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Racial Segregation and Concentrated Poverty: The History of Housing in Black America



On Jan. 26, 2021, President Joe Biden signed four executive orders designed to address racial equity in the United States. With one particular action Biden hopes to right the historical wrongs Black folks have faced when it comes to housing and homeownership in this country.

Per a White House statement, “He will direct the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to take steps necessary to redress racially discriminatory federal housing policies that have contributed to wealth inequality for generations.”

And that’s why the story of what housing and other living conditions look like for many Black Americans is pretty bleak. It’s by design.



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  1. @MatthewMcMillian

    June 4, 2024 at 9:01 pm

    All this happens because its the American way. You can scream racism all you want but the facts are nothing to do with racism. The facts are you wanted to be just like white people so welcome to our world. The world of your broke all the time if you don't work. Uncle Sam takes all your money in taxes if you do work. Your allowed to do anything at all you want and think that your a free person as long as you pay taxes, buy the insurances, buy all the licenses so forth so on. I mean it has nothing at all to do with racism. The Black people who are poor, are no different than poor white people. The only difference is you dont see poor white people running around saying they poor because everybody is racist. Keep dropping out of high school and smoking crack and then tell your kids that your poor because the world is racist. When in fact your no more poor than most poor white people are. If the few people wanting to blame everything on racism stopped giving all the rest of the black people a bad name, who work, have a life and did graduate high school. I mean can anyone really give an educated answer to the question of why a black women can drop out of high school, then 5 years later end up on Maury Povich with 5 kids by 5 different men, and yet she has no idea who the father is on any of them. But at the same time she can sit on a talk show and say its all because of racism that she got all these kids and don't know who the fathers are. Well guess what. When a white women does that, we dont say it was because of racism. We say it was because the white woman was a whore. Plain and simple. That's like a black guy being on a talk show today talking about how he cant get a job cause he has a methadone addiction and can't pass a drug test and because of his addiction he can't pay his child support because no one will hire him. Then he wants to say no one will hire him because everyone is racist. You know what? If that was a white guy talking, saying the same exact thing, you know what us white people would call him? We would say that is one sorry MF'er!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop playing the victim like you aint this or that because everyone is racist. Hell I work with many fine good black people. My neighbors are good hard working black people. My next door neighbor is black. My baby sitter is his black teenage daughter. They all good people. I ain't racist and neither are they. How out of touch with reality and society do you uneducated people really get? I mean racism only exists anyway because of the sorry lazy people in the world wanting a free hand out to begin with. Even white people that are sorry as hell will say well the system won't give me this or that because I'm not this or that race and I'm white. Which in fact is no different than I black person claiming they poor because of racism.

  2. @jmoneill3

    June 6, 2024 at 1:01 am

    Hahahaha always everyone else’s fault.

  3. @digdugbingo

    June 6, 2024 at 6:32 am

    I'm white, and I'm just as poor as the black people I know. So… I mean I don't think this film is as accurate a picture of life here in the U.S. as you might think. White people are just as poor in this country as black people here now today. It might have been the way things were in the past, however white poverty is just as apparent as black poverty. Everybody is struggling in the here and the now of 2024 and things are getting more expensive for everyone every single day.

  4. @LeeHunt-mu9nb

    June 8, 2024 at 7:05 pm

    This has been happening for a long time now. Which makes me think White people collectively are not truly invested in stopping their practice of racism.

  5. @MrSteelepalm

    June 9, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    Welfare keeps poor families poor

  6. @MrSteelepalm

    June 9, 2024 at 3:35 pm


  7. @sw00sh9

    June 11, 2024 at 12:16 am

    It wasn’t the gov it was the 🇮🇱 hat wearers.

  8. @michaelstovall23

    June 11, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    It used to be white "ghettos" in europe, the phrase was coined there.

  9. @justlol7281

    June 12, 2024 at 2:16 am

    Black people were poor before redlining. They were also poor before slavery. This is dumb

  10. @davidlawrence6089

    June 12, 2024 at 10:26 pm

    There are black folks who never lived in the ghetto. This narrative is wild

  11. @goddesssmiles912

    June 13, 2024 at 12:20 am

    I hate public assistance, public housing all the so called “help that is offered to use, just a ploy in keeping use down


    June 13, 2024 at 9:04 pm

    Now the Goverment enables bad Behavoir and Terrible Music. Leave the country

  13. @MrJoshuaValentinebaby

    June 14, 2024 at 6:42 am

    And now they turning the whole country into a ghetto

  14. @alanstrong55

    June 14, 2024 at 11:47 am

    Must be the aftermath of slavery. Never good.

