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A Dentist on the Gut Health Oral Hygiene Connection



At its core, the human body is a compilation of systems. And while each carries out a unique role, nothing exists in a vacuum. Each system depends on one another to function optimally. That’s why, as digestive health gains more mainstream interest, the relationship between gut health and oral hygiene is garnering further attention in the medical community and beyond. Said differently: to feel your best, the gut health-oral hygiene connection should be top of mind.

Otherwise known as the mouth-gut axis, this process defines the movement of microbes traveling from the oral cavity to the gut. As Dr. Kami Hoss, dentist, orthodontist, and dentofacial orthopedist notes, this process takes place “with every swallow, potentially influencing gut health.”

Featured image from our interview with Mary Ralph Bradley.

Woman smiling gut health oral hygiene.

Understanding the Gut Health-Oral Hygiene Connection

While information is becoming more widespread and accessible on the gut, public knowledge of the oral microbiome is lacking. To further understand this profound and influential exchange, I spoke with Dr. Hoss about all things gut health and oral hygiene.

Ahead, learn all you need to know about gut health and oral hygiene, including exactly how the two systems interact, symptoms of an optimally functioning gut and oral microbiome, plus five tips for protecting and prioritizing your gut and oral health.

Dr. Kami Hoss

Dr. Kami Hoss

Dr. Kami Hoss is a Dentist, Orthodontist, and Dentofacial Orthopedist with 24 years of dental experience. With his wife, Dr. Nazli Keri, they founded The Super Dentists. Their practice is one of the largest multi-specialty dental practices in Southern California. Dr. Hoss is the author of the #1 National Bestseller, “If Your Mouth Could Talk.”

Modern neutral bathroom

What is a microbiome?

Because of its thrust into the buzzy, wellness zeitgeist, the term gut microbiome is thrown around often without little understanding of what it is—and the profound ways it impacts the body’s functioning. A microbiome is the collection of all microscopic organisms in a distinct environment. While the oral and gut microbiomes are separate systems, they work in tandem as a significant buffer through which the body filters through environmental inputs.

Why the Mouth-Gut Axis Should Be Top of Mind

“The oral microbiome, though less familiar to the general public compared to the gut microbiome, is a complex community of billions of microorganisms residing in the mouth,” notes Dr. Hoss. Of these, he cites bacteria, fungi, and viruses that inhabit different oral structures. Think: teeth, gums, and the tongue. Of course, the mouth is the first place that processes food. As such, “these microbes play a pivotal role” not only in how we digest food but also how our body protects against pathogens.

While many people consider symptoms of poor oral health like cavities and gum disease, a compromised oral microbiome can impact much more. Dr. Hoss explains that because the oral microbiome directly influences “overall digestive health and systemic wellness,” it’s imperative that we prioritize our oral hygiene.

Megan O'Neill smiling

The Relationship Between the Oral Microbiome and Gut

“A healthy oral microbiome can enhance gut microbial diversity,” says Dr. Hoss. But the inverse is also true—where an imbalance can “introduce pathogens to the gut, disrupting its function and potentially leading to gastrointestinal issues.”

Because these systems are so deeply interwoven and embedded in our body’s overall functioning, a weakened gut microbiome can also negatively impact the mouth. Dr. Hoss cites symptoms such as gum disease and cavities, “highlighting the bidirectional nature of the mouth-gut relationship.”

Signs of a Healthy Digestive System Within the Mouth

A healthy or compromised digestive system can manifest itself visibly in the mouth, helping to signify possible areas of concern.

Indicators of strong gut health in the oral cavity include:

  • Fresh breath
  • Lack of chronic gum inflammation
  • Robust teeth without excessive plaque
  • Minimal occurrences of cavities

“These signs suggest that the mouth is effectively managing its role as the entry point to the digestive system, where proper microbial balance is maintained and the initial breakdown of food occurs smoothly,” Dr. Hoss adds.

