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‘Carefluencers’ Are Helping Older Loved Ones, and Posting About It



On the east side of San Jose, Calif., there is an abuela who seems to have more grandchildren than she can count.

“A lot of people see me and they hug me,” Mardonia Galeana, 89, said in Spanish. “I don’t even know them, but sometimes they ask me for a blessing on the street and I do the best I can on their forehead.”

Her likeness has been featured in a painting in the San José Museum of Art and in a mural in the city’s mission district. But it’s her online presence that has captivated the thousands of people who have come across the photos and videos posted by her grandson Yosimar Reyes.

“Seeing your Abuela smiling and having a good time truly warms my heart,” one user commented beneath a video of Ms. Galeana enjoying herself at a senior center while others danced to a track by the merengue singer Elvis Crespo.

Mr. Reyes has been chronicling moments in his grandmother’s life on a private Instagram account followed by more than 21,000 people. His posts have shown a trip they took to New Orleans, their strolls with his dog, Chulito, around the San Jose Flea Market, and occasional doctor visits.

Although Mr. Reyes calls himself Ms. Galeana’s “personal stylist,” he is first and foremost her caregiver — driving her to appointments, managing her medications, making sure she has a roof over her head.

“I take pride in the fact that I care for and dress my grandma,” Mr. Reyes, 35, said. “That she’s not going to be out here in a muumuu. Her nails are also poppin’ and it’s a big self-esteem boost for her.”

Francesca Falzarano, an assistant professor at the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, has a term for the growing number of people like Mr. Reyes who share behind-the-scenes looks at the daily realities of providing round-the-clock care for older loved ones.

“In my research lab, we call them ‘carefluencers,’” Professor Falzarano said. “Social media is really the only way a lot of these people are able to access support, education and a sense of belonging.”

Mr. Reyes, a poet and artist, was raised by his grandparents and came with them to the United States from Guerrero, Mexico, in the early 1990s. “Even as a kid, I was already a caregiver,” he said. “I had to translate documents and help my grandparents navigate this country because they were older and didn’t speak English.”

Mr. Reyes, who was named the 2024 Santa Clara County poet laureate, said he has occasionally found himself overwhelmed since he fully undertook the role of caring for his grandmother during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“I’m trying to build a career as an artist and as a writer, but then I still have to go home and have to take care of somebody,” said Mr. Reyes, who has described his experience as a caregiver in poems like “Abuela Gets a Fever.” “Some days, I’m emotionally depleted. And if she’s having a bad day, I have to make sure that I’m not reactionary.”

As the population ages, Mr. Reyes’s experience is likely to become more common. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of unpaid caregivers in the United States increased to about 53 million in 2020 from 43.5 million in 2015.

Chris Punsalan of Las Vegas, who became a caregiver for his grandmother Anicia Manipon eight years ago, has shared his experiences with her on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.

“I decided to document us because I felt it was important,” Mr. Punsalan, 30, said. “It’s not only for me to be able to look back on, but I also slowly realized that it was very helpful for people who have been through a somewhat similar situation.”

Mr. Punsalan, who has over two million followers on TikTok, has created content out of tending to his grandmother’s bedsores, cooking her breakfast and sharing the products he uses to tend to her needs. Since Ms. Manipon’s death in January, he realized that his social media accounts have done more than provide information and comfort for other family caregivers.

“During her funeral, my cousin said something that really struck a chord with me,” Mr. Punsalan recalled. “He said, ‘Whenever I miss my grandmother, I have a library of videos to remember her by.’”

Jacquelyn Revere, an aspiring TV writer in Los Angeles, began posting about her experiences after she became the main caregiver for her mother and grandmother in 2016. She said she found comfort while trying to help others in her position through social media, and the number of people following her on TikTok grew to more than 650,000.

“When I was posting my mom, it’s not like I felt like I had to — it actually became fun,” said Ms. Revere, 37. “Social media brought so much validation with people saying, ‘You’re doing such a good job,’ and it became a place of refuge.”

Ms. Revere’s grandmother died in 2017; her mother died in 2022.

“Many of my caregiver friends are people who I’ve met on social media,” Ms. Revere said. “We’ve really created a community that’s very close knit, because it’s hard to understand the weight of this role if you’ve never had it.”

