great work! Can we buy a hard copy of the book?

  9. @TheWrightGroupSEO

    July 29, 2020 at 6:46 am

    You are truly appreciated sir. Peace and blessings to you 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥

  10. @queensunflower1622

    July 29, 2020 at 10:58 am

    Great 👍🏾

  11. @HardCold-Alquan

    July 30, 2020 at 12:33 am

    Hey buddy. How does one go about inviting you on a live for a discussion about this and other global topics as it pertains the the blak origins and former rule of the earth? Thanks.

  12. @DavidTaylor-px2vl

    August 1, 2020 at 8:36 pm

    Amazing how the olmecs never mentioned Africa nor the Mayans nor the Aztecas nor the Mississippians nor any other indigenous tribes except the FREEMASONS from lodges!

  13. @albonyo

    September 13, 2020 at 6:43 am

    those statues at 7mins look exactly like the Nok sculptures of West Africa. Iwonder if this is where they disappeared to

  14. @hannobaalii_makendalii

    October 5, 2020 at 7:22 am

    Hear ye, hear ya, hear yo. AFRINDIANS take heed (de-code slowly). By the POWER vested in US, WE hereby declare October 8 "OLMEC DAY" (not Colomb-ass). WE also declare October "OLMEC MONTH". 'October' actually means 'eighth month' on PHOENIXIAN Calendars.
    Romanites illogicly corrupted OUR calendar after the Phunic War battles.
    Re-connect the dots.

    The devout among US shall culminate OUR celebration FAST from sunset October 31st to sunset November 1st with a Break-fast Feast.
    Romanites associate it with Halloween, Feast of All Saints (New Orleans), Day of the DEAD (Mexico).
    WE Feast the first night of NOVA (November 1).
    Re-connect the dots.

    Let US gather for ritual ceremonies and games at the locations of every stone GIANT-HEAD, MOUND, EARTHWORKS, or any PARK.

    The bones of Giant Mauri PHOENIXIANS (Sea Peoples) and their copper/brass Jeweled TABLETS were found in most of OUR MOUNDS near the river valleys of North Amaurica (Emerald Tablets=green oxidized copper?).
    These ARTIFACTS were/are hidden by the Rockefeller (inHERitance thieves) pseudo-Masons, yet they place a statue of OUR King ATLAS of Mauritania in front of Rockefeller Center, directly across the street from the Maurish designed Cathedral of Pat-tarik the so-called saint. This same 'Pa-trick the Ruddy' was the enemy who drove the MAURI Vai-Kings from what they now call Ire-land.
    Re-connect the dots.

    Honor (by re-connecting with) the surviving Melanoid 'GARIFUNA' descendants in Central Amaurica who sailed with Phoenixian Moorines from Carthaghanain & Niger Starforts in West Afrika (Ancient Ghana) to inHERit (not inHIMit) the ancient memorial traditions lost from the Atlantian Icemelt/Mud-flow (Plato), caused by a swarm of artic Taurid Meteor impacts (originating from a NOVA flare?) that melted much of the poles raising sea levels 400+ft with mile high tsumanis destroying the global Phoenixian Navy fleet ports, and changed the two Mediterranean Lakes into one MAR (sea) with new access to the Aethiopian MAR (Atlantic sea) thru Gibraltarik. [long sentence, yeah?] Connect the dots.

    Phoenixians used to sail EAST to get to the WEST because South Amaurica was connected to Antartcica. See the ancient MAPS of Admiral Piri Reis al-Maur (current images false).
    Look using Giggle Maps to see what a mega-tsunami did to separate PATAGONIA (giants?) from Antarctica? Nazi submarine treasure hunters???
    Connect the dots.

    The coronation (nation crown) of OUR ancient Mon-archal (vs matri-archal?) Queen/Kings were always at the end of OUR ancient gatherings. Ethiopia, Thailand, Japan, W. Afrika, etc??? Research manarchal and matriarchal coronation protocols.

    Are the Romanites having a secret (coded) coronation (election) the first week of November? An Election (crowning/corona)?
    Does the Romanite Electoral College serve the same function as the Romulan College of Cardinals in electing (crowning) a new sitter (settler) on OUR thrones, assuming OUR ancient inHERitance?
    Connect the dots.

    Colombass was sent to participate in the USURPING of OUR inHERitance (matriarchal) RIGHTS to OUR ANCIENT (pre-native/pre-Mongindian) LANDS, EARTH-WORKS, PYRAMOUNDS, and ART-I-FACTS. See Michelle Gibson's Channel.
    All that is now mis-labeled Maya/Inca is in fact LEMAURIAN+OLMEC (Melanesia+Benin).
    Re-connect the dots.

    Southern hemisphere ocean currents are COUNTERCLOCKWISE from MELANESIA to Chile/Peru/Equador. That's how half of US rolled up in here, way back then.
    The Aztex Sun Calendar Stone's TONGUE and the Maori War Face are related. Look at it again. Then see the Maori movie 'UTU'.
    Connect the dots.

