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Female Beauty Founders Share the Secrets to Their Success



Creating something meaningful—something that lasts and leaves a legacy—starts with intention. Even those spontaneous bursts of inspiration have to be grounded in purpose to transform from an idea into something tangible. Whether you’re trying to create a new habit or start a business, intention will guide you during the tough moments. That’s the root of resilience. The courage to pursue a goal is only possible when you know why you’re doing it. And when you lead with this kind of intention, others will follow.

The brands that resonate most deeply all have a clear sense of intention at the root. Some connect people, some speak to an underrepresented need, and some give a voice to marginalized communities. This Women’s History Month, we’re shining a light on the inspiring female beauty founders whose purpose-led brands stock our shelves and make up our most intimate routines.

Featured image from our interview with Marie Kouadio Amouzame by Belathée Photography.

Cyndi Ramirez female beauty founders.

The Female Beauty Founders Inspiring Us Right Now

Here’s an alarming fact: many of the world’s biggest beauty brands are not led by women. For an industry catering to women, larger brands are still helmed by men. Independent female beauty founders are proof that the business of beauty is not as glamorous as we might imagine. From struggling to secure funding to creating the perfect formula for our faces, female beauty founders face challenge after challenge before finally making it to store shelves.

Resilience is about learning from setbacks, adapting to change, listening to our community, and steadfastly believing in our mission.

Alice Lin Glover, EADEM

If you look back at the beauty industry over the last ten years, so much has changed. DTC brands are the norm, and we more opportunities to be discerning about what to buy and who to support. This is no accident. It’s all thanks to female beauty founders who wanted to create new definitions of beauty.

These women all had very clear intentions at the root of their businesses. And this is what got them through the hard days and inspired them to define beauty on their own terms. Ahead, these successful founders share the intentions behind their brands and how they showed resilience on the road to success.

Eadem Co-founders

Alice Lin Glover and Marie Kouadio Amouzame, Co-founders of EADEM

Why did you start EADEM?

Alice: Since childhood, I’ve battled severe cystic acne and eczema, leading me to invest significant time and money in visits to dermatologists, estheticians, and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. However, as I became more educated about skincare, I was shocked to discover that many products I relied on contained hydroquinone, a banned ingredient in the EU and several countries across Asia and Africa. As I dug into the research behind what’s in our beauty products even further, I realized there was an urgent necessity for safe and tailored skincare solutions specifically designed for women of color.

Coincidentally, my friend Marie, a former colleague from my time at Google, shared my lifelong frustrations regarding representation in the beauty industry. Together, we embarked on creating EADEM, a brand that’s crafted to address the distinctive skincare needs for skin of color. What we learned was that when we designed for skin of color first, it works better on all skin types and skin tones—even most sensitive skin.

What makes EADEM unique?

Alice: Navigating the beauty world is a personal and vulnerable journey, especially for women of color. Growing up, Marie and I often wondered: were the products out there really made with us in mind? Sadly, to this day, the answer is typically a resounding no. So, right from the start, we made it our mission to create formulas that cater specifically to our diverse skin tones and needs. Everything we do, from creating products to how we speak about them, is all about celebrating our beauty and our multitudes.

Our formulation philosophy is built on what we call Smart Melanin™ Technology, ensuring every ingredient in our formulas are used at the just right dosage, clinically-proven on skin of color so you can trust it’s the most compatible and efficient without irritating.

Everything we do, from creating products to how we speak about them, is all about celebrating our beauty and our multitudes.

Alice Lin Glover, EADEM

What obstacles did you face?

Marie: Beauty is such a personal journey, and as a business entrepreneur in this industry, you often have to make your case in male-dominated rooms. It can be a vulnerable conversation. And at times, it can be challenging to communicate the nuances and needs of women. This becomes twofold when speaking about the specific needs of women of color. However, we know it’s critical to share a platform for those voices and are proud of the work we’re doing with EADEM to lend a platform.  

