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In Hunter Biden’s Gun Trial, Hallie Biden Is a Key Witness



Hallie Biden walked briskly to the witness box, past her brother-in-law and ex-boyfriend Hunter Biden, to chronicle a short, star-crossed relationship that ended in anguish, her own addiction and, eventually, his criminal prosecution.

Ms. Biden, 50, is by far the most important witness for the prosecution. She is one of the few people with the knowledge to offer a detailed, and intimate, accounting of Mr. Biden’s all-consuming addiction to crack cocaine in the fall of 2018. He is on trial on charges of lying about his drug use on a form when buying a gun in October 2018 and of illegally possessing the weapon.

Moments after sitting down, she delivered what seemed to be the heaviest blow yet to Mr. Biden’s defense, confirming that he bought and smoked crack in the 48 hours after he purchased a gun in Delaware.

But if the purpose of her appearance was to nail down a dry, prosecutorial timeline, the effect on Ms. Biden was of forcing a recovering addict to revisit days of desperation and shame. She was clearly shaken by the task, repeatedly scanning the visitors’ gallery for friendly faces during breaks in her testimony.

“It was a terrible experience that I went through,” she said.

The defendant nodded in affirmation, almost imperceptibly, as she spoke.

Ms. Biden — speaking in nervous, clipped bursts — admitted to the jury that she had smoked crack after President Biden’s youngest son had introduced her to the drug in the summer of 2018. She said she was “ashamed” and embarrassed by their behavior when they briefly shared a house in Annapolis, Md., when both were still reeling from the death of her husband and his brother, Beau Biden, from brain cancer in 2015.

The texts between the two were wrenching. The lead prosecutor in the case, Leo J. Wise, who normally speaks with an unhurried, high-volume cadence, seemed to lower his voice and rush his delivery to read their raw, frantic conversations.

The exchanges alternated between recrimination and affection, with Ms. Biden begging him to seek treatment, and not to cheat on her, as he trawled the streets for drugs.

And there were a lot of drugs. Mr. Biden, she said, bought multiple rocks of crack in Washington, where he kept an apartment — some the size of “Ping-Pong balls, or bigger maybe” — and stored them in his “backpack or car.”

Two transactions seemed to be particularly damaging to Mr. Biden’s defense, which is predicated on the assertion that he was not taking drugs around the time he signed the federal screening form to buy a Colt handgun in Wilmington on Oct. 12, 2018.

The day after, he texted Ms. Biden that he was “buying.” That indicated he was purchasing crack, she told the court.

In a second message, from late on the night of Oct. 14, Mr. Biden acknowledged he was “sleeping on a car” and “smoking crack” behind the minor league baseball stadium in Wilmington, after buying drugs from a dealer named Mookie.

It was part of a pattern of erratic behavior, she added, saying that he would be unreachable for weeks at a time and that she or her children would scrounge through his car for drugs or alcohol to help him “start anew and deal with stuff” when he reappeared exhausted at her home.

On Oct. 23, 2018 — 11 days after Mr. Biden bought the gun — Ms. Biden confiscated the weapon, drove it to a high-end supermarket in Delaware and tossed it in a trash can, hoping he would never discover who had taken it.

But it was quickly retrieved by the police, who contacted them, spurring a series of panicked communications from Mr. Biden. He seemed to have immediately grasped the dire implications. He cursed her out and called her stupid, according to the texts.

“I’ll take the blame,” replied Ms. Biden, who had repeatedly urged him to go to rehab and seemed to view her actions as an intervention of sorts. “I don’t want to live like this.”

One of the most damaging aspects of her testimony, which came on the fourth morning of Mr. Biden’s quickly moving trial, was her claim that he took few precautions in storing the gun when it was in his possession. Abbe Lowell, Mr. Biden’s lawyer, claimed in his opening arguments that Mr. Biden had kept the gun in a “lock box” in his truck and took it out only once in the time he owned it.

But the government produced a text from Ms. Biden chiding her boyfriend at the time, telling him the box had been left open in an unlocked vehicle, “windows down.” She warned Mr. Biden that “the kids search your car.”

When she searched the car on Oct. 23, she noticed “a dusting of powder” that she assumed to be “remnants of crack cocaine” before finding the gun in a case with a broken lock. Prosecutors then showed surveillance video of her tossing the gun only to return later and frantically try to recover it.

“I realize it was a stupid idea now, but I was just so panicked,” she said.

Earlier, Mr. Biden’s defense team suggested that it would try to challenge Ms. Biden’s credibility on cross-examination by introducing new text messages — some “salacious” — showing that she was angry at him over his infidelity and drug abuse. His lawyers have also signaled that he might have lied to Ms. Biden in texts, saying he was buying drugs to cover up his affairs.

