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African History

Africans and black Moors in Medieval European Art.flv



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  1. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 12:46 pm

    @3choDunce It would make no sense for the billionaire tycoon to acquire slaves that would require extra management and did not produce profitably. So, if the Chinese or the Irish were more efficient they would have used them instead no matter how free the other lazy labor. This is not the case as the tycoon chose the best human machinery to make himself empires. Where did you get this ignorant statement that berbers are natural to N. Africa, Middle east? Do you even know what berber means?

  2. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 12:55 pm

    @3choDunce The Ancient Egyptians were prejudice and discriminated against the Caucasian whom they considered Barbarians. The Ancient Egyptians referred to the Asiatic/Caucasian as berbers, which means "fast speaking people" (Egytians didn't speak your babble), and you weren't allowed into Egypt-you went to settle Libya instead. It's a contradiction in terms to say the Caucasian originated in Africa/middle East since it would take extreme cold and lack of sunlight to create such a human.

  3. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    @3choDunce The berbers could only enter Egypt as slaves.

  4. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    @3choDunce take a piece of toilet paper and wipe the side of your mouth; you are talking shit! (0_0)

  5. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    @3choDunce Do you even know what the word indigenous means? The only people that are indigenous to those regions are people of the sun- people with Melanin, wide nose, and smooth skin. Do you even understand the process known as Natural selection? Why do I even respond to you dunce head people? Stop stealing Black story and claiming the big nose thick lip statues are your grandfathers, ROFL.

  6. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    @3choDunce It means you! You who do not know what the word dunce means tries to tell me, an educated Black man with several degrees, about school. You, who insist and would give the life of your first born that Caucasians originated in Egypt/North Africa/ Middle East is telling me about school? LMBAO. You who says Arab physicians taught you how to keep your self clean. Why are they able to know this and you not and you are supposed to be same people? Is it because Black people taught them too.

  7. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    @3chodunce you obviously think the Egyptians are Caucasians who are tanned. LMBAO

  8. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 1:36 pm

    @3chdunce I'm not Black I'm from Mars. LMBAO, YOU DUNCE

  9. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 1:45 pm

    @3choDunce Wipe the side of your mouth with some toilet paper; you talking more shit. Did you take a laxative?ROFL

  10. @williamsbkbadboi

    October 31, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    @3chodunce they are pink but not Caucasoid? Do you even know what the word Caucasoid mean?

  11. @raefblack7906

    December 9, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    Kingky- Kingly
    Knight- Night

  12. @queenofthebluenile

    December 18, 2012 at 1:20 am

    Laughing laughing laughing at U!! What are U a 5 year old or something throwing UR little temper tantrum!! The TRUTH will set U FREE!! Laughing laughing laughing!!!!!!

  13. @guapgueezee

    December 21, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    untrue because within the very same race you have arbarian and civil… like with eurpeans we have the roman empire yet up north the ones who "rule today" have the upper hand after destroying a civilization and plunging it into the dark ages.. with native americans we have the aztec and inca on one hand and the lakota sioux living in a teepee in the african world we have songhai mali nubia and yes egypt not the arabs of today but ANCIENT egypt that included sudan then u have the nomadic tribes

  14. @mikemike0506

    January 16, 2013 at 3:05 am

    good post, the arabs arnt natives of the african contitent

  15. @mikemike0506

    February 20, 2013 at 6:13 am

    that makes more since, good post,honestly

  16. @Stefan74Srbija

    June 12, 2013 at 4:45 pm

    great video and music….but there is one mistake, this is not just a medieval art as you said in title, this is black people represented in european art throughout whole european history…anyway video is great…which is this song in background?

  17. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 2:27 pm

    are you really that thick to think that since the days of antiquity there wasnt contact as far as east asia and deep into africa? lol @ u..and ethiopian is still african and black..

  18. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 2:36 pm

    no thats why the spaniards in the new world refered to mixed blacks as morenos to this day… the moors came from as deep as nigeria mali sudan places like that you still see them tot his day black muslims and arabicized mixed people and all of that.. so please..and the paintings dont lie they didnt just imagie that ppl like this existed they saw them.. .. because thats what they were and pure black too they..sorry but history doesnt lie first hand accounts dont lie

  19. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    how did they LOOK thats what matters.. i can say im american puerto rican whatever those are ethnicities/nationalities not RACE this is Africa and Ibn Batutta is known to be negroidal..

  20. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 2:40 pm

    have you been out there? my sister was in morocco and people had nappy hair and looked like mulattyo types and arabized but the negroidal genes were still there.. you cant take that away no matter how hard you try to separate a whole contenent by skin shades…

  21. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 2:40 pm

    continent not contenent..

  22. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    sudan is counted as north africa and they are black as varies a ton in the north there is variation as well as the south and the east and west.. and we kow africa doesnt mean all negro but youre trying to say that nobody mixed and that the moors were white and that a people who are clearly mixed with black some looking like obama are called mixed and im sure as hellnot caucasian

  23. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 2:58 pm

    what does black mean to you.. barak obnama is mixed yet called black.. idiot moron.. black americans are mixed alot look at creoles.. ppl like beyonce rihanna .. me.. it is a given they had berber and arab and roman ancestry too it was a crossroads area where people constantly traveled … people never deny the berber and arab but from what i see i see a lot disputing the black so there we go.. and black is a relative term.. i see some of the fairest people say they are "black"

  24. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 3:01 pm

    that went for the slavs of eastern europe, the slaves traded by the moors from northern europe as well.. we are all human to enslave means you have to break a mans spirit and will.. in india you had slavery in east asia .. in the american before columbus too ..and not just africans

  25. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 3:02 pm

    and in those ancient times the slaves were european so get your historical facts correct

  26. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 3:07 pm

    not true.. the turks were not called moors they were called turks spanish ppl say turko .. and moreno moor in english is of visible negroidal african descent…could be of any mixture but africa is visible.. im called morena.. and im mulatto.. so please..noone wants to be a moor anad many mixed blacks are whiter thanmany so called whites like my kid who is 1/4 black yet is a blonde so i know how this works..she could easily deny being ":black" but doesnt and wont..