Alice: Even being further along in our brand’s journey, every day brings its own mix of victories and obstacles. We’re incredibly thankful for our devoted community and the guidance of our mentors to support us through these moments. From the start, we faced so many stereotypes and misconceptions about skincare products tailored for people of color. Needless to say, forging our own path in this industry hasn’t been easy.

For instance, it’s a proven fact that hyperpigmentation ranks high among the concerns for people of color. However, in discussions with potential partners and insiders in the industry, it became evident that there’s a significant gap in education and awareness on this matter. Some even questioned whether people with darker skin tones could experience hyperpigmentation at all; we found ourselves showing them examples on our own skin to prove our point. And it’s an industry-wide issue. We discovered that brands have to pay a premium to conduct clinical testing on skin that’s not white, so many companies actually forgo testing on diverse skin tones completely. 

What does resilience mean to you as a female founder?

Alice: Resilience is about learning from setbacks, adapting to change, listening to our community, and steadfastly believing in our mission.

Any advice for other female founders?

Alice: In my early career, I was completely focused on optimization. At the time, success meant getting the best career at one of the top companies. It was about external validation in that way. But I’ve realized that you can have multiple career paths and lives in the span of one, so don’t hold back from pursuing whatever interests you most. Just take that first step toward it, however daunting it seems!

Joyce de Lemos Founder Dieux Skin

Joyce de Lemos, Co-founder and Clinical Cosmetic Chemist of Dieux Skin

Why did you start Dieux Skin?

From my experience in the industry, I learned that customers often felt distant or detached from the products that they were purchasing. We wanted to create a brand that offered transparency to our community.

We wanted to provide a world full of education to empower them to make the right decisions for themselves. We didn’t want to create another brand that sold miracles or dreams. We wanted our community to get real answers to questions like What ingredients are in this moisturizer? How do they work? How much does this ingredient cost, and where does it come from?

We offer effective, clinically tested formulations along with transparency and education to help empower our customers.

Resilience means committing to your vision, no matter what.

Joyce de Lemos, Dieux

What obstacles did you face?

When we started the company, we were a team of three. Needless to say, we had our work cut out for us. From formulating, filling, and packing samples in my apartment to creating all of our social content to designing packaging, we were doing it all. It was a crazy start, and I’ll never forget how far we’ve come.

What does resilience mean to you as a female founder?

Resilience means committing to your vision, no matter what. This means believing in the value and feasibility of what you’re trying to achieve. There are going to be so many people along the way who will question you, diminish your work, and make you question yourself. During those times, you have to dig deep and remember your true value, yourself, and that you’re doing your best. There’s so much power in being your own number-one cheerleader. It keeps you buoyant and motivated during the roughest times.

Any advice for other female founders?

Develop strong relationships with other female founders. Don’t be afraid to be earnest and vulnerable with them about your accomplishments and failures. There is so much to learn from one another’s experiences. It’s such a beautiful thing to be able to share notes, commiserate, celebrate, and motivate each other during this wild journey.

Female beauty founders Priyanka Ganjoo Kulfi Beauty

Priyanka Ganjoo, Founder of Kulfi Beauty

Why did you start Kulfi?

After a five-year-long career on the corporate side of the beauty industry, I saw first-hand how South Asians were being underrepresented in beauty. I was constantly searching for products that matched my skin tone, and finding products tailored to skin tones and undertones like mine was challenging. I was tired of feeling like an outsider in the beauty industry. That’s why I set out to create a more inclusive beauty conversation, and so I launched Kulfi in 2021.

Kulfi is a beauty brand centered around joy, and celebrating South Asian beauty rooted in culture. We’ve been in business for just three years now, and our success has been incredible. Our cult-favorite kajal eyeliners, concealers, and eyeshadows have won awards from Allure, Byrdie, and more for their innovative formulas and undeniable odes to South Asian culture. Kulfi is also the first South Asian-owned and inspired makeup brand to launch at Sephora!

What makes Kulfi unique?

