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In Hunter Biden’s Gun Trial, Hallie Biden Is a Key Witness



Hallie Biden walked briskly to the witness box, past her brother-in-law and ex-boyfriend Hunter Biden, to chronicle a short, star-crossed relationship that ended in anguish, her own addiction and, eventually, his criminal prosecution.

Ms. Biden, 50, is by far the most important witness for the prosecution. She is one of the few people with the knowledge to offer a detailed, and intimate, accounting of Mr. Biden’s all-consuming addiction to crack cocaine in the fall of 2018. He is on trial on charges of lying about his drug use on a form when buying a gun in October 2018 and of illegally possessing the weapon.

Moments after sitting down, she delivered what seemed to be the heaviest blow yet to Mr. Biden’s defense, confirming that he bought and smoked crack in the 48 hours after he purchased a gun in Delaware.

But if the purpose of her appearance was to nail down a dry, prosecutorial timeline, the effect on Ms. Biden was of forcing a recovering addict to revisit days of desperation and shame. She was clearly shaken by the task, repeatedly scanning the visitors’ gallery for friendly faces during breaks in her testimony.

“It was a terrible experience that I went through,” she said.

The defendant nodded in affirmation, almost imperceptibly, as she spoke.

Ms. Biden — speaking in nervous, clipped bursts — admitted to the jury that she had smoked crack after President Biden’s youngest son had introduced her to the drug in the summer of 2018. She said she was “ashamed” and embarrassed by their behavior when they briefly shared a house in Annapolis, Md., when both were still reeling from the death of her husband and his brother, Beau Biden, from brain cancer in 2015.

The texts between the two were wrenching. The lead prosecutor in the case, Leo J. Wise, who normally speaks with an unhurried, high-volume cadence, seemed to lower his voice and rush his delivery to read their raw, frantic conversations.

The exchanges alternated between recrimination and affection, with Ms. Biden begging him to seek treatment, and not to cheat on her, as he trawled the streets for drugs.

And there were a lot of drugs. Mr. Biden, she said, bought multiple rocks of crack in Washington, where he kept an apartment — some the size of “Ping-Pong balls, or bigger maybe” — and stored them in his “backpack or car.”

Two transactions seemed to be particularly damaging to Mr. Biden’s defense, which is predicated on the assertion that he was not taking drugs around the time he signed the federal screening form to buy a Colt handgun in Wilmington on Oct. 12, 2018.

The day after, he texted Ms. Biden that he was “buying.” That indicated he was purchasing crack, she told the court.

In a second message, from late on the night of Oct. 14, Mr. Biden acknowledged he was “sleeping on a car” and “smoking crack” behind the minor league baseball stadium in Wilmington, after buying drugs from a dealer named Mookie.

It was part of a pattern of erratic behavior, she added, saying that he would be unreachable for weeks at a time and that she or her children would scrounge through his car for drugs or alcohol to help him “start anew and deal with stuff” when he reappeared exhausted at her home.

On Oct. 23, 2018 — 11 days after Mr. Biden bought the gun — Ms. Biden confiscated the weapon, drove it to a high-end supermarket in Delaware and tossed it in a trash can, hoping he would never discover who had taken it.

But it was quickly retrieved by the police, who contacted them, spurring a series of panicked communications from Mr. Biden. He seemed to have immediately grasped the dire implications. He cursed her out and called her stupid, according to the texts.

“I’ll take the blame,” replied Ms. Biden, who had repeatedly urged him to go to rehab and seemed to view her actions as an intervention of sorts. “I don’t want to live like this.”

One of the most damaging aspects of her testimony, which came on the fourth morning of Mr. Biden’s quickly moving trial, was her claim that he took few precautions in storing the gun when it was in his possession. Abbe Lowell, Mr. Biden’s lawyer, claimed in his opening arguments that Mr. Biden had kept the gun in a “lock box” in his truck and took it out only once in the time he owned it.

But the government produced a text from Ms. Biden chiding her boyfriend at the time, telling him the box had been left open in an unlocked vehicle, “windows down.” She warned Mr. Biden that “the kids search your car.”