Conversely, signs that gut health is negatively impacting the oral cavity include:

  • Persistent bad breath (halitosis)
  • Frequent dental cavities
  • Gum inflammation
  • Presence of oral lesions or ulcers

“These issues can indicate imbalances or infections within the gut microbiome,” notes Dr. Hoss, “underscoring the systemic connection between gut health and oral conditions.”

Megan O'Neill holding baby

7 Ways You Can Protect Your Gut Health and Oral Hygiene

As with many things whole-body health, maintaining good gut health and oral hygiene requires a holistic approach. Dr. Hoss encourages implementing the following habits to ensure these two systems function and operate their best. “By integrating these practices,” he notes, “including the use of carefully selected products like SuperMouth, one can ensure better oral and gut health, reflecting a more balanced microbial environment throughout the body.”

  • Consume a balanced, high-fiber diet to support a healthy microbiome.
  • Practice rigorous oral hygiene and schedule regular dental check-ups.
  • Stay hydrated to ensure adequate saliva production, which helps control oral bacteria.
  • Choose oral care products wisely: for example, SuperMouth toothpastes and mouthwashes are formulated with ingredients like nano-hydroxyapatite and prebiotics, avoiding harsh antiseptics and essential oils that can decimate the oral microbes indiscriminately and disrupt the oral microbiome.
  • Limit the use of antibiotics and products containing aggressive antimicrobials, including herbal ones such as peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and tea tree oil, which can harm beneficial bacteria.
  • Manage stress, as it can influence both the microbiome and the immune system.
  • Reduce sugary and acidic food intake to decrease the risk of bacterial overgrowth harmful to both oral and gut health.
Odette Annable smiling in bathroom

The Best Oral Hygiene Products for a Healthy Gut

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Monique Volz of Ambitious Kitchen Shares Her Cooking Secrets



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I always feel a spark of magic anytime I visit Ambitious Kitchen. The homepage is a study in all things aesthetic, eye-catching, and totally delish. Of course, there are the recipes rich with flavor and color, but there’s also the variety and volume of inspiring dishes Monique Volz develops (and tests, photographs, and thoughtfully writes about…). Having founded the healthy living and food blog over a decade ago, Monique claims a unique corner of the internet. It’s one that’s evolved alongside her growth as a blogger and business owner—and the vibrant, devoted community she’s built.

What Monique makes clear with every recipe is that what she creates isn’t just food—it’s a story. She weaves narrative, reflections, and personal anecdotes seamlessly into her recipes. From her writing, we learn not only about Monique, but about the ethos that runs through her brand. Ambition, in her words, isn’t just about getting things done. It’s about being present for the pursuit and honoring the journey that takes you to where you want to be.

Monique Volz drinking coffee.

Waking Up With Monique Volz of Ambitious Kitchen

Monique’s commitment to presence influences not only her work, but how she lives out every day. As a busy mom of three boys (under four, no less), Monique manages the shuffle of motherhood and running a small business with grace, acceptance, and a healthy dose of real talk. In reflecting on her morning routine, she jokes that she wishes she could share something more akin to the aspirational TikToks saturating every FYP. But she embraces the AM chaos, prioritizing those points of connection with her sweet family of five.

Often, in true Ambitious Kitchen fashion, that means sitting down to a tasty, nutritious breakfast. “Setting the tone for the day in a joyful way is important to me,” she tells us. It’s evident in how Monique describes her morning rituals and navigates her work, that she’s found a balance that supports her best in this season of life. By remaining mindful of what fills her cup—and aligning her day with exactly that—she’s able to consistently pour into her passions, grow her business, and make time for what matters most.

We sat down with Monique to learn more about her morning rituals. From her minimalist beauty routine (that yes, we will be stealing) to the outfit formula she swears by to her rules for success, Monique has plenty of inspiration to share. Let’s dive in.

