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A Brief History of South Africa, with Dave Steward | Big Think



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  1. @andrewdutoit9571

    May 12, 2022 at 8:31 am

    deKlerk in my opinion must be held responsible for the situation in South Africa today. He as any White grade 8 child in the 80's knew that the Majority would destroy the infrastructure and economy of the Country like they had done in the rest of Africa when coming to power. deKlerk's Regime should have educated, upskilled and turned the then green Majority into running the Country like the White Patriots had done. His Regime should have taught them Work Ethic, Honesty and love for the Country as the White Tribe have. That would have been the lasting legacy he would have left but now we have a idea of succession of the Cape, small enclaves of White people isolating themselves and a Black Majority that has been indoctrinated by the Leftists for economical revenge because they cannot compete in the Work Place. deKlerk was a baffoon because what sanctions and Military Revolutionary action couldn't accomplish, deKlerks spinelessness did and now we are sitting in a Failed State and very little positive future for all.

  2. @aladjiibrahim6873

    June 6, 2022 at 6:51 pm

    South African history is thousands of years old. How Europeans can be so Idealistic thinking the begining of everything was starts with them is absolutely mind boggling. 🥴

  3. @genevievedavis7135

    August 18, 2022 at 11:04 am

    So well spoken. A privilege and a pleasure to listen to such a well informed, intelligent, man.

  4. @quads4500

    October 10, 2022 at 4:09 pm

    Poor choice of a person to tell the story

  5. @michaelwest8311

    October 22, 2022 at 11:19 pm

    The South Africans and to a similar extent there brothers in the north to Rhodesia got to see up close the effects of majority rule in the rest of Africa. In places like the Congo and Kenya and Zanzabar, The result was economic collapse and widespread genocidal bloodshed. I actually only logical that they would far as hard as they could to keep a once prosperous nation from going down the tubes the brand of them is a bunch of racist fools is very naïve and ignores the modern state of South Africa.

  6. @hervetenn3892

    November 1, 2022 at 4:19 am


  7. @vincentjansevanrensburg2378

    November 19, 2022 at 5:49 am

    Incorrect, NP did not come to power in 1948, they were in power by majority vote in 1933

  8. @coreyoldknow272

    January 23, 2023 at 3:45 am

    A very educational and interesting film . Very pleasant and informative presenter.
    Thanks for the uploaded video

  9. @karenvanderwesthuizen7738

    January 29, 2023 at 5:33 pm

    I strongly disagree with your opening statement. South Africa was certainly NOT created by the Brits.

  10. @melon9680

    March 8, 2023 at 12:49 pm

    Back then the world gave us stick for Apartheid, but when things went tits up everyone just abandoned us in the end. Now the only people who can really save SA, are the ones who are marginalized to this day for shit that happened decades ago. SA's poor situation is the result of putting not just commies in power, but also inexperienced immature primitives at the helm of an advanced economy.

  11. @bleargh22

    March 9, 2023 at 10:08 am

    Fantastic to see and hear an expert just tell the whole story without a script or any silly animations (though I do like silly animations sometimes)!

  12. @ramasodimalete2699

    March 22, 2023 at 1:19 pm

    Brief history of South Africa from the perspective of someone from the union of SA that should be the title.
    The concerns of apartheid sympathizers. Besides it being a political perspective, there is a bit of historical truth

  13. @asiphenyabelemosha9345

    March 28, 2023 at 1:43 pm

    I did done history in high school.
    Continued doing research throughout my university life. The massive amaXhosa suicide he's talking about🤔 I've never heard of it🙅
    Not even from my ancestors stories about the past.

  14. @Republican1795

    April 18, 2023 at 6:01 am

    Steward is right concerning the obvious fact that South Africa is an artificial entity as it was created by the British during the early 20th century after conquering numerous local groups and was done so for the main purpose of securing the gold and diamonds found mainly within the old Boer Republics that the British had conquered. But it is important to point out that the Boers are not Afrikaners – as the Afrikaners were a political regime that was composed mostly from the Cape Dutch population that the Boers had trekked away from during the 1700s – and that the driving force of the National Party was not the restoration of the Boers Republics as they were expressly OPPOSED to it as they wanted to turn all of South Africa into a nominal and false republic in order to prevent the Boers from reclaiming their old Boer Republics and thereby scuppering the British and Afrikaner control over the resource and mineral rich areas of the new macro State of South Africa. Prime Minister D F Malan ( a Cape Dutch of Huguenot origin ) did not even initially want to turn South Africa into a Republic and worked to destroy the Boer groups that were calling for the restoration of the Boer Republics.

