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Why data is being stored in glass and holograms



By Ben MorrisEditor, BBC Technology of Business

BBC  Ian Crawford, chief information officer, Imperial War MuseumBBC

Ian Crawford oversees the archiving of Imperial War Museum media

The year 2039 might seem like a long way off, but Ian Crawford is already planning for it.

It will mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War Two – a big year for his employer, the Imperial War Museum.

Mr Crawford is chief information officer at the museum, and oversees a project to digitise its huge collection of pictures, audio and film.

With a collection of around 24,000 hours of film and video, and 11 million photographs, it’s a vast task.

And in the run-up to 2039, World War II material will be a priority.

Making digital copies of those historical sources is vital as the original copies degrade over time, and will, one day, be lost forever.

“When you’ve got the only copy, you want confidence that your storage system is reliable,” says Ian Crawford.

The amount of data needed for such long-term storage is growing all the time, as the latest scanners can record documents and films in great detail.

“It’s potential to grow is enormous really,” says Mr Crawford.

“We’re now looking at objects themselves and scanning in 3D – that can generate very large files.”

Someone holding four LTO tapes. Three are in a rack.

Tapes like these are the most common way to hold data for long periods of time

This deluge of data is not just hitting museums – it’s pouring down everywhere.

Businesses are buying more space for back-up data, hospitals need somewhere to store records, government needs a place to stash increasing amounts of information.

“We are continuing to create insane amounts of data,” says Simon Robinson, principal analyst at research firm Enterprise Strategy Group.

“For most organisations – it varies a lot – their data volume is doubling every four to five years. And in some industries it is growing much faster than that,” he says.

Data that needs to be held for a long time is not stored in traditional data centres, those vast warehouses, with racks of servers and blinking lights. Those operations are designed for data that needs to be accessed and updated frequently.

Instead, the most popular way to keep data for the long-term is on tape. In particular a format known as LTO (Linear Tape Open), the latest version being called LTO-9.

The tapes themselves are not unlike old VHS tapes, but a bit smaller and more square.

Inside the cassette is a kilometre of magnetic tape, capable of storing 18 terabytes of data.

That’s a lot – just one tape can hold the same amount of data as almost 300 standard smartphones.

The Imperial War Museum in Duxford uses a tape system from Spectra Logic. The machine, around the size of a large wardrobe, can hold up to 1,500 LTO tapes.

Such LTO systems dominate the market for long-term storage. They have been around for decades, and have proved themselves to be reliable.

It’s also pretty cheap, which is important as generally customers want to pay as little as possible for long-term storage.

HoloMem A researcher at HoloMem working with lasersHoloMem

At HoloMem data is stored in holograms created in polymer by lasers

Nevertheless some are convinced it can be done better.

In a former wallpaper factory in Chiswick, west London, a start-up firm has been developing a long-term storage system that uses lasers to burn tiny holograms into a light-sensitive polymer.

Chief executive Charlie Gale points out that with magnetic tape, data can only be stored on the surface, whereas holograms can store data in multiple layers.

“You can do things called multiplexing, whereby you can layer multiple sets of information in one space. That’s really kind of the superpower of what we’re doing. And we believe we can put more information in less space than ever before,” he says.

HoloMem’s polymer blocks can handle extreme temperatures, without the data becoming corrupted – between -14C to 160C.

HoloMem Charlie Gale, HoloMem chief executiveHoloMem

Charlie Gale at HoloMem is confident his system can beat existing storage technology

By comparison, magnetic tape needs to be kept between 16C and 25C, which means significant heating and cooling costs, particularly in countries with extreme temperatures.

Tape also needs replacing after around 15 years, whereas the polymer is good for at least 50 years.

Mr Gale notes that, as the laser chemically changes the polymer, the data can’t be tampered with, once it has been written.

Holomem’s prototype system, which will be able to store and retrieve data, will be ready later this year.

Mr Gale says the cost of the system has been kept down by using standard, widely available components, including the laser – so, he’s confident that HoloMem will be able to match, or beat the costs of magnetic tape.

Microsoft Research Racks of glass data storage panels at Microsoft ResearchMicrosoft Research

A system developed by Microsoft Research stores data on glass panels

HoloMem will need to be competitive, as looming over the market is a formidable competitor.

Through its research arm, Microsoft is developing its own long-term data storage system.

Like HoloMem it has decided that it’s time to move on from magnetic tape, but Microsoft has chosen glass as it storage material.