At times, Mr. Biden’s web of romantic intrigue and obliteration of personal boundaries bordered on the comical. At one point, he even used the cellphone number of his estranged wife, Kathleen Buhle, to text with Ms. Biden.

“That freaks me out,” she wrote.

“This is Kathleen and I’m gonna beat you up,” he joked.

David C. Weiss, the special counsel who has brought a separate case against Mr. Biden involving more serious tax offenses, has turned to the women closest to Mr. Biden to document his drug use, revisiting some of the most damaging episodes in the Biden family’s recent history as the campaign season intensifies.

On Wednesday, two of Mr. Biden’s former romantic partners, his former wife and a former girlfriend, provided vivid testimony about his addiction to crack in the weeks and months before he applied for a gun.

Almost all the events at issue in the trial happened in 2018, when Joseph R. Biden Jr. was out of office.

Mr. Lowell has suggested he could seek to undercut Ms. Biden’s narrative.

Mr. Biden is charged with three felonies: lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the federal firearms application and possessing an illegally obtained gun in October 2018. If convicted, Mr. Biden could face up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. But nonviolent first-time offenders who have not been accused of using the weapon in another crime rarely receive serious prison time for the charges.

The government’s case turns on a relatively straightforward question: whether Mr. Biden was abusing drugs when he filled out the federal firearms application claiming he was not an “unlawful user” of controlled substances. “Addiction may not be a choice, but lying and buying a gun is a choice,” Derek Hines, a top deputy to Mr. Weiss, told jurors in opening statements on Tuesday.

The sheer amount of unflattering evidence assembled by Mr. Weiss is intended to prove that Mr. Biden knowingly lied when he claimed not to be taking drugs when he bought the handgun.

But it has, in the view of even some Biden family critics, moved far beyond that goal — into a publicly humiliating trial of the president’s troubled son for an offense that, while a crime, is seldom prosecuted as a stand-alone charge for someone with no prior criminal record who has been sober for years.

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2nd local radio host says they were given questions ahead of Biden interview



A second local radio host on Saturday told ABC News that he was provided a list of questions in advance of his interview with President Joe Biden this week.

“Yes, I was given some questions for Biden,” Earl Ingram of CivicMedia told ABC News. Ingram, a prominent host of a Wisconsin radio station, interviewed Biden this week in the wake of his debate performance.

Ingram said he was given five questions and ended up asking four of them.

“I didn’t get a chance to ask him all the things I wanted to ask,” he said.

Ingram is the second interviewer who now says they were provided questions by Biden aides to ask the president this week. Earlier today, another local radio host who interviewed Biden this week told CNN she was given questions to ask Biden before the interview.

PHOTO: President Joe Biden speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at Sherman Middle School, on July 5, 2024, in Madison, Wisconsin.  (Scott Olson/Getty Images)PHOTO: President Joe Biden speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at Sherman Middle School, on July 5, 2024, in Madison, Wisconsin.  (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

PHOTO: President Joe Biden speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at Sherman Middle School, on July 5, 2024, in Madison, Wisconsin. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

“We do not condition interviews on acceptance of these questions, and hosts are always free to ask the questions they think will best inform their listeners,” the Biden campaign told ABC News on Saturday.

Ingram told ABC he didn’t see anything necessarily wrong with the practice. “To think that I was gonna get an opportunity to ask any question to the President of the United States, I think, is a bit more than anybody should expect,” he said.

He continued that he was grateful for the opportunity to interview Biden at all.

“Certainly the fact that they gave me this opportunity … meant a lot to me,” Ingram said.

MORE: Wealthy Democratic donors sound alarm over Biden staying in race

On CNN earlier today, Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the host of WURD’s “The Source,” said Biden officials provided her with a list of eight questions ahead of their interview with Biden.

“The questions were sent to me for approval; I approved of them,” she said.

“I got several questions — eight of them,” she continued. “And the four that were chosen were the ones that I approved.”

Responding to Lawful-Sanders, Biden campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt said in a statement that it’s not “uncommon” for interviewees to share topics they would prefer. She noted that Lawful-Sanders was “free” to ask any questions she saw fit. She also noted that it was the campaign who sent over the questions and not the White House as other reports claim.

Lawful-Sanders did note in her interview with CNN that she ultimately “approved” the questions provided.

“It’s not at all an uncommon practice for interviewees to share topics they would prefer. These questions were relevant to news of the day – the president was asked about this debate performance as well as what he’d delivered for black Americans,” the statement said.

