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I Tried Flor-Essence Herbal Detox Tea. Here’s My Review




After feeling tired, bloated, and unable to focus in the new year, I felt like my body could use a reset. Thank you, stressful holiday season! But for me, the word “detoxing” can instantly conjure up images of miserable starvation diets, a countertop filled with supplements, and lots of time in the loo. I wondered if there was a better way. 

Detoxing and herbal cleanses are more than just a trend; they can be a beneficial way to rejuvenate your health. It also helps to learn the signs your body could use a detox.

If you’re feeling low on energy or facing ongoing health problems, consider it as a method to refresh your system and encourage better health practices. 

In my quest for a gentle and effective way to detox, Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend from Flora came up again and again in my online searches. And with overwhelmingly great reviews. So I wanted to give it a try and see what the fuss was about.

In this Flor-Essence review, I’ll talk about its pros and cons, health benefits, and what I thought about it overall – so you can decide whether it’s the right cleanse for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Flor-Essence is a gentle yet effective detox tea made from an 8-herb blend rooted in indigenous Ojibwa herbal wisdom.
  • The organic ingredients like burdock root, slippery elm, kelp and thistle work synergistically to support the body’s natural detox processes without harsh side effects.
  • Many users report benefits like improved digestion, increased energy, reduced cravings and inflammation after using Flor-Essence tea.
  • While a bit pricey, the high-quality organic formula has earned overwhelmingly positive reviews from customers who find it to be a worthwhile investment.
  • Flor-Essence is easy to incorporate into your daily routine – simply mix 1-2 oz with hot water and drink before meals.
  • The tea is gentle enough for everyday use but can also be used for 2-4 week seasonal detox regimens.
  • With a time-tested recipe inspired by a healing folk remedy, Flor-Essence aims to detoxify the body while nourishing it with purifying botanicals.

Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend: The Overview

A bottle of Flor-Essence on a table with a mug and journalA bottle of Flor-Essence on a table with a mug and journal

Made with a blend of eight powerful herbs, Flor-Essence was originally inspired by a 4 ingredient herbal recipe credited to the indigenous Ojibwa people of Canada. Made with Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Inner Bark, Sheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root, this blend was believed to purify and rejuvenate the body and spirit for centuries.

It was Nurse Rene Caisse who, in the 1920s, discovered the healing benefits of this recipe through one of her patients and began her decades long journey of brewing and perfecting what would become Flor-Essence tea. Her dedication to bringing the tea’s healing powers to the masses led to its widespread acclaim as a potent detoxifier that can restore the body’s natural balance. 

While each herb has a specific function, together they support the body’s natural cleansing processes to help remove toxins without the harsh side effects of other detox products.

And fans love its gentle cleansing effect, believe it can aid digestion, support immune function, and promote overall well-being. 

What are the Key Ingredients in Flor-Essence?

Flor Essence tea includes the following herbs:

Burdock Root: Supports liver function and promotes healthy digestion. Also rich in antioxidant acting compounds including phenolic acids, quercetin, and luteolin, which aids in purifying the blood of toxins (1).  

Antioxidants are compounds that can neutralize unstable molecules called free radicals. Free radicals left unchecked in the body can damage DNA, and other parts of the cell which can lead to disease (3).

Slippery Elm: A tree native to North America with an inner bark that contains mucilage. This substance becomes a slick gel when mixed with water. It then coats and soothes the digestive tract and is believed to help absorb toxins in the bowel and lower inflammation associated with detox symptoms (4). Slippery Elm is also rich in antioxidants which may help protect against oxidative stress during detoxification (5).

Kelp: Kelp is a sea vegetable rich in iodine – a mineral which plays several important roles in detoxification. Iodine binds to harmful toxins and heavy metals in the body including bromide, fluoride, mercury and aluminum (6).  

Iodine is also needed for healthy thyroid functions, which directly influences the liver’s ability to detoxify the body (7). But iodine also supports the body’s major detoxification organs including the liver, the kidneys, the lymph system, and the skin for proper function (8). 

Natural fibers in kelp, called alginate, can also bind toxins in the digestive tract (9).

Blessed Thistle: This herb supports liver function and helps to remove toxins from the body. It’s believed to stimulate and soothe digestion and improve circulation, which can support the body’s natural detox processes. It’s also rich in cnicin, a compound believed to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties (10).