We’re creating products that bring joy to your everyday makeup routine. We do research on undertones to create new and unique shades and textures that complement a diverse range of skin tones.

Our purple blush went viral when it launched last year because it was a pink-toned purple that was flattering on olive undertones. Our eyeshadow formulas are the easiest one-and-done shadows you can use.

The intention behind these products is to make self-expression through color inclusive to all skin tones.

Priyanka Ganjoo, Kulfi

What obstacles did you face?

Access to funding is the biggest challenge for women of color entrepreneurs. Prior to our launch, I did hundreds of investor calls with no success. Funding from family and friends is typically the way to get started. But that is harder for immigrant entrepreneurs and women of color as we don’t have the same networks with wealth that can provide the level of support needed to scale a beauty business today.

I faced rejection from industry insiders when I first pitched my idea and heard feedback such as “South Asian-inspired beauty was not aspirational.” I built the brand during the pandemic when color and makeup were also not doing well, so there was a lot of pessimism around the category from investors and retailers. In those moments, what kept me going was listening to the small community we had built on Instagram, which sent us encouragement and support.

What does resilience mean to you as a female founder?

For the past few years, resilience meant showing up every day and continuing to step forward. Now, I find resilience also means listening to your instincts, including moments when you need to pause, take a step back, and reset. Entrepreneurship culture can be about hustling every day, but that can be unsustainable and unproductive in the long run. I now try to be more selective on which challenges I focus my energy on.

Any advice for other female founders?

Finding your support network of founders makes the journey more fun, especially if you are a single founder. I love getting on a long call with one of my founder friends to celebrate our wins and talk about the challenges. I’ve found so many cool, creative people through my entrepreneurial journey!

Female beauty founders Camille Katona and Stephanie Spence co-founders of 19/99

Camille Katona and Stephanie Spence, Founders of 19/99

Why did you start 19/99?

We both love makeup and how it can be used to empower and express. But there was a disconnect between how we used makeup in our daily lives and the messaging that the beauty industry used to sell makeup as a corrective tool.

In an industry that focuses on correction, we wanted to create tools for expression. We saw an opportunity to change the conversation around how one ‘should’ use makeup and create a brand that empowers individuals to define beauty on their own terms.  

The beauty industry has taken too long to catch up with the older consumer, who is still active and engaged and still wants to have fun with makeup.

Camille and Stephanie, 19/99

What makes 19/99 unique?

19/99 is beauty for everyone ages 19 to 99. The beauty industry has taken too long to catch up with the older consumer, who is still active and engaged and still wants to have fun with makeup! Our brand not only includes the older consumer—which we saw as a gap in the market—but our product is multi-purpose, offering and encouraging the customer to do more with less.

What obstacles did you face?

The biggest challenge has been getting our brand out there with a minimal budget. We are still self-funded, which has forced us to be creative with every dollar. We have worked with some amazing friends and family along the way and are just getting started.  

What does resilience mean to you as a female founder?

Resilience is growth. You will only grow if you learn to overcome challenges. 

Any advice for other female founders?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and stay focused. Be creative and find ways to do more with fewer resources. 

Anisha Khanna Sonage Skincare Founder - female beauty founders

Anisha Khanna, Founder of Sonäge Skincare

Why did you start Sonäge Skincare?

Sonäge is derived from the French expression “Bien porter son âge,” which translates to “To look good for one’s age.” But our mission goes beyond that. Sonäge advocates a holistic lifestyle, changing the way we treat our bodies to feel good for our age.

Sonage Skincare was originally created as a safe and effective system for day spa professionals (estheticians). We have a progressive treatment protocol that improves the quality of our client’s skin without being aggressive or sensitizing it. In 2016, we started selling products and home care routines directly to consumers.

What makes Sonäge unique?

Sonäge addresses gaps in the market by providing EWG-verified, clean, sustainable routines and formulations tailored to diverse skin types and tones. It also offers personalized skincare solutions and transparent education about ingredients and practices. By taking a holistic approach to skincare and emphasizing inclusivity and transparency, Sonäge aims to meet the evolving needs and preferences of consumers in the skincare industry.

