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6 Personal Green Flags Your Vision Board Is Working



We’re always on the search for signs. In every part of our lives—work, relationships, wellness—we try to suss out situations before they materialize. Sometimes, this work is deliberate, but more often it’s subconscious. When personal green flags make themselves known, we feel an energy shift. Our wants, dreams, and hopes for ourselves begin to align—and our lives start to flow with a greater sense of ease.

It’s one of the key tenets of creating a vision board. By gathering and curating images, words, and materials that represent your dream life, you’re building a road map for yourself. After all, how can you get where you want to go without a clear destination in mind?

Woman looking at books.

What are personal green flags?

Personal green flags serve as a reminder that we’re on the right track. (PSA: That track looks different for everyone.) They’re an opportunity to take stock of how we’re growing and evolving. What’s more, they help us cut through the noise of our inner critic. In a world that’s constantly demanding we be “better” at the risk of compromising our health and happiness, it’s so easy to default to a negative dialogue. Instead, by celebrating our wins—both big and small—along the way, we build a level of self-awareness oriented toward our growth. And as the adage holds true, the more we focus on the good, the more good we receive.

Roti Brown outside

6 Personal Green Flags to Pay Attention To

All of these efforts come together in the continuing journey of realizing your highest self. They’re a reminder of what makes you feel like the most authentic version of yourself. Not only that but the happiest and most at peace. Ahead, discover the personal green flags that prove: all that work on yourself? It’s always worth it.

1. You Prioritize Rest and Self-Compassion

If you’ve ridden the (ubiquitous, all-consuming) hustle culture train, you know just how exhausting it can be. As someone who was also once fooled into believing that toxic productivity was the key to getting ahead, I’ve experienced the freedom of adapting to a gentler approach. It’s related to our proclivity toward perfectionism: a fear-driven phenomenon leading us to believe that we can’t achieve success—or lean into its associated happiness—without controlling every element of our lives to a tee.

Allowing yourself consistent, ample time for rest is not only an act of self-love but also trust. It communicates that the work can be done (and perhaps even done better) by building restorative pauses into your day. Add to that self-compassion—our ability to express kindness to ourselves in moments of perceived inadequacy or even failure—and the result is strengthened resilience.

Think about it: how does your motivation differ in situations where you beat yourself down (“I’m so stupid! How could I make that mistake?”) versus those when you’re more forgiving and empathetic (“It’s okay, I did the best I could with the resources I had.”)? Prioritizing rest and responding to ourselves with self-compassion are two key personal green flags pointing toward your growth.

Vase of peonies.

2. You Set and Practice Healthy Boundaries

People pleasers of the past or present, unite! Boundaries are notoriously difficult to set—and taking that further, enforce. It’s easy to think that saying yes to everything will help others see you in a positive light, and in turn, build your self-esteem. But boundaries are the foundation for healthy relationships, both with others as well as with yourself.

Boundaries also strengthen your sense of integrity. By saying no to the invitations, additional work tasks, or simply whatever doesn’t serve you, you’re infusing your “yes’” with more trust and value. At their core, healthy and strong boundaries are meant to keep you safe, happy, and feeling respected. If you have a hard time setting them, remember that saying no to what you don’t want opens up opportunities to embrace what truly aligns.

3. You Have a Clear Picture of What Doesn’t Serve You

Building on boundaries, it’s important to understand what does and doesn’t support your best self. In the past, I would stretch myself thin with personal and professional commitments without pausing for a moment whether or not these choices served me. It was like I was living on auto-pilot and riding the current of other people’s desires.

As we evolve into our highest selves, a key learning is sitting in the truth that only you know what serves you best. This spans the entire spectrum of your life. From your morning routine to how you eat to every other choice you make, only you can determine what works and what doesn’t.

I get it: with all the noise out there across the internet and social media, it can be hard to determine what resonates. Journaling, meditation, and yes, your vision board, are all great strategies to help you get quiet with yourself and learn the truth of what you really need.

Mary Ralph Biking

4. You Embrace the Uncomfortable

Oof—I’d give everything for a magic tool that could wish away every awkward, uncomfortable moment of my life. I seize up when anything gives me the ick, and as such, try to avoid these situations and feelings at every cost.