Psst… For more delicious recipes (125 to be exact, including Glowing Skin Vitamin A Smoothie, The Best Cinnamon Rolls You’ll Ever Eat, Buffalo Chicken Chop Chop Salad, and more) pre-order The Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook, set to be released Fall 2024.)

Monique Volz living room.
Monique Volz drinking coffee.

Tell us about your career and starting a business. What has life been like as an entrepreneur?

I started Ambitious Kitchen when I was just 22 years old, and was able to take it full-time three years later, so this entrepreneurship journey has been what feels like most of my career. It’s been a blessing being able to share my passion for food and wellness with others for over 10 years now.

It’s also helped me heal from trauma, practice vulnerability, succeed, fail, and pick myself up again. It has taught me the importance of structure, time management, organization, and above all, determination.

From the beginning, I was determined to create a blog, even if I didn’t know what the path would be yet. In my 20s, I worked hard, often letting go of nights out and a social life to run my business and get it to where it is today. I’m so proud that I’m able to touch so many people’s lives with my recipes and storytelling. Whether that means getting them in the kitchen to try a new technique or recipe or just bringing my readers together for a joyful, comforting, and nourishing family meal. 

What has been your biggest learning over the past year?

To know my limits and to take breaks to be the best version of myself. To recognize when I am performing at my best and being willing to let go of things, or move things when I know my time or mental health will suffer. As an entrepreneur, I always want to say yes to everything, but setting boundaries has been critical, especially since I have become a mother.

Monique Volz journaling living room

How would you describe your personal style?

Feminine, romantic, and a little edgy.

What’s your daily uniform?

Black sweatshirt or shirt, jeans by Madewell, thick black belt, cute vintage colorful or patterned blazer or jacket, platform shoes or black boots! Pretty much my go-to outfit.

Monique Volz folding blanket

What does a typical day look like for you? 

It really depends. If I’m testing recipes, I’ll typically test them two days a week and do up to 5-6 recipes per day. They don’t always turn out perfectly, and I like to test most of my recipes 2-3 times before they go on the blog. When I’m not testing recipes, I’m writing and editing them, managing my employees, filming videos for our upcoming YouTube series, voiceovers or filming for reels, and doing A LOT of admin work. It’s crazy how much of my time has been spent doing the tasks I don’t love, but that’s a part of being an entrepreneur!

What time is your wake-up call?

Typically between 5:30 and 6 a.m. My kids wake me up most mornings. I probably get 6-7 hours of sleep a night. I definitely wish it was more!

Monique Volz pouring coffee
Monique Volz kitchen

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Snuggle with my boys, talk to them about our day, and of course, drink a cup of coffee. 

What does your morning, pre-work routine look like?

I wish this sounded like one of those incredibly inspiring morning routines that you see on TikTok, but the truth is, mornings are very chaotic for us. We have three boys who are four years old and under, and getting them fed and dressed in the morning is busy. Typically I wake up between 5:30-6 a.m. with my kids. I’ll brush my teeth and immediately get downstairs to unload the dishwasher and start coffee. I drink coffee with Califia Toasted Coconut AlmondMilk (so good!) then I’ll make homemade pancakes, waffles, smoothies, muffins or take something out of the freezer if we are in a rush.

Spending time with my boys in the morning is so important to me, and I love being able to offer them something nutritious before they start the day. I always felt so rushed when I was a little girl to get out the door and my mom hardly ever made breakfast. Setting the tone for the day in a joyful way is important to me.

After breakfast, everyone gets dressed and then we walk or scoot to school by 8 a.m. or so. A few days a week, I do a workout and strength train before starting my day. I’d like to do this more, but it feels like I’m in a very busy season of life, and I’m accepting that it won’t last forever!

What rituals set you up for success?

I always write down a list of what I need to accomplish and then rank it in order of importance. It’s difficult for me to get through all of my to-dos on any given day, but assigning importance to tasks helps me prioritize.