Sheep sorrel: Rich in vitamin C and other nutrients like magnesium and manganese, sheep sorrel promotes healthy circulation and has diuretic properties which aids in kidney detoxification and blood purification to help purge the body of toxins. It helps push excess water out of the body and is believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties (11). More studies are needed.

Watercress: An anti-inflammatory herb, watercress is rated as one of the healthiest foods on the planet! It’s rich in vitamins A, C, K, and antioxidant compounds that support the body’s ability to eliminate toxins and protect cells from damage. Also rich in the green plant pigment chlorophyll which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can bind to toxins (12). One study found it can reduce DNA damage and the risk of cancer (13).

Red clover: Believed to have antioxidant and anticancer effects, red clover promotes healthy circulation and urine production and supports the lymphatic system which plays an important role in removing waste. It also supports the liver’s ability to cleanse itself (14, 15).

Turkish rhubarb: Contains laxative compounds called anthraquinones which aid in the elimination of harmful gut bacteria and promote colon cleansing. Its astringent effects are beneficial in treating diarrhea and improving gastrointestinal function (16).

Each of these must have herbs for cleansing the body work together to support your body’s natural detoxification processes and promote overall health and wellness.

Flor-Essence Review

A bottle of Flor-Essence next to a full mug of tea.A bottle of Flor-Essence next to a full mug of tea.

Pros and Cons

After using the Flor-Essence for several weeks now, here are some pros and cons I found.


It’s Gentle and Nourishing: The gentle detoxification process of this tea blend is one of its most significant advantages. It supports the body’s natural processes to remove toxins more efficiently without any harsh side effects and really did feel refreshed after taking it. Whether you’re looking for a short term or long term way to detox, Flor-Essence is safe enough for everyday 

It’s Organic: You don’t want to add more toxins to your body while detoxing. Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend is made of high-quality organic ingredients, including burdock root, slippery elm, kelp, and thistle. These ingredients are known for their detoxifying properties, and they work together to create a potent blend that supports overall health and wellness.

It’s Easy to Use: The tea blend is straightforward to use. You can add it to your favorite beverage or drink it on its own. I found that it had a pleasant taste and was easy to incorporate into my daily routine.

It’s a Time Tested Recipe: According to Flora Health, The 8-herb formula was developed by nurse Rene Caisse, with the help of Dr. Charles Brusch, former personal physician to U.S. President John F. Kennedy. It’s inspired by a traditional, folk medicine recipe of the Ojibwa – the largest Native American tribe in North America.


Limited Availability: One of the downsides of the Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend is that it is not widely available in stores. You can only purchase it online, which may be inconvenient for some people.

Not Travel Friendly: Flor-Essence is a liquid preparation in a glass bottle that would be hard to travel with. There are currently no travel friendly options.

Price: The tea blend is a bit pricey compared to other detox products on the market. I do feel the organic ingredients, their quality, the formula and its effectiveness justify the cost.

While it may be a bit pricey and not widely available, the benefits of using it far outweigh the drawbacks.

What I Love About Flor-Essence Tea

A woman holding a glass mug of Flor-EssenceA woman holding a glass mug of Flor-Essence

Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend is packed with high-quality natural ingredients that work together to support your body’s natural processes and help remove toxins more efficiently. Here some of its unique features:

It’s Gentle Enough For Daily Use

What sets Flora-Essence Liquid Tea Blend apart from other detox teas on the market is it’s a gentle yet effective formula. 

Unlike harsh detox teas that can leave you with unpleasant digestive symptoms, this tea is designed to be gentle enough for daily use. 

I’ve found that it’s perfect for those who are looking for a gentle detox that won’t disrupt their daily routine.

It’s Organic and Made With High-Quality Ingredients

There’s no point in detoxing if you’re just adding more toxins to your body. One of the things that I love about Flor-Essence is that it contains organic ingredients. 

The tea is made with a blend of burdock root, slippery elm, kelp, thistle, and other organic herbs that work together to support your body’s natural detoxification processes. 

It’s also:

  • Gluten-Free
  • Kosher
  • Non-GMO
  • Vegan

I appreciate that the ingredients are all-natural and of the highest quality.

It’s Easy to Use 

Another great feature of Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend is how easy it is to use. Simply add the recommended amount of tea to hot water and let it steep for a few minutes. You don’t have to worry about taking lots of pills or keeping track of multiple products throughout the day.

