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  1. @VendPrekmurec

    March 11, 2013 at 1:50 pm

    " Venedic calender was much different, with 9 days a week "

    You've got that from me probably; you read my comments somewhere…
    Yes the old Koledar have had 9 days per week and ca 40-41 days per 1 cycle ("month"); with 9 months;

    There was in use also Lunar calendar which remained until today (via babilonians; but even Babylonians (Borean VaviLona; from here derived "Luna" (moon); which meant "hollow" ) were Boreans originally (lunar dynasties)…

  2. @VendPrekmurec

    March 11, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    You mean "Great Tartaria"? TartAria was a great territory which included several different tribes; including Slavs, Avars, Obrish, Hungarian, Persian tribes… the territory was surrounded by the "Chinese wall" (which was not built by the Chinese themselves but by the "Moguls" ("Great ones" – MAGnificient; this is Torahic "Magog") or Tartarians… originally the majority of the northern china represented the dynasty of Dinlin (Don); white race..Hyperboreans also (the mummies of china).

  3. @VendPrekmurec

    March 11, 2013 at 2:36 pm

    Here another "secret"…

    Word Slavs was invented in the 19th century (Slavyani or Slovani) by one of the Czech panslavists… The word derived from SloVen or Slovin; current Slovenians & Slovaks; both speak "Slovensko"(-sko is an ending representing the "genitive" – among slavs and swedish people). Whole word was shortened because of 2 tribes mixing in the 6th c. AD; SKOLOTOI (Herodotus's "Scynthians") – the real meaning of this word was "Skoti"; where KOT (CAT in Russian, Polish, Ukrainian)

  4. @VendPrekmurec

    March 11, 2013 at 2:39 pm

    means "the birth (in the animal kingdom); and Rotation; "kotat, kotalit"… CATtle (note that this word is not originally "germanic" at all)

    And second addition of the word is Ven (from which derives "Wien" (Vienna) and Fin (finic territory); which was once part of the Vens(Venedas) also… So literally represented a "mixture" of the "Western and Eastern tribes" (Sklavinia, also Stlavinia (known in Byzantium; which is another transliteration of "Skolotoi") instead they were still Vens.

  5. @aBeautifulMasscare

    March 13, 2013 at 6:09 am

    Interesting. I had a feeling Scythians were the original mongols. I have seen a very strange nation on an old map where it was written "MAGOL MAOL MAGOG". I thing I can't fully understand, did these Scythians speak Turkic. Was Tartary a multilingual state? Then we have Cossacks just coming out of nowhere with their own unique culture and way of life. Cossacks were originally clearly not Veneds.

  6. @aBeautifulMasscare

    March 13, 2013 at 6:19 am

    So basically Scythians were culturally different but they spoke a Venedic language? I tried to research about Scythian language, but found nothing. I heard about the Europid mummies in China, but I thought those were Tocharians. From what I remember Dinlin were the ancestors of Huns.
    From early 17'th century maps we see that the capitals (Astrakhan and Tobolsk) of Great Tartary were majority Russian.

    And no, luckily I'm not a jew.

  7. @VendPrekmurec

    March 14, 2013 at 1:13 pm

    No; example: the so called "Tocharian" mummies were of SLAVIC-ARYAN (HYPERBOREAN) origin; their DNA haplogroup is of Ha1a1 origin…

    That's why were found Svastikas (Svargas) inscribed on the bodies of these "chinese tall rulers". Read the book of Levashov. He is correct about his claims… Dinlins (Doni); who BTW migrated also into current MakeDonia(means "Mega" ("magnificient") ; Great Donia; "Day"; Dan, Din; = the occult hebraic (stolen) tribe of Slavs-Aryans from Don river)

  8. @VendPrekmurec

    March 14, 2013 at 1:16 pm

    , Sweden(where still remained many Slavic elements (wrongly transliterated as "Norse"; example; MuspelHeim = PALI (in Rig Vedic Sanskrit & Hyperborean (old Slavic) ; "to burn" (the same with the old name of "PaleStine"; which came from PALI-STAN (yes like "AfganiStan, KazakhStan,…;"stan" = "stay" (status, class)) or ASGARD = OSGRAD ("Axis place"; where GARD was old name of GRAD; "city", "place" (yes like StalinGrad) or ODIN which was simply "the First one" ("Odna, Odin, Eden,…") and

