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What an Expert Wants You to Know



What an Expert Wants You to Know

If your social media feeds look anything like mine, you might have noticed a surge in posts about cosmetic acupuncture. While it might sound like the latest trend in the ever-evolving world of beauty, this practice has deep roots in ancient Chinese medicine. But what exactly is cosmetic acupuncture, and why is it making waves in the skincare world today? Spoiler alert: It’s not just about chasing the fountain of youth—there’s a lot more beneath the surface.

To get the lowdown on this blend of beauty and wellness, we sat down with Brooke Taylor. Previously an esthetician and global skincare educator, Brooke now owns and operates The Road in Austin—one of our favorite spots for holistic beauty treatments and thoughtfully sourced wellness goods. Taylor’s work is redefining how we think about skincare—moving away from quick fixes and toward a more integrated approach that nurtures the body and mind. Because it’s not just about looking our best (though that’s certainly a perk). Beauty is more so about fostering a sense of well-being that radiates from within.

Featured image from our interview with Laura Lee.

Brooke Taylor

Brooke Taylor LAc, MAcOM

Brooke created The Road in Austin, Texas to share her experience in holistic skincare, acupuncture and Chinese medicine to nurture our own innate healing responses. Previously an esthetician and global skincare educator and brand manager, she pursued her masters in Chinese medicine to help heal others on a deeper level. She now incorporates cosmetic acupuncture and Chinese medicine, facial sculpting techniques, curated skincare, and high tech modalities to guide clients on their journey to looking and feeling their best, holistically.

What is cosmetic acupuncture?

Taylor emphasizes that this practice goes beyond topical treatments. “We don’t treat the face in a microcosm; we consider how your whole health is playing into its condition and appearance, and then we treat accordingly,” Taylor explains. This holistic approach, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), recognizes the interconnectedness of all body systems, meaning that facial rejuvenation is about more than just beauty—it’s about overall well-being.

“We start by providing acupuncture for the body, followed by specialized tiny needles strategically placed on the face,” she says. Taylor notes that these treatments are designed to address fine lines, wrinkles, collagen production, and a range of skin concerns like acne and rosacea. Her expertise also includes advanced techniques such as fascia work, lymphatic drainage, gua sha, and light therapy, all combined with carefully curated skincare. This comprehensive approach not only enhances the skin’s appearance but also contributes to stress relief, hormonal balance, and health.

Short-Term Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture

“Short-term benefits are a reset for the skin and body/mind,” Taylor says, describing how this treatment can bring a noticeable return to a more youthful face posture. The results are more than skin-deep, with clients often experiencing a significant reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, along with a boost in skin nourishment and hydration.

This quick refresh is part of what makes cosmetic acupuncture so appealing. The immediate glow and sense of renewal are just the beginning, setting the stage for long-term benefits that continue to unfold with ongoing treatment.

Long-Term Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture

“Long term, we build on these results, creating more resilient, healthy skin and microbiome,” Taylor explains. With regular maintenance, clients often experience profound changes, noticing that they don’t exhibit the same signs of aging as their peers.

Of course, consistency plays a crucial role in these lasting results. Taylor notes that those who commit to ongoing sessions not only maintain youthful, vibrant skin but also support their health as a whole. It’s this holistic approach that sets cosmetic acupuncture apart, offering a powerful combination of aesthetic and health benefits that endure over time.

Woman standing outside

Is there a role for injections in facial maintenance? Can cosmetic acupuncture replace them?

While cosmetic acupuncture may not fully replace procedures like facelifts, it plays a crucial role in enhancing and maintaining skin health. Taylor observes that many patients are now seeking alternatives to fillers, particularly as more conservative approaches gain traction in the aesthetics world.

“Injectors are saying filler isn’t useful for ‘lift,’ so exploring alternatives like face yoga, lymphatic massage, or gua sha can be more beneficial,” Taylor advises. Cosmetic acupuncture not only addresses the physical aspects of aging but also tackles underlying issues like stress and hormonal imbalances, offering a more comprehensive path to facial rejuvenation.

What’s more, Taylor suggests that cosmetic acupuncture helps extend the time between injections and can even reduce the need for them altogether. While it’s not a substitute for invasive interventions, this practice offers a natural, health-focused route to achieving vibrant, youthful skin.

“Most of my patients find that our treatments help them go much longer between injections, keeping the muscles toned and the skin healthy,” Taylor explains.

For those committed to a more holistic approach to skincare, cosmetic acupuncture provides a effective alternative that promotes well-being while enhancing facial aesthetics.

Lemon water

What misconceptions about cosmetic acupuncture do you frequently encounter with your clients? 