When she searched the car on Oct. 23, she noticed “a dusting of powder” that she assumed to be “remnants of crack cocaine” before finding the gun in a case with a broken lock. Prosecutors then showed surveillance video of her tossing the gun only to return later and frantically try to recover it.

“I realize it was a stupid idea now, but I was just so panicked,” she said.

Earlier, Mr. Biden’s defense team suggested that it would try to challenge Ms. Biden’s credibility on cross-examination by introducing new text messages — some “salacious” — showing that she was angry at him over his infidelity and drug abuse. His lawyers have also signaled that he might have lied to Ms. Biden in texts, saying he was buying drugs to cover up his affairs.

At times, Mr. Biden’s web of romantic intrigue and obliteration of personal boundaries bordered on the comical. At one point, he even used the cellphone number of his estranged wife, Kathleen Buhle, to text with Ms. Biden.

“That freaks me out,” she wrote.

“This is Kathleen and I’m gonna beat you up,” he joked.

David C. Weiss, the special counsel who has brought a separate case against Mr. Biden involving more serious tax offenses, has turned to the women closest to Mr. Biden to document his drug use, revisiting some of the most damaging episodes in the Biden family’s recent history as the campaign season intensifies.

On Wednesday, two of Mr. Biden’s former romantic partners, his former wife and a former girlfriend, provided vivid testimony about his addiction to crack in the weeks and months before he applied for a gun.

Almost all the events at issue in the trial happened in 2018, when Joseph R. Biden Jr. was out of office.

Mr. Lowell has suggested he could seek to undercut Ms. Biden’s narrative.

Mr. Biden is charged with three felonies: lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the federal firearms application and possessing an illegally obtained gun in October 2018. If convicted, Mr. Biden could face up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. But nonviolent first-time offenders who have not been accused of using the weapon in another crime rarely receive serious prison time for the charges.

The government’s case turns on a relatively straightforward question: whether Mr. Biden was abusing drugs when he filled out the federal firearms application claiming he was not an “unlawful user” of controlled substances. “Addiction may not be a choice, but lying and buying a gun is a choice,” Derek Hines, a top deputy to Mr. Weiss, told jurors in opening statements on Tuesday.

The sheer amount of unflattering evidence assembled by Mr. Weiss is intended to prove that Mr. Biden knowingly lied when he claimed not to be taking drugs when he bought the handgun.

But it has, in the view of even some Biden family critics, moved far beyond that goal — into a publicly humiliating trial of the president’s troubled son for an offense that, while a crime, is seldom prosecuted as a stand-alone charge for someone with no prior criminal record who has been sober for years.

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Column: Instead of just criticizing Biden, maybe George Clooney should take his place



OK, my choice to replace President Biden as the Democratic nominee is George Clooney.

Yes, I am semi-serious. No, I don’t expect anyone else to take me seriously — let alone the Oscar-winning actor.

His lifestyle, privacy and pay would suffer immensely — even if a $400,000 salary plus free housing, food and travel would sound very alluring to most people. Even with the hefty workload increase.

Why Clooney?

Most importantly, he’d whip the dangerous Donald Trump easily, probably by a landslide. Clooney’s a better actor. That’s all Trump is, besides a compulsive liar. Clooney is much more.

He has an easy smile that exudes sincerity and is extraordinarily telegenic. Trump pouts and frowns and is a horror show.

Clooney exhibits conviction and is a humanitarian. Trump displays self-centered opportunism and sows hate.

Clooney is relatively young for a presidential candidate these days. He’s an upbeat 63. Trump is a whiny, grouchy 78.

Why else?

Clooney had the guts, unlike most leading Democratic politicians, to be straight with the public, call it like he saw it and urge Biden to quit running for reelection. This was just weeks after he co-hosted a record $30-million, star-studded Hollywood fundraiser for the president.

“I love Joe Biden. … In the last four years, he’s won many of the battles he faced. But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can,” Clooney wrote in a New York Times op-ed.

He referred to the 81-year-old president’s disastrous debate performance against Trump.

The Biden he saw at the fundraiser wasn’t the Biden of four years ago, Clooney wrote, “he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. …

“Our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw…. The [ABC] George Stephanopoulous interview only reinforced what we saw the week before. … Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. … We are not going to win in November with this president. …

“Top Democrats … need to ask this president to voluntarily step aside. … Would it be messy? Yes. Democracy is messy. But would it enliven our party and wake up voters who, long before the June debate, had already checked out. It sure would.”


