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How to Create a Healthy Mind + Body Cleanse Routine




Feeling tired, bloated, stressed, and not the best version of yourself? 

It may be time to press the reset button with a mind and body cleanse. 

Processed foods, food additives and preservatives, unhealthy oils, medications, body care products, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, and pollution in our air and water can all contribute to the daily toxin load our bodies deal with. 

Scientists are now finding evidence of microscopic particles of plastic in human blood. And we’re only beginning to learn how this modern toxin can affect our health. 

What we do know is that “microplastics” act as endocrine disruptors, which cause chaos for our hormones. They’ve also been linked to a range of other health issues, including lung damage, inflammation, cell and mitochondrial damage (the cell’s energy center), and certain cancers. Microplastics also cause the body to accumulate other toxins and heavy metals, which harm the good bacteria in our guts and play a major role in our immune function, mood, and ability to absorb nutrients (1). 

Microplastics are only one of possible thousands of toxins our body deals with on a daily basis. 

Combine the stresses of everyday life with too much time on our laptops and phones, and that’s when we start to feel sick and run down. Besides fatigue, toxins over time may cause allergies, digestive and skin issues, weight gain, and brain fog. 

That’s why working a cleanse into your daily routine might be a good idea. It may help the body’s ability to cleanse itself while giving our cells, organs, and tissues a chance to heal and repair. After a cleanse, you could feel lighter and more energized. Some find it clears their skin, improves their digestion, lifts brain fog, and sheds excess pounds. Results are unique for everyone, but in this day and age, it’s becoming an essential part of self-care.

Where Should You Begin? 

In this article, we’ll explore how to create a healthy mind and body cleanse routine that works for you. You’ll also learn how herbs, like those found in Flor•Essence® by Flora, can help support your body’s own cleansing organs* while making a cleanse easy and gentle.

To get the most benefits from our cleanse, we can’t ignore our mental health. It’s no secret that stress can affect our mental and physical health and lead to symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, aches and pains, and digestive issues.

Focusing on both your mental and physical health can help you create a cleanse plan that leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Let’s get started!

How to Design Your Mind + Body Cleanse Plan

When designing a healthy mind-and-body cleanse routine, it’s important to create a plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. 

There Are 4 Parts to an Effective Mind + Body Cleansing Plan:

  • Nourishment (Healthy Food + Herbs)
  • Hydration
  • Movement
  • Meditation/Mindfulness
  • Rest

By combining these elements, you can create an effective cleansing routine that fits your own unique needs and goals. 

Here are some tips to help you get started!

Set Realistic Goals

Before you begin your cleanse, it’s important to set realistic goals for yourself. 

This will help you stay motivated and on track throughout the process. 

Start by asking yourself what you want to achieve through your cleanse. 

  • Are you looking to boost your energy levels
  • Improve your digestion?
  • Clear your head?
  • Feel more refreshed and rejuvenated? 

Once you have a clear idea of your goals, you can begin to design a plan that will help you achieve them. Starting too aggressively in the beginning will make it easier for you to want to quit. 

Intensive cleanses can last 2 weeks or longer. But you can start with 3 to 5 days and see how you feel. It should also fit into your schedule. 

Aim to do a cleanse 2 to 4 times a year.

Personalizing Your Approach: Do What Feels Right For You

By designing a cleanse plan tailored to your individual needs and goals, you can set yourself up for success to achieve the health and wellness outcomes you desire.

There are many different types of cleanses out there, from juice cleanses to raw food cleanses to herbal cleanses. While some of these may work well for certain individuals, they may not be the best fit for everyone. That’s why it’s important to personalize your approach based on your individual needs and preferences.

One way to do this is to cut junk food and sugar while simply focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods that will nourish your body and support your overall health. This might include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. 

Be sure to incorporate stress-reducing practices like yoga or meditation, as well as plenty of rest and relaxation for a full-body cleansing routine. 

Don’t forget the importance of a healthy sleep routine, where you’re getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day. Sleep helps your body grow and repair and is important for immunity and brain health (2).

Make a Nourishing Meal Plan

When it comes to creating a healthy mind and body cleansing routine, it is essential to start with the right nutritional foundations. Planning out healthy meals in advance can help keep you on track with your goals.

During a cleanse be sure to avoid:

  • Refined flour
  • Junk food
  • Industrial seed oils (canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed)
  • Preservatives, artificial flavors, and food additives
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine (reduce slowly to avoid a headache or withdrawal symptoms)

Detoxifying foods to include in your cleanse routine are:

  • Leafy greens: These vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, which can help support liver function and promote healthy digestion. Bitter greens like arugula and dandelion are especially beneficial since they help stimulate bile production. Bile helps remove waste and toxins from the body and boosts the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and compounds, including sulfuranes and glucosinolates, that can support detoxification in the body. They’re also rich in fiber, which can help remove toxins along the digestive tract.
  • Berries: Berries are rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins, increase kidney flow and can help protect against cellular damage and support immune function.
  • Garlic: Contains sulfur compounds and antioxidants like allicin that support immune function and cleansing. It’s believed garlic may help to reduce lead in the body and promote cleansing of the liver and kidneys.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms are full of powerful antioxidants, immune-boosting compounds, and are effective heavy metal chelators even when cooked. Mushrooms like Turkey Tail and Lion’s Mane are also adaptogens – botanicals that balance the response to stress.
  • Fermented Foods: Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and miso are foods that are rich in probiotics and feed our guts with beneficial bacteria. These good gut bugs nourish and protect the gut lining while binding to pollutants and neutralizing toxins (3).