But… growth comes from those moments when we’re challenged and stretched to our limits. Our comfort zone is a cozy place to be, but it’s not where expansion—professionally, personally, and in our relationships—takes place. Especially as women, we can get used to playing it small. It may seem that doing a simple cost-benefit analysis of any risk confirms that potential failure is not worth the potential win.

Rejection, however, is an inevitability of life. It teaches us what paths to pursue and what possible directions we can choose not to waste our energy on. Now, whenever I feel uncomfortable, I understand the feeling as information. But rather than blindly pursuing it, I’m mindful to pause before moving forward. When you notice feeling uncomfortable about a choice, ask yourself: What choice can I make that’s aligned with how I want to grow? From there, boldly take that next step.

5. You Don’t Dwell on the Past

Say it with me: I. Cannot. Change. The. Past. It’s an affirmation I like to practice daily, reminding me that while I can learn from the past, I have no power to alter it. The best I can do is simply allow it to inform how I choose to show up every day. Easier said than done though, right? Trust me, I’ve had to work at it consistently over the years to be able to positively shift my relationship to the past.

Alongside practicing this affirmation, regularly tapping into gratitude helps me be mindful of how the past has impacted my present. This exercise is particularly helpful with those moments I may have wished I could change. By practicing gratitude for it all, I’m able to zoom out on my life, seeing everything with a wider lens and understanding that the good, the bad—all of it—has resulted in where I am today. And that’s something to be endlessly grateful for.

6. You Allow Yourself to Feel All Your Emotions

Of all the personal green flags I could list out, I want this to be your biggest takeaway. Collectively, we’re beginning to understand that all emotions signify a state of being. Rather than categorizing feelings as inherently good or bad, they point to how we’re experiencing life at any given moment. Happiness is a beautiful thing. Sadness is a beautiful thing. Boredom is a beautiful thing. Rather than trying to push away an emotion or grasp onto it, try being present for it and leaning into its experience.

Emotions tell us what we need and how we can best take care of ourselves. Boredom can signify a need for creative output, while sadness can express an absence of connection. Our feelings remind us to prioritize listening to ourselves. So the next time you’re tempted to drown out anxiety or push away your pain, get quiet. Lean into these emotions and let your body and mind tell you the best way to proceed.

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10 Best Sunscreens for the Body, According to Dermatologists



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I live in Los Angeles, so naturally most of my conversations begin with some quip about the weather. Of course, the last couple of years have been anything but normal, with weeks straight of nothing but rain. As such, everyone in the city has been floundering. For months, plans were canceled, raincoats were purchased, and umbrellas were excavated out from the depth of our storage containers. We may have kept up with our SPF face routine, but seeking out the best sunscreen for body wasn’t on anyone’s radar.

But now that we’re finally getting some sun, we’re making the most of it. Going to the beach is like a sport in LA. Everyone has their favorite spot, and most of us have a beach bag packed and ready to go on any occasion. As a beauty editor, it won’t surprise anyone that mine contains a mini pouch filled with beach-ready skin and body care. Here’s what’s inside:

Featured image from our interview with Megan O’Neill by Belathée Photography.

Woman outside wearing brown dress.

How to Find the Best Sunscreen for Your Body

In my time around the block—or the beach, as it were—I’ve tried many body sunscreens. Some have made their way into my beach bag, others have never seen the light of day. And while I usually evaluate my body products based on touch and texture, I consulted a dermatologist to discover what I should really be looking for in the best sunscreen for body.

Dr. Caroline Robinson is a board-certified medical and cosmetic dermatologist, with subspecialty expertise in alopecia, preventative skincare, and ethnic skin dermatology. She is also the founder of Tone Dermatology.

“There are considerable differences in the products available now with many great options,” says Dr. Robinson. “I always tell my patients finding the right sunscreen is like finding the right pair of jeans; you have to try out a few, and it can take a while, but once you find the one you like, you will love it and want to wear it every day.”

Camille Styles wearing white dress.

