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Trans man arrested, beaten by deputy asks to be declared innocent



For more than two hours, Emmett Brock waited outside a Downey courtroom. He sat, he stood, he fidgeted, he paced in the emptying hallway. Finally, he heard his name and went inside.

It was March 8, 2024, exactly 392 days after he’d been beaten by a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy in front of a 7-Eleven, then arrested and accused of biting the lawman who pummeled him. Afterward, he’d been sent to the Norwalk station lockup and booked for three felonies and a misdemeanor. By the time prosecutors dropped the case seven months later, he’d already lost his high school teaching job.

It had been a painful year, and to put it behind him Brock wanted a judge to declare him innocent. His lawyer had filed the paperwork, and now Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Evan Kitahara was going to decide on the request.

Twenty minutes after entering the courtroom, Brock walked out an innocent man.

Just over a week later, he filed a federal lawsuit accusing the deputy of “felony crimes” and alleging the department had covered them up.

“I can finally exhale,” Brock told The Times after learning of the judge’s decision. “It felt like I’d been holding my breath for over a year.”

Even if the new developments bring some peace of mind for the Whittier man, they could signal trouble for the deputy who arrested him. When Deputy Joseph Benza made the February 2023 arrest, he signed a declaration under penalty of perjury saying Brock had bitten him.

At this month’s hearing, Kitahara determined there was “no evidence” of that.

Benza is “susceptible to being decertified,” said Brock’s attorney, Thomas Beck, suggesting the deputy could lose his California peace officer certification for alleged dishonesty and be banned from working in law enforcement. “And on the use-of-force issue, he could be prosecuted.”

According to documents Beck filed in court, the FBI has been looking into the case since last year. The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office confirmed to The Times this week that local prosecutors are reviewing the matter as well.

Attorney Tom Yu, who is representing Benza, has maintained for months that his client did not do anything wrong. And records show a Sheriff’s Department review last year cleared the deputy’s use of force.

“I wholeheartedly disagree with Mr. Beck’s representation of what occurred,” Yu wrote to The Times in an email. “I am confident that the federal judge will throw all of the suspect’s claims out during this litigation.”

The Sheriff’s Department said in a statement Monday that it had not been served with the lawsuit but confirmed the incident had been investigated and the findings are under review.

“Our top priority is the safety of everyone involved in any encounter,” the statement said.

On the morning of Feb. 10, 2023, Brock had just left work at Frontier High School when he spotted a deputy who appeared to be berating a woman on the side of the road. As he drove by, Brock casually threw up his middle finger, thinking the deputy wouldn’t see it.

Emmett Brock was driving home when he was stopped and beaten by a sheriff's deputy.

Emmett Brock was driving home from his job as a teacher when he was stopped and beaten by a deputy outside of a 7-Eleven.

(Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)

According to the lawsuit filed this week, the deputy abandoned the roadside confrontation, hopped in his cruiser and started tailing Brock. Each time Brock made a turn, the cruiser mirrored his move — but the deputy inside didn’t turn on the lights or sirens and didn’t try to pull him over, Brock said.

Fearing he was being followed by someone impersonating a police officer, Brock called 911 and asked what to do.

“If he hasn’t pulled you over, he hasn’t pulled you over,” the dispatcher said, according to a recording of the call shared with The Times.

But a few minutes later, Brock pulled into a 7-Eleven parking lot on Mills Avenue in Whittier. As he stepped out to buy a drink, the deputy approached him.

“I just stopped you,” Benza said, without explaining why.

“No, you didn’t,” Brock replied, according to an audio recording captured by the deputy’s body camera.

“Yeah, I did,” the deputy said, grabbing Brock’s arm. The deputy then “overwhelmed young Brock,” according to the lawsuit, and “without uttering another word, violently took Brock to the pavement.”

For the next three minutes Brock struggled as the deputy held him down, all of it captured on the 7-Eleven’s surveillance camera.

“You’re going to kill me! You’re going to f— kill me,” Brock shouted, screaming for the deputy to stop.

“Instead Benza rained at least 10 closed fist punches at Brock’s head and face,” the suit says, “while Benza used his greater body weight to pin the plaintiff to the ground as he continued to angrily pummel Brock with both fists, scraping his knuckles in the process.”

After Brock was in handcuffs, the deputy put him into the back seat of his cruiser. Brock was bloodied and his glasses were broken but, according to the lawsuit, the deputy still hadn’t explained why he’d stopped him.