  27. @guapgueezee

    November 1, 2013 at 3:07 pm

    not true.. the turks were not called moors they were called turks spanish ppl say turko .. and moreno moor in english is of visible negroidal african descent…could be of any mixture but africa is visible.. im called morena.. and im mulatto.. so please..noone wants to be a moor anad many mixed blacks are whiter thanmany so called whites like my kid who is 1/4 black yet is a blonde so i know how this works..she could easily deny being ":black" but doesnt and wont..

  28. @NyotaClan

    April 4, 2014 at 11:56 pm

    This isn't medieval nor is it all Europe. This is certainly renaissance and some of it is colonial American.

  29. @kevinthompson6086

    April 25, 2015 at 6:18 pm

    yes there were are black Moors that rule your for a thousand years true history

  30. @sableindian

    October 26, 2015 at 3:27 am

    Hmmm the comments are too weird for me. But, I'm glad the conversation is more amicable than many. Arabs, Semitic, Moors, etc are now so mixed its unbelievable. If you look at the history of South America, they are doing the same thing that happened in North Africa (including Israel, which used to be Northern Africa up until the 18th century, and no one in Africa calls the area they live in as SUB-Saharan. Like we in America are not called Sub Canadian by anyone living anywhere in the world.
    Sub-Saharan is a 19th century expression just like the term Middle East. Non of these expressions are by the native inhabitants. Just like the term Indians for the Native people of the Americas. But, I love the conversation, I see it made some people actually do research and that is GREAT!!

  31. @emilyb5278

    October 2, 2021 at 8:52 am

    I love artifacts.

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African History

BLACK AFRICANS Are Ancestors To Early CHINESE Settlers



BLACK AFRICANS Are Ancestors to Early CHINESE Settlers.

Did you know a remarkable historical connection between black Africans and early Chinese settlers dates back centuries? Today, this video uncovers a new perspective on Chinese civilization and its relationship to Black Africans. Through this exploration, we will discover the long-lasting impact of their shared experiences, illuminating the profound influence of their intertwined histories.

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African History




11 Reasons Tp Prove That Africans Were in America 2000 years Before Colombus.
Let me take you on a journey through some of these fascinating pieces of evidence of African presence in America 2000 years before Columbus. Take them with a grain of salt if you have to, but I think they are worth some consideration.
1. Olmec Heads: The colossal stone heads created by the Olmec civilization in present-day Mexico, which date back to 1500 BCE to 400 BCE, feature distinctly African facial features. These heads feature facial features such as broad noses, full lips, and round faces that clearly resemble those of Africans more than the indigenous populations of the Americas. Tell me this is not a black man right there. The detailed and realistic nature of the Olmec heads suggests they were based on real individuals. It is no wonder not surprising that some researchers contend that these features indicate an African presence in pre-Columbian America.

2. African Artifacts in the Americas: Artifacts such as cotton from Africa and tobacco pipes found in pre-Columbian sites in South America have led some to speculate about transatlantic contact. In addition, metal artefacts with similar metallurgical techniques to those used in West Africa have been found in pre-Columbian American sites.

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3. Botanical Evidence: Certain plants like the bottle gourd and the sweet potato are thought to have originated in Africa and Asia but were present in pre-Columbian America, suggesting possible ancient transoceanic contact.

4. Linguistic Evidence: Some linguists claim to have found similarities between certain Native American languages and African languages. Some proponents argue that there are similarities between ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and symbols found in Mesoamerican writing systems, such as those of the Maya. The Mandinka word “makala,” meaning “rice,” is compared to the similar-sounding words in some Native American languages.

Dr. Clyde Winters points to shared vocabulary and phonetic similarities, such as the word “yu” in Mandinka meaning “to give” and a similar-sounding word in the Olmec language with the same meaning.
Leo Wiener, in his early 20th-century work “Africa and the Discovery of America,” cited examples such as the Wolof word “tem” (to cut) and its similarity to the Algonquian word “temagun” (an axe).

5. THOR HEYERDAHL’S RAFT EXPERIMENTS: The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl demonstrated with his expeditions (Kon-Tiki and Ra) that it was possible to travel across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using ancient boat-building techniques, suggesting that such voyages could have occurred in ancient times.

6. Ancient Maps: Some historical maps, such as the Piri Reis map, allegedly show parts of the American continent with a level of detail suggesting pre-Columbian exploration, potentially by African or other non-European civilizations.

7. Skull Analysis: Studies of certain skeletal remains, such as the Luzia Woman found in Brazil, have shown features that some anthropologists argue resemble those of African or Australoid populations rather than Native American populations.

8. Accounts from Early European Explorers: Some early European explorers, such as Vasco Núñez de Balboa, reported encountering dark-skinned peoples in the Americas upon their arrival.

9. Cultural Similarities: Some researchers point to cultural parallels between African and American civilizations, such as pyramid building, similar religious practices, and iconography, as potential evidence of contact.

10. Presence of Black peoples in Asia, Australia and the Pacific. If Black people can be found in as far as the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia many Islands in the Pacific, why can’t they be found in the Americas? I mean it makes no sense for the Americas to be the exception right?

11. Genetic Studies: While controversial and not universally accepted, some genetic studies have indicated the presence of haplogroups in Native American populations that are also found in African populations, suggesting ancient intermingling.


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