Monique Volz morning beauty products.
Monique Volz skincare serum

Describe your morning beauty routine from start to finish:

There are two products that I currently use before I start my day. Dr. Dennis Gross daily peel pads followed by Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine SPF mixed with an organic rosehip seed oil. If I don’t have anywhere to be, I keep a fresh face without makeup, which I think is essential to clear skin! I switch it up often though. I like to keep my skin super hydrated and glowing.

Monique Volz opening refrigerator.

What will we always find in your refrigerator?

Siggi’s yogurt, Califia Toasted Coconut Almond Milk blend, Persian cucumbers, sambal oolek, gouchujang, honeycrisp apples, Siggi’s yogurt, cottage cheese, pickled jalapeños, and lots of fresh fruits.

Do you work out in the morning?

I used to work out almost every day, but now my focus has shifted from how often to the quality of my movement. I do heavy strength training three days a week and other days I’m out walking as much as I can.

Monique Volz smoothie

What do you eat for breakfast?

For breakfast, I typically like to enjoy baked oatmeal or smoothies. Lately I’ve been loving my blueberry muffin smoothie or my lemon poppyseed blueberry baked oatmeal.

Ambitious kitchen cat.
Ambitious kitchen coffee nook.

What’s your favorite getting-ready soundtrack?

Any of my Spotify playlists. Most of the time, I like to keep it chill. 

What’s always on your nightstand?

My Hydroflask water bottle and a good hand or body lotion. (I love Nécessaire body lotion!)

Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook
Monique Volz Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook

I’d carve out an hour to focus on self-care and self-health, whatever I needed to fill my cup. To be honest, I’d love to go for a long bike ride every morning by the lake or catch up with a friend or my mom over coffee or head to a fun workout class.

What are one or two things you do every day to live a more joyful life?

Put away my phone during moments that presence is important, like dinner or when I’m playing with my kids. I always feel more joyful and present when I don’t have my phone. There isn’t a need to take it out to capture moments—the moments simply exist and I’m there to soak them all in!

If you could pin your success down to one thing, what would that be?

Determination and ambition. Just wanting to succeed in what I do and figuring out what that looks like to me and how to do it. And never, ever giving up.

Monique Volz working on laptop

Sentence Finishers:

I never leave the house without: SPF.

If there were more hours in the day, I would: do more self-care.

Healthiest morning habit: going for a walk within 1 to 2 hours of waking up.

Worst morning habit: not drinking enough water and drinking LOTS and LOTS of coffee.

One thing I want to be known for is: inspiring others to feel their best.

The one thing I fear the most is: losing someone I love.

When I feel that fear, I: focus on the present.

The book I always recommend: The Body Keeps the Score.

One trait you need to succeed in life is: unapologetically being yourself and living YOUR truth.

Bath or shower? What’s your favorite bath product? Bath. Love Epsom or magnesium baths!

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30 Things to Do in June for an Inspiring Month Ahead



June is here! With Memorial Day behind us and the unofficial start of the warm-weather season fully underway, I’ve shifted to a summer state of mind. That means snacking on summer salads, soaking up the long days with friends and family, and sending my jeans to the back of the closet, opting for an easy-breezy wardrobe instead. June offers a much-needed escape, and I’m already slowing down and ready to savor the summer goodness. Looking for things to do in June? Don’t worry, I’ve been planning for this month all year.

While summer vacay may have once been a fixture of our youth, the reality of adulthood is that our work-centric weeks carry on. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still soak up all the summer goodness. It’s a funny season, one where I’m paradoxically wanting to be out and about all day while also spending time reflecting. The season’s natural beauty has a way of grounding and calling me to dedicate a few of its hours to being with myself. After all, growth is a process that impresses itself upon us, inside and out.

Lemon summer pasta

30 Things to Do in June to Make It Your Best Month Yet

If you’re feeling the same way, get ready for all the inspiring things to do in June. We’ve packed this month’s bucket list with ideas for what to watch, read, focus on, and do. Scroll down to discover our top ideas for things to do in June. Hello, summer!