    Honor the Melanoid South Pacific MAURINERS (Papua noses=Aztex/Maya noses) who sailed to the Amauricas on Phoenixian Carriers to join their Atlantian (so-called Afrikan) relatives for this ancient annual Melanoid NOVA pilgrimage.
    Re-connect the dots.

    Atlantis was in a Melanated populated lush green Sahara. See the RICHAT structure in MAURitania just south of the ATLAS Mountains.
    Re-connect THAT dot.

    Happy OLMEC MONTH!
    Happy OLMEC Day?
    The eighth day of the eighth month.
    Note: I use the word Olmec (& other words) TACTICALLY because it is most common, for now.
    WE have better pre-Adamite identification names. The so-called Heebruz (post-Adamites) came late to OUR Shebazz party.
    The Sphoenix statue at Geeza is 200,000+ years old. That's 8 Great (stellar) Years. 1 stellar year being equal 25,000 years. Study JAIN Cosmology/Theology of Time.
    I can identify with that. Can YOU connect?

    Since WE are a re-mix of transPacific, transAtlantic, and indiginous Melanoids I find the modern term 'NEPHOENIXIAN (new Phoenixian) MAURMAN' most fitting. Re-born from the pyres (pyramids) black ashes of oppression, to fly again.
    Where does cream naturally rise?
    You must understand (grounation) BEFORE you can overstand like a GORT.
    See the LOGIC. This is psychoLOGICAL warfare, through sWORDS.
    Re-connect the dots.

    Do understand that the Anglish language was designed, coded, and then perpetuated to hide OUR HERSTORY.

    Stop being AMNESIANS (nig-gz) and RE-MEMBER!

    In what WE call Neandertalbino Europe the this knowledge got the Priestess Daughters of the Order of Isis (Tituba) labeled 'Witches' and lynched on pyres (cremated). Ida B. Wells?
    Cathars? Druidas? The Inquisition?
    Connect the dots.

    Re-write (re-code) your HERstory LOGICLY and MYSTICLY like the 25 Tirthankaras (Scientists) while preparing to DEFEND yourselves, AGAIN.

    Re-read s-l-o-w-l-y and daily throughout the month of OCTBR.
    DI-SECT and re-search familiar, and un-familiar sWORDS.
    Get a Greek/Latin dictionary or app. Make NEW words. It's not illegal, yet.
    As YOU fact check me, consider all data coming through Neandertalbino Codification Filters (Jesuwizard academedia) suspect.
    There may be minor incorrections in my data and analyses. Find them, (if any) edit, and press on.

    Copy, print, CIRCULATE, and post forward!!!


  15. @hannobaalii_makendalii

    October 8, 2020 at 1:20 am

    OLMEC DAY (Oct 8) is not a joke. The word hurricane come from the OLMEC (not Mayan) word Hurrakhan, the true name of the God of the OLMECS. Ask ITZAMNA.
    Marcus MOSIAH G. said "Look for me in the WHIRLWIND". What did he know?
    The southern corner of South Amaurica was Patagonia. A land of GIANTS. Giggle Earth it.

    A mega-tsunami bulldozed OUR megasociety at Terra del Fuego into a pile of underwater rubble. What crashed into the mid-Pacific and caused that tsunamic hydro-flow?

    The area was surveyed by Admiral Byrds flights (aerial) and Nazi submarine operations (underwater).

    They been hauling up classified artifacts for decades. Obama and even the Pope went down there to see OUR artifacts.

    Cemeteries found in Antarctica were full of Mauri OLMEC female giants.

    The drawings they show of Patagonian Giants are false and misleading. The drawings show them looking lighter skinned and straight hair like Amazonians. Obscuration!

    Artists/Sketchers (living cameras) sailed on all ships. Magellan saw them. He even tried to kidnap some females (Hanno?) and brought back to Europa. Good thing the ORANG ASLI killed him.

    The last of the PATAGONIAN GIANTS exterminated around the same time as the TASMANIAN GIANTS. Coincidince?

    Where are the pictures photographed in the 1800's??? They exist.

    The true reason for the Falkland Island War: Location access.
    Queen eLEZibitch wanted to grab her some Tierra del Fuego underwater treasure artifacts from the Argentinian Jesuwizards (Vatican Nazis).

    Moore dots connected?

  16. @OccupyBlackMedia

    October 19, 2020 at 4:41 pm

    Queen Khalifa is who California is named after…. factz…. Bigup To The Folsom People..

  17. @hannobaalii_makendalii

    October 20, 2020 at 8:41 pm

    An HONORABLE/NOBLE Free-man GIANT named MUSTAPHA al-ZEMMOURI (a Latter Day MAURMAN) sailed many times here on Maurish ships long before Columb-ass came to Amaurica. How else was he able to con-verse with every tribe [who all LOVED him] across Amaurica from Flori-da to Khalifa-lan?