I Like The Way it Tastes

I’ve tried a lot of healthy herbal concoctions over the years. Many of them were so awful tasting I couldn’t continue taking them.   

But this tea has a pleasant taste with a mild herbal flavor that’s so easy to drink. I like it on its own with a little hot water added. You can also add it to your morning herbal tea

There’s no bitterness at all. It has a mild herbal tea flavor similar to a light black tea. 

I also appreciate that the tea comes in different sizes depending on how long you want to detox. There’s a 17 ounce bottle (8 – 2 ounce servings) or a larger 32 ounce bottle (16 -2 ounce servings) if you need a longer detox or want to make it a daily ritual.

It Supported My Body Without Any Uncomfortable Side Effects

Finally, I love that Flor-Essence supports my body’s natural ability to detox without being aggressive. I think you know what I’m getting at.

This is what Flor-Essence tea and its ingredients are designed to do: It encourages the body to remove toxins efficiently while keeping our detoxification organs nourished, supported and functioning at their best. 

It’s Gentle Enough For Everyday

Most detox regiments are only safe enough to take for a couple of weeks max. But Flor-Essence is gentle enough to use as a daily tonic to keep your body cleansed daily. 

For daily support, you can take 2 ounces of Flor-Essence with 2 ounces of warm water or tea, once a day. You can take it in the morning before breakfast or before bed. On an empty stomach is always best.

I Noticed a Difference With a Few Days

After using this product for only a few weeks, I was impressed with the result. Within a few days I felt lighter and more energetic. I also felt there was a cloud lifting from my brain.  

I can confidently say that it’s a refreshing way to detoxify the body and it’s perfect for anyone looking for a gentle but effective daily cleanse. 

How to Take Flor-Essence and Fit it into Your Daily Routine

Pouring a bottle of Flor-Essence into a mug.Pouring a bottle of Flor-Essence into a mug.

A lot of detoxes require some major preparation and organizing before getting started. Others I’ve seen want you to take five or six supplements multiple times a day. It can be overwhelming and most of us give up before we get started.

But Flor-Essence was really easy to work into my daily routine without any hassle. 

I just added a few ounces to my morning cup of tea or water 15 to 30 minutes before breakfast, and I’m good to go. And, with no harsh chemicals or additives, I feel good about what I’m putting into my body.

The best part is that it doesn’t disrupt my day-to-day activities or require me to stay close to a bathroom. Instead, it gently nourishes and supports my body’s natural detoxification to help remove toxins more efficiently.

Overall, incorporating Flor-Essence into my daily routine has been a positive experience. It’s an easy way to support my body’s natural detox process without any disruption to my day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions to help you decide if Flor-Essence might be right for you.

What health benefits can I expect from Flor-Essence tea?

Flor-Essence tea is designed to support your body’s natural detoxification processes, helping to support the body’s ability to push out toxins more efficiently. 

The premium organic ingredients in this tea, including burdock root, slippery elm, kelp, and thistle, work together to promote overall health and wellness. 

Some of the potential health benefits of Flor Essence tea include:

  • Improved digestion
  • Increased energy levels
  • Enhanced immune system function
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Better skin health

 💡 It’s important to note Flor-Essence should only be used for a maximum of three weeks at a time, with two full weeks off before starting again.

Are there any side effects associated with Flor Essence Detox tea?

One of things I love most about Flor-Essence is that it’s gentle. And while it’s possible some people can experience mild side effects such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea, I’ve never experienced these types of side effects. 

If you do, they’re typically temporary and should subside as your body adjusts to the tea. Just make sure to drink plenty of water.

Note: If you do experience any severe side effects, it is important to stop until you consult with your healthcare provider.

Can Flor-Essence help with weight loss?

Flor-Essence tea isn’t specifically marketed as a weight loss product, but it may support your weight loss goals. 

By promoting healthy digestion and reducing inflammation, this tea may help improve overall metabolic function and support weight loss efforts when combined with a healthy diet and exercise program.

How long is it recommended to use Flor-Essence for detoxification and best results?

Flora suggests drinking 1-2 ounces of Flor-Essence twice a day. Preferably on an empty stomach. You can also dilute the tea with an equal amount of hot water if desired.

For Body Cleansing and Detoxing

Drink 2 ounces (1/4 cup) twice a day, preferably early morning (wait ½ hour before breakfast) and at bedtime, or ½ hour before any meal.