Making smoothies can be a quick and easy way to get a lot of nutrients in a convenient package.

Your body needs a variety of essential nutrients to function properly, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that also support your body’s natural detoxification processes.

Some key nutrients to focus on during a cleanse include:

  • Vitamin C: This powerful antioxidant can help support immune function and protect against oxidative damage.
  • Vitamin E: Another potent antioxidant, vitamin E, can help protect against cellular damage and support healthy skin and hair.
  • Zinc: This mineral is essential for immune function and can help support healthy digestion and metabolism.
  • Selenium: This trace mineral can help protect against oxidative damage and support healthy thyroid function.

In addition to essential nutrients, certain foods can support your body’s natural detoxification processes. Make sure you’re getting essential nutrients.

Boost Your Cleanse with the Power of Herbs

Herbs are nutritional powerhouses that naturally support our body’s own cleansing systems, including the skin, liver, kidneys, digestive system, and lymph. They’ve been used worldwide for centuries to nourish cells and encourage the body’s natural ability to cleanse itself.

For example, milk thistle and dandelion root are known for their liver-supporting properties. Ginger and turmeric can support healthy digestion and are rich in powerful antioxidants. Cilantro is a wonderful herb for pushing heavy metals out of the body.

There are so many wonderful herbs out there, and it can get confusing which ones to take and at which times. Our favorite solution is Flor•Essence Tea from Flora for an easy, all-in-one body cleanse that combines the benefits of various cleansing herbs in one product. 

An organic liquid blend of eight powerful herbs, it’s designed to nourish cells while encouraging the cleansing of cells, tissues, and organs gently, but powerfully. 

Flor•Essence® includes eight organic nourishing beneficial herbs, including:

  1. Burdock root
  2. Rhubarb
  3. Sheep sorrel
  4. Slippery elm bark
  5. Watercress
  6. Blessed thistle
  7. Red clover
  8. Kelp

Inspired by a historic Native American Ojibwe tea blend, there is a wealth of traditional knowledge surrounding the herbal ingredients used in Flor•Essence. 

Made with certified organic ingredients, the cleansing herbs in Flor•Essence® work to:

  • Support the liver and kidneys*
  • Reduce excess fluids.*
  • Increase energy levels.*
  • Normalize digestion while reducing gas and bloating.*
  • Nourish the body with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients
  • Support the immune system.*
  • Protect the body from free radical damage with antioxidants.*

It’s also gluten-free, Kosher, non-GMO and vegan-friendly.

How To Take Flor•Essence®

A bottle of Flor-Essence next to a full mug of tea.A bottle of Flor-Essence next to a full mug of tea.

Flor•Essence comes in a glass jar and has a pleasant, herbal tea flavor with just some mild bitterness.

Simply add 2 ounces of the Flor•Essence to 2 ounces of warmed water and drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before eating. That’s it!

You can take it before breakfast or sip it right before bed to encourage cleansing while you sleep.

For a more intensive cleanse, take Flor•Essence 3 times a day.

If you’re looking for extra immune support, opt for Flor•Essence with Turkey Tail. It’s based on the original Flor•Essence recipe, but has the fruiting body of turkey tail mushroom extract and turmeric for extra antioxidants and immune support.

The fruiting body is the top part of the mushroom where most of its beneficial compounds are contained.

Turkey tail is especially rich in special antioxidant compounds called beta-glucans, which have been shown to support immune health (4). 

Turkey tail is also a rich source of prebiotics, which are vital for a healthy gut (5). One study found that taking an extract of turkey tail mushrooms over eight weeks led to beneficial changes in gut bacteria (6). 

Believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidant-rich superfoods on earth, turmeric is a powerful food that has been thoroughly studied in over 12,500 peer-reviewed articles. It’s often used to support healthy digestion and support liver health. 

It’s best to use Flor•Essence or Flor•Essence with Turkey Tail for at least four weeks, but even two weeks is beneficial. It’s gentle enough for everyday use and cleansing support.

Add in Movement 

Exercise is an essential part of a healthy cleanse routine. Moving helps detoxify the body by increasing blood flow and lymphatic circulation. It also helps you work up a sweat, which is another way toxins are released from the body. 

As a bonus, physical activity also releases endorphins, which can help boost your mood, reduce stress, help you sleep better, and make you feel better overall (7).