    One of his favorite stops was EL MORO (Mauro) castle/fort at San Juan Puertorica harbor.

    I'm sure he was provided with the nicest maidens [by every Chief] to sleep-with as he traveled through their terra-tories. Babies were born 9 months after he left each tribe on his trade missions. He watched his children grow each time he re-turned.
    How many of US share al-ZEM-MAURI's BLOODLINE?
    Hetero-sexuality is OUR Sacred NORM.

    Where did the Maurish de-signed 'al-Amo' (al-Amour/the-Love?) get it's name?

    Copies of al-ZEMMAURI's Journals and MAPS are still preserved and hidd-in Timbuktu, and un-touchably forbidden to todays Neandertalbinos. The Vatican Library surely has their copies.

    al-ZEMMAURI re-turned after Columba-ass. He was forced/ex-torted to guide Espanian spies as their SUB-JECT under duress be-cause his (and so many others?) Maurish family & property was being held ho-stage after the fall of Granada.
    A standard TACTIC of the Inquisitors.

    The Espanish chroniclers later wrote-in the SLAVE name 'Esteban' or 'Estevanico' to hide the evidence of his travels from public (OUR/YOUR) knowledge.

    What do you think happened to those TALENTED Mauri POW's from the Phunic War III (Saracens/Crusades/Re-conquesta/In-quisition/Barbary Corsairs) all the way through to Kadaphe's Lebya?

    How many un-known Mauri GENIUSES, scholars, architects, craftsmen, MOTHERS, were POW's. Who was forced to tran-slate OUR scrolls in the dungeons [for the Popes Masons] of the New Europea?

    How were the Maurs co-erced into building the Carth-edrals that happened to en-shrine BLACK MADONNAs?

    Who were the MARIAN (Maurian) EXILES? Why will the SWISS never give up their guns or gold? Research! Who were THEIR parents?

    Who were the so-called 'BLACK NOBILITY' of VENICE (Venus) Tuscany long BEFORE the word 'black' emerged from Shake-speare's final code-ification of the Anglish language? What did they call them-selves before the land be-came flooded?
    Is this how the Melanoid Etruscani (Tuscany) of what is now called Italy survived. By re-treating among Romes 7 Hills (mounds) when the floods came?

    In earlier times there were calamities in-volving massive polar ice melts flowing into the Medi-terranean (middle Earth) trans-forming 2 LAKES into 1 Sea (mar).

    What's up under the BLACK Sea that THEY recently found that THEY don't want to show US? What was it called before the Anglish language?

    The water overflowing from the Medi-terranean went across the Sahara just south of the Atlas Mountains (RICHAT) wiping OUR capitol of Atlantes off OUR maps. GIGGLE EARTH IT!

    Look at Herodotus MAP. Collect ancient maps (apps?) and de-code them. WE designed some to deceive (protect trade routes) if captured in the event of occasional Mauri-time battle loses. Flat-earthers are suckers.

    In ancient Ghana (Mauritania/Mali today), when it was just south of the King Atlas Mountains [sea] SALT found there was deemed great-er than gold. Evidence of a long forgotten access to the Atlantic Ocean (Aethopian Mar) BEFORE Gibral-tarik opened out/in.
    Study/collect ancient maps.

    AGAIN i ask, what was the 'Black Sea' called by west Azians Maurs who NEVER spoke Anglish? ______ Mar?

    Who's lately been playing with the VOWELS, where-as when WE ruled they were not used?

    Who were the 'SEA PEOPLE' (Mauriners)? Why has west-ern acade-media as-signed names for every peoples in HIStory, except OUR Mauriners???

    There are things hidd-in in the cave vaults and other chambers of Timbuktoo, Longyou, Indiya, Tibet (Thebes), Angkor, Peru, etc… that will utter-ly destroy the West-ern Paradigm (PATRIX), when un-veiled. Is this the hidd-in reason for con-flict at these areas?
    Some-many don't want US to de-code OUR OWN scrolls, heiro-graphs, and story-boards.

    i've been to, and read/studied the wall reliefs/story-boards at BORO-BUDUR and ANG-KOR. OUR story was carved THERE for US to READ, but tourist books and videos only show US the out-side from a di-stance. Snippets. Look closer.

    Why are those books sold on Ama-zan that show the complete se-quential STORY-WALLS of BOROBODOR and ANGKOR so ex-pensive?

    Why don't people know about GUNUNG PADANG, ONE of the largest PRYA-MOUNDs on earth (so far), that was mis-taken for a moun-tain?

    Who (jesuwizards?) seduced the Nipponi (japanese) to change their GIANT 'SUMAURS' into 'Sumo'?
    Samoa from SAMAUR?
    MAURI to Maori? While eugenically raping them with the 'albino gene' to bring US to THEIR PALEPER ab-norm.