For Daily Use / Maintenance

Take 1-2 ounces (1/8-1/4 cup) daily, either in the early morning (then wait ½ hour before eating) or right before bed.

To get the most out of Flor-Essence tea, eat a light and healthy diet and avoid processed foods and refined sugars while cleansing. 

For best results, Flora recommends using Flor-Essence for 2-4 weeks as part of a seasonal cleanse or detox program. 

Flor-Essence Reviews from Customers

With a rating of 4.5 stars on Amazon and over 1,000 reviews, it’s clear that this product has a strong following. But I was curious to see what other customers have experienced with Flora-Essence Liquid Tea Blend. The numbers don’t lie. 

  • Many customers agree it’s easy to use and found it effective. 
  • A hairdresser leaving a review mentioned how it helps her detox from daily exposure to chemicals. 
  • Another review was happy that it reduced their food and sugar cravings.
  • Overall, the customer reviews seem to support the effectiveness of Flora-Essence Liquid Tea Blend in promoting gentle detoxification.

Some users have reported issues with cracked bottles and leaking upon delivery. But, my bottle arrived in perfect condition.

The Verdict

After using Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend for a few weeks, I can confidently say that it has helped me with my detox journey. The blend of organic ingredients like Burdock Root, Slippery Elm, Kelp, and Thistle work together to gently cleanse my system without causing any discomfort or frequent bathroom breaks.

I was skeptical at first, but the positive reviews on Amazon convinced me to give it a try. And I’m glad I did because it has helped me with my food and sugar cravings. I haven’t made any other changes to my diet or lifestyle, so I know that the tea blend is responsible for this change.

Overall, I highly recommend Flor-Essence to anyone who wants to gently detox their body without any harsh side effects. It’s easy to use, tastes great, and provides noticeable results.

➡ Purchase Flora Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend on Amazon

➡ Purchase Flora Flor-Essence Liquid Tea Blend on

Give Flor-Essence a try and see the difference it can make in your overall health and well-being.

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A Professional Organizer’s Packing Tips for Moving



Let’s face it: almost no one is actually excited about the prospect of packing moving boxes. I’m always eager to get settled into a new place (hello, endless decorating projects!). But as someone who lived in six different apartments throughout her twenties, I’ve never enjoyed the packing process itself. It’s mentally tiresome, physically demanding, and seems to drag on—no matter how early you begin.

Camille Styles kitchen

A Professional Organizer Shares Her Best Packing Tips for Moving

Because of this, I’ve long been looking for tips on how to streamline the process and make packing for a move slightly less daunting. For answers, I turned to Jayna Lattimore, a professional organizer and the founder of Ordered, LLC, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Here, Lattimore shares how to make a move less stressful—thank goodness for these tips! 

Jayna Lattimore

Jayna Lattimore

Jayna Lattimore, owner and lead organizer of Ordered, LLC began her professional organizing career in 2019. Over the past 4.5 years, she’s helped countless families and organized hundreds of spaces across Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas. Without judgment, she strives to motivate her clients to embrace a more organized lifestyle by cutting down the clutter and establishing beautiful and functional organizing systems.

Organized bookshelf

Don’t Make a Ton of Purchases Prior to Your Move

I began to cringe as I read this tip, as I’ve been majorly guilty of ordering everything from new furniture to coffee table books to kitchenware right before a move. I just couldn’t hold back since I was so excited to get decorating! But, Lattimore says, doing so will of course mean you have more to move to your new place, and your picks “may not align with the final setup and decor preferences in your new home.”

She adds, “Taking time to fully unpack and set up the new space allows for better decision-making regarding new furniture and decorations, preventing the hassle of returns and last-minute product research.”

I’ll be the first to admit that the cute little three drawer chest I just *had to have* for my NYC apartment didn’t look at all at home in my space once I’d moved everything else in. I ended up having to pay a hefty return fee to ship the piece back to the retailer I’d ordered it from. A pricey lesson to learn. 

Woman making bed

Don’t Wait to Prep for Your Move Until the Last Minute

Thankfully I’ve never been a procrastinator, but if you’re someone who feels that they work best under pressure, you may want to reconsider this outlook in the months leading up to your move. Yes, I said months—Lattimore recommends beginning to prep for a move two months before your lease kicks off.