My Criteria for Determining the Best Sunscreens

After our conversation, I established these criteria for the best body sunscreens:

  • Key Ingredients: What’s in it?
  • Type of protection: Is it a physical/mineral or chemical sunscreen?
  • SPF: What level of protection does it offer?
  • Size: How much do you get? And (important!) can you pack it in your carry-on?
  • Water Resistance: How long does it stay effective in the water?

Dr. Caroline Robinson

Board-certified medical and cosmetic dermatologist and founder of Tone Dermatology

Lauren Ireland wearing bathing suit.

What to Consider When Selecting a Sunscreen

Dr. Robinson is quick to recommend non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) sunscreen formulas. She also stresses that your sunscreen should be free of the following:

  • fragrances
  • dyes
  • parabens
  • oil
  • certain chemicals like oxybenzone

“For daily use, use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher (the minimum SPF recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology),” the dermatologist encourages. If you’re spending a prolonged period in the sun, opt for an SPF 50 or higher.

Mineral vs. Chemical Sunscreens

Mineral sunscreens: Contain active ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that sit on top of the skin’s surface to deflect and scatter harmful UV rays.

Chemical sunscreens: Contain UVB- and UVA-absorbing chemicals that convert UV rays into heat through a chemical reaction, which then releases the heat.

Dr. Robinson recommends opting for a mineral sunscreen if you have sensitive skin. “Chemical sunscreens can sometimes irritate and exacerbate existing conditions,” she notes. For acne-prone skin, oil-free sunscreens are best. And if you’re sweating or coming into contact with water, water-resistant sunscreen offers longer-lasting protection.

Sunscreen Application Tips

Mineral sunscreens immediately protect your skin upon contact, but chemical sunscreen should be applied at least half an hour before going out into the sun since it requires some time to absorb.

It’s best to reapply every hour to hour and a half if you are participating in activities that cause sunscreen to wear off like swimming or anything that prompts sweating. If just sitting in the sun without excessive sweating (not dermatologist recommended!), a good rule of thumb is to reapply every two hours.

Outdoor summer brunch.

The Best Sunscreen for the Body

You never know what you like until you’ve tried it. And I’ve tried a lot of different options—including some of the most viral sunscreens out there right now. But are they worth the hype? Sunscreen isn’t the most glamorous product on the market, so when people rave about one, I’ve generally found that it lives up to my expectations.

Here are some of my favorites that I’ve tried, tested, endlessly researched—and yes, loved.

Our Top Picks

  1. Best Overall: Bask Suncare SPF 30 Lotion & Continuous Spray – $40 at Bask Skincare
  2. Best Sweat-Proof Sunscreen: PLAY Everyday Lotion – $36 at Supergoop!
  3. Best Fragrance: Coola Clear Sunscreen Spray Tropical Coconut – $28 at Target
  4. Best Texture: Vacation Classic Whip – $22 at Bluemercury
  5. Best High SPF: Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen – $9.99 at Target
Bask sunscreen for body

The wear and tear on the packaging says it all: this duo is a staple in my beach bag. From the lotion’s creamy texture to the spray’s refreshing mist, this is a set that makes me excited to apply my daily sunscreen. Perfect for application and reapplication, it’s proof that the best sunscreen is the sunscreen you’ll actually wear.

Whenever I apply it around a group of friends, they perk up at the light coconut and vanilla scent. Invariably, they ask what sunscreen is that? and I respond by spraying the group with a cloud of my staple sunscreen. No gatekeeping here. It’s the brand I recommend to everyone.

  • Key Ingredients: Avobenzone, Homosalate, Octisalate, Octocrylene, Aloe, Cocoa Butter
  • Type of Protection: Chemical
  • SPF: 30
  • Size: 5.5 fl oz and 4 fl oz
  • Water-Resistance: 80 minutes
Supergoop body sunscreen

Summer is the season for lounging by the pool and digging your toes into the sand, but let’s face it, it’s also the season for sweat. No one wants to slather on sunscreen, only for it to sweat off and be left with unprotected skin. Supergoop! has been making the rounds on the internet for a while now, and for good reason.