When it comes to cosmetic acupuncture, many might assume the focus is solely on the face. However, as Taylor emphasizes, that couldn’t be further from the truth. “Your face and skin are part of a head-to-toe connected system,” Taylor explains, meaning that treatments often go beyond facial acupuncture to address root causes.

From hip tightness to stress levels, every aspect of your body can influence your skin’s health and appearance. Taylor’s approach is centered on the concept of Qi, the flow of energy through the body. “For optimal health and skin, we look for the flow of energy—any stagnation can lead to issues like pigmentation or redness,” she notes.

Taylor’s practice doesn’t stop at acupuncture. If underlying issues like poor digestion or extreme fatigue are affecting a patient’s skin, she works with a team of specialists to address these concerns at their source. This comprehensive care ensures that skin treatments are more effective and long-lasting. “Outcomes for the face happen much more rapidly by treating the whole [body],” Taylor advises. This underscores the importance of understanding how interconnected our bodies truly are, and how a well-rounded treatment plan can lead to healthier, more vibrant skin.

Woman meditating on the couch.

What skin maintenance mistakes do you commonly see in your practice?

1. Small Tweaks Snowball Into a Series of Fixes

One of the most common pitfalls Taylor sees in her cosmetic acupuncture practice is the tendency for a small tweak to snowball into a series of ‘fixes’—and not always for the better.

“Over-filling the cheeks, for instance, might cause more wrinkles in the under-eye area, leading to a need for Botox,” she explains.

This cycle of chasing corrections can result in a less natural appearance and a reliance on multiple interventions. Taylor’s approach, in contrast, is about addressing underlying issues rather than quick fixes.

2. Using Too Many Harsh Ingredients That Aren’t Suited for Your Skin

Another mistake Taylor frequently encounters is the overuse of potent skincare ingredients, especially among younger clients. “Using too many high-octane actives or harsh ingredients not suited for their skin can lead to inflammaging,” she warns. This can cause redness, dehydration, and premature aging.

3. Not Paying Attention to Root Causes

Finally, Taylor stresses the importance of correctly identifying the causes of your facial concerns. A ‘double chin,’ for example, might be the result of tight neck muscles or poor tongue posture. “We can often resolve neck lines by sorting out posture issues, rather than resorting to invasive procedures,” Taylor advises.

Woman applying makeup in mirror.

What do people subconsciously see when they look at our facial skin/structure?

While we may fixate on fine lines and wrinkles as signs of aging, others aren’t necessarily attuned to these details. “What people actually notice is the clarity of the skin,” Taylor explains. This clarity, rather than a perfectly smooth surface, conveys a sense of vitality and overall health. Social media may have perpetuated the ideal of a flawless face, but the reality is that a vibrant, healthy complexion—marked by the natural glow of well-cared-for skin—communicates youthfulness more effectively.

Achieving this isn’t about erasing every blemish or spot. “It’s more about the total health of the skin and the ‘shen’—the vitality that shines through the eyes,” Taylor notes. Her insights point to this truth: Beauty comes from nurturing the skin’s health and embracing a natural radiance, rather than striving for an unattainable perfection.

In general, how should we approach improving our facial appearance?

Taylor advocates a holistic approach grounded in the principles of acupuncture. “Acupuncture helps manage the tenets of ‘adulting’—sleep, digestion, stress, emotions, and hormones,” she explains. This doesn’t just target the surface. Instead, it addresses the underlying factors that influence skin health. By balancing these core aspects of daily life, acupuncture supports the skin’s natural rejuvenation process, reflecting a more vibrant and healthy appearance.

“The key is consistency,” Taylor emphasizes. Rather than a quick fix, this approach encourages a steady and adaptive response to life’s challenges, ensuring that both your overall health and skin remain in optimal condition. By committing to this holistic strategy, you’re not just improving your appearance but fostering a more balanced and resilient state of being.

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What Is Wabi Sabi? How It Could Change the Way You Live



What Is Wabi Sabi? How It Could Change the Way You Live

Living in a society where perfection is not only the norm but encouraged can be disheartening to say the least. How many times have you taken a blurry photo and overlooked its perceived flaws because it goes against the grain (mind the pun)? It’s true that historically we have tended to lean toward the shiny and new versus the old and worn, but those tides are turning as more of us embrace authenticity over accuracy. True beauty lies in the cracks, the rough edges, the imperfect glazes, and even the deliberate flaws.