    I am still astounded how too many people do not look at this situation closely enough to discover that the Boers were and are still often an impoverished and disenfranchised people who fell under the sway of the more affluent and politically connected Cape Dutch controlled Afrikaner political regime that rose to power over the artificial state of South Africa. When the impoverished Boers were chased off of their farms by the British during the aftermath of the second Anglo-Boer War: they began to migrate to the cities in big numbers in order to find employment. When they arrived at these cities they often encountered the Cape Dutch controlled Afrikaners ( who migrated to the large cities within the Boer Republics during the late 19th century during the gold rush ) who were in the process of establishing themselves and taking control of the major institutions.

    This led to the Afrikaner Colonization of the Boer Nation. As these Afrikaners would soon propagandize the Boers' children who were now enrolled in Afrikaner controlled schools to now see themselves as part of the Afrikaner political class despite the Boer segment remaining at the bottom never rising much higher than the working class. The Boers have had to struggle against Afrikaner domination and have been subjugated by the Afrikaners. The Boers were not even largely literate until the Cape Dutch controlled Afrikaners began to impose their Afrikaans onto the population. This led to further Afrikaner control over the Boers as newspapers and magazines were now in the standardized dialect of Afrikaans that the Afrikaners created and not in the dialect of the Boers. When you take away or replace a peoples' language or dialect you take away their ability to communicate authentically in their own voice. The language promoted reflected the views of the Cape Dutch controlled Afrikaners and not the conquered Boers who were not able to develop their dialect into a literary form as this process was scuppered or outmaneuvered by the Cape Dutch originators of the standardization process. The Boer's dialect of what is often referred to as Boeraans ( historically known as Boeretaal ) would have to be promoted more in order to get a clearer understanding of the actual Boer perspective on matters otherwise one is only getting the crafted view of the Afrikaner. The sad reality is that the Boers have been and often still are too impoverished too truly get their own dialect turned into a large scale literary from that can rival the ubiquitous Afrikaans that was promoted by the Afrikaner establishment and government.

  15. @luyolo679

    April 23, 2023 at 8:13 pm

    The Red terror is still hovering over South Africa. ANC is slowly submitting to communist.

  16. @luyolo679

    April 23, 2023 at 8:15 pm

    This was very clear, nice and clean perspective of the past. Hope South Africans could listen to this.

  17. @EvanJGMegson

    May 30, 2023 at 7:36 am

    My great grandad was in prison with Nelson Mandela (little rivonia trial) he was a white communist in South Africa and he even hid Nelson Mandela in his house, John matthews was his name

  18. @romanussaal712

    July 24, 2023 at 6:51 am

    Thats the conflict we have…(Is all about the British, Zulu, Xhosâ and Afrikaner History)…..and we are bn labeled as other Nationals…WhAt a rubish history is this man talking about here…The Khoikhoi and Kwe history are well documente in this Country…The small poc pendemic were well documented in this Country…and list can go on & on…

  19. @Reefer-Rampage69

    August 7, 2023 at 6:42 pm

    South Africa is a shithole now

  20. @andrekarelse2306

    August 16, 2023 at 5:58 pm

    Never knew big think would have chosen my crazy beautiful country

  21. @pinkylucia1273

    December 1, 2023 at 12:29 pm

    Guys please be aware of scam some people might contact you by WhatsApp asking you to like this video and you will get paid please don't…they are scammers,they want to assess your email and bank account and take everything you have please be alert.

  22. @HenkVenter777

    December 16, 2023 at 7:43 pm

    LOL you got it all wrong Or you like your dead criminal queen, financing supporting Congo terrorism against south African boer making YOU a criminal as well. We are going to sue Britain for this crime by the international court like Britain has sued Germany after the second world war wrongfully. See you criminals in court very soon and let's see if you going to repeat this filthy lies there again.

  23. @stephanw1034

    December 16, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    We all know this guy had an illegal copy of Rodriguez