First, make a to do list of pre-move tasks that you can begin to tackle over this period, such as, of course, booking your movers. Additionally, use this time to focus on one space or room at a time, Lattimore says, beginning with the spaces you use the least. “Clear out each room completely or do a deep sweep through everything, discarding items you won’t be taking to your new place,” she suggests. You’ll also want to assemble a donation box as well as make a list of what needs replacing once you’re settled into your new home.

Don’t Let Furniture For Sale Linger 

I follow plenty of people on social media who post about furniture they’re looking to sell prior to a move, and in my opinion, some of these people just don’t know when to give it up and cut their losses! Posting daily for weeks on end just seems exhausting when you have so many other logistics to focus on.

Lattimore lives by a similar philosophy. “If you find items to sell, list them promptly and set a deadline for their sale,” she says. “If unsold by the deadline, consider donating to avoid unnecessary clutter.” Someone in need could greatly benefit from your generosity, and you’ll feel less overwhelmed by the presence of excess stuff in your home.

Woman styling bookshelves

Declutter Thoughtfully

If decluttering isn’t your strong suit, Lattimore recommends asking yourself the following questions: Do I love it? Do I need it? Do I use it? Will there be space for it in my new place? She adds, “If the items don’t align with your identity and future aspirations, it’s best to part ways with them.” 

Read more: An Actually Doable Guide to Decluttering Your Entire Home

Don’t Forget About Other Essential Tasks

The moving process isn’t just about packing all of your belongings into boxes—there are many logistical components that are just as key. Lattimore notes that people tend to forget about the following tasks until the last minute:

  • updating their mailing address (both by notifying the USPS as well as friends and family)
  • arranging for childcare or pet care the day of the move
  • canceling or transferring utilities
  • asking friends or family for day-of help.

Lattimore recommends taking care of this final to-do weeks in advance. “Moving is a big deal and incredibly exhausting,” she says. “No one wants to be hit with a last-minute request to help.” 

Iskra Lawrence writing in journal

Pack Like a Pro

Lattimore is full of useful packing tips that will make both the packing and unpacking process easier. Below are a few of her top suggestions: 

  • Pack infrequently used items first. Think out-of-season clothes, holiday decorations, and the like. 
  • Designate boxes for specific categories or rooms. It may take more time upfront but will help you in the long run, the organizer says. “Throwing different items in a box will create more of a hassle later when you’re unpacking.”  
  • Pack heavier items on the bottom of the box. Then, cushion the top before sealing it, this will help when stacking boxes. 
  • Label each box. A no brainer, but a necessary tip nonetheless! 
  • Pack an overnight bag. This will come in handy the night you first settle into your home. “You’ll be glad you have a few changes of clothes and toiletries that you’ll need immediately, readily accessible without having to rummage through boxes,” Lattimore says. 
  • Unpack one box at a time. Start with the most key rooms, like the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. 
Husband and wife couple sitting on outdoor porch steps

You’ve made the effort to be nice and organized during the packing process, so be sure to keep this going as you get settled. “It’s time to set up storage solutions,” Lattimore says. “Make sure they are functional for you.” Drawer organizers, bins, and baskets are your new BFFs, and labels are always great, too. 

You will also want to maintain a regular chore schedule in your new place. “We recommend decluttering your home at least two to three times a year and as needed before holidays and special events throughout the year to make room for new purchases,” Lattimore says. “Establishing simple routines like 15 minutes each day to reset your home and sort through mail keeps things from piling up and remaining out of place for too long.” 

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14 Best Summer Cocktails to Beat the Heat



Summer is the season of many things—outdoor gatherings, long days in the sun, and, for many, a more flexible schedule. When I find myself with this extra time on my hands, one of my go-to activities as a food and bev fanatic is to experiment with new recipes and tweak some of the classics. So, what better time to test some of the best summer cocktails than during the year’s hottest months? With so many options to choose from, this is your foolproof guide to crafting the season’s most refreshing sips.

The Best Summer Cocktails to Try This Season

So what makes the best summer cocktails? Typically, the spirits are light and bubbly and often complemented with fresh fruit or citrus. The goal is to create a drink that’s easy to sip and can hold its own against the summer heat.

There’s something for everyone on this list—stronger sips with a tequila or vodka base and wine-based options complemented with a fruit liqueur. Whichever path you choose to take on your summer cocktail journey, we’ve got you covered.

spicy mezcal paloma_best summer cocktails

Spicy Mezcal Paloma

Why We Love It: Dare I say, this might just be the best summer cocktail of this year. I recently had my first sip of mezcal at a SXSW event here in Austin, and I was changed for the better. As I was warned by my company, it’s an acquired taste. Nevertheless, this Paloma’s kick of heat and smoky flavor is sure to win you over.