The PLAY Everyday Lotion is a fan favorite, and this water and sweat-resistant sunscreen is perfect for you and your loved ones. It comes in a variety of sizes, is gentle enough for both face and body, and the largest 18-fluid-ounce jug is ideal for kids and families. It’s great for all skin tones, absorbs quickly, and is my go-to for outdoor workouts.

  • Key Ingredients: Avobenzone, Homosalate, Octisalate, Octocrylene, 
  • Type of Protection: Chemical
  • SPF: 50
  • Size: 1 fl oz, 2.4 fl oz, 5 fl oz, 18 fl oz (so many choices!)
  • Water-Resistance: 80 minutes
Coola Clear Sunscreen Spray Tropical Coconut

The smell of most sunscreens can instantly transport me back to pool days and vacations from my childhood, and while the nostalgia is lovely, there’s something elevated and chic about a sunscreen that has a scent reminiscent of a perfume. Coola Clear Sunscreen Spray in Tropical Coconut will have you smelling like a beachy goddess—perfect for a vacay with the girls or lounging poolside with a book.

Coola is a clean beauty brand, and this non-aerosol sunscreen is non-greasy and absorbs quickly after you rub it in a bit. And of course, the smell is divine. It’s a sunscreen that feels luxurious and it’s one that I want to put on. A win all around!

  • Key Ingredients: Avobenzone, Octisalate, Octocrylene 
  • Type of Protection: Chemical
  • SPF: 30
  • Size: 6 oz
  • Water-Resistance: 80 minutes

If you want a sunscreen that you’re excited to incorporate into your morning routine, look no further. With its whipped cream-inspired packaging, it’s a whimsical way to start your morning. You won’t forget it, that’s for sure. And I’ve tried this one myself (as well as other sunscreens from the brand) so I can assure you: it’s not just a gimmick. Yes, it went viral on TikTok, but the actual sunscreen is a creamy, easy-to-apply texture. None of the stickiness you associate with the sweet treat that it’s inspired by.

My only warning: keep this one on your shelf and out of your day bag. The spray nozzle is a little volatile—something I learned the hard way when it exploded in my bag. Keep it in a cool, dry place.

  • Key Ingredients: Homosalate, Octocrylene, Octisalate, Avobenzone, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
  • Type of Protection: Chemical
  • SPF: 30
  • Size: 4 fl oz
  • Water-Resistance: 80 minutes
Neutrogena Body Sunscreen

When SPF 50 doesn’t cut it, a 70 SPF sunscreen is your next go-to. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch is a fantastic high SPF sunscreen that goes on smooth and doesn’t feel greasy at all. This lotion also has a subtle, fresh scent (we love!) and the price can’t be beat. If you’re looking for a high SPF sunscreen, be sure to pick this up on your next Target run!

  • Key Ingredients: Avobenzone, Homosalate, Octisalate, Octocrylene, 
  • Type of Protection: Chemical
  • SPF: 70
  • Size: 3 fl oz, also available in a spray
  • Water-Resistance: 80 minutes
Legs in pool

Other Body Sunscreens to Consider

Kopari Sun Shield Body Glow Gel

Somewhere between a lotion and an oil is a gel. If you’re seeking something iridescent, this Kopari gel shimmers when it catches the light to create a glowy effect while protecting your skin. It acts as a serum, sun protectant, and glow oil without any tackiness and residue buildup. It absorbs fast to prevent transfer and oiliness, making it sweat-free and perfect for oilier skin.

EltaMD UV Pure Broad-Spectrum SPF 47

I’m an Elta MD fan because, like many lovers of the brand, I had it recommended by a derm. But most people—myself included, until recently—grossly underappreciate its potential as a body sunscreen. Formulated for the face and body, it’s gentle and fuss-free. For sensitive skin, eczema, or easily irritated skin, this is a great pick.

CeraVe Hydrating Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50 Body Lotion

You can’t go wrong with CeraVe. For anyone with sensitive skin, or just seeking a simple but effective sun solution, CeraVe’s mineral sunscreen physically shields your skin while deeply hydrating your skin barrier. Its ceramide-rich formula makes it a powerful moisturizer, while hyaluronic acid hydrates for all-day softness. Experience no irritation as this formula creates a protective barrier around your skin to reflect UVA and UVB rays.