When a sergeant arrived on scene, Brock told him he’d been beaten in retaliation for giving a deputy the finger — an act that could have been a violation of the department’s policy explicitly banning the use of force in retaliation for disrespect.

“Instead of immediately recognizing Benza had committed a felony crime of assault against Brock,” the suit said, the sergeant “purposefully ignored plaintiff’s complaints and took no action.”

As other deputies arrived, Benza showed them his bruised knuckles and blamed Brock — but he didn’t say anything about being bitten, according to the lawsuit. When paramedics arrived, the suit says, he didn’t tell them anything about a bite, either.

Before leaving to go back to the station, Benza and several sergeants walked into the 7-Eleven, according to a 32-page innocence petition Beck filed in court on Brock’s behalf. The lawmen went into the store’s camera room and stayed there for a little over 10 minutes, “presumably screening the audio-free 7-Eleven video recording of the assault,” Beck wrote in the petition.

“With knowledge of this damaging evidence,” Beck continued, the deputy drove back to the station and “falsely reported” to a supervisor that he’d only thrown punches because Brock had bitten his hands.

Then, the petition says, Benza went to urgent care and said he’d been bitten on his right hand — though the physician assistant who treated him wrote in his report that there was bruising but “no bite marks.”

After he left urgent care, Benza filed his declaration under penalty of perjury saying he’d been bitten on his left hand. He said the incident started when he’d been on a routine patrol and decided to stop Brock after spotting an air freshener dangling from the rearview mirror. He left out any mention of stopping a woman on the side of the road and said nothing about Brock giving him the finger.

In an interview with The Times last year, Benza’s attorney said that’s because the person Brock passed on the side of the road wasn’t his client, but another law enforcement officer probably from another agency.

Now, Beck said, there’s evidence to disprove that.

“I have been advised that the FBI has downloaded Benza’s cell phone GPS data and was able to corroborate Mr. Brock’s claim of being pursued along the route Benza claimed he never took,” Beck wrote in the innocence petition. (The FBI told The Times this week that it does not confirm or deny the existence of investigations.)

When he was taken to the Norwalk station for booking — on offenses including mayhem and injuring an officer while resisting arrest — Brock was asked to give a statement, during which he explained he is transgender. One jailer asked if he was a girl, he said, and another asked to see his genitals before deciding to put him in a women’s holding cell.

Though his family bailed him out, Brock said, he lost his job when state authorities notified the school of his arrest. County prosecutors initially charged him with two misdemeanors, but dropped the case in August.

Last fall, Beck said, federal prosecutors reached out, handing over some of the materials he hadn’t been able to get from the Sheriff’s Department and asking to interview Brock. With the new materials, Beck filed a petition asking a court to declare his client innocent.

Now in graduate school, Brock showed up to the hearing this month flanked by his mother, several classmates and a professor. Dressed in a black suit and a green tie, he stood in front of a judge as his lawyer explained the case, arguing for a declaration of “factual innocence.” The prosecutor agreed, and the judge entered a tentative ruling finalized last week.

“Though I am happy that I am factually innocent, I don’t think it will ever be over for me in my heart,” Brock told The Times. “It’s something that I still think about every single day.”

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France travel disruption expected to last for days



French rail company SNCF has warned that disruption from Friday’s sabotage against the country’s train network could last until the end of the weekend and affect hundreds of thousands more passengers.

Coordinated arson attacks on three lines of the high-speed TGV network on Friday caused chaos for travellers, hours before the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics. A fourth attack was thwarted by rail workers.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal described the attacks as “acts of sabotage”.

About a quarter of international Eurostar trains were also cancelled, with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer among those affected.

In a statement issued on Friday evening, SNCF said traffic “would improve” on affected lines on Saturday thanks to the work of thousands of rail workers.

It said:

  • On the eastern line, trains would run normally from 06:00 (05:00 BST) on Saturday
  • On the northern line, 80% of trains would be running, with delays of 1-2 hours
  • On the south-western line, 60% of trains would be running, with delays of 1-2 hours

The company added that customers whose trains are delayed or cancelled will be contacted by email or text message.

Eurostar said it expected about a fifth of services over the weekend would be cancelled, while all trains would face delays of around 1.5 hours. Eurostar services use the northern high-speed line.

SNCF said surveillance of the rail network had been strengthened “on land and in the air,” using 1,000 workers and 50 drones.

Junior Transport Minister Patrice Vergriete said around 250,000 people had been affected on Friday, while up to 800,000 could face delays and cancellations by Monday.

He added that disrupting holiday travel, rather than Friday’s Olympic opening ceremony, was the most likely aim of the saboteurs.