Called Project Silica, the system uses powerful lasers to create tiny structural changes in the glass, called voxels that can be used to store data. The voxels are incredibly small and can be packed into layers.

Microsoft says that a 2mm thick piece of glass about the size of a DVD would be able to store more than seven terabytes of data.

The system stores the glass panes on racks, where they can be accessed by small crab-like robots that zip along rails.

Cheap and durable, glass is an attractive storage medium says Richard Black, who heads up Project Silica.

“It’s pretty much immune to temperature, humidity, particulates, electromagnetic fields,” says Mr Black.

It could potentially preserve data for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years.

Such a system could, one day, be integrated into Microsoft’s huge cloud computing business, Azure.

But that is some way off as the system has years of development ahead of it.

getty A restored Supermarine Spitfire Mark I aircraft (getty

IWM is testing whether AI can distinguish between Spitfire models

Back in Duxford, the Imperial War Museum, like many organisations, has been experimenting with artificial intelligence. They recently tested whether AI could identify different models of Spitfire in pictures from its image catalogue.

Mr Crawford thinks that AI could be incredibly useful in cataloguing its digital library, work that would take humans hundreds of years.

The ability of AI to trawl through vast amounts of data has made keeping that data even more important – there could be something valuable lurking there.

“In the past business was archiving data just in case they needed it. Now there’s an actual business reason why they might want to go back and do some analytics,” says Mr Robinson.

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John Cena announces retirement from in-ring competition in 2025, WWE says By Reuters




© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: Apr 1, 2023; inglewood, CA, USA; John Cena during Wrestlemania Night 1 at SoFi Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports/File Photo

(Reuters) – U.S. wrestling superstar and actor John Cena announced retirement from in-ring competition in 2025, World Wrestling (NYSE:) Entertainment (WWE) said in a post on social media platform X on Saturday.

“John Cena announces retirement from in-ring competition, stating that WrestleMania 41 in Las Vegas will be his last,” WWE said.

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Recession indicator is close to sounding the alarm as unemployment rises



While unemployment is still historically low, its rate of increase could be a sign of deteriorating economic conditions. That’s where the so-called Sahm Rule comes in.

It says that when the three-month moving average of the jobless rate rises by at least a half-percentage point from its low during the previous 12 months, then a recession has started. This rule would have signaled every recession since 1970.

Based on the latest unemployment figures from the Labor Department’s monthly report on Friday, the gap between the two has expanded to 0.43 in June from 0.37 in May.

It’s now at the highest level since March 2021, when the economy was still recovering from the pandemic-induced crash.

The creator of the rule, Claudia Sahm, was an economist at the Federal Reserve and is now chief economist at New Century Advisors. She has previously explained that even from low levels a rising unemployment rate can set off a negative feedback loop that leads to a recession.

“When workers lose paychecks, they cut back on spending, and as businesses lose customers, they need fewer workers, and so on,” she wrote in a Bloomberg opinion column in November, adding that once this feedback loop starts, it is usually self-reinforcing and accelerates.

But she also said the pandemic may have caused so many disruptions in the economy and the labor market that indicators like the Sahm Rule that are based on unemployment may not be as accurate right now.

A few weeks ago, however, Sahm told CNBC that the Federal Reserve risks sending the economy into a recession by continuing to hold off on rate cuts.

“My baseline is not recession,” she said on June 18. “But it’s a real risk, and I do not understand why the Fed is pushing that risk. I’m not sure what they’re waiting for.”

That came days after the Fed’s June policy meeting when central bankers kept rates steady after holding them at 5.25%-5.5%—the highest since 2001—since July 2023.

The Fed meets again at the end of this month and is expected to remain on hold, but odds are rising that a cut could happen in September.

Sahm also said last month that the Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s stated preference to wait for a deterioration in job gains is a mistake and that policymakers should instead focus on the rate of change in the labor market.

“We’ve gone into recession with all different levels of unemployment,” she explained. “These dynamics feed on themselves. If people lose their jobs, they stop spending, [and] more people lose jobs.”

Meanwhile, Wall Street has had a more sanguine view of the economy, citing last year’s widespread recession predictions that proved wrong as well as the AI boom that’s helping to fuel a wave of investment and earnings growth.

Last month, Neuberger Berman senior portfolio manager Steve Eisman also pointed to the boost in infrastructure spending.