    We are con-stantly being played.

    ALL squabbles/divisions between Hebroos, Moors, Mu-salaams, Afri-khans, Ab-originals, In-digenous, Ol-mexi-khans, Dalits/Dravid-ani, Blackfellas, Papu-ani, Melanesians, Maori, Pacifik I-lan[ers], Eski-maurs, Azi-ani Samaurai, Sumaurtrans, etc… only bene-fit one ENEMY minority group ex-clusively. Hint, hint.

    Balance: playing more CHESS while RE-connect-ing the dots of OURSTORY (so-called HIStory).

    I have heard that some of my post-ings are dis-cussed/di-scussed in classrooms from ele-mentary to graduate level. Excel-lent! Thank OUR Elders, not me. I'm just channeling their voices and EN-GUAGING, not en-raging.
    Too many of US are en-RAGING. STOP it!

    "Never HATE your enemy, it CLOUDS your JUDGEMENT". Who taught the Cartha-Guinan Lions (Corleones) that?

    Who is 'GUINAN' in the TV series 'Star Trek_The NEXT Gene-ration'?
    What was/is She about???
    How about 'TUVOK' the LOGICIAN??

    OUR GOLDEN AGE will in-evitably re-turn.
    Par-ticipate in THAT re-birth and live.
    Be an AMNESIAN spec-tator and DIE PRE-maturely.

    FEAR NOT to sacrifice your lives, if you need to cross that line one day. Those days might/WILL come.

    Buddha and Krishna taught US to not be so at-tached to the pre-sent physi-cal bodies.
    Stud-y their teachings, and die MATURELY.

    The CODE of BU-SHIDO serves those who occasionally have to un-sheath their sWORDS and swing.
    BE all-ways ready to defensively write/right and neutralize the wrong.

    Master the sWORD, PEN, and TONGUE through be-coming sWORD CODIFIED, through DISCIPLINE. Forge your-selves using the ham-mer of LOGIC shared by OUR now LIVING SOCRATES:
    Major NEELY FULLER II (second).
    At this point he is not junior to any body living. OUR living Socrates (Spock).
    Dr. WELSING was/is OUR HYPATIA!!!!

    Please MASTER the art/science of QUESTIONS!!!

    The speech al-gorithym used by the Jedai YOHDA in the 'Star Wars' fan-tasy is how WE actually SPOKE sWORDS in ancient OUREALITY.
    Study YOHDA's speech de-livery.

    NEANDERTALBINO e-lites KNOW OUR-STORY is hidd-in the Vatican Library.
    WE sadly and generally don't.

    All is written in the Eternal AKUSHIC RECORDS though. Connect those dots, and READ them. Re-read them, and connect moore dots.

    I write with ex-tra CAPITAL Roman letters in ad-dition to, slashes/-dashes between pre-fixes, roots & suf-fixes to SLOW YOU UP, so the words can be un-VEILED.

    WE read way TOO fast.
    A clue to why Mauri western trained Acade-medians are so im-potent idea-LOGICALLY.
    Greek-Latin dictionaries/apps?

    RE-read the key FRUITFUL passages of 'MESSAGE TO THE BLACK (Maur) MAN' replacing the word 'muslim' with the word 'MAURMAN', if your imagination can handle it.
    If you have a copy, put tape over the title and write "MESSAGE TO THE MAURMAN' and enjoy that music.

    JAZZ is good when READING!
    It SHOEHORNS the data deeper.

    Un-tangle your-selves from THEIR PATRIX.
    As U do so, don't in-advertantly re-plicate THEIR PATRIX.
    The MATRIX Mound Hive thang is OURS, Bros.

    Pull on the loose threads of THEIR LIES and easily unravel ALL that THEY have weaved.

    Print, Circulate, Share.

    Con-front your teachers with THIS sWORD!

    After peeking/peeling at what's been hidd-in, stare into possible futures:

    U.N.I.A. (not BLM).
    Mauri Communities League?
    Mauri Star Line?
    Maurchant Maurines?
    Mauriner Seamen?
    Mauri Cross Nurse Corp?
    Mauri Factories Corp?
    Mauri Motor Corp?
    Mauri World Newspaper?
    Mauri ORTHODOX Church?
    Mauri Mosque?
    Mauri Temple #45??
    Qween-dome Hall?
    Mauri Coalition?
    Mauri Panthers?
    Mauri Science Temple?
    Nation of NEPHOENIXIM?
    All Mauri Peoples Recodification Party?
    Ancient Mauri Order of the De-Mystified LOGICICAL Shrine?
    Mauri Rites?
    The Mauri Union?
    Organization for Mauri Unity?
    Red, Maur, & Green?
    Mauri Lives Matter?
    Towers of Sumauria?
    Maurdegaskar Lemauria?
    Good Sumauritans?
    Universal Mauri Improvement Association?

