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African History

Unbelievable! Who Are The Ancestors of Black Americans: Slaves, Native Americans or Original People?



Unbelievable! Who Are The Ancestors of Black Americans: Slaves, Native Americans or Original People?

Do you find yourself confused as a Black American about your ancestors? No matter how knowledgeable you are, there is still a doubt about who really were the ancestors of Black Americans living today in America. Some theories suggest that all Black Americans are descendants of African slaves brought forcibly to America during the Transatlantic slave trade. Others suggest that Black Americans are a result of intermarriage between African slaves and Native Americans who inhabited the land even before European colonization.
However, one theory, which is more of a fact, stays hidden. Perhaps either they don’t want you to know this, or they have made this idea sound irrational. Yet, every Black American who takes pride in themselves knows what they are and who their ancestors were. Yes, they were the original people.
But what does that mean?
The Black people living in the United States today primarily have their roots in Africa, with their ancestors hailing from various regions across the continent. During the transatlantic slave trade, which spanned from the 16th to the 19th centuries, millions of Africans were forcibly taken to the Americas, including what would later become the United States, to toil as enslaved laborers on plantations and in other industries. These enslaved Africans came from diverse ethnic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds within Africa. They were either captured or sold by African intermediaries and European slave traders, enduring brutal and inhumane conditions during their voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Consequently, the ancestry of Black Americans today encompasses a broad spectrum of African ethnic groups, such as the Akan, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Fulani, Kongo, Wolof, Mandinka, and many others. Upon reaching the United States, enslaved Africans were forcibly scattered throughout the American South and, to a lesser extent, other regions of the country. Families and communities were frequently torn apart, making it even more challenging to maintain cultural ties and pass down ancestral traditions. Black slaves endured relentless exploitation, violence, and cultural suppression, which further severed their connections to their African heritage. Nevertheless, despite these adversities, enslaved Africans and their descendants persevered in preserving cultural practices, languages, and spiritual beliefs across generations. Through acts of resistance, resilience, and cultural adaptation, they established new identities and communities in the United States, blending African traditions with elements of European and indigenous American cultures. Since the abolition of slavery, Black Americans have continued to embrace their African heritage as a source of cultural pride, resilience, and defiance against oppression. Efforts to reclaim African languages, customs, and spiritual rituals, along with ongoing connections with African diaspora communities, contribute to the diverse tapestry of Black identity in the United States today. Furthermore, advancements in genealogical research and DNA testing have empowered many Black Americans to trace their lineage back to specific regions and ethnic groups within Africa, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of their roots.

It’s essential for Black individuals to comprehend black history to truly understand their cultural heritage and identity. Watching documentaries about black culture offers deep insights into the challenges and successes of Black communities. Examining the history of slavery and its effects on Black lives is crucial for recognizing and addressing systemic injustices. Black literature offers a diverse range of stories that mirror the variety and strength of Black experiences. Embracing black identity involves appreciating the depth and diversity of Black culture. Learning about black history facts empowers Black individuals to take control of their narrative and advocate for social justice.

#Blackhistory #Blackculture #Blackhistorydocumentary #Blackpeopleancestor #Africanancestors


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  1. @Be_Kind7683

    June 1, 2024 at 12:42 am

    No we are not all slaves and we were not all deacendents of slaves.

  2. @productionstate6103

    June 1, 2024 at 12:14 pm

    This clearly Proves that the real Natives Americans, the Spanish and then the White European definitely whipped the whole African roots and Soul out of all the Black slaves in America, which also proves that when you whip out the soul of an African they will become ignorance for the rest of their community existence, Can any of y’all ignorant FBA answer this, if your delusional theory and concept was true how come y’all not the majority in any part of the American continent ???

  3. @necuametlquauhtli6439

    June 2, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    No blacks in the Americas preColumbus. Stop the afrocentric bs!

  4. @stophackingmyaccount930

    June 4, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    They are all the tribes of Israel…So yes they have bloodline ties…One tribe made it here before the other…The Native Indians was part of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the African Americans are part of the Southern tribe which is Judah.

  5. @chatinawarner9380

    June 7, 2024 at 4:40 am

    If the true Israelites who are black Negroes were scattered since Bible says out of the Land of Canaan, to the 4 corners of the earth, does it not make sense that they were the first in most places except the Land of Ham now called Africa where many dwelt among the Hamites tribes, also blacks, but they sold the black Israelite tribes from among their Hamite tribes, to the white Caucasian Edomite tribes,as slaves. Blacks were in the new world before Columbus. All truths are now being exposed as the Bible said.

  6. @chatinawarner9380

    June 7, 2024 at 4:42 am

    America belong mostly to blacks who are just that. Americans. Not Africans. The indigenous Indians were black negroes. They were in Europe and Asia first.

  7. @Alexandria.Washington

    June 8, 2024 at 10:48 am

    Black Americans are the Copper Colored Aboriginal Indigenous American Indians of North America, USA. We were enslaved in our own land. Less than approx. 100,000 Africans arrived here as slaves while the other 30+million Aboriginal “Black” American Indians of USA were already here and majority enslaved. We are STILL here!

    There was another group of Siberian Mongolian/Asian Indians “Native Americans” who arrived here in North America AFTER the Aboriginal Indigenous American “Black” Indian Tribes were already here. That’s what “INDIGENOUS” means. “Blacks” are the Aboriginal “INDIGENOUS” American Indians of North America, USA. Our history in the Americas dates back to the fossils and the soil of the earth of the American lands. We were here in the Americas pre-Colombian and pre-Siberian Mongolian/Asians.

