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African History

African Presence in America 51,700 years ago, Khoisan, Lost City of Egypt, Black Madonna, Wakanda



African Presence in America 51,700 years ago, Khoisan, The Lost City of Egypt, Black Madonna & Child; Wakanda, Bastet

REGISTER NOW: Next Class Saturday, 4-16-22, 2pm EST: WATCH CLASSES ON DEMAND NOW!!! ‘Ancient Kemet (Egypt), The Moors & The Maafa: Understanding The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade What They Didn’t Teach You In School’, (LIVE 10 Week Online Course) with Michael Imhotep host of The African History Network Show. Discounted Registration $60; ALL LIVE SESSIONS WILL BE RECORDED SO YOU CAN WATCH AT ANY TIME! WATCH CONTENT ON DEMAND!


ATTENTION AHN STUDENTS: If you have take any of our previous Course please email us at to get a 50% Discount on this new Course Bundle of Classes.

Course Bundle Pack, Get Both Online Courses for Only $100, Regularly $260 Value!!!
1st Class ‘Ancient Kemet (Egypt), The Moors & The Maafa: Understanding The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade What They Didn’t Teach You In School’, Saturdays 2pm EST

2nd Class ‘From The Civil War To Civil Rights Movement & Black Power (1865 -1968) Sundays 2pm EST

We can’t start studying our history in SLAVERY. Even when we study the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, which is important to study, we can’t start in 1619 or in the 1440s when the Portuguese get involved. We have to understand the history chronologically and deal with the 800 year occupation of Europe by the Africans known as the Moors who enter into the Iberian Peninsula, today known as Spain and Portugal, from North Africa in 711A.D. This course not only deals with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade but thousands of years of history that leads up to the Slave Trade of African people taking place.

Aug. 20th, 2019 marked the 400th year Anniversary of the “20 and odd Africans” who came into Point Comfort on Aug. 20th, 1619 in what would later be called the colony of Virginia. This year was known as “The Year Of Return” as many African Americans are reconnecting to Africa and traveling to Ghana and other West African countries. When we discuss the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade we have to first understand that African people are the Original people of North, Central & South America & have been in the land we call U.S. at least 51,700 years.

This is an interactive class taught by Michael Imhotep. You will be able to ask questions with the live chat. There are many teaching tools used including a Power Point presentation, video clips, book references, articles, etc. (As soon as you Register you can watch last week’s class.)

Visit our website for Online Courses and Lectures from Michael Imhotep host of The African History Network Show.


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  1. @rubylightburn6029

    April 17, 2022 at 6:51 am

    AHN I I appreciate all fantastically amazingly Historical information ♥️♥️♥️

  2. @michaelmccoy923

    April 17, 2022 at 9:09 pm

    Throughly enjoying everything you are presenting. 💯💯💯

  3. @ewardprince4342

    April 17, 2022 at 10:29 pm

    You can start with the biggest myth of slavery . That they cannot read and write . Correction they cannot read and write in English . All African Dairy have found the last 200 years in the United States is written in Latin .

  4. @sunchildofsirius2462

    April 17, 2022 at 10:55 pm

    purely an emotional response – i am almost speechless i have only listened to the point where you said the khoi and san were discovered in america .
    i am south african .
    my paternal grandmother was ' freed slave ' from st helena island in the atlantic ocean and my maternal ancesty khoi san . i am 56 and since a child had a heart connection with black people in america. our bushman roots (denied under apartheid.)
    trying to make sense of the most important information i have been looking for in my life .
    thank you thank you thank you . did the spirits send me here ?
    i will continue to listen.

  5. @sunchildofsirius2462

    April 17, 2022 at 11:10 pm

    any history on ancient azania / south africa? ❤

  6. @siftordekemet7790

    April 19, 2022 at 10:41 am

    Great work my brother,keep it up

  7. @patrickcollins1855

    April 19, 2022 at 11:35 am

    Great information

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African History

BLACK AFRICANS Are Ancestors To Early CHINESE Settlers



BLACK AFRICANS Are Ancestors to Early CHINESE Settlers.