What challenges did you face?

As an Asian American founder, I’ve encountered numerous unique challenges, including difficulty securing funding despite a proven track record and an impressive 70% loyalty retention and reorder rate from our community. The dearth of mentorship opportunities for women of color has made it challenging to find guidance and support within the industry, significantly impacting our growth rate and ability to secure distribution channels.

What does resilience mean to you as a female founder?

To me, as a female founder, resilience means being completely open to new experiences, persevering in the face of any obstacle, and seeing genuine opportunities behind every roadblock. As an entrepreneur wearing many hats, finding balance in my own life is like chasing the holy grail. Understanding the power of smart pivots, recognizing great collaboration, and being conscious of decision-making play crucial roles in my journey.

Resilience means being completely open to new experiences, persevering in the face of any obstacle.

Anisha Khanna, Sonäge

Any advice for other female founders?

  • Embrace adversity. Instead of shying away from challenges, view them as opportunities for personal and professional growth. Adversity fosters resilience, flexibility, and adaptability—qualities essential for entrepreneurial success.
  • Step out of your comfort zone. Growth often occurs beyond familiarity. Challenge yourself to explore new territories, connect with diverse individuals, and expose yourself to fresh perspectives. You’ll be amazed at the insights you gain from these experiences.
  • Seek mentorship. A supportive mentor can be a game-changer. Find someone who has trodden a similar path and glean wisdom from their journey. Mentorship offers invaluable guidance and encouragement, potentially reshaping the course of your entrepreneurial endeavors.

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10 Built-In Shelves That Pair Function and Style



I grew up in a modest home. The open floor plan encouraged us to spend our days in the kitchen, both during and outside of meal times. My family would gather around the table—doing homework, chatting idly, and simply sitting in each other’s company. The space—despite its size—boasted a certain organic flow and openness, one that flooded the room with an aura of calm. There was a lot that contributed to this, but for me, the built-in shelves that wrapped their way around the walls put even my childhood self at ease.

Built-in shelves encourage creativity, inviting us to display both sentimental objects and things we want within reach. They lend themselves well to our increasingly visual world—the subject of design content across Instagram and TikTok. But no matter how relevant they seem now, built-in shelves also hold a timelessness surpassing the whims of micro-trends.

10 Built-In Shelves That Prove the Timelessness of the Trend

The past decade of design has seen the first whispers of a move away from floating shelves and free-standing armoires in the direction of a new kind of built-in—one that’s modern, minimal, and not necessarily symmetrical. (Though an air of balance remains a priority.) Utilizing natural materials and organic edges, today’s designers are creating storage solutions that go beyond chic, instead putting weight on visual storytelling that’s elegantly executed and thoughtfully curated.

Need to see it to believe it? Take a look at these 10 spaces.

Contemporary Coziness

Camille has perfected her living room built-in shelves over the years, and the most recent iteration is pure, uncomplicated comfort. I love how she keeps the styling intentionally pared down. The impact is decidedly minimalist but with a warmth and visual interest that keeps the eyes moving about.

Read more: My Best Bookshelf Styling Tips Ever—Just in Time for Fall

Color Pop

The Yves Klein blue gives this built-in bookshelf the contrast needed to make it pop. By keeping the shelves’ elements relatively minimalist and the colors surrounding them neutral, the effect is impactful without going overboard.

Warm Minimalist

Sometimes, second-hand purchases are best, leaning into the pieces’ time-worn narratives. I love this curation of vintage finds and the reliance on textural variation to create interest in an otherwise neutral color palette.

Sumptuous Simplicity

This neutral approach to built-in shelves strikes the perfect balance between minimalism and warmth, creating a space that feels both curated and lived-in. By opting for a muted color palette of creams, soft taupes, and natural wood accents, the shelves act as an understated backdrop that allows carefully chosen objects to shine.