Hero Ingredients: Instead of agave or a sweetener, Camille’s hack of adding a bit of honey works like a charm.

limoncello spritz_best summer cocktails

Limoncello Spritz

Why We Love It: If you spend your summer days dreaming of the Italian coast, try your hand at crafting this simple and elegant limoncello spritz. With bubbly prosecco, fresh lemon and mint, and, of course, your tangy and sweet limoncello, you’ll be on your way to la dolce vita in no time.

Hero Ingredients: It’s almost a requirement to add a lemon garnish to your glass.

lillet spritz

Lillet Spritz

Why We Love It: In my opinion, the Aperol spritz craze fully deserved the hype. Not to mention, any spritz-based drink is exactly what I gravitate toward during the warmer months. For all the Francophiles out there, our managing editor, Isabelle, crafted the perfect drink that features a sweet and fruity Lillet Rosé. 

Hero Ingredients: Throw in some fresh citrus slices to spruce up this spritz!

spicy margarita_best summer cockatils

Spicy Margarita

Why We Love It: Before I considered myself a Texas girl, I had yet to understand the desire to add an extra kick of heat to my food. However, I’ve since changed my ways and am now obsessed with adding spice any way I can—including in my favorite drinks. With a tajín rim and sliced chili peppers, this spicy recipe is just what you need for sipping poolside.

Hero Ingredients: Orange juice makes a sweet addition to your typical margarita recipe.

watermelon mint margarita

Watermelon Mint Margarita

Why We Love It: Frozen cocktails have a special place in my heart. Although they’re not my go-to drink order, there’s something about a slushy-like bev that instantly boosts my mood. In honor of summer’s most beloved fruit, this margarita uses fresh watermelon to curate one of the most refreshing cocktails I’ve ever tasted.

Hero Ingredients: Fresh mint is the perfect complement to watermelon.

prickly pear margarita_best summer cocktails

Pricky Pear Margarita

Why We Love It: Whenever I find a menu featuring a prickly pear drink, I’m immediately intrigued but also skeptical. What I love about this particular recipe is that it doesn’t go overboard on the sugary taste that prickly pear drinks can sometimes have. It boasts a well-balanced flavor with freshly squeezed lime juice and tequila of your choice.

Hero Ingredients: Not to contradict my previous statements, but I actually prefer a sugar rim on this particular drink.

la grande plage

La Grande Plage

Why We Love It: I’ll turn to this French-inspired spritz after a day at the beach or while lounging by the pool. It’s classy and light, and it gives off the best coastal summer vibes in every sip. The secret ingredient? A bit of Angostura bitters for a herby, spiced flavor.

Hero Ingredients: This recipe shines thanks to a dry sparkling wine.

classic margarita

Classic Margarita

Why We Love It: Here in Texas, everyone has their own margarita recipe that they claim is the real deal. Call me biased, but after taste-testing hundreds of drinks around the state, Camille’s marg recipe is one of the best. You’ll want to break out your good tequila for this recipe—you won’t regret it.

Hero Ingredients: I always opt for Cointreau over triple sec for my margs.

salty dog cocktail

Salty Dog Cocktail

Why We Love It: For a simple and crowd-pleasing cocktail, this grapefruit juice and vodka combo is always my go-to. This variation of a classic greyhound cocktail can be crafted to each set of tastebuds by kicking it up a notch with a bit more vodka or adding in a bit more sparkling water to mellow things out.

Hero Ingredients: The salted rim is the cherry on top of this cocktail.

mint julep cocktail

Mint Julep Cocktail

Why We Love It: A pet peeve of mine is sitting down at a bar or restaurant that’s fresh out of mint. As a big fan of this fresh herb, it’s one of my favorite ingredients to add to my at-home cocktails, particularly this recipe. With a touch of oaky and bold bourbon and a dash of honey, this four-ingredient recipe is one I can enjoy year-round.

Hero Ingredients: Opting for honey in place of simple syrup is a simple way to elevate this cocktail.

elderberry cocktail_best summer cocktails

Elderberry Spring Cocktail

Why We Love It: St. Germain has always been one of my go-to liqueurs when I’m craving something sweet, slightly floral, and not too heavy. This cocktail—garnished with chamomile flowers and a spring of mint—is the perfect blend of sweet and citrusy flavors with a bubbly touch.