1. Perfect your strawberry shortcake. If you’re unfazed by a steamy summer day and craving something sweet, there’s nothing that epitomizes the season more than the classic. This is our favorite strawberry shortcake recipe. (Bonus, it’s gluten-free.)

2. Read the new Elin Hilderbrand. Is there a more perfect author to deep-dive this summer? Hilderbrand’s lovable characters, small-town dramas, and unexpected plot twists will keep you on the edge of your beach chair. Her latest, Swan Song comes out on June 11—I already have it on pre-order.

3. Ditch the blowdryer. The benefit of leaning on the lazy side of things when it comes to hair? You save time and maintain a healthier mane. With a few stylist-approved tips and tricks, you can perfect effortless, air-dried locks.

4. Switch up your space. Just as we update our wardrobes with the seasons, it can be a breath of fresh air to experience your home in a new way. Switch out your flannel sheets for linen and incorporate brighter colors to match your sunny mood. Incorporate one of these summer design trends into your home to switch things up for the season.

5. Pick up tennis. With little equipment required (a racquet, shoes, and a tube of balls will suffice) and public courts in most towns and cities, it’s just about the most fun and accessible form of exercise around. Gather your friends and get ready for a summer filled with a whole lotta healthy competition.

6. Reframe your relationship with social media. I don’t know about you, but the often-shared advice of quitting altogether doesn’t work for me. So often, I would tap into the apps on autopilot, habitually opening Instagram, TikTok, and the like. Now, before I go on, I define my purpose. Am I seeking inspiration? Do I need a laugh? Are my friends posting about something that I want to celebrate? The more intention we weave into our social media habits, the more beauty and connection we can discover online.

7. Have a beach day. Pack a picnic, wear your suit, and slather on all the SPF. This is fun with friends, a partner, or all by yourself. Stock up on our favorite summer beach essentials to make sure you’re prepared.

8. Plan an easy, elegant summer menu. Get everything you need for a simple backyard lunch (complete with Rhubarb Meringue Cake), a laidback, Italian-inspired dinner, or a vibey, sunset gathering hosted by one of the most aesthetically-inclined couples we know.

9. Build a summer capsule wardrobe. We love leaning into hard-working pieces that do the most in your closet. They’re the timeless items that look elegant no matter how you mix and match them. For help in curating your summer capsule wardrobe, look no further than our style editor’s tips.

10. Have a no-spend day. I try to do this once a week, and while it may seem daunting, it inspires you to get creative with your time. Make a fun dinner out of the groceries you have in the fridge, unearth a crafting project you haven’t touched in months, and go for a walk with a friend instead of grabbing drinks. All the fun and none of the buyer’s remorse? My idea of a perfect June day.

11. Make kombucha cocktails. Who doesn’t love adding a fizzy twist to their summer drink? And good news: these are just as easy to make into mocktails. We mixed up our favorite drinks here.

12. Make your own jewelry. If you’re looking for a good place to start, these beaded necklaces are beyond gorgeous, I’m obsessed with these statement earrings, and what’s more summery than shell-embellished jewelry?

13. Get Inspired With The Artist’s Way. This book lays out an interpretation of artistry and craft that’s sure to resonate no matter how you view yourself as a creative. Author Julia Cameron offers practical exercises and insightful guidance to help everyone build self-confidence in their creative skills and trust their innate talents. Start today.

14. Make wildflower bouquets. It’s time we start rethinking weeds. I love bouquets of Queen Anne’s Lace, white clover, evening primrose, and wild violets. See what’s growing in your backyard and bring the beauty indoors.

15. Host a barbecue! There’s no better time of the year for it. Get the party started with our favorite barbecue appetizers.