Sun Bum Original SPF 50 Sunscreen Lotion

Approved by The Skin Cancer Foundation, this sunscreen is by beach bums, for beach bums. If you spend a lot of time in this sun, this creamy coverage offers hydration and protection. Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, helps prevent premature aging and damage from environmental stressors. All this comes in one affordable package, lining the shelves at your local drugstore, waiting for you to make it a summer staple.

Black Girl Sunscreen for Face and Body

The white cast on many body sunscreens is especially problematic for anyone with more melanated skin. For people with darker skin tones, physical sunscreens have historically been out of the question. We either have to deal with a super obvious white film or forgo sunscreen. (Perhaps this is what perpetuated the myth that melanin-rich skin doesn’t even need sunscreen.) But don’t believe it! Darker skin does need sun protection. And finally, brands like Black Girl Sunscreen are creating quality, hydrating products for the face and body that shield your skin without leaving any white residue behind.

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8 Easy-to-Wear Ways to Ace Tenniscore, Spring’s It Fashion Trend



Blame Zendaya. As a child of the 90s, I’m here for just about every trend resurgence (minus low-rise pants.) But as a person who has never picked up a racket, the tennis fashion trend—or, tenniscore—just wasn’t for me. Until Zendaya. The undeniable style icon recently epitomized the trend on the red carpet with stylist Law Roach to promote her movie Challengers, showcasing outfits that seamlessly blend athleticism with glamour. You could not look away.

How To Style the Tennis Fashion Trend

The tennis fashion trend has made a dramatic resurgence in recent years, largely fueled by the nostalgia for 90s trends and a few key celebrity endorsements that have thrust the sporty chic aesthetic back into the limelight. (Not to mention the pickleball craze.) But good news for us norms, this resurgence isn’t just about looking good on the tennis court—it’s about incorporating those clean lines, crisp whites, and functional beauty into everyday wear.

We can’t all be Zendya on the red carpet, but we can look real cute integrating the trend into a casual wardrobe that serves both style and comfort. Read on for eight easy-to-wear pieces that capture the tennis fashion trend perfectly—call ’em a grand slam.

The Pleated Tennis Skirt

A staple of the tennis world, pleated skirts have crossed over as a fashion favorite. Opt for a high-waisted, mini, or midi version in classic white—or go bold with fun colors.

How to Style: Pair it with a tucked-in graphic tee and sneakers for a casual, sporty look.

A Classic Polo Shirt

The classic polo shirt is an enduring symbol in both tennis fashion and casual wear. It was introduced by the French tennis icon René Lacoste in the late 1920s, but it’s made a lasting impression thanks to its cool blend of sporty vibes and laid-back chic. Wear it on the court—or out for coffee.

How to Style: Pair it with a tennis skirt for the obvious look. Or pull on slouchy jeans and a braided belt for a more relaxed vibe.

Caro Daur - Classic Polo Shirt Outfit
Caro Daur

Sporty Sneakers

White sneakers are the cornerstone of tennis fashion. They’re easy to wear and truly never go out of style. The fun part is choosing a new pair. Chunky soles? Slim design? Color pop? It all works.

How to Style: Wear with anything from dresses to denim for a comfortable, all-day vibe. Pair with a slouchy, frilled, or colored sock for a more styled look.

HOKA® Bondi 8 Sneakers

Varsity Cardigan or Sweater

Varsity jackets, sweaters, and cardigans capture that cool, collegiate vibe that tennis fashion is known for, mixing a classic preppy look with sporty practicality.

How to Style: Layer over a crop top and high-waisted jeans for an effortless ensemble.

sporty and rich varsity jacket
Sporty & Rich

Sun Visor

You know this one. It’s the accessory seen across many a theme park back in the day. The 90s-style accessory is perfect for sunny days—and cool looks.

How to Style: It’s all about the hair. Try it with a high pony or big, voluminous curls.

Track Pants

A big welcome back to the track pants that defined my junior high school years. They’re comfortable and trending—and that side stripe is a classic.