Biden has been a good president despite a few screwups, most notably on illegal immigration. But that doesn’t mean he’d be effective in a second term.

And Biden’s candidacy is not sustainable. Support among Democratic members of Congress is cracking.

Much more importantly, voters have been telling pollsters for months that they desire a younger Democratic standard bearer. But the party didn’t listen. Now, Biden is losing more ground to Trump and there’s even speculation about some blue states turning purple.

Patrons watch President Biden debate former President Trump at a watch party in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Patrons watch President Biden debate former President Trump at a watch party on June 27 in Scottsdale, Ariz.

(Ross D. Franklin / Associated Press)

Biden loyalists, like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, may loudly sing the president’s praises, but too many voters have lost confidence in his mental acuity. They doubt his ability to beat Trump and perform adequately in the Oval Office if he does.

Biden’s hourlong news conference Thursday night went OK.

Freed from the inane two-minute time limit on answering questions in the TV debate, Biden was able to respond with thoughtful replies. He particularly was impressive when answering a foreign policy question about dealing with China and Russia.

But he awkwardly flubbed the first question. Biden was asked whether he was concerned about Vice President Kamala Harris’ ability to beat Trump if she were the nominee.

“Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president did I think she was not qualified to be president. So, let’s start there,” he replied.

That could be dismissed as a minor slip of the tongue, but the president did a similar name botch an hour earlier. At a Washington ceremony, Biden accidentally introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as the Russian tyrant who invaded Zelensky’s country.

“Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin,” Biden said, before quickly catching himself.

Then there was the July 4 radio interview when Biden said: “I’m proud to be … the first vice president, the first Black woman to serve with a Black president.”

He was scrambling his often-used line about being proud of serving with the first Black president and also choosing the first Black woman as vice president. It was a too-common verbal fumble that accentuates voters’ concern about the president’s decline.

Clooney’s a world-class communicator.

He’s a Kentucky native who conceivably could draw support from Southern border states. Remember that wonderful “O Brother, Where Art Thou” flick when he played a lead bluegrass singer? Sure, he was an escaped convict, but that was just pretend. Trump’s a true-life convicted felon.

Clooney piloted the swordfishing boat Andrea Gail into “The Perfect Storm” and it perished, but I’m confident he wouldn’t sink the ship of state.

Look how he cleverly and deftly upended the corrupt corporate attorney who tried to kill him in “Michael Clayton.”

And showed his environmental creds and family values in “The Descendants.”

Politicians should never underestimate the voters’ desire to be entertained.

Yes, Clooney is just a movie star who has never served in public office. But neither had actors Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger before they were elected California governor.

And Trump, a reality TV star, had never held office either before shockingly being elected president. In his case, it showed.

All right, Clooney is not going to be nominated for president. Democrats haven’t the imagination.

But they should entertain us at their August convention by engaging in a competitive, wide-open contest for the best candidate to stop Trump. And it’s not Biden.

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Timelapse Satellite Imagery Shows Storm Beryl’s Formation



Satellite imagery shows the path Storm Beryl took from forming in late June, to sweeping through the Caribbean, before eventually hitting parts of the United States in July.

This timelapse footage from the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) spans 16 days from June 27, to July 12, showing Beryl’s “formation as a tropical storm, through the post-tropical severe weather and flooding it brought to eastern North America”.

Remnants of Beryl prompted flood warnings for parts of New York and northern New England on July 10, before the storm tapered off. Credit: CSU/CIRA & NOAA via Storyful

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Wordle Answer for Today, July 13, 2024



If you’re looking for the Wordle answer for July 13, 2024 read on. We’ll share some clues, tips, and strategies, and finally the solution. Today’s puzzle is medium difficult; I got it in four. Beware, there are spoilers below for July 13, Wordle #1,120! Keep scrolling if you want some hints (and then the answer) to today’s Wordle game.

How to play Wordle

Wordle lives here on the New York Times website. A new puzzle goes live every day at midnight, your local time.