  9. @VendPrekmurec

    March 14, 2013 at 1:37 pm

    Yes MAGOG = MOGOL (not "Mongol"; this term was invented later – to hide the real backgroud history…

  10. @VendPrekmurec

    March 14, 2013 at 1:53 pm

    The Golden (h)ORDA (from this comes Atlantean "Nuovo Ordo" (new Order) was a professional military which was divided into "legions"; who were there to attack and destroy the parasitical societies and their leaders;

    That's why also Gengis Khan (Khan – Veliki Khan, VeliKan; "Great one", was a military Kniaz or a Kniaz (prince) in the war status. His territory became known as Khanat or Khaganat; they were known also as Pani ("leaders") – from which derives "Panonia" and Bani (aversion of a "Pan")

  11. @VendPrekmurec

    March 14, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    That's why Gengis Khan "attacked" Moscowian Tartaria from Mogol Tartaria; the main mission was to DESTROY THE PARASITICAL SYSTEM and eliminate their rulers (who started to work with the Rome & Byzantium and then return back – AS THEY DID). Those states which did not follow the laws of the Original faith of the Old believers were occupied; and its leaders destroyed. Mogols were welcomed in Russia among the people and even among aristocracy.

  12. @aBeautifulMasscare

    March 17, 2013 at 5:24 am

    I've heard genghis khan's parent's name's were not Asiatic at all. His mother's name was Olen (most likely a corruption of "Alan/Alana" of the Sarmatian tribes) and his father Yesukei (corruption of the name Isaac. I recently seen DNA samples for the remains of the armies of the golden horde and they were all Europid indeed.
    I wonder what happened to the cities/settlements of Hyperboreans in Tartary.

  13. @VendPrekmurec

    March 17, 2013 at 10:22 am

    Torahic (term; titulus, not a real name) ISAAK was Akkadian ASAK or "Asakh" transliterated into English. The Asak was Sanskrit "ISHAKU" ("friend of Shiva"); Sabbath = occult version of SabaOt; or Siva(Shiva)Ot; "JivaOt"; means "Life OFF" (away). (the "resting" was transliterated directly from Hyperborean language)

    To understand the better background read the Book: Hebrew is Greek (old Greek had elements of Slavic (transmuted) languages; the same thing happened also with Akkadian) Joseph Yahuda

  14. @VendPrekmurec

    March 17, 2013 at 10:40 am

    " I recently seen DNA samples for the remains of the armies of the golden horde"

    Where were results published?

  15. @aBeautifulMasscare

    March 22, 2013 at 8:27 pm

    Yeah, I just sent you the results in a private message

  16. @VendPrekmurec

    April 19, 2013 at 1:21 pm

    You "know" this from any genetic studies or historical books or is it just your imagination?

  17. @VendPrekmurec

    April 19, 2013 at 1:36 pm

    Imagine NATO building their bases in Moscow today… would you allow it? Some would, but many people would simply destroy whole foreign infrastructure, indeed. A civil war in purest context.

  18. @aBeautifulMasscare

    September 13, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    Is that why Russia prospered more than ever during the mythical "mongol" occupation?

  19. @aBeautifulMasscare

    September 13, 2013 at 11:20 pm

    HAHA, aFricans never had any influence in Russian culture/civilization. Puskin has nothing. Your pathetic attempts to lay claims to other people's civilization only demonstrates how desperately insecure you are about your own.

  20. @scythianarcher6896

    September 14, 2013 at 11:42 am

    I can't say if that is true or not, I'm just saying what I heard from historical documentaries.

  21. @simitar7shabazz

    August 7, 2014 at 3:24 am

    You devils don't travel or even attempt to do the 'research' as Runoko Rashidi has and continues to do. And you are upset with his findings as are most of the white supremacists and their imps on a global scale. Hate on devils. We know you well.

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Helen Pluckrose outlines some of the arguments later explored in depth in her bestselling 2020 book, Cynical Theories (co-authored with James Lindsay). The essay charts the pernicious influence of postmodernist thinking on two generations of academics and activists. If you want to understand how we got to a place where microaggressions are denounced as violence but the brutal terrorism of an intifada is considered righteous, this is an important primer.

Iona Italia reads Helen Pluckrose’s essay published in Quillette:


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