How to Style: Put a more modern spin on these babies with a cropped tee and white sneakers.

Athletic Dresses

The athletic dress has been making waves for a few years, but this one-piece look is one of the easiest ways to add tennis-inspired style to your wardrobe. They’re everything we love: both functional and fashionable.

How to Style: Accessorize with a denim jacket and statement sneakers for an easy day out.

Retro 90s-Inspired Sunglasses

No tennis-inspired look is compete without sunnies. Think bold, geometric shapes that are typical of the 90s era.

How to Style: Pop ’em on and go. Perfect for adding an air of mystery (and also, practicality) to any sporty look.

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The Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese, According to a Nutritionist



As a vegetarian, I’m always on the lookout for good sources of plant-based protein. I’m not into protein powders or bars that are packed with weird ingredients just for the sake of hitting a protein number. This means that I have to plan my meals to prioritize protein with wholesome ingredients that are as delicious as they are healthful. On my power player list? Eggs, Icelandic yogurt, chocho bean protein, tofu, lentils, and my hero ingredient lately—cottage cheese. I always have a tub of cottage cheese at the ready for both sweet and savory meals. But with all the debate about dairy, I sometimes wonder—is cottage cheese as “healthy” as I think?

So, I asked our resident nutritionist and wellness editor Edie Horstman for her take on the cottage cheese trend. She shared a bit more with me about the health benefits of cottage cheese, how to incorporate it into a balanced diet, and what to look for when you’re at the store.

benefits of cottage cheese

Key Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese:

Cottage cheese is a versatile and economical bang for your nutrition buck! It’s an excellent source of high-quality protein (especially if you prioritize organic cottage cheese), calcium, and vitamin B12. It’s also relatively low in calories and fat, making it a great addition to a well-rounded diet. It’s also naturally gluten-free and vegetarian. These are the top health benefits of cottage cheese:

1. Helps build and repair muscles

Cottage cheese is a complete protein source — meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. These are required for building and repairing muscles — making it an ideal ingredient for anyone, especially athletes, pregnant women, and literally anyone looking to increase their muscle mass!

2. Promotes bone health

CC is a reliable source of dietary calcium, helping maintain strong bones and teeth. 1 cup of cottage cheese = almost 140 mg of calcium, which is about 14% of the recommended daily intake for adults.

3. Supports the immune system

Chock-full of vit B12, cottage cheese supports a healthy immune system. Vitamin B12 also helps with the production of red blood cells and DNA — particularly helpful for pregnant women!

4. Aids in weight management

Because it’s high in protein, cottage cheese is a fantastic food to include in your diet (whether or not you’re trying to lose weight). If you choose full-fat cottage cheese, its protein and fat content makes it particularly satisfying.

cottage cheese

Is cottage cheese a good source of protein?

Yes! More so than Greek yogurt. Comparing a 1:1 serving of 3/4 cup, cottage cheese has at least 5 more grams of protein than Greek yogurt. Cottage cheese is also a great source of leucine (a branch-chain amino acid or BCAA). This is important because some experts say that leucine is the most crucial BCAA for energy during workouts and muscle growth.

And so long as you’re not intolerant to dairy, cottage cheese bodes well in both vegetarian and omnivore diets.

The best cottage cheese to buy

I haven’t found a brand I like more than Good Culture! The consistency, creaminess, and quality of ingredients check all the marks. For the average consumer, ideally they’re buying organic cottage cheese / dairy. As mentioned, Good Culture also makes a lactose-free cottage cheese which is great for those with an intolerance to lactose.

cottage cheese toast

How to Use Cottage Cheese:

Sky’s the limit! You can sub it for Greek yogurt in a parfait / yogurt bowl or chicken salad, whisk it into fluffy scrambled eggs, use it in egg muffins, toss it into a smoothie for more protein, make a dip with it, or dollop a few scoops on a salad for creaminess and more protein. I’ve also seen people make a high-protein mac and cheese and even sub it for ricotta in lasagna or stuffed shells.