Classic Farmhouse

Here, the styling emphasizes organic textures—think ceramic vases, woven baskets, and gilded frames—that add depth without overwhelming the eye. It’s a thoughtful, intentional display where every piece tells a story, yet nothing competes for attention. This approach to neutral design highlights how subtlety can create a sense of calm and sophistication in any room.

Cohesive Minimalist

This chic, monochromatic approach to styling built-in shelves showcases the power of layering tones and textures within a single color palette. With soft whites, muted grays, and natural wood accents as the foundation, the space feels cohesive yet dynamic. The interplay of hard and soft elements—crisp lines juxtaposed with touches of greenery—creates a room that feels both polished and inviting.

Library Vibes

This inviting, English-style home strikes a perfect balance between functionality and warmth, curating found objects for a cozy, lived-in feel. The colorful array of books (that have clearly been read and aren’t just meant for display) add warmth and texture within the open cabinetry. The stoneware vase, ornate chandelier, and floral rug lend a touch of time-worn beauty, making the room feel more personal and approachable. It’s a space where simplicity meets sophistication, ideal for both casual gatherings and quieter moments.

Effortless Elegance

This serene living room embodies design-driven ease, with a harmonious mix of natural materials and modern touches. The soft, neutral palette creates a calming backdrop, while the textured rug and plush seating invite relaxation. Minimalist furniture with clean lines enhances the sense of spaciousness, and the carefully curated decor—ranging from earthy ceramics to organic greenery—adds subtle warmth and personality. It’s a space that feels both refined and inviting, proving that simplicity and comfort can beautifully coexist.

Rustic Charm Meets Modern Sophistication

This space is all about contrast and depth. The color palette remains pared down while thoughtful touches of textural ground the room in comfort. There’s a natural warmth communicated through the bouclé ottoman and velvet couch that’s met with a contemporary edge. Soft lighting casts a cozy glow, enhancing the intimate atmosphere. Subtle details—like the simple ceramic tableware and understated greenery—add an organic touch.

Light and Bright

White is a solid choice to ground your built-ins, allowing you to weave color and texture through styling pieces and personal touches. Here, the effect is perfectly balanced, allowing found objects and photographs to add depth without overwhelming the senses. With its layered textures and thoughtful design, these built-in shelves are a perfect example of how minimalism can still feel warm and welcoming.

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An Expert on the Truth Behind the Trend



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As you read this, you’re losing collagen. After the age of 25, your body loses 1-1.5% of its collagen reserves every year. And when collagen—the primary protein that keeps skin firm, lifted, and smooth—is gone, it’s gone for good. “Imagine a wool sweater that you’ve had for years. With each wash, the fibers of the sweater can break down and lose their original structure,” says Heather Hickman, VP of Education at Dermalogica. “Similarly, as collagen production declines, the skin loses its firmness and begins to sag.”

As we lose collagen, wrinkles set in, and fine lines develop. And while you can’t get that lost collagen back (depressing, I know), there are strategies to prevent collagen loss in the first place. To maximize your collagen reserves, a new trend has emerged: collagen banking. It’s a buzzy new beauty trend that encourages optimizing your lifestyle and skincare routine to “bank” as much collagen as possible.

Featured image from our interview with Roti Brown by Michelle Nash.

Woman applying skin serum and practicing collagen banking beauty trend.

Collagen Banking: Why the Pros Recommend This Skin-Plumping Practice

From collagen skincare products to collagen supplements and collagen-promoting wellness habits, I spoke with Hickmans about how to make collagen banking part of your daily routine. If you’re past your quarter-life crisis and looking for ways to keep your collagen stores strong, read on.

Heather Hickman

Heather Hickman is the Vice President of Education at Dermalogica, where she has spent over 20 years contributing to the brand’s advanced education of skin therapists. She began her journey with Dermalogica and The International Dermal Institute as a licensed skin therapist and educator.

What is collagen banking?