It’s why the Japanese philosophy, wabi sabi has captured our imagination and our hearts—it’s quite literally the antidote to perfectionism. Photographer, creative director, and author, Julie Pointer Adams was so drawn to the wabi way of life that she wrote an entire book dedicated to it, titled Wabi-Sabi Welcome: Learning to Embrace the Imperfect and Entertain with Thoughtfulness and Ease. As Adams explains, wabi sabi means “living in a way that pays attention and appreciates the beauty of the mundane, minute details of everyday life—things that often go unseen, unnoticed or unvalued.”

Two mugs of chai tea

Why Wabi Sabi Could Change the Way You See the World

She adds: “For me, living with that kind of careful consciousness is the way I strive to live all the time, and always have, even before I was aware of the concept. By writing a book, I wanted to make the concept perceivable and attainable in many different settings to many different people… I wanted to show how the philosophy can be adopted into anyone’s life experience through the simple rituals and routines of everyday life.” 

As far as shifting her whole mindset to embrace wabi sabi in daily life and work? Well, let’s just say it’s an ongoing, everyday learning process. “I joke that I never should have written a book about wabi sabi until I had a toddler in my house!” she laughs. “It’s comical but also true that since having a child, I have come to have a whole new understanding of what it means to embrace the perfectly imperfect and to try to be fully present in every moment, even when things are not going as hoped or planned.

“To see it show up in my own life is to try to accept the fact that all things are impermanent, imperfect, and incomplete (for everyone, no matter how much social media might make us believe otherwise!), and that even in the midst of challenging moments or work experiences that feel like failures, each hour, each experience, each day is a perfect gift. It’s about living wholly in each fleeting moment, while also being aware of the whole arc of time, where nothing stays constant forever.”

We couldn’t agree more. Keep reading to learn more about what is wabi sabi, the meaning behind the movement, and how to incorporate the philosophy into your home, life, and work.

Camille Styles holding flower arrangement

But first, what is wabi sabi?

Wabi sabi is a many-layered concept so it’s difficult to define in a few words. Most simply put, it’s a way of seeing (as coined by the Japanese) that frees us to find beauty in what is impermanent, imperfect, and incomplete.

Wabi refers to living simply and in tune with nature, to paring down to the essentials so we can appreciate each moment and object in its fullness; Sabi refers to transience and the passage of time.

Together, the two words describe a type of beauty and a way of life that embraces imperfection and simple living, clinging to what is humble, mysterious, and unassuming. To me, it’s a way of living that wholly appreciates the perfectly imperfect—something we can strive for every day in each one of our homes, our lives, and in the natural world around us. I believe wabi sabi can open our eyes and our minds to a broader, more accepting, and more joyous way of being in the world.

Woman reading book and drinking matcha

Can you outline the wabi sabi philosophy and why you connected with it so much?

The wabi sabi philosophy emerged around the 14th century when various artistic and Buddhist principles taken from Chinese traditions came to form a distinctly Japanese concept. At the time, the idea was very tied to the tea ceremony, and is still deeply rooted in that time-honored tradition which holds up simplicity, humility, and rustic elegance as essential ideals. It has now come to embody a particular Japanese aesthetic that celebrates a kind of flawed beauty, and is understood to be the “wisdom in natural simplicity.” While many Japanese people may find the concept difficult to describe or translate, they all inherently understand it as a hard-to-pinpoint aesthetic and a distinct way of being in the world.

This philosophy is a sharp departure from our deeply-ingrained Western ideal of what’s new, shiny, fancy, expensive, modern, and flashy. Instead, it upholds that which is aged, has a patina, is humble, modest, impermanent and isn’t attached to status. It invites us to reframe for ourselves what has value in our own lives, apart from what modern or popular culture might say. 

Woman reading coffee table book

It’s sort of ironic that wabi sabi has recently become a bit of a catchphrase because by nature, it goes against the grain of what’s popular or trendy. However, I think what people are attracted to by the idea of wabi sabi is that it upends the idea of the convenient, big-box consumerism that so many of us grew up with, and instead, encourages a more thoughtful approach to what we fill our lives with, and what we value.

In the midst of a deeply perfection-seeking era, especially fueled by the rise of social media, many people are also desperate to find a mode of seeing/being/thinking that frees them from this kind of perfectionistic ideal. 

Woman arranging flowers in vase

What does a wabi sabi home look like?

Wabi sabi can be applied to interior design in the same way it can be applied to all other parts of life—by paring down your surroundings to a simple, unfussy elegance inspired by nature, natural materials, and the beauty of imperfection. It is found in creating calm, warm, zen-like environments that are designed for intimacy versus impressing others. Wabi sabi items and spaces are full of inviting, earthy materials and tones (wood, clay, stone, etc.) that celebrate nature as she is—perfectly imperfect—and have a quiet, subdued quality to them. Even if wabi sabi spaces are decorated sparsely or have textured roughness to them (like plastered walls, live-edge wood, raw stone, nubby wool), they are full of life and warmth, versus having a kind of perfect showroom sterility to them. 