During a cleanse, it’s best to stick to easy and lower-impact exercises to eliminate extra stress on the body.

Here are some great options:

  • Walking: Recent research has shown that walking is one of the best forms of exercise for stress relief and overall wellness.
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Weight Training
  • Rebounding: This is a fun trampoline exercise that is great for the lymphatic system (8).
  • Pilates: Pilates is a mat-friendly, low-impact exercise form that increases strength and flexibility while building muscle.
  • Yoga: Yoga can help you improve your flexibility, balance, and strength. It can also be great for relaxation and stress relief. Yin yoga is a style focused on flexibility, improved circulation, and tension release, which is a wonderful choice for a restorative practice during a cleanse.

Whatever you do, exercise in ways that you enjoy and that are appropriate for your fitness level.

Aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. 

Make Hydration a Priority

Drinking clean, filtered water throughout the day is essential during a cleanse.

Water supports your cleanse by helping nutrients and oxygen flow freely throughout the body and supporting the kidneys and other organs in removing waste products.

Make sure to hydrate throughout the day and consider adding in some beverages like:

  • Herbal teas: Many herbal teas have nourishing and detoxifying properties and can help support overall health and wellness.
  • Infused Water: Adding fresh lemon juice, cucumber, herbs, or slices of fresh fruit to your water can help support digestion and promote healthy skin and hair. It can also make drinking your water more tasty.
  • Coconut water: Rich in electrolytes like potassium, sodium, magnesium, and antioxidants, coconut water can help replenish the body’s fluids. It’s high in sugar, so drink in moderation.

Aim to drink enough water so your urine is clear. A good rule of thumb is to drink ½ your weight in ounces per day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink at least 75 ounces of water per day. 

If you live in a dry climate, sweat a lot, or are active, you may need more. Always listen to your body.

Unplug from Technology

Digital devices, including your smartphone and laptop, can be a source of stress and anxiety. 

Taking a break from tech and doing a “digital cleanse” can help your brain relax, which reduces stress and improves mental health. It can also help you sleep better.

Here are some tips for a digital detox:

  • Set Time Boundaries: Set specific times to not use your phone or computer.
  • Create Tech-Free Home Zones: Designate areas in your home where technology isn’t allowed, such as your bedroom or dining room table.
  • Take a Break From Social Media: A 2018 University of Pennsylvania study found a one-week break from social media may significantly reduce anxiety, depression and improve overall well-being (9). 
  • Shut Down Electronics Before Sleep: Give your brain a chance to unwind from technology for at least an hour before heading to bed. Up to two hours is ideal.

If you can’t step away completely because of work, set aside time during the day to “detox” your brain from screen time.

Set Aside Time For Meditation and Mindfulness

Less stress means a healthier body. 

One way to improve the mind-body connection is through mindfulness practices. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. And it helps calm the mind and body.

To incorporate mindfulness into your mind-body cleanse routine, try practicing meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga. These practices can help you become more aware of your body and mind, and can help you develop a greater sense of calm and relaxation.

Meditation has been proven by science to calm our body while reducing stress, depression, and anxiety and improving sleep (10). Studies have shown that meditation can also help with pain and boost creativity.

It may seem intimidating to beginners, but it’s so easy to do and quite effective. In its simplest form, meditating is all about sitting quietly, focusing your attention on your breathing, and being in the present moment. Even a few minutes a day can make a big difference.

To begin, get in a comfortable position lying down or sitting (cross-legged on the floor or in a chair) and close your eyes. When thoughts arise, simply notice them and let them pass without judgment. You can picture them inside a balloon flying away in the sky. Then, bring your focus back to your breath again. Repeat if necessary.

Here are some other Meditative techniques to try including:

  • Guided Meditation: Guided meditations are perfect for beginners and can include these styles, a mix and many others. There are dozens of free meditation apps or meditation videos on YouTube to try out.
  • Body Scan Meditation: Focus on each part of your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. 
  • Spend Time in Nature
  • Journal

There’s no wrong way to meditate and don’t worry if you find you can’t seem to settle down. With practice your mind will quiet down more quickly. Ten minutes a day is a good place to start. 

By incorporating these mental and emotional purification techniques into your daily routine, you can reduce stress and improve your mood while supporting a healthy mind and body cleanse.

Key Takeaways

  • Some people like to start off the New Year with a cleanse as a way to start building healthy habits. But with everything we’re exposed to every day in modern life, cleansing shouldn’t only be a once-a-year thing. 
  • For a full body cleanse, focus on clean eating, hydration, movement, and nourishing your body with cleansing herbs that support your body’s cleansing organs. 
  • With eight cleansing herbs, Flor•Essence is a popular and effective all-in-one herbal cleansing formula that can simplify your cleanse with a tasty tea that’s easy to incorporate into any routine. If you need extra immune support, try Flor•Essence with Turkey Tail and Turmeric.*
  • Exercise and drinking lots of water will keep your blood flowing and your tissues hydrated and encourage your body to push out toxins.
  • Be sure to tend to your mental and emotional health and incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation, journaling and spending time in nature.