Did you know a remarkable historical connection between black Africans and early Chinese settlers dates back centuries? Today, this video uncovers a new perspective on Chinese civilization and its relationship to Black Africans. Through this exploration, we will discover the long-lasting impact of their shared experiences, illuminating the profound influence of their intertwined histories.

#history #blackhistory #blackafricans #china


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African History

Where Do African Americans Come From



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African History




11 Reasons Tp Prove That Africans Were in America 2000 years Before Colombus.
Let me take you on a journey through some of these fascinating pieces of evidence of African presence in America 2000 years before Columbus. Take them with a grain of salt if you have to, but I think they are worth some consideration.
1. Olmec Heads: The colossal stone heads created by the Olmec civilization in present-day Mexico, which date back to 1500 BCE to 400 BCE, feature distinctly African facial features. These heads feature facial features such as broad noses, full lips, and round faces that clearly resemble those of Africans more than the indigenous populations of the Americas. Tell me this is not a black man right there. The detailed and realistic nature of the Olmec heads suggests they were based on real individuals. It is no wonder not surprising that some researchers contend that these features indicate an African presence in pre-Columbian America.

2. African Artifacts in the Americas: Artifacts such as cotton from Africa and tobacco pipes found in pre-Columbian sites in South America have led some to speculate about transatlantic contact. In addition, metal artefacts with similar metallurgical techniques to those used in West Africa have been found in pre-Columbian American sites.

Before the next point kindly give us a like. I know to you it’s a simple click, but to us it means a lot.
3. Botanical Evidence: Certain plants like the bottle gourd and the sweet potato are thought to have originated in Africa and Asia but were present in pre-Columbian America, suggesting possible ancient transoceanic contact.

4. Linguistic Evidence: Some linguists claim to have found similarities between certain Native American languages and African languages. Some proponents argue that there are similarities between ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and symbols found in Mesoamerican writing systems, such as those of the Maya. The Mandinka word “makala,” meaning “rice,” is compared to the similar-sounding words in some Native American languages.

Dr. Clyde Winters points to shared vocabulary and phonetic similarities, such as the word “yu” in Mandinka meaning “to give” and a similar-sounding word in the Olmec language with the same meaning.
Leo Wiener, in his early 20th-century work “Africa and the Discovery of America,” cited examples such as the Wolof word “tem” (to cut) and its similarity to the Algonquian word “temagun” (an axe).

5. THOR HEYERDAHL’S RAFT EXPERIMENTS: The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl demonstrated with his expeditions (Kon-Tiki and Ra) that it was possible to travel across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using ancient boat-building techniques, suggesting that such voyages could have occurred in ancient times.

6. Ancient Maps: Some historical maps, such as the Piri Reis map, allegedly show parts of the American continent with a level of detail suggesting pre-Columbian exploration, potentially by African or other non-European civilizations.

7. Skull Analysis: Studies of certain skeletal remains, such as the Luzia Woman found in Brazil, have shown features that some anthropologists argue resemble those of African or Australoid populations rather than Native American populations.

8. Accounts from Early European Explorers: Some early European explorers, such as Vasco Núñez de Balboa, reported encountering dark-skinned peoples in the Americas upon their arrival.

9. Cultural Similarities: Some researchers point to cultural parallels between African and American civilizations, such as pyramid building, similar religious practices, and iconography, as potential evidence of contact.

10. Presence of Black peoples in Asia, Australia and the Pacific. If Black people can be found in as far as the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia many Islands in the Pacific, why can’t they be found in the Americas? I mean it makes no sense for the Americas to be the exception right?

11. Genetic Studies: While controversial and not universally accepted, some genetic studies have indicated the presence of haplogroups in Native American populations that are also found in African populations, suggesting ancient intermingling.


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