Start by guessing a five-letter word. The letters of the word will turn green if they’re correct, yellow if you have the right letter in the wrong place, or gray if the letter isn’t in the day’s secret word at all. For more, check out our guide to playing Wordle here, and my strategy guide here for more advanced tips. (We also have more information at the bottom of this post, after the hints and answers.)

Ready for the hints? Let’s go!

Does today’s Wordle have any unusual letters?

We’ll define common letters as those that appear in the old typesetters’ phrase ETAOIN SHRDLU. (Memorize this! Pronounce it “Edwin Shirdloo,” like a name, and pretend he’s a friend of yours.)

Almost all of today’s letters are from our mnemonic. Only one isn’t, and it’s still pretty common.

Can you give me a hint for today’s Wordle?

To establish, as in a law.

Does today’s Wordle have any double or repeated letters?

There are no repeated letters today. 

How many vowels are in today’s Wordle?

There are two vowels.

What letter does today’s Wordle start with?

Today’s word starts with E. 

What letter does today’s Wordle end with?

Today’s word ends with T. 

What is the solution to today’s Wordle?

Ready? Today’s word is ENACT.

How I solved today’s Wordle

I started with RAISE then tried BLOND and MATCH to eliminate common consonants. This left ENACT as the only possible solution.

Wordle 1,120 4/6


Yesterday’s Wordle answer

Yesterday’s Wordle was hard. The hint was “be there in one of these—i.e., in a hurry” and the answer contained one common letters, two somewhat common letters, and two uncommon letters.

The answer to yesterday’s Wordle was JIFFY.

A primer on Wordle basics

The idea of Wordle is to guess the day’s secret word. When you first open the Wordle game, you’ll see an empty grid of letters. It’s up to you to make the first move: type in any five-letter word. 

Now, you can use the colors that are revealed to get clues about the word: Green means you correctly guessed a letter, and it’s in the correct position. (For example, if you guess PARTY, and the word is actually PURSE, the P and R will be green.)

  • Yellow means the letter is somewhere in the word, but not in the position you guessed it. (For example, if you guessed PARTY, but the word is actually ROAST, the R, A and T will all be yellow.)

  • Gray means the letter is not in the solution word at all. (If you guessed PARTY and everything is gray, then the solution cannot be PURSE or ROAST.)

With all that in mind, guess another word, and then another, trying to land on the correct word before you run out of chances. You get six guesses, and then it’s game over.

The best starter words for Wordle

What should you play for that first guess? The best starters tend to contain common letters, to increase the chances of getting yellow and green squares to guide your guessing. (And if you get all grays when guessing common letters, that’s still excellent information to help you rule out possibilities.) There isn’t a single “best” starting word, but the New York Times’s Wordle analysis bot has suggested starting with one of these:






Meanwhile, an MIT analysis found that you’ll eliminate the most possibilities in the first round by starting with one of these:






Other good picks might be ARISE or ROUND. Words like ADIEU and AUDIO get more vowels in play, but you could argue that it’s better to start with an emphasis on consonants, using a starter like RENTS or CLAMP. Choose your strategy, and see how it plays out.

How to win at Wordle

We have a few guides to Wordle strategy, which you might like to read over if you’re a serious student of the game. This one covers how to use consonants to your advantage, while this one focuses on a strategy that uses the most common letters. In this advanced guide, we detail a three-pronged approach for fishing for hints while maximizing your chances of winning quickly.

The biggest thing that separates Wordle winners from Wordle losers is that winners use their guesses to gather information about what letters are in the word. If you know that the word must end in -OUND, don’t waste four guesses on MOUND, ROUND, SOUND, and HOUND; combine those consonants and guess MARSH. If the H lights up in yellow, you know the solution.

One more note on strategy: the original Wordle used a list of about 2,300 solution words, but after the game was bought by the NYT, the game now has an editor who hand-picks the solutions. Sometimes they are slightly tricky words that wouldn’t have made the original list, and sometimes they are topical. For example, FEAST was the solution one Thanksgiving. So keep in mind that there may be a theme.

Wordle alternatives

If you can’t get enough of five-letter guessing games and their kin, the best Wordle alternatives, ranked by difficulty, include:

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