While posting a get-ready-with-me-and-Grandma video on TikTok may bring caregivers a sense of community, some viewers can’t shake the feeling that such content might be exploitative. Is a vulnerable older relative in a position to consent to appear in a video, when the person recording it is responsible for administering her medication?

“That is so heartbreaking,” one user commented on a TikTok video of an older woman struggling to eat. “I wish you all would have the dignity to stop posting these messages.”

But according to Professor Falzarano, the gerontologist, the benefits of caregivers’ sharing their experiences outweigh the risks. “It’s really contributing to the greater awareness and visibility of chronic illness in caregiving,” she said.

Professor Falzarano, 32, whose research is focused on dementia, family caregiving and technology for older adults, also noted that while there are a variety of resources readily available for expecting parents, the same could not be necessarily said for those grappling with the end of life.

“We all have this universal experience where we’ll need to provide care or need to be cared for at some point,” Professor Falzarano said. “Why not start thinking about it now?”

Ms. Galeana, who will turn 90 in December, hasn’t been able to return to the home in Mexico that she and her grandson left behind more than three decades ago. With no clear pathway to U.S. citizenship, the two have built a forever home of sorts online.

“She’s old and she’s been through so much, from poverty in Mexico to all that we’ve experienced in the United States,” Mr. Reyes said. “My goal now is to make sure that she’s happy and not always talking about how sad her life was. And people love her here and know her as the abuelita. It’s beautiful.”

Whether it’s being recognized at the market or having flowers or care packages sent to her home by strangers who have encountered her online, she has become a local celebrity.

“As a little girl, I wanted to be an artist,” Ms. Galeana said in Spanish. “I would dance and sing and want to be on the movie theater screen. But it never happened.”

But later that week, after Mr. Reyes had fixed her hair and done her makeup, she was ready to be the star of a video that would be seen by thousands.

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Silicon Valley shaken as open-source AI models Llama 3.1 and Mistral Large 2 match industry leaders



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Open-source artificial intelligence has reached a watershed moment, challenging the long-held dominance of proprietary systems and promising to reshape the AI landscape.

This week, two significant developments have propelled open-source AI models to the forefront of technological capability, potentially democratizing access to cutting-edge AI tools.

On Tuesday, Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive of Meta, unveiled Llama 3.1, declaring it had achieved “frontier-level” status.

This bold claim suggests that Meta’s freely available AI now rivals the most advanced systems from industry leaders like OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic.

Just a day later, Mistral, an emerging French AI lab, released Mistral Large 2, a model that reportedly matches or surpasses existing top-tier systems, particularly in multilingual applications.

These back-to-back releases mark a pivotal shift in the AI world. For years, tech giants have jealously guarded their most powerful AI models, citing concerns over safety, potential misuse, and competitive advantage.

This week’s developments have shattered that paradigm, igniting debates about equity, innovation, and the ethical implications of democratizing such transformative technology.

Industry experts are hailing this week’s developments as a potential turning point in AI history, comparable to pivotal moments that have sparked technological revolutions in the past.

The sudden availability of frontier-level open-source models is expected to dramatically accelerate AI development globally, potentially reshaping entire industries and altering the balance of power in the tech world.

This rapid democratization of cutting-edge AI capabilities could usher in a new era of innovation and competition, with far-reaching consequences for businesses, researchers, and society at large.

Open-source challengers shake up the AI status quo

The implications of this week’s announcements are far-reaching. Smaller companies and individual developers can now access sophisticated AI capabilities without the hefty price tags or vendor lock-in associated with proprietary systems. This democratization could fuel an unprecedented wave of innovation, as diverse minds from around the globe contribute to and build upon these powerful tools.

However, the widespread availability of advanced AI also raises new challenges. Organizations must now grapple with how to differentiate themselves in a world where cutting-edge AI capabilities are becoming commoditized. The onus falls on business leaders and technical decision-makers to rapidly develop strategies that leverage these open technologies while adding unique value.

The geopolitical ramifications of this shift are equally significant. As AI becomes increasingly central to national competitiveness, the proliferation of open-source models could alter the global balance of power in technology. Countries and regions that effectively harness these openly available resources may gain significant advantages in AI development and application.