“We do not condition interviews on acceptance of these questions, and hosts are always free to ask the questions they think will best inform their listeners. In addition to these interviews, the President also participated in a press gaggle yesterday as well as an interview with ABC. Americans have had several opportunities to see him unscripted since the debate.”

A source familiar with the Biden booking operation told ABC News that moving forward they will “refrain” from offering suggested questions to interviewers.

“While interview hosts have always been free to ask whatever questions they please, moving forward we will refrain from offering suggested questions.”

2nd local radio host says they were given questions ahead of Biden interview originally appeared on

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President George W. Bush turns 78 years old



George W. Bush, born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, was the 43rd President of the United States.

Bush was born to parents Barbara Bush and former President George H. W. Bush. He has five siblings; Jeb Bush, Marvin Bush, Neil Bush, Dorothy Bush Koch and Pauline Robinson Bush. Pauline was diagnosed with leukemia and passed away at age three.

He was formerly the Republican Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000.


Bush was first elected to the White House in November 2000, and officially began his first term as president in January 2001, after he defeated Democrat Al Gore during the presidential election. Bush was reelected to his second term as the incumbent in November 2004, when he prevailed over Democrat John Kerry, and led the United States until January 2009 before handing over his torch to former President Barack Obama.

Bush married Laura Bush on November 5, 1977, the day after her 31st birthday, in her hometown of Midland, Texas. The couple were engaged in September 1977, and married less than two months later in a Methodist church. Bush and Laura met at a barbecue, and he took her to play mini-golf on their first date. 

The Bush’s share twin daughters, Barbara Pierce Bush and Jenna Bush Hager, born on November 25, 1981. Today, the couple also share four grandchildren; Mila, Poppy, Hal and Cora.


During his presidency, Bush cared for his English springer spaniel, Spot Fetcher, who accompanied him to meetings in the Oval Office and on adventures throughout the White House. The dog was born to his parent’s dog, Millie.

On September 11, 2001, less than one year into Bush’s presidency, the Twin Towers in New York City were attacked by terrorists when airplanes hit both buildings, causing a collapse and thousands of lives lost. At the time, Bush was reading to elementary-aged children at a school in Sarasota, Florida. He was calmly and quietly advised of the attacks and quickly returned to Washington, where he was briefed alongside Vice President Dick Cheney.

Bush was regarded highly for his poise while learning of the attacks and for his demonstration of patriotism and leadership in the uncertain days and weeks following the hijackings of multiple planes on the day that shook America to her core.


On December 30, 2003, during Bush’s first term as POTUS, Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader and executor of the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., was captured by the American military

In the early morning of December 30, 2006, during Bush’s presidency, Hussein was hanged and executed for his crimes against humanity. Americans across the nation celebrated the death of Hussein and applauded Bush for promising the country he would take him out and following through.

While Bush was regarded for his dealings with the terrorist attacks, the signing of No Child Left Behind Act and the Patriot Act and the creation of the United States Department of Homeland Security, many Americans were unhappy with the sanctions of interrogation techniques, the war in Iraq and taxes while he was president.


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These Obscure Democrats Could Soon Become Kingmakers



They are lawyers and school board members, labor activists and faith leaders, lifelong Democrats and party newcomers. Some of them just turned 18, others are pushing 80.

These are the people who make up the 3,939 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Some are elected, and some are selected — each state party has its own rules — for what is normally a ceremonial task: nominating their candidate for president.

But in the — still unlikely — scenario in which President Biden steps down as the nominee, they will suddenly be charged with picking a new nominee.

Most of these delegates did not set out to become kingmakers in the Democratic Party, but rather to be part of a pro-Biden slate pledging support to the president. But in the event Mr. Biden drops out, they would be vaulted from the obscurity of extras at a quadrennial television extravaganza into a group with the fate of the party — and, in the view of many Democrats, the future of the country — on their shoulders.

Many are loath to even consider that as an option, remaining steadfastly loyal to the president as he affirms his commitment to remaining in the race. And some find themselves overwhelmed by the possibility.

Phil Swanhorst, the chair of the Eau Claire County Democrats in Wisconsin and a first-time delegate, said that “with all the turmoil going on,” he did not want to discuss what he would do as a free delegate if released from his pledged status. Instead, he said he would follow the guidance of Ben Wikler, the chair of the state party.

Ronald Martin, a social studies teacher and member of the National Education Association, a teachers’ union, said he was wholeheartedly behind the president, dismissing Mr. Biden’s debate performance as simply a “bad night” — echoing the president’s words — and not representative of anything else. But forced to make a decision in the event that Mr. Biden withdraws, Mr. Martin said he would take a step back and assess the entire field rather than immediately vote for an alternative.