    Dis-obey and re-baal against THEIR gram-matical LAWS of pronunciation and scripts. (yes, i used 'and' twice)

    Always spell 'i' in lower-case, and 'WE' in upper-case when referring to US.

    The pre-adamite word/sound 'MAUR' was 16,000+ years old (being gene-rous) before the Anglish word/sound 'black' was ever uttered.

    Identifying as 'black' (unTACTICALLY) will isolate US from OUR HERSTORY. THEY have in-vested much into that word.

    Mauri Power!

    WE must cease being AMNESIANS and accept OUR ancient MAURALITY.
    Don't be immoral.

    WE don't die.

    'i' is mortal.
    'WE' are IMMAURTAL!!!!

    Discern (de-code) all THAT!

    i'm gonna rip that word 'africa' out OUR minds next and put it in it's proper TACTICAL category.
    Then those words 'indian' and 'hebrew'.

  18. @forevergoddessqueen4404

    December 3, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    29:00 mic drop

  19. @wavyridingbangers

    December 18, 2020 at 5:19 am


  20. @coderef5616

    December 25, 2020 at 11:58 am

    The more they dig …the more Dr Winters is vindicated..thanks Dr Winters

  21. @glitch5883

    January 6, 2021 at 4:43 pm

    Pretty sad stuff. Now the olmecs where black too? Celts, Vikings etc 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️

  22. @tonyaparham6215

    April 14, 2021 at 6:17 pm

    Moxico is in West Coast Africa too. Imagine that. It’s a Municipal of Angola like Belize.

  23. @NoName-gh5mq

    May 25, 2021 at 11:32 am

    Natives not afri

  24. @ishmaelmcduffey6676

    May 29, 2021 at 4:29 am

    No offense.. but I really think we need to leave the term African… if Africans were in America for hundred thousand years then we shouldn't call them African.. idk. Just a thought

  25. @randywhite5548

    June 12, 2021 at 10:26 pm

    It all makes sense

  26. @user-lp9vz6lu3t

    July 17, 2021 at 9:33 pm

    sicle cell is not african people here in india also have a sicle cell in tribal area of bastar Chhattisgarh

  27. @cateyesloc3391

    August 5, 2021 at 12:53 am

    Mongolian Turks were the first people in N America

  28. @indigenousaboriginalmediab8369

    August 28, 2021 at 5:43 pm

    Greetings Dr. Winters, thank you for all that you are doing for our people! What is hidden in the dark has come to light!

  29. @grassrootsndns

    September 2, 2021 at 8:50 pm

    I don't believe it…. ndns inhabited turtle island since the beginning of time

  30. @theonlysun2517

    September 7, 2021 at 9:41 am

    1310 AD & the Nu Holistic Afro-Anthro-genetic History 🙏🏾

  31. @Stony_daGodfrmjerz

    September 17, 2021 at 3:15 am

    Another life changing story

  32. @SpotlightonthebayShining

    September 21, 2021 at 3:00 am

    Please connect Dr. Clyde Winters

  33. @athayahmamlahkayahushua3328

    November 29, 2021 at 3:22 pm

    Makes sense because black people were here first. So they had plenty of time to explore all the Continents, first.🤷🏿‍♀️

  34. @muhammadsfori6841

    January 28, 2022 at 4:35 am

    Once upon a time White ethnocentrics declared that Great Zimbabwe could not have been built by Black African people, it must have been built by European or Middle East civilisations like Phoenicians, Greeks or Romans. But later research showed that Africans built it.

    Now some African American pseudo scholars promote a similar racist agenda concerning the Olmecs and other Native American civilisations. They do not believe that Native Americans could create such civilisations, but that Africans must have built them, or at least inspired them. But these assertions are as wrongful as the white colonialists assertions about Great Zimbabwe. Seems some black-centric pseudo scholars also have turned into colonialists who try to steal and diminish Native American history and take credit for Native American achievements.

    The truth is (corroborated by science) that no Black/African people set their foot on American soil until the Europeans brought them there within the last 500 years.

    Stop trying to ease Native American history and achievements.

  35. @sakhu8945

    January 31, 2022 at 2:42 pm

    You’ve opened my mind. I always wanted to know more about this.

  36. @ayushanand1733

    March 13, 2022 at 7:14 pm

    African were not sea sailors

  37. @ems7623

    June 10, 2022 at 4:46 pm

    Okay. I just clicked on a second video of yours and now it is entirely clear that you do, in fact, engage in wild conjecture of the most ridiculously unfounded kind.

    There's simply no way that you are a real Ph.D.

    If you are, then some very grave medical event occurred after you completely your degree causing traumatic brain injury, in which case I would recommend you speak with your doctor.