“We’re just powering through, and I think the only conclusion you can reach is that the U.S. economy is more dynamic than it’s ever been in its history,” he told CNBC.

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Joe Biden rejects calls to quit presidential race as clamour grows for his exit



Joe Biden faced a growing clamour among Democrats to drop out of the 2024 presidential race on the weekend despite stepped-up public appearances aimed at proving he is mentally fit to take on Donald Trump.

Biden has two campaign events in the swing state of Pennsylvania on Sunday after a high-stakes primetime interview on Friday night failed to reassure fellow Democrats panicked by the 81-year-old’s shaky debate performance last week.

“It’s the worst possible outcome,” one veteran Democratic operative told the Financial Times after Biden’s interview aired on ABC News. “Not nearly strong enough to make us feel better, but not weak enough to convince Jill [Biden] to urge him to pull the plug.”

David Axelrod, the architect of Barack Obama’s successful 2008 presidential campaign, warned after the interview that Biden was “dangerously out-of-touch with the concerns people have about his capacities moving forward and his standing in this race”.

The roll call of Democrats calling for Biden to withdraw was joined on Saturday by Angie Craig, a House member from a swing district in Minnesota.

“President Biden is a good man & I appreciate his lifetime of service,” Craig wrote on social media platform X.

“But I believe he should step aside for the next generation of leadership. The stakes are too high.”

NBC News reported that the Democratic leader in the House, Hakeem Jeffries, was set to discuss the president’s candidacy among colleagues on Sunday.

Throughout the roughly 20-minute interview on ABC, Biden rejected opinion polls that show him trailing Trump both nationwide and in the pivotal swing states that will determine the election outcome.

“I don’t think anybody is more qualified to be president or win this race than me,” Biden said.

The president also dodged questions about whether he would be willing to undergo cognitive and neurological testing, at one point replying: “I have a cognitive test every single day, every day I have that test.”

Biden added: “You know, not only am I campaigning, I am running the world . . . for example, today, before I came out here, I am on the phone with the prime minister of, well anyway, I shouldn’t get into the detail, with Netanyahu, I’m on the phone with the new prime minister of England.” The president appeared to be referencing a call he had on Thursday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and another on Friday with new UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer.

In another exchange, Biden appeared to suggest that nobody would be able to convince him to suspend his re-election bid, saying: “If the Lord almighty tells me to, I might do that.”

“It seems that the only person who still believes Biden should still be in the race is Biden,” said one top Democratic donor. Another Democratic donor called the interview “pathetic”, while another said it was “too little, too late”.

Many Democratic lawmakers, party operatives and influential donors have privately called for Biden to suspend his re-election campaign after last week’s debate reignited questions about the president’s age and fitness for office. But more critics have been willing to go public with their concerns in recent days.

Maura Healey, the Democratic governor of Massachusetts, became the first state governor to suggest Biden step aside on Friday. Healey was among governors who met the president for emergency talks at the White House this week.

She issued a statement urging him to “listen to the American people and carefully evaluate whether he remains our best hope to defeat Donald Trump”.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported on Friday that Mark Warner, a senator from Virginia, was working to assemble a group of Democratic senators to ask Biden to exit the race. A spokesperson for Warner did not respond to a request for comment.

Earlier on Friday, Biden delivered a defiant speech in Wisconsin, a swing state, telling a crowd of supporters that he would not bow to the mounting pressure on him to quit.

“Let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying in the race. I’ll beat Donald Trump.”

Reporters travelling with Biden noted several people standing outside the venue where he spoke in Wisconsin holding signs urging him to “bow out” and “pass the torch”. Another sign read: “Give it up, Joe.”

His campaign on Friday said it would spend another $50mn on advertising in the month of July, including for ad spots that would run during this month’s Republican National Convention and the Olympics.

Biden’s vice-president Kamala Harris, California governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer — all seen as possible candidates should Biden step aside — have remained publicly loyal to the president’s campaign. At a July 4 celebration at the White House on Thursday evening, Biden joined hands with his vice-president as some people in the crowd chanted, “four more years”.

But other prominent Democrats are more reluctant to share the stage with the president. When Biden visited Wisconsin on Friday, he was joined by the state’s Democratic governor, Tony Evers — but not Tammy Baldwin, the state’s Democratic senator, who is polling far ahead of the president.

The latest FiveThirtyEight polling average shows Trump leading Biden by just shy of two points in Wisconsin.

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