Golden milk ingredients

How can we incorporate wabi sabi in our homes?

I believe the first way to think about incorporating wabi sabi into your home is to take stock of what you have and determine what you may no longer need. Your home may very well simply have too much stuff in it to really feel calm, peaceful, and life-giving.

Achieving a sense of wabi sabi is rarely about going out and buying a whole bunch of new stuff, but rather about simplifying, re-evaluating, and thinking carefully about every new purchase.

When you do need to purchase something new or new-to-you, as often as you can, select timeless items made from natural materials and fibers that will age well (versus cheap and/or trendy) and can be repaired or re-used for years to come.  

Woman walking in field holding flowers

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing pottery by mending it with gold-infused glue, so that once the object is repaired, rather than hiding the fracture lines, the gold highlights the seams, adding a new kind of beauty and grace to the piece. I think this method works beautifully as a metaphor for how if we steadily work on getting the broken parts of lives healed, rather than hiding, ignoring, or glossing over them, they can actually become a visible and lovely part of our strength. It’s yet another perfect example, like wabi sabi leads us to, of the beauty that can be found in imperfection if we have the eyes to see it. 

Woman drinking matcha

5 Practical Ways Wabi Sabi Can Be Incorporated at Home:

1. Make do with what you have

Embracing wabi sabi is all about recognizing the beauty in humble and imperfect things, rather than always needing or desiring more. The moment you find yourself thinking your space or your objects are “not enough” is the moment you’ve lost your way with a wabi sabi mindset. Invite wabi sabi in through the simplest of ways like clipping some branches from your backyard and putting in a vase to refresh your space with a bit of nature.

2. Collect sentiment over things

Learn to collect special things that have meaning and significance, but then be willing to curate your spaces so that simplicity and comfort reign above all.

3. Practical is pretty, too

Invite beauty into your home through practical means with lovely dishware, storage, and even housecleaning items (like a lovely wooden brush and glass dispenser for the sink). Pare down to only what you need, but let some things be beautiful just for beauty’s sake—not everything needs to be useful, too. 

4. Make it personal

Make your home personal by incorporating items that likely only have value to you: special family photographs, mementos collected on trips, art made by your children, and so on.

5. Bring Mother Nature in

Bring the outdoors and some earthiness inside whether through a nature-inspired color palette, wildflowers plucked from the roadside, a collection of potted plants, or your favorite beach-walk pebbles.

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This Mushroom Bolognese is our favorite High Protein Pasta



This Mushroom Bolognese is our favorite High Protein Pasta

Last week, Isabelle and I went on a 7 a.m. walk by the lake for what has become a regular tradition. It was the first chilly fall morning, and between catching up on the daily happenings and our obsession with Taylor Swift’s first outfit of the football season (important), I was debriefing her on the next recipe I was developing. Think: a bolognese pasta but made vegan with crumbled mushrooms and tofu. Of course, I was also intent on packing it with a ton of ingredients that give you that ultimate cozy but umami flavor for the most satisfaction. Her reaction? You’re really on a mission to make tofu sexy again, aren’t you?

Now look, I understand that for non-vegetarians and vegans, tofu is probably not on your regular grocery list. But I’m here to tell you that you’re missing out. Long gone are the days of boring and bland tofu recipes. We’re in the era of endless and flavorsome possibilities when it comes to tofu, plus the benefit of extra protein. And this recipe does all of that and more. I try not to play favorites when it comes to recipes I’ve developed, but this one might just be the best I’ve come up with yet. This tofu and mushroom bolognese is here to welcome fall with open arms. Let’s get cooking.

cozy fall pasta ingredients

Ingredients for Vegan Mushroom Bolognese

  • Onion or shallot.
  • Mushrooms. I use both shiitake and baby bella, but use what you have on hand.
  • Extra-firm tofu.
  • Tomato paste.
  • Sun-dried tomatoes. Plus the oil from the jar for even more flavor.
  • Garlic.
  • Oregano.
  • Diced tomatoes.
  • Tomato sauce.
  • Pasta. For extra protein, you could swap a protein pasta.
  • Basil.
  • Parmesan. Optional to keep this vegan, or you can use a vegan parmesan!
vegan bolognese sauce

How to Make Mushroom Bolognese

The goal here is to really emulate the texture of a bolognese sauce with the bits and pieces of the mushroom and tofu for a thick and textural sauce that clings to the noodles.