  38. @hannobaalii_makendalii

    October 5, 2022 at 1:23 pm

    An HONORABLE/NOBLE Free-man GIANT named MUSTAPHA al-ZEMMOURI (a Latter Day MAURMAN) sailed many times here on Maurish ships long before Columb-ass came to Amaurica. How else was he able to con-verse with every tribe [who all LOVED him] across Amaurica from Flori-da to Khalifa-lan?

    One of his favorite stops was EL MORO (Mauro) castle/fort at San Juan Puertorica harbor.

    I'm sure he was provided with the nicest maidens [by every Chief] to sleep-with as he traveled through their terra-tories. Babies were born 9 months after he left each tribe on his trade missions. He watched his children grow each time he re-turned.
    How many of US share al-ZEM-MAURI's BLOODLINE?
    Hetero-sexuality is OUR Sacred NORM.

    Where did the Maurish de-signed 'al-Amo' (al-Amour/the-Love?) get it's name?

    Copies of al-ZEMMAURI's Journals and MAPS are still preserved and hidd-in Timbuktu, and un-touchably forbidden to todays Neandertalbinos. The Vatican Library surely has their copies.

    al-ZEMMAURI re-turned after Columba-ass. He was forced/ex-torted to guide Espanian spies as their SUB-JECT under duress be-cause his (and so many others?) Maurish family & property was being held ho-stage after the fall of Granada.
    A standard TACTIC of the Inquisitors.

    The Espanish chroniclers later wrote-in the SLAVE name 'Esteban' or 'Estevanico' to hide the evidence of his travels from public (OUR/YOUR) knowledge.

    What do you think happened to those TALENTED Mauri POW's from the Phunic War III (Saracens/Crusades/Re-conquesta/In-quisition/Barbary Corsairs) all the way through to Kadaphe's Lebya?

    How many un-known Mauri GENIUSES, scholars, architects, craftsmen, MOTHERS, were POW's. Who was forced to tran-slate OUR scrolls in the dungeons [for the Popes Masons] of the New Europea?

    How were the Maurs co-erced into building the Carth-edrals that happened to en-shrine BLACK MADONNAs?

    Who were the MARIAN (Maurian) EXILES? Why will the SWISS never give up their guns or gold? Research! Who were THEIR parents?

    Who were the so-called 'BLACK NOBILITY' of VENICE (Venus) Tuscany long BEFORE the word 'black' emerged from Shake-speare's final code-ification of the Anglish language? What did they call them-selves before the land be-came flooded?
    Is this how the Melanoid Etruscani (Tuscany) of what is now called Italy survived. By re-treating among Romes 7 Hills (mounds) when the floods came?

    In earlier times there were calamities in-volving massive polar ice melts flowing into the Medi-terranean (middle Earth) trans-forming 2 LAKES into 1 Sea (mar).

    What's up under the BLACK Sea that THEY recently found that THEY don't want to show US? What was it called before the Anglish language?

    The water overflowing from the Medi-terranean went across the Sahara just south of the Atlas Mountains (RICHAT) wiping OUR capitol of Atlantes off OUR maps. GIGGLE EARTH IT!

    Look at Herodotus MAP. Collect ancient maps (apps?) and de-code them. WE designed some to deceive (protect trade routes) if captured in the event of occasional Mauri-time battle loses. Flat-earthers are suckers.

    In ancient Ghana (Mauritania/Mali today), when it was just south of the King Atlas Mountains [sea] SALT found there was deemed great-er than gold. Evidence of a long forgotten access to the Atlantic Ocean (Aethopian Mar) BEFORE Gibral-tarik opened out/in.
    Study/collect ancient maps.

    AGAIN i ask, what was the 'Black Sea' called by west Azians Maurs who NEVER spoke Anglish? ______ Mar?

    Who's lately been playing with the VOWELS, where-as when WE ruled they were not used?

    Who were the 'SEA PEOPLE' (Mauriners)? Why has west-ern acade-media as-signed names for every peoples in HIStory, except OUR Mauriners???

    There are things hidd-in in the cave vaults and other chambers of Timbuktoo, Longyou, Indiya, Tibet (Thebes), Angkor, Peru, etc… that will utter-ly destroy the West-ern Paradigm (PATRIX), when un-veiled. Is this the hidd-in reason for con-flict at these areas?
    Some-many don't want US to de-code OUR OWN scrolls, heiro-graphs, and story-boards.

    i've been to, and read/studied the wall reliefs/story-boards at BORO-BUDUR and ANG-KOR. OUR story was carved THERE for US to READ, but tourist books and videos only show US the out-side from a di-stance. Snippets. Look closer.

    Why are those books sold on Ama-zan that show the complete se-quential STORY-WALLS of BOROBODOR and ANGKOR so ex-pensive?

    Why don't people know about GUNUNG PADANG, ONE of the largest PRYA-MOUNDs on earth (so far), that was mis-taken for a moun-tain?