Collagen banking is a proactive skincare approach where you try to keep as much of your collagen as possible, while helping promote collagen production. “We know the rate and quality of collagen production begins to slow as we age and is accelerated by environmental and lifestyle factors,” says Hickman. “The aim, therefore, is to protect and preserve the skin’s collagen today, so you have more for tomorrow, just like storing it in a bank for future use.”

Unlike many buzzy beauty trends, this one is expert-approved. There are many ways to stimulate collagen, but Hickman recommends focusing on the three Ps:

  • Promote: From supplements to collagen-based skincare, you can promote collagen by ingesting it or using ingredients that accelerate cell turnover. According to Hickman, “Incorporating active ingredients into a daily skin health product that encourages the production of new collagen and protects existing collagen from degeneration will effectively slow down the signs of aging associated with collagen loss such as loss of structure, skin sagging, and wrinkles.”
  • Preserve: Reduce “external factors and lifestyle choices such as sun exposure, pollution, stress, and poor diet. I like to refer to these as ‘collagen thieves’ that can further reduce our collagen production,” says Hickman. Preserve collagen by avoiding lifestyle factors that break down collagen.
  • Protect: Nourish your skin to protect your skin barrier and your existing collagen reserves.
Odette Annable actress.

5 Ways to Make Collagen Banking a Part of Your Routine

As with many wellness and beauty practices, the key to collagen banking is making it a part of your routine. The idea is that if you stack your day with collagen-friendly habits, you can retain as much collagen as possible. Don’t worry: it’s not as intimidating as may sound. By optimizing things you already do—like your skincare routine or daily nutrition habits—you can promote collagen production and prevent collagen loss.

Explore collagen supplements

Collagen products are everywhere for a reason—they promise glowing, youthful skin. But they do more than give you a superficial boost, they also stimulate collagen production and might even help stimulate elastin and other vital proteins. Designed to be easily integrated into your routine, collagen supplements are a low-effort way to start collagen banking.

You can also supplement your collagen intake with what you eat. Start your day with bone broth or incorporate collagen-rich foods into your diet. Try these nutritionist-approved picks:

  • Foods high in vitamin C like citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, leafy greens, and broccoli. 
  • Prioritize omega-3s with fatty fish (tinned fish girlies get it), avocados, walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and eggs.
  • Foods rich in zinc and copper like shellfish, grass-fed beef, nuts, and beans.
Woman washing face in mirror.

Add collagen to your skincare routine

Good news: you don’t need to adopt a complicated skincare routine to try collagen banking. You can optimize even the most streamlined skincare routine to both prevent collagen loss and protect the collagen you already have.

“Daily use of at-home products designed to bank collagen and promote natural collagen production is a must for anyone looking to combat the signs of aging,” says Hickman. “Easy-use products such as serums are a great way to incorporate collagen banking ingredients as this allows you to still layer protective SPF over the top and use day and night.”

Use antioxidant-rich skincare

Adding collagen-based products to your skin is one thing, but here’s the secret: it’s even more effective to use ingredients that help stimulate natural collagen production and prevent further collagen breakdown.

Antioxidants are some of the most effective ingredients for collagen banking. They combat oxidative stress—a major factor in premature signs of aging and collagen loss—and are even said to help boost the efficacy of collagen. Vitamin C and trehalose are some of the best antioxidants to look for.

This is especially important at night, when the day’s impurities are wreaking havoc on your skin. “Have a good double cleansing routine night and day to remove pollution and impurities from the skin that trigger enzymes to degrade your collagen,” Hickman notes.

Try non-invasive skin treatments

Consider trying treatments that promote collagen by making your skin heal itself. “Your skin is always going to get the best result if you partner your homecare use with skin services provided by a licensed professional,” says Hickman. “One of the most impactful services for collagen banking is microneedling. Microneedling causes controlled micro-injuries to the skin promoting the skin’s fibroblast cells to produce collagen to repair itself.”