16. Have a pizza night. Pizza and ice cream are perfect summer foods. The laidback menu sets the perfect summer vibe for everyone to have a good time. (Kids included!) Camille shows how it’s done.

17. Have a Funday Sunday. Break out the yard games, fire up the grill, and make sure to have plenty of summer desserts on hand.

18. Upgrade your gua sha routine. This is the summer you start taking your smooth, glowy skin routine seriously. Get an expert’s tips on everything combining face oils and gua sha.

19. Find a new post-work routine. Netflix and chill? Sure, it’s what we need every so often. But if you want to find adventure this summer and try something new, consult our list of after-work ideas.

20. Hype up your friends. Did your bestie just have a big work win? Are they launching a new business venture? Did they master a new skill and make something cool you want to highlight? Share it out on social—and always make sure they know how amazing you think they are.

21. Make homemade ice cream. From healthier scoops to the most indulgent flavors, it’s a summer staple for a reason. Take advantage of the perfect excuse to enjoy this childhood treat (not that you need one).

22. Go on a summer date. Whether it’s a picnic, hike in the park, evening at the beach, or grabbing a drink on a sun-soaked patio, plan something intentional and perfect for the season—just for the two of you. Steal all of our summer date ideas.

23. Enjoy that PTO! It’s yours for the taking. Even if you don’t have a big trip planned this season, you’re allowed to enjoy a little time away from it all. And if you’re feeling guilty, take inspiration from these therapist-approved tips.

24. Ditch the Wi-Fi for a weekend. Turn your phone off and shut your laptop down. Read a book, play a game, connect with friends, and get outdoors. We offer more tips for doing a full dopamine detox.

25. Transform your view on aging. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday this summer or not, remember to soak up the beauty of play all throughout these longer days. And of course, embrace the beauty of every day you have.

26. Go to the movies. When the heat starts getting to you, the theater is the perfect place to cool off. Am I Ok? (June 6th) is the summer rom-com we crave, Hit Man (June 7th) stars the always dreamy Glenn Powell, and Inside Out 2 comes out June 14th—enough said.

27. Attend a festival. No, it doesn’t have to be one of the season’s biggest music fests. As someone whose vibe leans a little more chill, you’ll catch me at local fairs and festivals in my city, celebrating good food, art, and everything in between.

28. Go to a baseball game. MLB or your kids’ summer league—it doesn’t matter who you’re seeing, just that you get a hot dog and cheer as loud as you can.

29. Visit the library. Summer reading lists aren’t just for kids. Write one out for yourself and have fun exploring the library to stock up. Second-best option? Support a local bookstore with your purchase.

30. Take a road trip. Across the country or across town—the distance doesn’t matter. Enlist a friend or your partner, pick a destination, and pack up the car. Snacks and road trip games, not optional.

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20 Summer Wardrobe Essentials, All Under $200



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As the temps get hotter and the days get longer, my excitement for peak summer is at an all-time high. Beach days and backyard nights are top of mind, and naturally I’m already dreaming about what I’ll wear to everything on my calendar. While not every season calls for a completely new closet (check out my summer capsule wardrobe), a refresh is always fun. I love shaking things up with summer wardrobe essentials that bridge the gap between timeless and trendy. And no, you don’t have to completely shell out for a fresh look. From sundresses to pearls, we’ve handpicked 20 summer wardrobe essentials to bring new life to your closet this season—all for under $200. 

Camille Styles summer wardrobe essentials.

Under $200 Summer Wardrobe Essentials

Whether your summer is full of traveling to new destinations, lounging on the beach, or just enjoying being home, our curation of summer wardrobe essentials has something for everyone—and pieces that do everything, too. You’ll find silk pants that transition from travel to play, sundresses that go from brunch to drinks, and shoes to match it all. Whether your wardrobe needs a complete overhaul or just a few new finds, dive into our complete list of summer wardrobe essentials below.

