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African History

Unraveling the Mystery of the Olmecs: Giant Stone Heads and African Resemblance | Joe Rogan #1189



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  1. @abdallahageel3998

    August 2, 2023 at 3:03 pm


  2. @devam1987

    August 2, 2023 at 3:52 pm

    He's sticking to that graham Hancock nonsense of they look African. No they don't

  3. @njamatia

    August 2, 2023 at 6:44 pm

    The truth is 6000 years ago, the Advance African People came there via aircraft and provided them Technology and knowledge 😊

  4. @gianfrancofronzi8368

    August 3, 2023 at 1:58 pm

    What they were doing by making these stone heads is a mystery. Why even make them if they can't really produce anything?
    But the heads aren't just a head, they have a complicated helmet on their heads. The helmets look like they are a version of a Roman type of helmet.

  5. @MrProphet469

    August 3, 2023 at 7:40 pm

    Africoid features. Thick lips, wide noses, low, sloping foreheads. They are Africans. Just admit it. When some were coming out of caves, discovering fire, Africans traveled the globe, establishing civilizations, building pyramids, temples, in stone all over the Americas, Asia, Europe, teaching the furry humanoid cave animals hygiene, sanitation, stone masonry, food preparation.

  6. @damarcusrogers7730

    August 4, 2023 at 11:26 am

    If that happened 6000 years ago and we are in the 2000 are we going back in time actually

  7. @HTX..

    August 9, 2023 at 12:59 am

    Asian…not African. Idiot.

  8. @k4wv

    August 19, 2023 at 11:12 am

    Not African, Pacific Islander/Samoan. These are Tikis, like the Moai on Easter Island. they're supposed to look scary.

  9. @jeffcha09

    November 27, 2023 at 11:54 pm

    I believe I found something similar
    Google earth

    77°31'37"S 167°09'54"E

    Head shape object in a crater mt Erebus

  10. @narmar9mm

    December 15, 2023 at 7:24 pm

    They came to America Before the Continental Drift! Or Before Continents Separated!!! They were Originally from Mesopotamia, Sumeria, And Egypt! Where they setup their Kingdoms!!! They walked to that part of the land now called America, Hundreds of thousands of years ago! And setup a Kingdom in that region and Called it Ancient Atlantis! Or Amexem! Another Name for America! They brought with them the Rubber Tree, which they uprooted from Africa , And Planted them all over Central and South America! The Aztecs Called them Olmec, Meaning The Rubber People!!! Because they Cultivated and Extracted the Rubber from the Trees they Planted in the Americas! But that was not their real Name! Their Original Name is Called Nubun! The Original 9 Ether, Woolly Hair, Big Lips, Wide Nose Gods of Ancient Meso-America!!! If you look at the images in the picture I sent, you will see they both had the same Deities from Ecuador to Mesopotamia!!! Which should be enough proof that these were the same people!!!! Also if you look at the Ancient Egyptians, and the Olmecs Head dress, You will notice the Similarities with the Helmets, The Emblems on the front, And the Ear Plugs!!!

  11. @lasonya22000

    December 19, 2023 at 5:16 am

    All b.s. aside. Anyone by first look would say they look black without thinking of others ethnicities PERIOD. but I’m open minded…

  12. @teresafernandez9849

    December 23, 2023 at 12:41 am

    This Olmecs thing is ANOTHER crock of USA Black culture vultures BS, and they r being helped with social media BS! Since before the Toltecs, every tribe gave something significant to what is now Mexico and South America. It seems to be a collective of great tribes. There are a lot of sculpts of big heads and faces all over México and South America, they all look different. The USA çoncentrates on these, bc they think they resemble a group of African Americans who falsely claim to be the Natives of the Americas. It's been known for a long time that the Aboriginals of Australia r NOT from Africa. The ancient DNA studies have been done and verified, they are from Asia, Eurasia to be exact, with Asian DNA not African DNA, also the Negritos from the Philippines and the Natives of Papua New Guinea, and others, r all from Asia. Dark skin and curly hair doesn't equal African. It's been known for a long time that diet and environment can dictate ur physical appearance, including hair texture and skin color. Asia is a big ass continent. China, Japan, Korea, India, the middle east, ect. All with common DNA from Asia. Stop the USA gaslighting. The Olmecs were important, but as important as other tribes UNDER the umbrella of the Maya. The Maya were first, built great cities and ruled for longer than the Olmecs existed, and the Maya built great cities. The Olmecs probably integrated into another tribe under the Maya. The USA isn't even sure who really built these heads. They skew everything about the history of the Americas first inhabitants, especially for the pandering of the USA Black culture vultures. When and if, Mexico and South America, get around to picking a champ, they will let YOU know who, when and where. Such brazen skewing of world history for cullture vultures BS! Pathetic!

  13. @IzzyJoBeeGee

    March 20, 2024 at 12:26 am

    Free solo be like, "Cool bro… I just wanted to talk about climbing."

  14. @LonnieBhi

    June 24, 2024 at 4:29 am

    When someone has visible Afro facial features & hair texture in real life, they make sure to tell you that you're "black". But when it comes to anything ancient/history, it's always denial.

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