A double-edged sword: The thrilling and terrifying dawn of AI for all

Despite the excitement, skeptics urge caution in accepting claims of parity with top proprietary models at face value.

The AI field is known for its rapid advancements and shifting benchmarks, making “frontier-level” a moving target. Moreover, raw model capability is just one factor in AI system effectiveness; data quality, fine-tuning, and application-specific optimizations play crucial roles in real-world performance.

The abrupt open-sourcing of frontier-level AI also intensifies ongoing debates about AI safety and ethics. While transparency can aid in identifying and addressing biases or vulnerabilities, it may also lower barriers for malicious actors seeking to exploit these powerful tools. The AI community now faces the urgent challenge of striking a delicate balance between openness and responsible development.

For policymakers, this week’s developments underscore the critical need for adaptive regulatory frameworks that can keep pace with technological advancements while ensuring public safety and ethical use of AI. The tech industry may need to rapidly reevaluate business models and competitive strategies in a landscape where cutting-edge AI capabilities have suddenly become widely accessible.

Navigating the new frontier: Collaboration, ethics, and the future of AI

As the dust settles on this landmark week, the true impact of these milestones will be determined by how effectively the global community harnesses the potential of open-source AI while mitigating its risks.

The sudden democratization of frontier-level AI has the potential to accelerate innovation, reshape industries, and fundamentally alter our relationship with artificial intelligence.

In this new era, collaboration and ethical considerations will be paramount. The open-source AI revolution promises to unlock unprecedented possibilities, but it also demands a heightened sense of responsibility from developers, businesses, and society as a whole.

As we navigate this transformative period, one thing is clear: the future of AI is becoming more open, more accessible, and more participatory than ever before, and the pace of change is accelerating rapidly.

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ISPs are fighting to raise the price of low-income broadband



A new government program is trying to encourage Internet service providers (ISPs) to offer lower rates for lower income customers by distributing federal funds through states. The only problem is the ISPs don’t want to offer the proposed rates.

 obtained a letter sent to US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo signed by more than 30 broadband industry trade groups like ACA Connects and the Fiber Broadband Association as well as several state based organizations. The letter raises “both a sense of alarm and urgency” about their ability to participate in the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program. The newly formed BEAD program provides over $42 billion in federal funds to “expand high-speed internet access by funding planning, infrastructure, deployment and adoption programs” in states across the country, according to the (NTIA).

The money first goes to the NTIA and then it’s distributed to states after they obtain approval from the NTIA by presenting a low-cost broadband Internet option. The ISP industries’ letter claims a fixed rate of $30 per month for high speed Internet access is “completely unmoored from the economic realities of deploying and operating networks in the highest-cost, hardest-to-reach areas.”

The letter urges the NTIA to revise the low-cost service option rate proposed or approved so far. have completed all of the BEAD program’s phases.

Americans pay an average of $89 a month for Internet access. New Jersey has the highest average bill at $126 per month, according to a survey conducted by . A 2021 study from the found that 57 percent of households with an annual salary of $30,000 or less have a broadband connection.

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These transparent earbuds by Nothing made my AirPods look and sound boring



A hand holding the Nothing Ear (a) earbuds

Nina Raemont/ZDNET

ZDNET’s key takeaways 

  • For $99, the new Nothing Ear (a) earbuds offer clear sound and a thoughtful design. 
  • Their affordability, comfort, and long battery life make them a great option for budget-conscious shoppers.
  • Unfortunately, its middling noise-canceling tech doesn’t protect you from external noises. 

Most of the audio tech on the market right now errs on the side of aesthetic caution. I’ve tested plenty of earbuds this year, and something I’ve noticed is that many manufacturers sacrifice style for functionality, opting for blacks, grays, and enough matte finishes to fit inside a therapist’s office — much to my chagrin. In the words of the late, great Andre Leon Talley, “it’s a famine of beauty” over here.  

Also: Why I ditched my AirPods Pro for Nothing’s new transparent earbuds (and don’t regret it)

So when Nothing sent me its new earbuds, I was excited to finally see a cool, fresh, and exciting design, and they’re worthy of a callout. I’ve been testing the new Nothing Ear (a) earbuds since launch, taking them on a ten-mile run, working deskside, and commuting on the subway with them in my ears. One question that informed my initial testing was: Despite their stylish design, how does the audio tech stack up to similarly-priced competitors?