She also recommends “treatments involving LED, Nanoinfusion, Gua Sha massage, and microcurrent, which can also be highly impactful on stimulating blood flow.” In turn, this stimulates “the production of fresh collagen in the skin.”

Audit your lifestyle

Lifestyle factors are some of the biggest contributors to collagen stores. Here are some simple lifestyle habits that can make or break your collagen reserves.

  • Sleep. Beauty sleep is more than a nice-to-have—it’s a collagen-banking essential. Read our tips on increasing your beauty sleep routine.
  • Stress. “Find ways to manage your stress,” Hickman encourages. “Stress can cause an inflammatory response leading to the acceleration of collagen degeneration.” Try some of our favorite products to destress.
  • Caffeine. Caffeine raises cortisol, and if timed incorrectly, it could sabotage your sleep. While you don’t have to cut caffeine out entirely, consider how it could be harming your collagen banking efforts.
  • Sugar. The results of too much sugar aren’t so sweet. According to Hickman, “excess sugar consumption can cause a reaction in the body called glycation that triggers the breakdown of skin proteins including collagen.”
  • Gut health. Everything comes back to your gut. The link between gut health and skin largely revolves around its effect on collagen production. Address your gut health for an overall healthier glow.
  • SPF. SPF keeps skin protected against premature fine lines and sunspots—which come from, you guessed it, collagen loss.

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Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms: Your 5-Ingredient Fix



It’s unfortunate but true: stuffed portobello mushrooms used to get a bad rap. Being a vegetarian in the early aughts, I was often left with very few meatless mains to choose from when it came to eating out. Having selected my only option from the menu, a waiter would inevitably appear with a large portobello cap centered on the plate. No accompaniments or garnishes—just a giant baked mushroom. I’d be lucky if I could swallow a single rubbery, bland bite. Needless to say, when it came to portobellos, I was scarred. So what’s a recipe developer to do but create stuffed portobello mushrooms that are actually palatable, and dare I say, delicious.

The last few years have seen a mushroom renaissance. From King Oyster to Hen of the Woods, mushrooms have become a part of the culinary zeitgeist and are a joy to eat. In many kitchens (my own included), mushrooms are lauded as a functional superfood and treated like a powerhouse ingredient.

Stuffed portobello mushrooms
Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms Recipe

A Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms Recipe You’ll Actually Love

I’ll eat mushrooms any and every way I can. While I’m partial to shiitake or maitake, I’ve recently fallen in love with the earthiness of portobello mushrooms. They’re great on their own, adding a meaty heft to omelets and pasta, but I’ve converted to stuffed portobello mushrooms, enjoying all the deliciousness I can. Nothing inspires like incorporating new ingredients into a staple dish, and many iterations of stuffed portbello mushrooms later, I’ve found the combination I’ll make now until forever. The best part? You only need five ingredients to cook up a little mushroom magic.

How to Cook Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

I can’t take credit for this trick, but one thing I discovered while making this recipe a few times was that mushrooms, when roasted, release a lot of water. I’m used to sautéing mushrooms in a pan, so I never gave this issue much thought. But when baked on a sheet tray, the mushrooms sit in their liquid and turn soggy.

After doing a little research, I found this method that lets the mushrooms breathe while baking on an oven-safe cooling rack. This allows the extra liquid to drain off, helping the mushrooms cook through. Game changer.

Don’t have an oven-safe cooling rack? I’ve also done this by cooking the mushrooms first stem-side up and then flipping them so they cook all the way around. Worst-case scenario, sop up the liquid with a kitchen towel before stuffing the mushrooms. Trust me: Trying any of these simple tricks will make all the difference.

The Filling: How to Caramelize Onions

Caramelized onions are truly one of the gems of the recipe world—scratch that, the food world in general. The magic that happens when onions cook down, getting golden and sweet, is a total treasure. But I won’t lie, I’ve burned my fair share of pans in the process and been left with a few sticky, unpleasant results. But after countless batches, I’ve found a method that gets caramelized onions, in all their sweet and jammy glory, just right.

