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African History

african presence in mexico part 3



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  1. @oaklandlatinosunited

    January 13, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    nigga . i never heard about that being an empowerment word and i have read many books of the black panthers and have never seen any mention of that . i know a few of the old black panthers they have commemoratin rallys in oakland sometimes i will ask them about this next time i run into them ….

  2. @Chitango76th

    January 13, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    Yeah there are some Blacks that have problem when black women date outside their race, cant deny that nor wouldnt. If yall had a child together, I highly doubt it if she would deny her grandchildren,like my wife ppl did. I'm not debating you because most of your points are valid. I'm glad you made this vid. You even taugh me things I didnt know, which have enlighten me. So keep it up Ive enjoy all 3 pt homie.

  3. @oaklandlatinosunited

    January 13, 2010 at 2:26 pm

    well i know a lot of people that are latinos that have married black men or women and have had mixed kids and they accepted them . but i won't dissagree with you that there are some familys that wouldn;'t . mexicans sometimes won't except when some one marrys a person that is darker and has indigiinous features now how ignorant is that if we are an indiginous people . like i say it's ignorance and a colonial mind set made up by a white power structure . stay up bro and thanks for the support

  4. @oaklandlatinosunited

    January 13, 2010 at 3:32 pm

    cornroll lol have you ever really stoped and notice that many mexicans and latinos from south or central america wear conrolls and other black hair styles . because many of us have kinky hair because of the african blood many of us have . like i said in the video i have an uncle that his hair is so kinky it actually grows in to a natural afro lol think about it … ps my hair is so nappy i have to use black hair products to comb it back lol it's the only stuff out there strong enough …

  5. @Chitango76th

    January 14, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    I hear ya'. My wife use a lot of black products too, she like to use dark & lovely to dye her hair, she says it stay longer in her hair, but youre right we have a lot more in common then both race realize, Thx too ppl like you who want to inform ppl. Thx for the link, I'm really learning alot from you.

  6. @Chitango76th

    January 14, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    Alot of ppl dont know about Black ppl role in the bible as well, check Act 13:1, also there were black popes, name Pope Gelasius 1,Pope Miltiades,Pope Victor 1, there are also black saints such as St. Augustine who was of berber descends, Saint Antonio Verira was of African descend, and Saint Benedict the moor just to name a few,. Also the word Niger is in the bible. We need to educated ourselves Lord knows the school system wont, Education will bring ppl closer.

  7. @MattmanKey84

    February 18, 2010 at 5:49 am

    Yeah, it seems to happen in the West Coast only. It's because of the Prision-Nationality culture. Every race had a gang. It was once like that here in the East but it died out a bit.

  8. @FetodeOrca

    June 2, 2010 at 4:54 am

    AFRICANS-BLACK-ENSLAVED were brought to all of america,from the northern Canada,through EU.,Central america,to the southern tip of South America (currently Chile and Argentina),of course,with differents amounts.All of them,Brazil received the biggest amount,the least was El Salvador in central america.But they all received,in one way or another,captives blacks africans through more than 350 years.

  9. @oaklandlatinosunited

    June 2, 2010 at 5:43 am

    @FetodeOrca i agree look at Colombia it also has a very large African population . but try telling that to people in US . most of my African American freinds find it so hard to belive that there are African decended people like them in Latin America . i guess it's because of the lack of history .

  10. @FetodeOrca

    June 4, 2010 at 1:41 am

    @oaklandlatinosunited,and,you don't guess wrong,they are not (your africanamerican friends) the guilty,….THE CULPRIT IS THE EDUCATION SYSTEM of this country,so you are veeeeeery all right about it.Otherwise,not only your friends know nothing about this topic,NO,….almost every american people (blacks,whites, asians,and even too many hispanic born here) knows almost nothing about the REAL HISTORY of the african-black slavery in the Americas…

  11. @sheppboy1

    July 15, 2010 at 1:21 am

    thanx for posting! im half black, half mexican and i had no idea the african presence was so strong in mexico

  12. @EMR80

    July 24, 2010 at 6:10 pm

    Thanx for posting this stuff bro. Mexicans and Blacks need to see this stuff.

  13. @oaklandlatinosunited

    July 29, 2010 at 8:18 pm

    @MANDAWAH so what are you saying give a little feed back .