“There is not necessarily a link” with the Olympics, he said in an interview.

Friday 26 July traditionally marks the start of the grand départ (big getaway) for many French holidaymakers heading out of the cities.

No group has yet claimed that it was behind the attacks. A source linked to the investigation told the AFP news agency that the operation was “well prepared” and organised by “a single structure”.

Mr Attal said security forces were searching for those responsible.

At around 04:00 on Friday, saboteurs cut and set on fire specialised fibre optic cables essential for the safe functioning of the rail network, government officials said.

One site was at Courtalain, 150km (93 miles) south-west of Paris. A picture posted online purportedly showed burnt-out cables in a shallow gulley with its protective SNCF paving stones discarded.

The SNCF spoke of a “massive, large-scale attack aimed at paralysing” its services, not just at Courtalain but at Pagny-sur-Moselle, a village outside the eastern city of Metz and Croisilles, not far from the northern city of Arras.

Another attempted attack in Vergigny, south-east of Paris, was foiled by SNCF workers who were carrying out maintenance on site in the early hours of Friday.

Prosecutors have opened an investigation into attacks on “the fundamental interests of the nation”.

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‘Firenado’ spotted above explosive Park fire near Chico



As the state’s largest wildfire of the year was doubling in size Thursday evening, explosive flames spun up into the atmosphere, swirling in a way that can only be described as tornado-like — a real life example of the firenado phenomenon.

Video of the massive fire whirl was captured by AlertCalifornia wildfire cameras, displaying the extreme fire behavior that is driving the massive and fast-moving Park fire across Butte and Tahoma counties.

The blaze has grown past 178,000 acres as of Friday afternoon, forcing thousands of evacuations and burning more than 100 buildings. Officials say the fire started Wednesday in Chico due to an act of arson.

“At this point, the fire is kind of creating its own weather, and that can be pretty unpredictable,” said Courtney Carpenter, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Sacramento. “Really big, explosive wildfires can create thunderstorms. They can make whirling fire plumes that can mimic tornadoes.”

Meteorologists tracked those massive, rotating smoke plumes on the radar Thursday night, Carpenter said, a characteristic of “explosive fire growth.”

She said the wildfire also generated thunderstorm clouds, but didn’t quite trigger lightning, which some particularly unstable fires have created before.

Watching the fire produce massive smoke rotations — and maybe even several vorteces — showed off the blaze’s rare and powerful nature, said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA, on his YouTube channel. He said the Park fire had “super-cell thunderstorm-like characteristics.”

There is growing recognition that extreme wildfires can produce other dangerous phenomena that are not directly related to the flames alone, Swain said.

It’s not unusual to see fires modify their environment by causing localized wind currents, but large fires such as the Park fire can even start to “generate their own Mesoscale weather systems that look a lot like severe thunderstorms,” he said.

He added that new research is also finding that climate change is increasing the magnitude and frequency of such behavior, as well as bringing it to new regions.

“There is evidence that these large and potentially dangerous pyro-cumulonimbus events are increasing in a warming climate as fire intensity increases,” he said.

Carpenter said the weather service doesn’t issue tornado warnings when fire whirls develop because residents in the area should already be evacuated. More than 4,000 people have been issued evacuation orders from communities in and around northeast Chico and in parts of southern Tehama County.

“We urge people to follow the local orders from local officials,” Carpenter said. “Keep an eye on things and be ready to go if you live in the vicinity of the fire.”

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Donald Trump Seen in Public Without Ear Bandage



Donald Trump ditched his ear bandage for his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday. The former president’s right ear returned to public life after being injured during the assassination attempt on the former president on July 13.

The former president’s large bandage became an impromptu fashion statement during the Republican National Convention with some attendees donning DIY wound dressings. Following the convention, Trump swapped out his bulky white gauze for a thin nude bandage.

Photos from Trump’s sit down with Netanyahu appear to show the former president’s ear intact without major scabbing or scarring. In one image, the former president points out the site of injury to the Israeli prime minister.

According to former White House physician Ronny Jackson, a bullet took the top of Trump’s ear off. On Wednesday, however, FBI Director Christopher Wray said that investigators did not know if the former president was grazed by a bullet or shrapnel during the shooting.

Jackson slammed the FBI Director in a letter posted on Truth Social in which he doubled down on his claim that Trump was struck by a bullet and said Wray was “wrong and inappropriate to suggest anything else.”

The former president’s campaign spokesperson also responded to Wray’s comments, calling his sworn testimony “conspiracy bullshit.”

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