Flor•Essence® Tea is a powerful yet gentle herbal detoxifier that will supercharge your health and wellbeing.* For extra immune support try Flor•Essence® Tea with Turkey Tail and Turmeric*

 ➡ Visit to order today.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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18 Avocado Recipes to Enjoy Year-Round



If there’s one thing I’ve gained from adulthood, it’s a love for many of the foods I shied away from as a kid. Exhibit A: Avocados—one of the most mouthwatering foods that nature has bestowed on us. Thanks to their versatility and vibrant color, avocados have gone viral over the past few years—and I’m fully on board. The only problem? I want to include avocados in almost every single meal I make! Thankfully, the Camille Styles team is full of avocado obsessives—and have stopped at nothing to incorporate the fruit into as many dishes as we can dream up.

So grab your ripest avocado from the fruit bowl and see just how many ways you can transform one ingredient. Possibilities: endless.

18 of the Best Avocado Recipes on the Internet

When it comes to avocado recipes, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. This fruit can be paired with anything from bright and tangy citruses to fresh fish. Additionally, avocados pack plenty of goodness like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as magnesium and potassium. Delicious and nutrient-dense? We love.

So, if you have a spare avocado lying around your kitchen waiting to be prepared, let’s get into it!

avocado caprese salad

Avocado Caprese Salad

Why We Love It: If I’m hosting, any caprese salad will find itself on my menu. It’s partially due to the ease of throwing this salad together, but I also love (re: adore) this flavor combination. Add an avocado to the mix, and I’m sold. The creamy bite is the perfect complement to vine-ripened tomatoes and big tears of burrata.

Hero Ingredient: There’s nothing that’s not made better with a small sprinkle of flaky salt. This salad included.

spicy tuna tostadas

Spicy Tuna Tostadas

Why We Love It: I can’t get enough of these tuna tostadas, inspired by Camille’s visit to Contramar in Mexico City. The avocado in this recipe balances a blend of spicy and savory flavors. From fresh jalapeños to crispy shallots, this recipe has it all.

Hero Ingredient: The chipotle aioli spread on the tortilla brings these tostadas to the next level.

smoky and spicy cauliflower salad

Smoky and Spicy Cauliflower Salad

Why We Love It: When our food editor, Suruchi, first created this recipe, I was immediately hooked by its stunning appearance. After trying it out for myself, I was blown away by the incredible flavor of the spicy cauliflower and roasted chickpeas, complemented perfectly by avocado and creamy feta cheese.

Hero Ingredient: A bit of dill is a flavorful touch to this hearty salad.

grapefruit avocado salad

Grapefruit Avocado Salad

Why We Love It: Fruit salads are always a go-to recipe during the summer months, and this salad is no exception. Paired with a golden turmeric-honey dressing and garnished with fresh herbs, it’s hard not to love these flavors.

Hero Ingredient: Chickpeas keep this salad hearty and full of protein.

avocado toast with kale pesto

Avocado Toast with Kale Pesto

Why We Love It: This isn’t your ordinary avocado toast. While I love the simplicity of plain avocado toast, it’s hard not to turn to this recipe, topped with a bit of homemade kale pesto (I promise it’s not as intimidating as it sounds!) and everything bagel seasoning.

Hero Ingredient: Either thinly sliced cucumber or radishes will add an extra crunch and color to this toast.

chickpea corn and avocado salad_avocado recipes

Chickpea Corn and Avocado Salad

Why We Love It: Avocados are frequently used in Mexican-inspired dishes. Enter this chickpea and avocado salad. With roasted poblano peppers and juice from fresh limes, it’s simple and comes together in a few short steps.

Hero Ingredient: Cilantro gives this salad’s sauce a gorgeous and vibrant green hue.

avocado slaw

Avocado Slaw

Why We Love It: Maybe it’s my southern side, but once I hear the word slaw, I’m sold. This recipe is a twist on the classic, adding heat from a fresh jalapeño and a balanced and creamy texture brought in by the avocado.

Hero Ingredient: The avocado introduces a nice creamy contrast to the crunchy cabbage.

butternut squash with black beans and avocados

Pita Tostadas with Butternut Squash with Black Beans and Avocados

Why We Love It: I could eat tacos and tostadas every week, and this recipe is always one of my favorite varieties. Instead of your typical tortilla, the pita makes for a fluffier base that pairs well with the sweet and savory toppings.

Hero Ingredient: Whenever butternut squash is involved, it’s always the hero ingredient.

lime-y chicken tacos

Lime-y Chicken Tacos with Jicama Avocado Mint

Why We Love It: Like I said, tacos and tostadas are staples in my diet. I’m always looking for new and creative variations, and these tacos with agave-lime chicken are the perfect way to break away from the norm.