Hero Ingredients: Lemon juice is always a great addition to elderberry-based drinks.

watermelon vodka cocktail

Watermelon Vodka Cocktail

Why We Love It: The best summer cocktails are ones that pull out all the stops. For this drink, simply shake all your ingredients and add them back into your watermelon ball. It’s that easy to craft a low-maintenance, crowd-pleasing cocktail.

Hero Ingredients: While you can technically do without the fresh watermelon here, I consider it a non-negotiable in your ingredient list.

the sea bird_best summer cocktails

The Sea Bird

Why We Love It: This tropical, vacation-inspired summer cocktail combines fresh juices. Jennifer Fiedler shares tips from her book The Essential Bar Book, such as adding Aperol and using a good aged rum to create one of the best summer cocktails we’ve ever sipped.

Hero Ingredients: Add a skewer with fresh pineapple to really finish off this stunning drink.

kombucha cocktails_best summer cocktails

Kombucha Cocktails

Why We Love It: I’ve been addicted to kombucha’s probiotic power since my very first sip. The great thing about this health-forward beverage is that it can be paired with just about any liquor of choice, allowing you to craft the best summer cocktails with a fruity and bubbly base.

Hero Ingredients: Whether you brew your kombucha at home or buy it store-bought, you’ll need it on hand for this delicious experience.

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9 Low-Impact Exercises a Trainer Swears by for Results



This summer in Texas has been particularly brutal when it comes to the heat. While I usually spend my summers exercising outdoors, with temperatures in the triple digits, anything that involves excessive movement is pretty much off the table. In the past few months, I’ve been on a mission to find the best way to stay in shape, not overheat, and still stay connected with nature. The result? A newfound love for low-impact exercises.

While you can always take an indoor yoga, bar, or cycling class to beat the heat, if you’re looking for exercises you can do at home without nearing heat exhaustion—we’ve got you covered. Jordan Hana, certified yoga teacher and yoga sculpt instructor, gave us the run-down on the benefits of keeping your movement low-impact, the best exercises to implement into your weekly routine, and how to do it all safely in the heat.

Featured image from our interview with Sanne Vloet by Michelle Nash.

Jordan Hana_low impact exercise

Jordan Hana

Jordan Hana is the founder & creator of The Arrow Methid—a fitness program that provides fun & invigorating fitness classes that challenge minds and bodies collectively through movement. The joy-filled variety of workouts span across Yoga (power & yin), Sculpt and Barre. Hana’s certifications include 200 Hour E-RYT (Corepower), Yoga Sculpt (Corepower), Barre (Barre Eclipse), Yoga Nidra (Soul & Steady).

What Makes Exercise Low-Impact

Low impact is simply just that—light (little to no) impact on your joints and at least one foot (if not both) connected to the ground. Low-impact exercises increase your heart rate slowly, are more fluid in motion, and are more gentle on the body. A few low-impact exercises include walking, yoga, pilates, barre, and swimming.

Woman stretching on exercise ball.

How Low-Impact Exercise Benefits the Body

Low-impact exercise is amazing for anyone and everyone. It’s generally safer and decreases your risk of injury as opposed to high-impact movement. Low-impact exercises tend to place some focus on flexibility, which is great for stability, alignment, and balance and can be used as a form of active recovery on days when you don’t want to rest but don’t want to overdo it. 

I am a HUGE fan of low-impact workouts 5 times a week, but I know that many of us are yearning for a quick, high-intensity workout. I personally love three days of low impact, two days of high impact, and two days of rest. If, on a rest day, you want more, a low-impact walk is a perfect form of active recovery! 

I’m not a doctor, but I genuinely think that low-impact exercises help with overall mental health—moving slowly, connecting with breath, and enjoying the workout—even a simple walk can do this!

Woman writing in journal.

Sample Workout Plan

If you’re looking to incorporate low-impact exercises into your weekly workout regime, Hana’s typical weekly workout schedule might help you get on track.