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The Nothing Ear (a) advances on the specs from the brand’s Ear (1) earbuds from 2021. The new buds offer plenty of upgrades like improved active noise cancellation, transparency mode, longer battery life, Bluetooth multipoint, minimized latency for gaming, and pinch controls.

Also: The best earbuds of 2024: Expert tested and reviewed

Nothing plays with solid color and transparent accents and puts the two at the forefront of its product design. You can’t help but obsess over the brand’s unique visual appeal: a stripped-down design that reveals the inner workings of the technology cast against bold colors. The clear design of both the earbud case and the earbuds itself offers users an inside look into the tech’s internal components and an appreciation for what is often obscured. 

Nothing Ear (a) on a table

Nina Raemont/ZDNET

The earbuds come with three ear tip sizes in the box and are available in three colors: black, white, and yellow. I tried these buds in yellow, which is the first non-neutral color in Nothing’s earbud lineup. The color feels daring and bright and is just as much a fashion accessory as it is a tech accessory. 

Other competitive earbuds can’t say the same: I looked at my list of best earbuds to see if there was any color diversity and found that every top earbuds I’ve included are either black, a muted white, or white, from Sony’s WF-1000XM5 and JBL’s Tour Pro 2, to Bose’s QuietComfort Ultra and Apple’s AirPods Pro. These earbuds, on the other hand, are like the AirPods Pro’s funkier younger sister who went to art school, buys gifts for friends through the MOMA Store, and can explain the difference between white and orange wine to you. 

The case is lightweight and compact, so it won’t be obstructive or heavy in your pocket. The earbuds themselves are comfortable and easy to wear, with an extra tactile ear tip that keeps the buds attached to your ear canal as you move around. Nothing also equipped these buds with Bluetooth multipoint and in-ear detection when you wear these, two nice touches that inexpensive earbuds occasionally lack. 

Also: The best earbuds I’ve ever listened to are not by Bose or Sony

I ran for five hours and worked and commuted with these earbuds for a week straight and still have a battery life of 80%. Needless to say, these earbuds won’t die easily on you. 

Nothing Ear (a) held up to a mirror

Nina Raemont/ZDNET

One of my favorite design choices with the Ear (a) is that the controls are dictated by pinches instead of taps and swipes, similar to the AirPods Pro 2. Most earbuds that I’ve tested with the same form factor have touch controls on the top of the ear stem where the bud meets the stem. I always run with earbuds in, and when my ears get too sweaty, and my earbuds begin to slip out, I accidentally touch and activate the touch controls when I’m attempting to press the bud back into my ears.

Also: The best earbuds under $100

Nothing eliminated this problem for me, as the touch controls are at the bottom of the stem, far away from accidental touches. Despite needing a pinch to activate the controls, they are reliable and responsive. The pinch controls allow you to play and pause music, skip tracks, and toggle between ANC and transparency mode.

Speaking of ANC, this feature is where the Ear (a) buds begin to show their affordable price. I turned on the ANC while I worked in the office, and I could still hear my colleagues’ computer notification pings and conversations around me. For $109, I wasn’t expecting mind-blowing ANC, and that’s certainly not what I got. The earbuds will drown out some noise, but you’ll have to pay a higher price for premium ANC.

Review: Nothing Ear Stick: Earbuds, but make it fashion

When it comes to the actual audio quality, however, these earbuds produce a balanced, clear, and bright sound. While listening to Moses Sumney and Shabaka’s Insecurities, the harp and flute whistles in the upper midrange shimmered in my ears without being too harsh. Bass-heavy songs can get an extra boost by tweaking the Bass Enhance algorithm in the Nothing app. While listening to Kaytranada’s What You Need, I toggled between the five levels of bass enhancement to boost the lower frequencies. This feature created a noticeably different sound with deeper, richer bass. 

ZDNET’s buying advice 

The Nothing Ear (a) are best for people who want a relatively affordable pair of earbuds with thoughtful functions and a unique design.

If you want earbuds with more effective noise-canceling for a similar price, consider the JLab JBuds ANC 3 for their strong noise-canceling and snug fit. If you like Nothing’s unique and charming design choices but want better sound, more effective ANC, and more premium features, try the Nothing Ear.

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