Hero Ingredient: As Camille says, “Fresh mint literally makes these tacos, so do not skip it. Unless you hate mint—in which case, go for the cilantro.”

Tomato, Avocado, and Cucumber Sald

Tomato, Avocado, and Cucumber Salad

Why We Love It: Light and fresh with a bit of heat, this avocado and cucumber salad embodies the warmer months. If you’re a bit skeptical about tomatoes in your salad, Camille suggests picking a super-ripe fruit. It’s the key to optimal satisfaction.

Hero Ingredient: A little fresh mozzarella never hurt anyone.

mango, avocado, and feta salad

Mango, Avocado, and Feta Salad

Why We Love It: This salad is perfect for when your body needs a total reset. With a crunchy addition of pistachios and ripe and juicy mangos, it’s the perfect blend of salty and sweet. Plus, the majority—if not all—of the salad toppings are most likely already in your fridge or pantry.

Hero Ingredient: A squeeze of lemon juice lends a little citrusy perfection.

tuna nicoise toast

Tuna Nicoise Toast

Why We Love It: This tuna nicoise toast puts your typical avocado toast to shame. Juicy oven-roasted tomatoes are caramelized to perfection and have a mouth-watering effect when paired with high-quality bread. Sourdough or ciabatta are my go-to picks.

Hero Ingredient: While not a must-have ingredient, kale pesto takes this toast to the next level.

sunday night avocado toast_avocado recipes

Sunday Night Avocado Toast

Why We Love It: I love a quick and easy avocado toast recipe in a pinch, and this toast is just that. With a jammy egg (an ingredient that’s recently become my favorite addition to many dishes), a pinch of everything bagel seasoning, and of course, avocado, this toast is one you can enjoy every morning. Or any time of day. Who’s keeping track?

Hero Ingredient: A squeeze of lime juice. Don’t knock it till you try it!

avocado toast bar

Avocado Toast Bar

Why We Love It: For those looking to level up their avocado toast, check out this inspo for an avocado toast bar. If you have an upcoming brunch or maybe just love going all-out for Sunday morning breakfast, this is the best way to keep every guest happy.

Hero Ingredient: There are so many options to choose from, but crunchy cucumbers are my favorite.

smashed avocado toast_avocado recipes

Smashed Avocado Toast

Why We Love It: This avocado toast will make you feel as if you’re dining at a laid-back cafe enjoying brunch with your closest friends. Inspired by Two Hands NYC, this toast comes together with a drizzle of olive oil and a touch of red chili flakes that enhance the flavor of chunky and smooth mashed avocado.

Hero Ingredient: One of my life hacks for elevated avocado toast is simply adding a poached egg.

corn and avocado salad

Corn and Avocado Salad

Why We Love It: Looking for a side dish to please your guests at every dinner party? There are very few ways to go wrong if you’re preparing this corn and avocado salad. With a crunchy red bell pepper, a bunch of dill, and several ears of fresh corn, you can throw together a delicious appetizer in no time.

Hero Ingredient: A touch of olive oil is key.

roasted beet tostadas with avocado cream, goat cheese, and pepitas

Roasted Beet Tostadas with Avocado Cream, Goat Cheese, and Pepitas

Why We Love It: When a flavor-forward recipe meets visual perfection, you know you have a winning dish. This is one of those quick and easy recipes I love to repeat with any leftovers. It features a to-die-for avocado crema, caramelized roasted beets, and my personal favorite, goat cheese.

Hero Ingredient: A light and fluffy flatbread is the ideal foundation for these stunning tostadas.

roasted beet, avocado, and pistachio salad_avocado recipes

Roasted Beet, Avocado, and Pistachio Salad

Why We Love It: Last but certainly not least, this gorgeous, warm-weather-approved salad. Pro tip: roast extra beets for the tostadas above and make this salad the next day. It’s a great opportunity to give your leftovers new life. And maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but you can never have too much of beets’ beautiful, earthy flavor.

Hero Ingredient: A little bit of citrus brightens up your taste buds.

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8 Tips You Haven’t Tried



Summer is on the horizon, but I’m finally just getting into spring cleaning my life. Honestly, it’s equal parts overwhelming and refreshing. Coming off a busy holiday season straight into lots of events and work travel, I finally had a solid break in my schedule to assess what’s working and what’s not. In addition to my never-ending closet clean-out project and general organization, one thing I really needed to overhaul was my finances. 

Does anyone else get to that point where you check your bank account or credit card statement and you’re like, wait one second, how did this happen? If not, you’re lucky. Between the holidays and travel, I admittedly neglected many personal routines. And finances were one of them. Now, no major cause for concern—I’m not insinuating that I’m in financial peril here. But taking some time to self-reflect gave me the boost I needed to get back on track with a budget and really examine my spending.

Woman typing at computer.

How I’m Approaching My Season of Savings

After reverting back to a plan my financial advisor gave me years ago, I came up with a strategy to ensure I have a good buffer for bills, entertainment, savings, and fun, all while saving extra money where I can. I’m calling this era my season of savings. My mission? To make it fun—not dreadful.