“I would respect President Biden’s decision, whatever he says, but again, I’d sit and listen to everything,” Mr. Martin said, adding that defeating former President Donald J. Trump remained the goal.

In a speech in Wisconsin on Friday, and in an ABC News interview that aired later in the day, Mr. Biden made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing. “I’m staying in this race,” Mr. Biden told the Wisconsin crowd, to cheers. “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work.”

Almost all of the delegates — roughly 99 percent — are pledged to Mr. Biden, reflecting the popular vote in their state primaries. They are not free to support another candidate of their choosing, unless Mr. Biden withdraws. While there is a so-called conscience clause in the rules, permitting delegates to break with their delegations, it is rarely, if ever, exercised.

“This is not 2016, and it’s not 2008, when you had a split delegation,” said Donna Brazile, a former chair of the Democratic National Committee. “This is a Biden convention.”

There are also roughly 700 “automatic delegates” — formerly and commonly known as superdelegates — who are chosen because of their roles in the party. Governors, senators, members of Congress, state party chairs and other high-ranking members within the party make up this contingent, though they do not vote in the first round of nominations.

The final list of the delegates has not been released by the Democratic National Party, but a review of delegate lists released by state parties shows a diverse slate, as required by party rules.

Take the Wisconsin delegation: Among the 95 delegates, there are more than 20 local government officials, 11 current and former educators, nine labor leaders, six college students and a former executive of the Milwaukee Bucks.

Trevor Jung, one of those local government officials — he is the transit director for Racine, Wis. — said he had been involved in politics since he was 12, when his single father used to drop him off at the local Democratic headquarters. Having been a first-time delegate in 2020, Mr. Jung cannot fathom a ticket without Mr. Biden at the top and is unsure what he would do in the event of an open convention.

“I have not given it much thought, and it’s in part because I think President Biden will be our nominee,” he said. “President Biden had a bad night, and Donald Trump had a bad presidency.”

Amaad Rivera-Wagner, the chief of staff to the mayor of Green Bay, Wis., and a second-time Biden delegate, recalled receiving death threats in 2020 because people believed he had rigged the election.

“Yes, there is turmoil, but the convention feels clear to me,” Mr. Rivera-Wagner said, adding that Mr. Biden would have the best chance against Mr. Trump. While he does not believe Mr. Biden will step down, he said he would “explore my conscience but follow Democrats’ suggestion” in that unlikely event.

Most state delegations have many representatives who have served at past conventions. Judy Mount, who said she was the “first African American in the state of Florida — since Ponce de Leon got here — to be first vice chair” of the state Democratic Party, has served at every convention since Barack Obama’s first convention in 2008.

She said she remained a steadfast supporter of Mr. Biden and would follow his guidance if he were to drop out.

“Only if he makes that announcement,” Ms. Mount, 64, said. “Because I have the utmost respect for that young man.”

L. Jeannette Mobley, a delegate from Washington, D.C., who said she had also been a delegate for Mr. Obama in 2008, was similarly loyal to Mr. Biden, saying he had done more “in his first three years than most presidents” and brushing off his debate performance.

Were Mr. Biden to drop out, she said, she would also follow his recommendation.

“If he makes the decision to withdraw, I’m sure he’s going to probably come out with a recommendation,” Ms. Mobley said, adding of Vice President Kamala Harris: “Probably Kamala would be the best person to run. She’s very capable. Don’t get me wrong about that. Although I really have some concerns about whether or not America is ready for a woman president.”

Ms. Mobley mused that if Ms. Harris were to pick “one of the other individuals, like Newsom or Shapiro, then we still have a winning ticket,” referring to Gavin Newson, the governor of California, and Josh Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania.

Dave Jacobson, a delegate from Florida who is one year younger than Mr. Biden, called last Thursday’s debate “devastating” but was heartened by the president’s more energetic rally the next day and remains steadfastly in support. Like Ms. Mobley, if forced to vote for someone else by Mr. Biden’s withdrawal, Mr. Jacobson said that “the vice president would be the logical choice.”

“It would be a travesty if something were to happen that Joe bowed out and that Kamala would not be our nominee,” Mr. Jacobson said. “If she is not, the Democratic Party will face a pretty devastating election on Nov. 5.”

June Kim, Eli Murray, Andrew Park, Helmuth Rosales, Elena Shao and Amy Schoenfeld Walker contributed reporting. Alain Delaquérière contributed research.

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