    Who (jesuwizards?) seduced the Nipponi (japanese) to change their GIANT 'SUMAURS' into 'Sumo'?
    Samoa from SAMAUR?
    MAURI to Maori? While eugenically raping them with the 'albino gene' to bring US to THEIR PALEPER ab-norm.

    We are con-stantly being played.

    ALL squabbles/divisions between Hebroos, Moors, Mu-salaams, Afri-khans, Ab-originals, In-digenous, Ol-mexi-khans, Dalits/Dravid-ani, Blackfellas, Papu-ani, Melanesians, Maori, Pacifik I-lan[ers], Eski-maurs, Azi-ani Samaurai, Sumaurtrans, etc… only bene-fit one ENEMY minority group ex-clusively. Hint, hint.

    Balance: playing more CHESS while RE-connect-ing the dots of OURSTORY (so-called HIStory).

    I have heard that some of my post-ings are dis-cussed/di-scussed in classrooms from ele-mentary to graduate level. Excel-lent! Thank OUR Elders, not me. I'm just channeling their voices and EN-GUAGING, not en-raging.
    Too many of US are en-RAGING. STOP it!

    "Never HATE your enemy, it CLOUDS your JUDGEMENT". Who taught the Cartha-Guinan Lions (Corleones) that?

    Who is 'GUINAN' in the TV series 'Star Trek_The NEXT Gene-ration'?
    What was/is She about???
    How about 'TUVOK' the LOGICIAN??

    OUR GOLDEN AGE will in-evitably re-turn.
    Par-ticipate in THAT re-birth and live.
    Be an AMNESIAN spec-tator and DIE PRE-maturely.

    FEAR NOT to sacrifice your lives, if you need to cross that line one day. Those days might/WILL come.

    Buddha and Krishna taught US to not be so at-tached to the pre-sent physi-cal bodies.
    Stud-y their teachings, and die MATURELY.

    The CODE of BU-SHIDO serves those who occasionally have to un-sheath their sWORDS and swing.
    BE all-ways ready to defensively write/right and neutralize the wrong.

    Master the sWORD, PEN, and TONGUE through be-coming sWORD CODIFIED, through DISCIPLINE. Forge your-selves using the ham-mer of LOGIC shared by OUR now LIVING SOCRATES:
    Major NEELY FULLER II (second).
    At this point he is not junior to any body living. OUR living Socrates (Spock).
    Dr. WELSING was/is OUR HYPATIA!!!!

    Please MASTER the art/science of QUESTIONS!!!

    The speech al-gorithym used by the Jedai YOHDA in the 'Star Wars' fan-tasy is how WE actually SPOKE sWORDS in ancient OUREALITY.
    Study YOHDA's speech de-livery.

    NEANDERTALBINO e-lites KNOW OUR-STORY is hidd-in the Vatican Library.
    WE sadly and generally don't.

    All is written in the Eternal AKUSHIC RECORDS though. Connect those dots, and READ them. Re-read them, and connect moore dots.

    I write with ex-tra CAPITAL Roman letters in ad-dition to, slashes/-dashes between pre-fixes, roots & suf-fixes to SLOW YOU UP, so the words can be un-VEILED.

    WE read way TOO fast.
    A clue to why Mauri western trained Acade-medians are so im-potent idea-LOGICALLY.
    Greek-Latin dictionaries/apps?

    RE-read the key FRUITFUL passages of 'MESSAGE TO THE BLACK (Maur) MAN' replacing the word 'muslim' with the word 'MAURMAN', if your imagination can handle it.
    If you have a copy, put tape over the title and write "MESSAGE TO THE MAURMAN' and enjoy that music.

    JAZZ is good when READING!
    It SHOEHORNS the data deeper.

    Un-tangle your-selves from THEIR PATRIX.
    As U do so, don't in-advertantly re-plicate THEIR PATRIX.
    The MATRIX Mound Hive thang is OURS, Bros.

    Pull on the loose threads of THEIR LIES and easily unravel ALL that THEY have weaved.

    Print, Circulate, Share.

    Con-front your teachers with THIS sWORD!

    After peeking/peeling at what's been hidd-in, stare into possible futures:

    U.N.I.A. (not BLM).
    Mauri Communities League?
    Mauri Star Line?
    Maurchant Maurines?
    Mauriner Seamen?
    Mauri Cross Nurse Corp?
    Mauri Factories Corp?
    Mauri Motor Corp?
    Mauri World Newspaper?
    Mauri ORTHODOX Church?
    Mauri Mosque?
    Mauri Temple #45??
    Qween-dome Hall?
    Mauri Coalition?
    Mauri Panthers?
    Mauri Science Temple?
    Nation of NEPHOENIXIM?
    All Mauri Peoples Recodification Party?
    Ancient Mauri Order of the De-Mystified LOGICICAL Shrine?
    Mauri Rites?
    The Mauri Union?
    Organization for Mauri Unity?
    Red, Maur, & Green?
    Mauri Lives Matter?
    Towers of Sumauria?
    Maurdegaskar Lemauria?
    Good Sumauritans?
    Universal Mauri Improvement Association?