I have three accounts dedicated to monthly goals. So far, with some discipline, it’s been easy. Those accounts are:

  • bills/must-pays
  • my future/savings
  • fun/entertainment/travel

Keep reading for eight tips on how I’m approaching this season of savings. Plus, get insights into how you can apply this strategy to your own life—without feeling restricted.

Woman writing in notebook

Update Subscriptions

After reviewing my credit card statement and Apple Pay account, I realized I had a lot of duplicate and dormant subscriptions. I’m talking $5/month for an Instagram filter app I’ve never used once, or a Spotify subscription AND SiriusXM subscription, when I only really use one. This was a pretty easy fix and one that significantly saves me each month. 

Make it happen: Set aside an hour to review your subscriptions. You can go to your Apple ID in your iPhone, and tap “Subscriptions” to view all your active subscriptions, how much you’re paying, and when they renew. Alternatively, I’ve had lots of friends recommend Rocket Money, which allows you to view all your subscriptions—across all platforms—in one place.

Give My Nails a Break

This one is tough for me because I love getting my nails done. But after years of gel manicures, my nails are feeling the impact. They’ve gotten tissue-thin and brittle and while there’s a bit of debate on whether you should let your nails breathe, this seems like a good time to pause a $100/month habit. 

Make it happen: Consider the naked nails trend. Camille recently posted this glowy nail treatment polish for $16 that strengthens my nails and keeps them looking clean. In between, I’m using this repair keratin serum for $25. Both products cost less than one manicure, so I’m still giving my nails love without the splurge.

Friends at dinner party.

Reframe Happy Hour

I’ve taken a break from drinking. (I’m diving deep into that topic in a future story—stay tuned.) This one was an easier move for me than I thought. Anytime a friend asks if I want to grab a drink or go to happy hour, I try one of a few things: first, offer up a coffee meeting instead. This usually works better for my work schedule anyway, as I work for a west coast company and my days tend to run longer. Plus, a $4 cold brew (where I usually have just one) beats a $15 cocktail (where I usually have at 2+).

Second, rather than go for a drink, I see if we can catch up for a walk or a workout. I try to go for a walk almost every single day whether it’s 3-5 miles or simply a 30-minute, low-key coffee walk, so this is always my favorite way to connect with friends. And if all else fails, my go-to order of sparkling water and lime is always a cheaper option than a drink! 

Make it happen: Happy hour is often our default way to get together with friends. Instead, reflect on other catch-up options that not only allow you to connect, but that let you pour into other high-value activities. Try pairing it with exercise like me, or suggest something else you’ve been dying to do. (Craft night, anyone?)

Meal prep ingredients

Get Creative With Groceries

I didn’t realize how much I was over-buying groceries and sadly wasting a lot of what I purchased. Aside from giving myself a weekly budget, I’ve started to get creative with both what I have on hand already and what I’m buying. In the past, I haven’t been motivated to whip up something creative and instead would splurge on a $20 salad at a local neighborhood spot. Doing that 3-5 times a month adds up quickly, so I’ve made it a fun adventure to use up everything I have to cut costs.

Here’s what that looks like: I’ve taken remaining veggies and sautéed them and topped with an egg and hot sauce for a nourishing bowl. I’ve used leftover ground bison, added a little marinara and a sprinkle of cheese for an Italian-style bake. And all of those packets of tuna that I’ve saved for a rainy, don’t-feel-like-cooking kind of day are the easiest thing to add to a quick seaweed wrap. 

The point is: rather than grabbing a quick salad or sandwich, I use what I’ve got on hand first. Chat GPT has saved me a few times when I’ve typed in ingredients I have on hand to come up with something good to make. 

Make it happen: This is where meal prep is your friend. Camille shares her go-to meal prep strategy here. Stock up on staples and prep them on Sunday to give yourself mix-and-match options that’ll last you the week. (And that you won’t get bored of by Tuesday.)

Use Gift Cards Up! 

Over the years, I’ve gotten a plethora of gift cards from friends and family to restaurants, spas, and stores. And… I almost always forget about using them in the moment and they go unused or worse, expire. Pro tip: Always use restaurant gift cards when you get them. I’ve had two restaurants close over the years and gift cards ultimately went unused. 

Make it happen: My strategy might be a little *extra* but it ensures I use up all my gift cards. I create a spreadsheet with every single gift card, the location, and the dollar amount, plus a note next to who gave it to me. That way, anytime I reach to buy something online and book an appointment, I make sure I’m using a gift card and can send a follow up note to that person reminding them how thankful I was to use it.

While you might not have gift cards laying around, I bet you have emails from brands offering discounts for your birthday/birthday month or “first time guest” discounts you can use. Every little bit adds up.

Woman trying on clothes.