  24. @Pang_Yau

    January 17, 2024 at 9:18 am

    Malaysia is consisted of 60% malay , 30% chinese , 5% indian & 5% indigenous population.
    Malaysia has a social contract drawn up at it's inception to propagate malay (bumiputra)race supremacy and a New Economic Policy (NEP) to ensure malay domination of the economy with a national etiquette bureau (BTN) to propagate malay race supremacy ideals.
    Malaysia has affirmative action policies for the benefit of the majority malays in all sectors of the economy ranging from education, employment, property…
    Malaysia has elite educational institutions such as MCKK , MRSM, UITM , PASUM and vocational training centers such as IKBN , IKTM, GiatMARA , ILP that are reserved for the majority malays only in fact TVET is considered a malay profession with entire industries like O&G , automotive, electrical reserved for the majority malays.All other public and private educational institutions like universities and colleges have racial quotas to the benefit of the majority malays. The non malays have to sit for the academically rigorous STPM national entrance exams taking 18 months while the malays have the option of less rigorous and transparent pathways such as matriculation, foundation taking just 12 months and consisting of take home assignments and open book tests .
    Scholarships funded by civil service department, national bank , GLC, MARA and some funded by countries like Japan & Germany are also reserved for the malays only or have racial quotas that disproportionately favor the majority malays.
    Malaysia has racial quotas in employment that disproportionately favor the majority malays especially in the civil service(with pension and all public holidays) with "sensitive posts" like PM , DPM , ministers/DG of finance,defence, home , rural (MARA) , education , AG , uniformed services police , arm forces , border patrol ,GLC like PETRONAS , Maybank , TNB , TM with the non malays largely relegated to the private sector (without pension and 8 public holidays) or underground economy .
    Malaysia has freehold malay reserve land that are reserved only for the majority malays with the non malays only able to obtain leasehold land (99 or 66 years) ,with some states like Kelantan having land enactment act that classify all land as malay reserve land in a form of ethnic cleansing , and a 10% discount when purchasing property from the developers for the majority malays even rich malays that are denied to non malays even poor non malays.
    Malaysia has high yielding investment funds like ASB and interest free loans like MARA that are reserved for the majority malays only.
    Malaysia stock market authority has stipulated that all public listed companies has to donate 30% of their equity to malay trust fund like Khazanah , PNB or malay captain of industry "sleeping partners" who are cronies of the ruling elite and yet the malay controlled ministry of finance will deny the malays ever achieving 30% equity ( even though the GLC alone already exceeded 30% equity) as intended by the New Economic Policy as a milestone to abolish the malay special rights.
    Malaysia has race based political parties under the national front BN coalition ( UMNO malay , MCA Chinese , MIC indian) which governed Malaysia for over 60 years and involved in kleptocracy (1MDB , PKFZ 2) and cartels ( Astro, maxis…)
    Malaysia government ( local , state , federal) and GLC projects are tendered exclusively to malay or bumiputra contractors (class F) with a many of the malay rentseekers or cronies of the UMNO ruling elite unqualified and selling their license to a small group of chinese cronies of MCA "Ali Baba" like YTL , Berjaya(subcontractors and human trafficking syndicates ) for commission thus inflating the cost of the mega projects like ECRL (by 300%) .
    Malaysia local authorities will only approve projects that include new mosques for muslims but will reject any new application for non muslim places of worship like churches or temples even muslim cemeteries are allocated by the local authorities but not non muslim burial grounds.
    Malaysia has a covert operations of ethnic cleansing of the non malays such as the project M of former prime minister Mahathir (even though he is of Kerala indian origin himself) to dilute the non malay composition of the demographics by granting citizenship to illegal immigrants from Indonesia who are of similar malay ethnic background to grow the malay vote bank especially in Borneo east Malaysia where the malays are the minorities and also peninsula Malaysia where the composition of non malays were at 50% around the time of independence in 1957 .

  25. @Scott-rc1tj

    January 23, 2024 at 2:31 am

    Who is Dave steward

  26. @Scott-rc1tj

    January 23, 2024 at 2:32 am

    Why do we trust this person to give an account of South African history

  27. @ephraimmotho887

    January 27, 2024 at 7:30 am

    I enjoyed this account. It was sober. I would love to delve into more detail

  28. @prodbystxnder

    February 23, 2024 at 6:54 pm

    just pick a way to say Xhosa bro

  29. @ThatOneAstraWagon

    February 24, 2024 at 11:05 pm

    Why are you not telling the truth that the khoi (coloured) people were here first and that the British put the land in trust for the aboriginal South Africans. You Pretend we don't exist in order to steal our land,. all the black tribes you mention are from North Africa. and not indigenous to this country. You purposely leave us out of our own history. Tell them how you hunted and killed our people and stole our land and how you put imposter kings and tribal leaders to pretend that you were taking care of the indigenous peoples in order to steal our land. God will arise for his people. Watch how he will deliver us . May he judge you for your lies.

  30. @Allan_O._Muthiga

    April 24, 2024 at 10:10 am

    Do not listen to this man if you want to understand the history of Africa, and the changes in the South African state since it's carving and founding. This is some simplistic nonsense.

  31. @1254popoful

    May 11, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    Anyone else impressed with his pronunciation of xhosa!?

  32. @alanoberholzer7587

    May 14, 2024 at 7:24 pm

    South Africa Changed because USA wanted it. The berlin wall fell. SA was not needed to fight a war in Angola to restrict Russian influence in Souther Africa, also the Suez Canal meant sea route around Cape was not impoetant.USA had no need from the white goverment in South Africa. Countries don't have friends, they only have interests.

  33. @pieteri.duplessis

    May 18, 2024 at 7:39 pm

    I think this was a very good summery, thanks.

  34. @sherrelleswartbooi6354

    June 24, 2024 at 10:44 am

    This is NOT the history of South Africa!! This is pink washed history starting in the middle, leaving out a whole history before colonialisation! History is told by the colonialist!

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