I feel like people either love or hate cottage cheese, but for those who are sus, I recommend tossing it into a blender to make a smoothie or dip…because blending it makes the consistency creamy and not lumpy (which deters a lot of people from eating it!). 

Looking for inspiration on new ways to incorporate cottage cheese into your diet? Here are a few cottage cheese recipes I’m loving lately:

soft scrambled eggs with pesto from spoon fork bacon

Best Recipe Ideas for Adding Cottage Cheese to Your Diet

Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs

This has been my go to breakfast for the last few months and it hits the spot every time. Crack your eggs into a bowl with a serving of cottage cheese and mix together. Add to your pan and gently stir in the pan until the eggs scramble. It’s a little cheesey, savory, and so satisfying. I like to serve alongside some sauteed kale in the mornings, and top with salsa, hot sauce, or something savory like pesto.

Savory Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

A soft boiled egg, chili oil, fresh herbs, and maybe a crusty piece of bread are all part of the winning formula that is a savory breakfast bowl that packs as much flavor as it does protein.

Honey and Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

While I prefer my cottage cheese savory, I like to use it to supplement my sweet breakfast bowls with cottage cheese. Blending a little cottage cheese with greek yogurt, then topping with seasonal fruit, crunchy nuts or granola, and a little honey is the perfect way to make this a sweet breakfast.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

I actually really love making pancakes for breakfast on days I work from home. Pancakes on their own can just feel like a heavy and sugar packed breakfast. But using more wholesome recipes like this one or just adding some blended cottage cheese to a ready made protein mix in place of an egg is perfect. Or, I like adding a spoon of cottage cheese on top of pancakes with a ton of fruit and hemp seeds. It’s perfection.

yogurt toast_filling breakfast ideas

Cottage Cheese Toast

While I love avocado toast, avocados don’t actually have much protein (only about 3g per whole avocado). So for a more satiating breakfast, I like to do a cottage cheese toast and load it up with all my favorite toppings. Whether sweet for a protein packed version of Camille’s Yogurt and Banana toast, or savory and topped with crunchy cucumbers and herbs, the options are endless.

Savory Cottage Cheese Dip

There’s nothing I love more than a snack plate that can be assembled in fives minutes when I’m working from home and am slammed with meetings. For a well rounded and balanced plate that satisfies all my cravings, I’ll often pull together chopped vegetables, something crunchy like my favorite chips or crackers, a handful of pistachios or marcona almonds, and a bowl of cottage cheese. Blended or just mixed with a little olive oil, a generous sprinkling of za’atar, or big spoon of chili crisp, it’s the perfect protein packed dip that is as satisfying as it is delicious.

Mac and Cottage Cheese

I’m not gonna lie, I love a boxed mac and cheese when I don’t feel like cooking. It’s the perfect way to eat something I enjoy while making it a bit more healthy. A boxed version like Banza or other protein pasta makes a great base. Add a spoon of cottage cheese to the cooked pasta with seasonal vegetables and hot sauce and you’ve got a healthful yet delicious protein packed mac and cheese.

Cottage Cheese Lasagna

I actually grew up with my dad making lasagna with cottage cheese so this feels very nostalgic to me. Instead of ricotta or used in tandem with, cottage cheese is an easy addition to any lasagna recipe that makes it a little more healthful.

easy skillet lasagna with eggplant-one pot dinner-barilla

Cottage Cheese Frozen Berry Cheesecake Bites

Consider this my no-recipe recipe dessert. Add a tub of cottage cheese with some fresh berries to a blender with a bit of honey and salt. Then pour the blended mix into a silicone ice cube tray and let freeze. Melt some dark chocolate with a little bit of coconut oil, and dip each of the frozen “cheesecake” bites into the melted chocolate. Set each cube on a parchment lined plate in the fridge until the chocolate has set, then store in an airtight freezer container. They’re poppable, delicious, and the perfect afternoon or evening sweet treat that packs a little protein too.

Cottage Cheese Ice Cream

You might remember the cottage cheese ice cream trend from a few months ago. I’ve tried a few different variations and have found that versions with fruit taste better and have better texture. I also find that cottage cheese ice cream tastes better the same and next day, rather than a few days later for the best texture.

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