Clothing In/Clothing Out

At this point, I could be admitted into Black Dress Jail for the amount of black dresses that live in my closet. Sure, each one looks a little different than the next, but not that different. So before anything enters my closet, I’m doing a major overhaul and getting rid of a LOT. Like, half of my closet. And before anything can come in, I have to get rid of at least three things. In just one week I loaded up three full ThredUp bags to the post office and went on an eBay posting spree on cycling gear I no longer wear. 

Make it happen: There are countless ways to donate or sell your clothing. Visit your local thrift store and see what they’ll take. Or, Madewell has a great program with ThredUp to either sell or recycle your used clothing. The fun/social part of this is opening up my closet to friends to borrow dresses and outfits from one another so we can also curb our spending a bit. It’s such an easy way to feel like you’re wearing something new (to you). This strategy is way cheaper than buying new or utilizing Rent the Runway or a similar service. 

Outdoor dinner party.

Host Friends > Going Out

Maybe it’s my age and less about saving money, but at 42, my friends and I are leaning heavily into simple, quality evenings together. Rather than get dressed up and go out to dinner for a recent birthday, my friend opened her home and everyone was tasked with bringing a side dish for a dinner in. We wore cozies, didn’t buy gifts, and just enjoyed everyone’s company. (Not to mention probably saved $100+ each.)

Don’t get me wrong, I love trying new restaurants and throwing on a fun dress to go out, but when it comes to literally everything in my life right now, I’m trying to simplify and refine. An easy night in, grabbing something healthy from Trader Joe’s, wearing a comfy outfit, with a good playlist in the background is my idea of a good time these days. (Pro tip: Mimic the vibe of your favorite hotel with a curated playlist. I love this one from Hotel Saint Cecilia in Austin.)

Make it happen: We compiled all the best hosting ideas and inspiration, right here.

Woman reading on couch.

Rethink Entertainment

Every year I say some variation on the same: This will be the year I read more. Inevitably, I end up reading no more than two books. It’s partly because I cram every waking moment with work, creative projects, and friend hangs, so when I actually have time to relax, I want to do nothing but lay down and get caught in a TV show. But I miss getting lost in a good book and the conversations reading inspires.

I was at a cocktail event the other week and two girlfriends talked about a book they both wanted to read, which I happened to have a copy of on my bookshelf. (My very FULL bookshelf of unread books begging for my attention.) It was the perfect opportunity to start the book and set a date to chat about it with my friends. I’ve never been a part of a book club, so I have no clue if I’ll even like it, but this hang costs virtually nothing. What’s more, I also get an evening away from home, time to pour into my friendships, and the chance to have my mind expanded through good conversation. 

Make it happen: These are our favorite new reads of the season. Browse what’s available at the library or, spend a little at your local bookstore to support the author. Plan an evening with friends to get together and chat about the book. Trust me: while you’ll love talking about literature, the conversation will drift to every other area of your lives. It’s the perfect way to get caught up.

Woman on phone.

The Takeaway

Hop on social media, and it can seem like everyone is always either taking a lavish vacation or out to a dinner with friends. It’s easy to assume that others are having more fun or able to spend more without caring how it may impact their finances. With everyone’s lives always available to us with a quick swipe, the temptation to compare can be difficult to avoid.

But I hope these budget-saving strategies serve as a reminder that it’s fun to get creative not only with how we spend our money, but how we prioritize our time. I’m loving trying new things in the kitchen and opting for new ways to catch up with friends. Let these tips inspire you to switch things up—and maybe even make a little more progress on your reading list, too!

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Your 10-Piece Summer Capsule Wardrobe for 2024



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Summer is (finally!) here, and I’ve spent the last couple of weeks transitioning my closet for the new season. What started as a cleanout and reorganization mission evolved into a thoughtful evaluation of everything I own—and what holes needed to be filled. With limited storage space, it became clear that every piece I purchased needed to be multi-wear, functional, and a true ten-out-of-ten. Working in fashion, it can also be tempting to overconsume, so I’ve realigned my priorities to build a summer capsule wardrobe that puts quality over quantity. 

After a huge purge, the coats and boots have made their way to the back of the closet, and I’ve built a 10-piece summer capsule wardrobe full of linen, wovens, and sandals that has taken center stage. I think I’ve finally cracked the code to effortlessly chic summer dressing. The secret? Less truly is more.

The Summer Capsule Wardrobe Checklist

Find out exactly what you need for your summer capsule wardrobe below, and allow your closet to work smarter, not harder in summer 2024. 

  1. Simple Sundress
  2. Lightweight Top
  3. Breezy Bottom
  4. Non-Denim Shorts & Skirt
  5. Layering Tee & Tank
  6. White Denim
  7. Everyday Sunglasses
  8. Summery Sandals
  9. Seasonal Straw Bag
  10. Protective Sun Hat

Simple Sundress

For all of the minimalists out there, a solid sundress can be a summer capsule wardrobe in and of itself. A sundress is a one-and-done outfit, is easy to pack on vacation, and keeps you cool while looking effortless. This summer, I’m looking for midi-to-full length sundresses that I can pair with sandals, sneakers, or heels, depending on where I’m headed. I love styling summer sundresses with a statement belt and a thin knit draped over my shoulders to add a bit of depth to the look.   