  14. @jjguy23

    October 22, 2010 at 6:03 am

    Real interesting stuff. Thanks for the vid.

  15. @jb6591

    November 27, 2010 at 4:38 am

    @oaklandlatinosunited – lack of global awareness/poor educational system in the USA

  16. @imthrowed94

    December 31, 2010 at 3:10 am

    @oaklandlatinosunited right something they won't learn in this bullshit school system that's why i'm glad that i have the mental capcity to read and research and it felt good to see that my people are global and not just in AFRICA so i teach those who will listen

  17. @masoftekken

    January 15, 2011 at 9:49 am


    Agreed I think schools should have a seperate (optional) class for minorities in all middle or high schools. All we learn about is how the white man did this and that wether it be good or evil. They tell us very little about our history and even if they are showing us how europeans did bad things to us, it also shows our cultures being conquered. I read once that school history conditions us to feel lower then whites subconciously. Its a scotoma most minorities have.

  18. @MsSanetta

    March 20, 2011 at 10:43 pm


  19. @MsSanetta

    March 20, 2011 at 10:44 pm

    @RatchetandClankNXTG3 LLL

  20. @oaklandlatinosunited

    April 21, 2011 at 4:35 am

    @AztecTripleAlliance are you in Denile .

  21. @oaklandlatinosunited

    May 17, 2011 at 9:07 am

    @philly4458 yes this is true but also happenes to Very Indiginous Mexicans as well there Usually accused of being from Cuba or Honduras or Belize . my homie who is full blooded Maya from Yucatan told me he got harrased like this in Mexico City and in Baja California the Police accused him of Being from Guatemala and he said they tried to make him sing the national anthem as well .

  22. @MsSanetta

    August 22, 2011 at 5:47 pm

    @midpopcorn i tell ppl that, but they deny it…i just tell them that you may believe that lie, but your hair tells the truth, i understand not wanting to identify with what we see today as a culture, but im talking old african ancestry, more african than i have…shit, i see it in white ppl too, with that curly ass hair(and i dont mean a perm), but i also see mixture in american blacks too, they dont look african…i see african essence all the time

  23. @MsSanetta

    August 23, 2011 at 5:08 am

    @midpopcorn yes, i know…beautiful history. never noticed if one liked one more than the other. i love afrocuban and peurtorican rythms

  24. @2009thetwinz

    August 25, 2011 at 12:16 am

    I don't understand when you say " African and indigenous blood" from my research I understand that the pyramids and giant stone heads were created by "Negroids." you are describing the same people they are NOT different. Everyone knows that the "Africans" created every other known race or nationality on the planet. Please don't confuse our people and have them to believe that Africans were only in Mexico b/c of slavery…THAT'S THE BIGGEST LIE EVER TOLD, and its whats keeping us divided…

  25. @sourheartroasie

    February 6, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    I visited Mexico back in the 70's & I brought my light skin and dark skin nieces with me. In America, it is my light skin niece that receives all the attention. But in Mexico, it was my darker skin niece that was considered the most beautiful of the two. Wherever I went among the indigenous, only my dark skin niece rec'ved compliments. She looks just like a dark skin Mexican/Indian, hair and all. This is when I became aware of blk Mexicans.

  26. @emmanuel828

    November 28, 2012 at 5:02 am

    u guy dc need add The pic And videos of emiliano zapata u can see more afromexican And The movie of tunco maclovio And el topo old movies

  27. @dv5247

    February 6, 2013 at 4:29 pm

    yeah if you are dark skinned you might be deported in mexico black mexicans are told to be wanted to be deported to honduras cuba colombia cuba dominican rep some country they are not from native americans are know to have thier mexican passaport or ids thrown away and deported to guatemala mexico has racism and racial profiling

  28. @dv5247

    February 6, 2013 at 4:30 pm

    yeah mexico tends to whiten its history and black mexicans just want to be recognize that they exist in mexico

  29. @collegekid805

    March 19, 2013 at 5:38 am

    olmecs were amerindian not african.

  30. @arealhebrew

    April 21, 2013 at 1:36 am

    The Moors of Shem Hebrew Israelite Race, have been coming to and fro from the so called Americas for thousands of years, yet this information is hid from the masses of the spanish caucasian populations, and those indian caucasian spanish babies who assumed the identities of the original moor or negro Aztecs, Olmecs, Texacoco, Toltec Clans of the Israelite Race.