    BTW, We are NOT FROM AFRICA! We are the Aboriginal Indigenous American Indian Tribes of North America.

    Virginia Powhatan American Indian Tribes of North America, USA. 🇺🇸

  8. @jameshunt6414

    June 8, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    This video is beyond bizarre propaganda. So many things wrong with it. Firstly nobody with an IQ over 85 is disputing that some black Americans have Native American, or far more often European Ancestry. Secondly, nobody who knows anything would be surprised if some black Americans have Hebrew Ancestry, even before they came to America. These obviously true statements have been put in here in an attempt to lend credibility to the one absolutely massive lie, that was told right near the start, which was that 55% of black Americans have been shown to have African ancestry, this absolute rubbish, nearly everyone who could be considered black African looking in the United States, looks that way because of African Ancestry. Another attempt at deceiving you, is when they say indigenous people's have been shown to have African Ancestry, these are negligible amounts of DNA and do not necessarily mean that there was African contact pre slavery, although it might, but even in the instance that it were true, it literally shows as African ancestry, so this is a self defeating argument. Yes we do know the ethnic origins of the Early inhabitants of the Americas they are mostly similar to the peoples of Mongolia etc, fitting with the idea the Americas was colonised by people from that region, some outliers have DNA that is almost identical to that of Australian aboriginals, none of the archaeological finds are indicative of the Americas originally being peopled by people from the recent West African line. Yes the olmec heads could be depicting west Africans, but morphology is a poor indicator of genetics even before you get into the fact they are just statues and the Olmec heads were in all likelihood carved around 1300bc, long after the peoples of the steppe and East Asia had colonised the continent. Under no circumstances let these people know where you live, if you are looking for a real conspiracy, it is to fill you with misinformation, while getting personal information in return.

  9. @scottbaker99

    June 9, 2024 at 9:28 am

    Just forget everything you ever learned in all of history. Just listen to this guy

  10. @robinbaby1

    June 10, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    Black people are the original human and I'm not being racist at all. It's a fact. We are native to all lands on Earth. If you and your family were born in America, you're American. Those ancestry DNA tests are scams.

  11. @spiritwomanwarrior4211

    June 11, 2024 at 1:13 am

    I would like to see you make additional videos exploring the evidence (historical/archealogical and genetic) of the origin of black Americans. The black Indian concept needs to be explored as soon as possible. Most Black Americans have about 25% European ancestry. Though sexual exploitation did happen can that fully account for this factor or is the 25% resulting from a Naive American component?

  12. @SouthMemphisNuke

    June 11, 2024 at 3:55 am

    Im from Memphis, Tennessee and i was always told that we're choctaw native indigenous and creole

  13. @tarrellsmith3260

    June 11, 2024 at 7:01 am

    Lost interest once you pushed the narrative that millions of Africans were put on row boats and brought across the Bermuda Triangle . If ships, planes, etc go missing, whst makes you think row boats would make a 6 month trip here? Imagine 6 months on a row boat, no refrigerator to preserve food, diseases, bundles of slaves and the boat crew all on the same boat but millions got brought here🤦🏾 Ships weren’t even built back then and by the time cargo ships were made and made commercial, slavery ended 25 yrs later. Think before going with that narrative

  14. @tarrellsmith3260

    June 11, 2024 at 7:03 am

    The Black Seminole rebellion is the largest black rebellion in American history. You gotta do better research

  15. @Owl350

    June 11, 2024 at 5:46 pm

    Homo erectus african aborigines are not from a myth !

  16. @Drew-uf7ct

    June 12, 2024 at 5:13 pm


  17. @kckgirl78

    June 14, 2024 at 2:21 pm


  18. @cstar1931

    June 15, 2024 at 1:04 pm

    We're not all part of african decent there were many tribes along the Ivory coast etc. thats why I dont care for the titles like African Americans? Dam just leave it black SMH

  19. @BrightMediapodcast

    June 17, 2024 at 8:04 am

    That’s not true!!! millions didn’t come over here that has been debunked already

  20. @franklinkettle6853

    June 19, 2024 at 1:32 am

    Every black persons DNA has more African then any other DNA so that means they came from Africa

  21. @franklinkettle6853

    June 19, 2024 at 1:34 am

    Full blooded Indians are still here and have oral history that is ancient

  22. @splendidmasterpiece6433

    June 19, 2024 at 8:22 am

    $ YanceyYates

  23. @neimanbailey6098

    June 20, 2024 at 5:02 pm

    We the Tribe of Judah

  24. @breebee1738

    June 22, 2024 at 2:41 am

    Fringes. Hebrews wore fringes and we know Hebrews were black. I believe we a the real natives but somehow Mexicans became the natives and assumed our identity while we were in slavery. Just a theory

  25. @lsporter88

    June 22, 2024 at 4:54 am

    We have ALL of those genes. Great video.

  26. @russellbshoes1470

    June 22, 2024 at 4:50 pm

    I saw my great grandfather in a picture where he was dressed up in complete Indian garb with headset that reached the floor and my grandfather had a distinct copper skin tone and curved nose very native looking and my grandmother was dark complexioned and looked very native never asked when they were alive just asked my grandmother who was the guy in full Indian Garb in picture and she replied my great grandfather ..

  27. @richardmontonio1486

    June 23, 2024 at 6:44 am

    The DNA of a average black man in America is 75 percent African and 24 percent white men European and the DNA of a Mexican American is 50 percent spainard European and 50 percent 50 percent American native indian.

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