Lightweight Tops

I grew up in Texas, and one of the most difficult things about summer shopping is finding tops that are breathable enough to wear in peak heat. Even though I now live in Los Angeles, I still gravitate toward sleeveless vests, breezy button-downs, and girly blouses that don’t leave me in a puddle of sweat.

Brands like DOEN, Reformation, and The Great have lots of lightweight and flowy tops that I love to style with denim, linen, and silk all summer long. My favorite top in my summer capsule wardrobe is my linen vest from DISSH, as it’s as cool as a tank top, but feels a little more styled and chic. 

Breezy Bottoms

Although I still wear jeans all year round, I’ve been looking to expand my selection of pants with linen and silk pairs for summer. I’ve found that these airy alternatives are not only more comfortable and breathable but exude the laid-back energy that I’m trying to channel this year. (Plus, nothing is worse than a tight pair of jeans on a summer sunburn.) Investing in a trusty pair of white linen pants will be the best thing you can do for yourself this summer. This is the definition of working smarter, not harder—these pants will match every top in your closet. 

Non-Denim Shorts & Skirts

While there is nothing wrong with denim shorts and skirts, I personally find them uncomfortable. I know that might be a hot take, but I don’t think I’ve worn my denim shorts in over a year. Instead, I gravitate toward flowy shorts and skirts that aren’t too short or too tight. I find that the more a-line shape a pair of shorts or a skirt has, the more flattering they are on the leg. This year, I’m filling this slot in my summer capsule wardrobe with longer, more tailored shorts and full-length linen skirts.

Layering Tees & Tanks

Every good summer capsule wardrobe starts with one-to-two layering bases. My requirements for layering tees and tanks are that they are long enough to tuck in, are not too tight around my arms, and are thick enough not to show my bra underneath. Once you find a good white or black tee/tank, the outfit possibilities are endless. If you’re looking for a foolproof summer outfit formula, pair one of these white tanks or tees with linen pants, a comfy sandal, a sweater draped over your shoulders, and a raffia bag. Sometimes, simpler is simply better. 

White Denim

One of my favorite summer style trends is an all-white look. I’m a sucker for white jeans and a white top with a pop-of-color shoe and bag, so finding a reliable pair of white denim jeans is essential for my summer capsule wardrobe. You can’t go wrong with any cut of white denim, as this is a classic trend that will never go out of style. White denim overalls are also a great summer purchase to style over a white tee or a bikini at the beach. Bonus points for rewearing these pieces into fall and winter—we love a winter white!

Summery Sandals

Summer is the season of sandals, so say goodbye to your favorite boots and hello to biweekly pedicures! Whether you lean toward basic dad sandals or sexy strappy numbers, your choice in sandal should be neutral, comfortable, and durable. It’s easy to be woo-ed by trendy shoes, but a true summer capsule wardrobe sandal is timeless and versatile enough to pair with every item on this list. I look for sandals that are easy to slip on and off for beach days and grassy picnics, and lay flat in a suitcase for all of my summer adventures. 

Seasonal Straw Bags

Perhaps my favorite part about summer rolling around is dusting off my woven raffia and straw bags to style all season long. Though this material will be forever reminiscent of my mom’s beach bag growing up, I love that designers have been using raffia in more modern, structured designs, giving the look a laid-back but still trendy feel. Plus, straw is a neutral, so it will match and add a seasonal flare to every outfit you create with this summer capsule wardrobe. From the farmer’s market to the beach and out to dinner, these bags can truly do (and hold) it all.

Protective Sun Hats

When I envision summer chicness, every look is topped off with the perfect floppy sun hat. There’s just something so opulent about a big hat and dark sunglasses that takes a basic summer outfit from simple to sexy. It’s also as functional as it is fashionable, protecting your skin during the sunny days ahead. I’m on the hunt for the perfect neutral raffia sun hat to wear at the beach with bikinis, on long walks in activewear, and everywhere in between. If a full-brim hat isn’t your style, a classic baseball hat adds a cool-girl touch to the summer capsule wardrobe while still covering your face, too.

Everyday Sunglasses

I like to think of sunglasses as the cherry on top of a summer capsule wardrobe: not entirely essential, but a small finishing touch that goes a long way. I went through a phase of purchasing multiple trendy, colorful sunglasses, but after having to pack four pairs of glasses for a three-day trip, I finally said enough is enough and found a well-fitting, neutral pair that goes with everything. Sunglasses also have a tendency to get left on the dinner table or swept into the ocean, so don’t feel like you have to spend a pretty penny on this element of your summer capsule wardrobe. A designer pair of sunglasses is always a fun splurge, but more affordable pairs earn just as many compliments minus the price tag.

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