  31. @arealhebrew

    April 21, 2013 at 1:41 am

    Indian is a misnomer for asian caucasian grafted or mutt, who learned much from the original Negro Olmecs, Toltecs, and Aztecs of Mexico. The first of the caucasian tribes to arrive to the Americas were the Asian Caucasians, their spanish – italian caucasian brothers came much later in the 1500s, bringing more destruction on like ever seen or felt.

  32. @barbaravire6439

    May 1, 2013 at 5:02 am


  33. @barbaravire6439

    May 1, 2013 at 5:04 am


  34. @brandongomez1986

    February 11, 2014 at 5:36 am

    I'm black from Veracruz Mexico

  35. @SG-MT

    March 31, 2014 at 8:08 pm

    Oakland latinosunited, thank you so much for bringing attention to this subject and sharing with all of us here. As a Mexican-born, raised in Chicago (now US citizen) but lived for a few years in Guanajuato, I can tell you that I have personally experienced and witnessed racism. I clearly remember my first two best friends while in elementary school were both "black Mexicans". At the time, their skin color and features which were clearly very different from mine: very dark skin color, kinky hair and African features. My physical features are more European: light skin, light brown, straight hair (from my mother's Spanish & German side). That fact was irrelevant to me, for all I cared about was that they were nice to me, and we had so much fun (getting in trouble) together. I was the bad influence on them, I confess. LOL
    It wasn't until many years later, after I had gone back to live in Chicago that I realized they were actually "black" and of African decent! Perhaps my innocent 6yr old mind, had all but ignored, or failed to really notice that, because I had yet to truly learn what racism was. Specifically towards the black race as a whole, and towards "African Americans" here in the US. Such a shameful, ugly emotion, rife with fear, hate and plain ignorance. 
    I have had many black friends throughout my life. Simply, because I saw beyond their skin color and paid attention to their personality and character instead (as I do with anyone else). I remember telling some of them about the fact that there were black people also living in Mexico. Most were surprised. Some, didn't want to believe me at first. I felt it was necessary for the latter, to educate themselves about that part of history and I sent links, images and facts I found online so they could see for themselves. I think African history and culture is very rich, deep and interesting. African music and dance for example, has influenced many genres of our current music, and countless artists/musicians of our time.

    Although any African ancestry in my own family has pretty much been "bred out" and often denied by family members, for some reason I have always felt a strange connection to African culture. Especially music and dance. Viva los Moros!


    December 24, 2014 at 9:37 am

    @Sara G You are a beautiful person on the outside as well as the inside. I love that you dont have a racist bone in your body.

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African History

How Africa Shaped Our Christmas Celebrations: Discover the Hidden History



Interestingly, many Christians, particularly Black Christians, are often unaware of the true origins of the December global celebration. Previously, the celebration was variably scheduled in January, March, April, May, or September, reflecting uncertainty about the actual birthdate of Jesus.
The holidays we observe today have their roots in sacred days from ancient Kemetic or what is popularly known as Egyptian culture, where these occasions were timed with celestial events such as the alignment of stars, constellations, and the sun’s position relative to Earth.

Selected References
1. Massey, Gerald. (1883). The Natural Genesis: Second Part of a Book of the Beginnings, Containing an Attempt to Recover and Reconstitute the Lost Origins of the Myths and Mysteries, Types and Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for the Mouthpiece and Africa as the Birthplace, Volume Two.
2. Massey, Gerald. (1907). Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Mysteries of Amenta.
3. Budge, Wallis. (1904). The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume Two.

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🍿 Our Recommended Reading List About African History

1. African Origin of Civilization – The Myth or Reality (Audible Audiobook) – Unabridged by Cheikh Anta Diop
2. Precolonial Black Africa by Cheikh Anta Diop
3. Africa Must Unite by Kwame Nkrumah
4. Cultural Genocide in the Black and African Studies Curriculum by Yosef Ben-Jochannan
5. Black Man of the Nile by Yosef Ben-Jochannan
6. New Dimensions in African History by John Henrik Clarke
7. Black Athena : Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Civilization by Martin Bernal
8. 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof by J. A. Rogers
9. African Presence In Early Europe by Ivan Van Sertima
10. They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America by Ivan Van Sertima

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