Monday: Barre

Tuesday: HIIT (a treadmill workout class)

Wednesday: Yoga

Thursday: HIIT (Cycling Class)

Friday: Pilates

Hana typically adds a walk into her weekly workout schedule as well—usually 2-3 days a week. It helps her get outside and take her two adorable pups for a walk. Outside time is key, not only for physical health but for boosting our mental wellness, too. Even just a 10-minute walk can do wonders. And if you’re avoiding the heat, try incorporating an early morning or evening walk into your routine.

Hana’s biggest note: get in tune with your body and start to listen to what it’s telling you. Soreness, injury, and major discomfort are telling you something is going on, and maybe you need to take a step back from the high-intensity workouts. If you’re new to fitness and unsure where to start, more low-impact workouts are definitely the way to go. And if you’re going the group fitness route, always let the instructor know you’re new! They love supporting beginners and helping you get the most from your workout.

Get in tune with your body and start to listen to what it’s telling you.

Woman doing low-impact exercises at home with dog.

The Best Equipment for Low-Impact Exercises

Truly, the best thing about low-impact workouts is you really don’t need much! Your body weight is hands-down the best tool for low-impact exercises.

If you’re looking to expand your fitness equipment repertoire, a yoga mat is perfect to support your body so you’re not directly on the grass or concrete. I always like to incorporate hand weights—for a barre or pilates class, I suggest 3-5 pound weights—an exercise pilates ball (small, about six inches), and an exercise band. The addition of weights, pilates ball, and exercise bands allow you to expand and build more muscles, but moving slowly within these exercises ensures proper form and less risk of injury. Always the option to have a towel for sweat, music for good vibes, and water to hydrate—a definite MUST! 

Tips for Working Out in the Heat

Adding heat (whether outdoors or indoors) increases the stress you place on your body, meaning the temperature of your body is increasing. It also dehydrates the body as you lose more fluids during these workouts, basically meaning you can fatigue faster. Your body also can’t cool itself as fast, so just make sure to take adequate breaths and prioritize recovery and hydration to help support your body within these workouts.

My #1 tip: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate—this is key to working out in the heat. Adding an electrolyte supplement to your water is also a great way to replenish the minerals you lose when sweating! 

Other tips to think about:

  • Wear the right clothing. Lightweight, sweat-resistant, and breathable materials that are light in color
  • Know where you’re at. If you’re new to working out outdoors (or in the heat), start slowly and increase gradually. Know your limits, and don’t push it if you don’t have to.
  • Use sunscreen outdoors. Another must!
Woman stretching outside.

9 Low-Impact Exercises a Trainer Loves

Overall workouts:

  • Go for a 30-45 minute walk. This is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get a sweat in without doing anything too strenuous.
  • Yoga—Flow through some Sun A’s. One of the foundations of vinyasa yoga is sun salutations. Sun Salutation A is a series of nine movements that sync to your breath to help build balance and strength in a subtle way.

Squat + Oblique Twist

Also known as a ‘pop squat twist,’ this exercise targets your glutes, quads, and obliques. While it can be done without any equipment, you can add an exercise band around your upper calf to increase tension and turn on your glutes during your squat.

Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are a highly glute-focused exercise that also activates the hamstrings and core. This exercise can be done on its own or by squeezing an exercise ball between your knee and hamstring.


While we all dread planks, they target your core and shoulders and are a fast way to build upper body strength. If the plank isn’t enough burn for you, add slow mountain climbers into your posture.

Bicep Curl to Overhead Shoulder Press

Your biceps and shoulders will feel it with this exercise. This is a great opportunity to use your hand weights (start with a lower weight and then increase) or find a water bottle or heavier object that’s laying around the house.

Lunge + Overhead Tricep Extension

Lunges with tricep extensions do it all—targeting glutes, quads, and triceps. Complete all reps on your right side before moving onto your left, and incorporate hand weights into this exercise.

Bird Dog

This exercise is done by extending your arm forward on all fours and then extending the opposite leg, crunching both limbs in toward your stomach to target your core, obliques, and glutes.

Pilates 100s

When I think of pilates, this is the first thing that comes to mind. Targeting your core, extend your legs at a diagonal while laying on your back on a mat. Reach your arms long by your side with palms facing down. Pump your arms vigorously but don’t lift any higher than the hips. While pumping arms, inhale for five counts and exhale for five counts to complete one exercise. When this is done 10 times with five inhales and five exhales, it equals 100.


One of the core movements in vinyasa yoga is cobra/locust pose. This exercise activates your back muscles and glutes, squeezing both muscles to lift your body slightly off the ground.

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