To do that, you’ll blitz the mushrooms in a food processor until crumbly, and then do the same with the tofu. Be careful not to over-pulse, as the mixture will develop a paste-like texture. Just a few blitzes is perfect. Then, you’ll just add the mushrooms and tofu to the pan with the onions to cook them down and caramelize a bit before adding the rest of the ingredients. The mushrooms add a really nice earthy flavor and texture, and the tofu adds a healthy dose of hidden protein that make this a truly satisfying vegan dinner recipe.

tofu and Mushroom Bolognese sauce

Tips for Boosting Flavor

Vegan recipes are notorious for lacking flavor. However, the key is to think about which ingredients add that extra pop of flavor.

In this recipe, you’ll develop and layer flavor with caramelized onions and tomato paste, along with umami-rich sun-dried tomatoes. They all come together for a recipe with a ton of depth and richness that would make anyone question if it was vegan. Lastly, properly salting any recipe makes a huge difference. Be sure to salt your pasta water and taste and adjust the sauce’s salt levels as you go.

easy Mushroom Bolognese

Tips for Serving and Storing Leftovers

I love spaghetti or tagliatelle noodles for a sauce like this, but a shorter option like a penne with the nooks and crannies for the sauce to nestle into is also a great option. You could even use this as the sauce in a lasagna for an extra dose of protein and vegetables.

This sauce also stores very well. I’ll even make a batch early in the week and store in the fridge if I’m planning to make pasta later in the week. But you can also freeze and thaw the sauce if you make it ahead of time. Just heat on the stove and adjust the flavors as needed.

the best Mushroom Bolognese


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An easy weeknight sauce packed with protein and flavor.

  • 23 tablespoons oil from sun-dried tomato jar (or sub olive oil)
  • 1/2 yellow onion, diced
  • 4-ounce box shiitake mushrooms
  • 4-ounce box baby bella mushrooms
  • 7 ounces extra firm tofu (1/2 block)
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • pinch of red pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 2 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 2 large cloves garlic, chopped
  • 14-ounce can diced tomatoes
  • 15-ounce can tomato sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste

  1. In a large stovetop pot, add the sun-dried tomato oil and heat to medium. Add the onion and a pinch of salt. Cook for a few minutes until the onions begin to caramelize.
  2. In a food processor, add the mushrooms and blitz until crumbly. Add to the onions in the pot. Then, add the tofu to the food processor, and blitz until crumbly. Add to the pot as well, stirring to combine. Cook for a few minutes.
  3. Add the tomato paste, red pepper flakes, oregano, salt and pepper, and stir to combine. Cook until the tomato paste slightly darkens in color.
  4. Add the diced tomatoes and tomato sauce to the pot and stir to combine. Cover and cook on medium for 10-15 minutes until thick. Taste the sauce and adjust the salt as needed. I sometimes like to add a pinch of sugar to help round out the flavors as well.
  5. To serve, prepare your pasta of choice then add drained pasta to the sauce. Coat in sauce and serve warm with parmesan and basil. Enjoy!
  • Prep Time: 15
  • Cook Time: 20
  • Category: pasta

Keywords: bolognese, mushrooms, tofu, vegan

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15 Housewarming Gifts to Welcome Your Loved Ones Home



15 Housewarming Gifts to Welcome Your Loved Ones Home

We may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

Everywhere you turn, there’s proof that social media is the ultimate highlight reel. Pregnancies, promotions, and relationship launches—”soft” and “hard.” But as a young millennial myself, there’s one that seems to populate my feeds most of all: the post announcing a new home. Whether it be an apartment or the purchase of a new house, after a few years that saw many of my friends (myself included) moving back home, we deserve to claim and curate our own little havens. And there’s no way I like to celebrate that milestone more than with my favorite housewarming gifts.

Yes, I said celebrate. While social media can make us feel bitter and cynical at times, it can also inspire greater kindness and support. Personally, I’ve stepped into this year with the perspective that I’m going to *actually* engage with content that I find exciting and uplifting. I’m going to cheer on my friends and spread positivity instead of simply being a bystander.

Featured image from our interview with Alison and Jay Carroll by Michelle Nash.

15 Housewarming Gifts to Welcome Your Loved Ones Home

So go ahead and like the post that celebrates what’s arguably the biggest purchase of most of our lives. Let the friend from college know that you’re proud of them for taking the leap and leasing an apartment across the country. Cheer on your cousin who, after years of dating, is moving in with their S.O. And if you feel so inclined, give a heart to the creator whose minimalist home aesthetic has inspired your own.

Once you’ve shown your digital support, it’s time to shower them IRL. Keep reading for the best housewarming gifts. From creative ceramics to candles you’ll stock up on, this list has it all.

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