If you’re going to buy one thing from this list of summer wardrobe essentials, let it be this chunky pearl necklace from ALV Jewels. It automatically elevates the simplest of outfits and adds a seasonal touch to a basic look. I’ve been wearing this necklace nonstop with everything from white t-shirts to sundresses to bikinis, and it’s my most-asked-about item. 

I never feel fully dressed these days without this COS Raffia Bag. I love dressing it up and down depending on where I’m heading, as it goes with everything in my closet. It comes with me to the beach, to the farmer’s market, out to dinner, and everywhere in between. Big enough to fit a book but small enough not to eat my lipgloss, this truly is the perfect summer bag. 

A must-have in my summer capsule wardrobe, these Reformation linen pants are the best on the market. They are lightweight and breezy, while not being too sheer, and look great with sweaters, button downs, and bikini tops. I also love that they have an adjustable tie waist so I can wear them high-waisted or lower on my hips depending on which look I’m going for. My mom and I both bought a pair of these pants and agree that they’re summer wardrobe essentials for any age. 

After losing one-too-many pairs of sunglasses last year, I decided that I simply can’t afford to spend more than $100 on sunglasses. Luckily, that does not mean I have to skimp on style because these Le Spec sunnies garner more compliments than my designer pairs. They’ve been dubbed the sisterhood of the traveling sunglasses by my friend group because they quite literally look good on everyone. This chic oval shape comes in plenty of colors, from red to tortoise, so everyone can have their pick.

It’s officially white denim season for those who follow the ‘in between Memorial Day and Labor Day’ rule. Though I love a winter white and wear white denim year round, my favorite way to wear white denim in the summer is white denim overalls. A good pair of white overalls, vintage or new, styled with a white tank or tee and a pair of sandals is my go-to effortless outfit during the warmer months. It’s also a great travel outfit, and the overalls double as a beach coverup to throw on over a swimsuit while on vacation.

Summer is one of my favorite seasons for fashion because you can blame your casual dressing on the heat. A t-shirt and shorts is perfectly acceptable when it’s upwards of 80 degrees outside, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a little fun with it. A graphic tee is always an easy way to add some spice to an outfit and all things fruit-focused are having a moment in 2024. I recently bought this tee from H&M in a size large for an oversized fit and I can already tell it will be one of my most-worn tops of the summer. I styled this shirt with silk pants over the weekend, but am excited to get creative and dress it up with mini skirts and down with denim.

Call me crazy, but there are just certain settings where I feel too exposed in an open-toed pair of sandals. I’ve always battled with risking full-foot exposure in sandals and looking too sporty in sneakers, until I got a pair of woven ballet flats. They are the perfect, summery, close-toed shoes that seem to complete just about every outfit I put on, quickly making their way onto my shortlist of summer wardrobe essentials.

Don’t underestimate the power of a good pair of earrings. A white t-shirt and jeans can be transformed by a fun, seasonal pair of earrings and these shell huggies are my number one pick. These are obviously a great vacation accessory, but I also love wearing them to the office and out to dinner to bring the summertime vibes with me all season, no matter where I am. I also appreciate that these have a full hoop, so I don’t have to deal with the uncomfortable peg on the back of my ear. 

This DISSH linen vest has been a summer wardrobe essential of mine for going on two years now. I purchased this vest in white for Memorial Day Weekend 2023, and have since bought it in black and worn both upwards of 50 times. It’s the perfect summer top, as it’s as breathable and cool as any tank top, but is much more elevated and chic. As someone who is wary of deep v-necks, I find the scoop neck incredibly flattering and comfortable. I style this vest alone as a top with jeans or its matching linen skirt, and over swimsuits with linen shorts. There are so many ways to style this top that it becomes difficult not to reach for it every single day. 

The perfect partner to my ride-or-die linen vest, this maxi skirt is a must for anyone investing in summer wardrobe essentials. It looks great worn as a set, but I also style this skirt with a white tee or tank and a sweater over my shoulders for a classic, coastal summer look. The linen is breezy, the silhouette is flattering, and, for all of those concerned about Australian sizing, the shipping is pretty quick and the returns couldn’t be easier!