  1. Start with chopped and diced onions. In lieu of long strands, chopped and diced onions give your stuffing a tastier texture.
  2. Use a large pan. Larger than you think you need! The onions need room to cook over direct heat. If you pile them in a small pan, they’ll steam and get soggy. No thanks.
  3. The more oil, the better. Starting with a few extra glugs helps keep everything smooth and glossy in the early stages of cooking. If your pan feels dry while cooking the onions, add more oil as needed.
  4. Cook low and slow. Avoid high heat at all costs! Cooking your onions at a higher temperature will dry the pan and burn your onions. I keep the heat on low to medium-low and adjust as needed. It might take a minute to find the right balance between constantly stirring and letting the onions sit against the heat, but it’s well worth the effort.
  5. Deglaze with vinegar. I love balsamic or apple cider vinegar to deglaze the pan once your onions are almost done cooking. A little splash at the end will pick up all the golden bits sitting on the pan. Plus, the vinegar will add a nice bite of acidity to the onions that complements the sweetness perfectly.

Caramelized onions take a little babysitting and a bit of time. But when cooked this way, the final result yields so much flavor.

Cheese Portobello Mushrooms
Portobello Mushrooms with Cheese

Tips for Next-Level Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

So you have your tray of stuffed mushrooms. Now what?

I like serving my stuffed portobello mushrooms with a really bright and acidic salad. Crisp greens with a zingy lemon dressing make for a perfect pairing. If you think your plate could use some carbs, serve a pot of rice alongside. Bread is always a delicious option, too.

Once you’ve wrapped up your meal, don’t worry about leftovers. Personally, I find that stuffed portobello mushrooms don’t keep very well, but I have found a tasty solution for next-day deliciousness. If you have a few mushroom caps left, place them on a cutting board, chop, and dice them into small cubes. This includes the filling, too. Store in the fridge in an airtight container.

The next day, sauté the leftovers in a pan and toss them into an omelet or frittata. Or, make a big pot of pasta while you sauté the mushrooms in butter. Add the cooked pasta to the mushrooms with a little of the pasta water plus Parmesan for added decadence. With leftover stuffed portobello mushrooms, anything is possible.


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An *actually* delicious recipe for the vegetarian classic: flavor-packed and caramelized onion-stuffed. Even the carnivores among us will love it.

  • 34 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 large yellow onions, diced
  • splash of vinegar
  • 6 large portobello mushrooms
  • 15-ounce box of fresh spinach, chopped (if using frozen, thaw and drain completely)
  • 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan
  • 4 ounces shredded mozzarella
  • for topping: toasted breadcrumbs, chopped basil, lemon juice, etc.

  1. Preheat oven to 425 F.
  2. In a large stovetop pan, add the olive oil. Bring to medium heat and add the onions with a large pinch of salt. Begin to sweat the onions and cook for 30-40 minutes until fully caramelized.
  3. Prep the mushrooms. Remove the stems of the portobellos. With a spoon, remove the dark gills under the cap. Place on a parchment-lined sheet tray or an oven-safe cooling rack over a sheet tray and drizzle with olive oil. Place in oven to bake for 10-12 minutes. Remove when done and set aside until ready to stuff.
  4. Continue stirring the onions while the mushrooms cook. The onions will go from translucent to light golden to darker golden. Stir every couple of minutes to make sure the onions don’t stick and burn. If the pan feels dry, add a little more oil as needed.
  5. Once the onions reach the caramelized stage, add a splash of balsamic or apple cider vinegar to deglaze the pan.
  6. Add the spinach and stir until the leaves are just wilted. Remove from heat and add the parmesan. Stir to combine.
  7. Stuff the mushrooms. Spoon the onion mixture into the mushroom caps and sprinkle over mozzarella cheese.
  8. Place mushrooms back into oven and bake for another 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and golden.
  9. Serve mushrooms hot with toppings of choice. Enjoy!

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