    Dis-obey and re-baal against THEIR gram-matical LAWS of pronunciation and scripts. (yes, i used 'and' twice)

    Always spell 'i' in lower-case, and 'WE' in upper-case when referring to US.

    The pre-adamite word/sound 'MAUR' was 16,000+ years old (being gene-rous) before the Anglish word/sound 'black' was ever uttered.

    Identifying as 'black' (unTACTICALLY) will isolate US from OUR HERSTORY. THEY have in-vested much into that word.

    Mauri Power!

    WE must cease being AMNESIANS and accept OUR ancient MAURALITY.
    Don't be immoral.

    WE don't die.

    'i' is mortal.
    'WE' are IMMAURTAL!!!!

    Discern (de-code) all THAT!

    i'm gonna rip that word 'africa' out OUR minds next and put it in it's proper TACTICAL category.
    Then those words 'indian' and 'hebrew'.

  39. @hannobaalii_makendalii

    October 5, 2022 at 1:24 pm

    OLMEC DAY (Oct 8) is not a joke. The word hurricane come from the OLMEC (not Mayan) word Hurrakhan, the true name of the stone head OLMEC Gods.

    Marcus MOSIAH G. said "Look for me in the WHIRLWIND". What did he know?

    The southern corner of South Amaurica was Patagonia. A land of GIANTS. Giggle Earth it.

    A mega-tsunami bulldozed OUR megasociety at Terra del Fuego into a pile of underwater rubble. What crashed into the mid-Pacific and caused that tsunamic hydro-flow?

    The area was surveyed by Admiral Byrds flights (aerial) and Nazi submarine operations (underwater).

    They been hauling up classified artifacts for decades. Obama and even the Pope went down there to see OUR artifacts.

    Cemeteries found in Antarctica were full of Mauri OLMEC female giants.

    The drawings they show of Patagonian Giants are false and misleading. The drawings show them looking lighter skinned and straight hair like Amazonians. Obscuration!

    Artists/Sketchers (living cameras) sailed on all ships. Magellan saw them. He even tried to kidnap some females (Hanno?) and brought back to Europa. Good thing the ORANG ASLI killed him.

    The last of the PATAGONIAN GIANTS exterminated around the same time as the TASMANIAN GIANTS. Coincidince?

    Where are the pictures photographed in the 1800's??? They exist.

    The true reason for the Falkland Island War: Location access.
    Queen eLEZibitch wanted to grab her some Tierra del Fuego underwater treasure artifacts from the Argentinian Jesuwizards (Vatican Nazis).

    Moore dots connected?

  40. @blackman3964

    October 25, 2022 at 10:06 am

    The Melinated African BLACK people are those who emerge up from the Melinated BLACK Soil in Central and East Africa , close to the Equator , a Warm Damp Environment that gives life , Nature's Children , We are Children of the STAR above and Mother Earth , I LOVE YOU STAR / SUN …………. Smile

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African History

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African History

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African History

How Africa Shaped Our Christmas Celebrations: Discover the Hidden History



Interestingly, many Christians, particularly Black Christians, are often unaware of the true origins of the December global celebration. Previously, the celebration was variably scheduled in January, March, April, May, or September, reflecting uncertainty about the actual birthdate of Jesus.
The holidays we observe today have their roots in sacred days from ancient Kemetic or what is popularly known as Egyptian culture, where these occasions were timed with celestial events such as the alignment of stars, constellations, and the sun’s position relative to Earth.

Selected References
1. Massey, Gerald. (1883). The Natural Genesis: Second Part of a Book of the Beginnings, Containing an Attempt to Recover and Reconstitute the Lost Origins of the Myths and Mysteries, Types and Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for the Mouthpiece and Africa as the Birthplace, Volume Two.
2. Massey, Gerald. (1907). Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Mysteries of Amenta.
3. Budge, Wallis. (1904). The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume Two.

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🍿 Our Recommended Reading List About African History

1. African Origin of Civilization – The Myth or Reality (Audible Audiobook) – Unabridged by Cheikh Anta Diop
2. Precolonial Black Africa by Cheikh Anta Diop
3. Africa Must Unite by Kwame Nkrumah
4. Cultural Genocide in the Black and African Studies Curriculum by Yosef Ben-Jochannan
5. Black Man of the Nile by Yosef Ben-Jochannan
6. New Dimensions in African History by John Henrik Clarke
7. Black Athena : Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Civilization by Martin Bernal
8. 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof by J. A. Rogers
9. African Presence In Early Europe by Ivan Van Sertima
10. They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America by Ivan Van Sertima

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This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! Everything in this video is based on information we learned from online resources, our own experience, and books we have read. Thank you for watching!


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