I love it when a nostalgic trend comes back into style, and Havaianas flip flops are the shoe of the summer (once again). Strategic collaborations with brands like Farm Rio and Maison Kitsuné brought new life to the classic flip flop brand—plus some major social media buzz. At such an affordable price point and with hundreds of prints and colors to pick from, these are the perfect beach shoes for everyone in the family. Bonus points for laying flat and taking up little-to-no room in a suitcase!

Whether you’re motivated by sun protection or fashion, a woven hat is always a good idea for sunny summer days. I love this raffia bucket hat from Target because it has the perfect brim—it covers my entire face—but isn’t too big to wear while laying out. It’s lightweight, affordable, and makes every outfit automatically look and feel more styled. What more could a girl want?

A part of what might be one of this year’s most anticipated fashion collabs, this Gap x DÔEN sundress is the epitome of a summer wardrobe essential. Simple but not basic, and trendy but still timeless, this dress can be styled with just about everything in your closet. It can be dressed up with a pair of heels or down with a pair of sandals, and still look chic barefoot! Plus, everyone will be envious you managed to score such a coveted piece. 

Although not a piece of clothing, I couldn’t write a list of summer wardrobe essentials without including Supergoop! Glowscreen. This product is my number one essential year round, but it really shines in the summertime when I’m not wearing as much makeup. Obviously it provides SPF, but the Glowscreen gives my skin the perfect hint of color and a glow that is to die for. I like to think of it as the finishing touch to any effortless, summer look. 

I’m a sucker for added detail and consider the concept itself a summer wardrobe essential. I love adding pops of color and seasonal touches to my outfits, and nothing screams summer like lemons. I plan on tying this scarf just about everywhere I can this summer—from my hair to my purse to my neck. 

I live in this crewneck during those “in-between” moments of summer—post-ocean dip but pre-aperitivos, first thing in the morning but before getting dressed, etc. The towel terry material is so soft and cozy, while still being beachy and cool enough for a summer night. Cute styled as a cover-up, with jeans, or lounging around the house, consider this your one-and-done sweatshirt for summer. It’s also unisex, so watch out because it might become one of your S.O.’s summer wardrobe essentials, too. 

Canadian tuxedos were all the rage last fall and winter, and the denim craze is here to stay throughout summer. In most parts of the world, jeans and a denim jacket isn’t a practical summer outfit, so this Reformation dress is the perfect way to stay on trend in the heat. I’d style this dress with a simple pair of sandals and a raffia bag, or high socks with sneakers and a vintage baseball cap. Whatever accessories you choose to add (even if it’s none), this dress is a summer wardrobe essential all on its own. 

I’m actively wearing these pants as I am writing this, so believe me when I say I feel like I’m in pajamas but look like I’m dressed to the nines. DONNI has officially cracked the code when it comes to looking chic while feeling cozy, and I recommend investing in these pants to wear to the office, on a plane, at home, and everywhere in between. At the moment, I’m styling these pants with a tee and an oversized sweater, but they’ll look just as great with a going-out top and a pair of heels later. 

I live in cardigans during the fall and winter and am obsessing over this summer substitute from Madewell. I’m also into stripes at the moment and love the nautical, coastal-grandmother vibes of the navy and white. I’m adding this to my cart and plan to style it with the Reformation linen pants and the DISSH linen skirt linked above. 

No roundup of summer wardrobe essentials is complete without a solid, oversized white button-down. This can be worn under white overalls, over a sundress, tucked into jeans, with a swimsuit—the list goes on. I love spicing up a button-down with fun pearls and earrings to bring pops of color to the white shirt, but honestly, sometimes less is more and a pair of gold hoops does the job. You really can’t go wrong, so just have some fun with it. 

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