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Multiculturalism and Convivencia in Medieval Sicily ~ Robin Reich



Hello everyone, in this episode the wonderful and talented PhD Candidate Robin Reich guides us through the controversial term Convivencia, an inaccurate documentary called “The Ornament of the World” and then slowly turns us to Medieval Sicily and the complicated and fascinating society that grew out of Norman Sicily and especially under King Roger II of Sicily.

From discussing the complications of classifying groups and looking into divisions within various factions the Medieval world as we know it begins to become even more complicated as these Normans blend the Islamic, Latin and Orthodox world.

Check out Robin and her awesome work at these great sites!





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Attribution: Music Attribution: Darren Curtis
Free To Use Gregorian Chant Music Royalty Free “Camelot Monastery.”

Video Map is done by none other than Ollie Bye.

The Ornament of the World PREVIEW


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  1. @studyofantiquityandthemidd4449

    April 7, 2020 at 6:01 pm

    What are your thoughts involving the presentation above and the complicated subjects that we discuss? To support Robin Reich check out the links to her work in the video description above and to support the channel check out the links below!

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    *Dislaimer, the link above is an affiliate link which means we will earn a generous commission from your magnificent purchase, just another way to help out the channel!

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  2. @pui668

    April 8, 2021 at 8:41 am

    This interview is very profound and clear! it helps me tremendously as I have to learn about cultural interactivity in one of my uni courses! thank you!

  3. @matthewmann8969

    April 27, 2021 at 5:21 am

    Yup lots of groups lived and traded and bought and sold and delivered and handled and picked up with another

  4. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 9:32 am

    And then there was the 'fitna' the discord, after the fall of Cordova and the Taifas or petty states that rose with the fall of the Caliphate. The rulers of the Taifas had nothing in common with each other other than the fact that each wanted to grab power for himself.

  5. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 9:32 am

    Almost comical.

  6. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 9:36 am

    The question, for me, is not how the Muslims ruled for so long, but rather how it was that it took the Christians so long to prevail, could it be that it took that long or the Christians to get tired of killing each other? or did it have to do with the taking of Moorish castles, and moorish wives, and siring children, half moor, half Christian, with divided loyalties, and less than singleminded aggression toward people they were now related to….or allied with?

  7. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 9:39 am

    Regarding non compliant Christias, there is a Chinese saying, 'kill the chicken to warn the monkey'.

  8. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 9:49 am

    What would Chomsky say about th elanguages of convivencia in Sicily?

  9. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 9:51 am

    Sicilia Citrafarum et ultrafarum.

  10. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 10:36 am

    Weren't the Sicilians merely sawed-off Andalusians?

  11. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 10:37 am

    Brilliany video!

  12. @allanhunnicutt8887

    September 28, 2021 at 10:40 am

    What about the Gonzagas and Teminis?

  13. @michaelandrew964

    December 2, 2021 at 5:13 pm

    Were not Robert and Roger asked by the Lombard residents to help get rid of the Byzantines in Apulia and Calabria?

  14. @michaelandrew964

    December 2, 2021 at 5:13 pm

    Were not Robert and Roger asked by the Lombard residents to help get rid of the Byzantines in Apulia and Calabria?

  15. @dylanpilcheruniverse6515

    December 21, 2021 at 9:01 am

    Bravo that was fascinating !!!!

  16. @janetlittle9817

    March 18, 2022 at 11:44 am

    Very knowledgable and interesting.

  17. @silvanafioretti7133

    May 11, 2022 at 9:56 am

    The Swabian king of Sicily, Frederick II called "Stupor Mundi" (wonder of the world); was a charismatic figure of his time (13th century); man of great culture (he spoke six languages), fond in art, literature, architecture, anatomy and more; even excellent diplomatic and politician! Check on yt: "Frederick II liked a strange, mysteriuos geometry"

  18. @floydmiller308

    June 12, 2022 at 4:19 am

    Robin I got some information about the black death and I want to contact u if u can cause I think u be interested in real facts and proof please email me my friend is generous enough to use his email.

  19. @romandarius6041

    June 20, 2022 at 5:37 pm

    Dire Noooo alla migrazione sostituativa.
    La meta' dei giovani africani vuole venire in Europa

  20. @robertoprestigiacomo253

    June 25, 2022 at 4:46 am

    The short mention about Frederich the II wasn't very accurate. In the end he was the closest to Roger the II, he did great, he tried to restore the multiculturalism that Roger II established, and he felt Sicily as his own place to the point that he chose to be buried in Palermo when he died.

  21. @robertbarras7893

    May 7, 2023 at 9:05 am

    The Manor in which she dismissed Roger I and his Brother Robert Guiscards commitment to latin Christianity is not reflected in Historical reality ! Was Robert not invested as ruler of Sicily by the pope long before he ever set foot on the island in a deliberate ploy by the pope to make Guiscard re-conquer the island for Christianity. Also the Greek Orthodox population very much identified Robert Guiscard and Roger I as Christian saviours from the Islamic yoke of the Emirs, let's not forget the Islamic occupation of Sicily was not benign, for example the entire Christian population of Enna was put to death by the Muslims when that city eventually fell to them. Point of fact Ibn Al Timnah who invited the Norman's to assist him in the civil war, was not betrayed by the Guiscard or Roger, he was in fact killed in battle by his chief Muslim rival Ibn Al Hawas. The inclination of commentator to be dismissive of all the positive attributes of the Norman conquerors and their hugely positive effect on the lives culture and architecture, dismissing it as some form European colonial cultural appropriation is entirely a false narrative which bares no Historical scrutiny. Probably some sort of anti Christian / western agenda is being promoted which is sad and a shame to try to deliberately malign the the unquestionably great achievements of such great Historical figures.

  22. @claudemontalbano3381

    September 8, 2023 at 11:48 am

    Il ne faut pas exagérer le multi-culturalisme des Rois Normands! Ceux- ci n'avaient eu de respect que pour la civilisation arabe. Après avoir combattu et tué férocement nombre de musulmans( dont la célèbre bataille de Cerami où 35 000 soldats furent tués), les Normands les ont progressivement chassés de Sicile, dont et surtout Frederic II, avant que les Rois Catholiques d'Espagne n'ordonnent l'expulsion des Juifs en 1492 achevant l'épuration ethnique de l'île.

  23. @trioguitar

    October 2, 2023 at 5:13 am

    As interesting as this discussion is, there are a surprising number of inaccuracies here. Just as one example, quite obviously William II was NOT a nephew of Roger II (he was a grandson). Also some of the speculation is a little bit out there. For example, at one point the expert wonders how someone like Roger II and his immediate family viewed themselves. Did they themselves as French? or Norwegian? Given 1131 is some 220 years after Rollo was granted land in Northern France, I think we can safely surmise that the siculo-Norman kings did NOT view themselves as being Norwegian!!

  24. @gabrielleangelica1977

    November 24, 2023 at 11:22 pm

    Her information is flawed and inaccurate. You didn't ask the tough questions. Perhaps because you have little knowledge of the subject…

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