  15. @janilleism

    June 14, 2024 at 3:54 pm

    So what's the reason why the " ghetto" still exists? So the government is responsible for the ghetto personality black people have like Sexy Red, Ice Spice,etc ..

  16. @SungDaeHan

    June 14, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    I bet they own the homes and only loose if they fail to pay the property tax. Or it looks trashy outside but looks very clean inside. So the looks is deceiving.

  17. @Plutosmoon660

    June 14, 2024 at 7:03 pm

    DO NOT BLAME THIS ON THE GOVERNMENT, these neighborhoods you call the ghettos were once middle class societies, that black Americans turned into the "ghetto. It's no conspiracy behind it. Black Americans do not understand values, black people only come together to support negativity, the riots in Atlanta, the riots in watts, black people participated to the core. It doesn't matter how many times a city will tear down and rebuild these neighborhoods its always the same. Crime, drugs, violence. modern day millionaires won't dare touch a ghetto in America but will build schools and communities in Africa where it would be appreciated. Nowadays the more ghetto the community the more popular because of hip hop music.

  18. @winterfall2020

    June 14, 2024 at 9:42 pm

    We didn’t need to be integrated! We needed the ability to fix our neighborhoods, take over tenements and make them livable! Open our own stores and markets! Abd it still had not been done!

  19. @ninastone9054

    June 15, 2024 at 9:41 am

    Willie Lynch Letter

  20. @iris_nazarena_4882

    June 16, 2024 at 6:02 pm

    The government will never make amends towards African-Americans. (All the Biden this Biden that is for his slim chance at reelection.) There are many instances of white people making personal reparations towards the Black families they had enslaved. In other words, don't hold your breath waiting for the government to do what they're supposed to do. WE got this!

  21. @deothoma

    June 17, 2024 at 10:14 pm

    Gotta add the crack epidemic as well in there

  22. @timfronimos459

    June 18, 2024 at 3:19 am

    Read, Slaughter of Cities by E Michael Jones

  23. @ericcaledonai9700

    June 19, 2024 at 4:16 pm

    Really Biden was the number 1 proponent of Segregation in 1972 gave a speech on how “Segregation is good for colored folk” I watched the speech, live.
    And you know who the mayor was? Nancy Pelosi’s father Thomas Di’ Alessendro a KKK connected mobster convicted of fraud of the City of Baltimore.
    Democrat President founded system by Johnson. “War on Poverty”
    From Democrat Civil war to defense of Slavery to Democrat KKK and Democrat Jim Crow to Democrat Senator.
    All was pre tested on Native Americans and the Prisoner of War Camps now called Reservations.
    Control the food Control the Water Control the Health Care- Lock Downs- Controls the people.
    The so called Sovereign Nations are slaves while calling themselves Sovereign.
    Natives shortest life spans of any minority.
    And Blacks a close second. Why ??
    Democrat imposed Indian Eradication policies and Black Welfare system.

  24. @ericcaledonai9700

    June 19, 2024 at 4:23 pm

    It is time Blacks in America wake up. Realize you cannot be king of your castle while eating scraps from the DNC table.
    This goes for any minority. They remove the Father they destroy the family.
    It takes a man to make a man.
    Show to love their wife. To love their children and to protect their family.
    Democrats remove the father
    Democrats push abortion by Margaret Sanger – “The reason I created the planned parenthood system is to remove the unwanted and unwashed masses from our society. “ Margaret Sanger At KKK rally – while boyfriend Josef Stoddard wrote Untermentsch a book on the eradication of the Jew.
    Which Hitler used to justify Hitler’s ideology of extermination.
    And yep Stoddard a Demomarxist.

  25. @ericcaledonai9700

    June 19, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    I am a Native who lived in Newark and Camden 98% black. Think about that?
    I see exactly the same system used that were founded by Andrew Jackson Democrat President used by Johnson and even now.
    Who will take your job? Other white Americans? No.., the Illegal that lowers the pay scale works under the table and destroys the economy in those neighborhoods. I’m not against anyone. But all Americans white black and red brown must join together to fight the groups who have seized control as you would be rulers.
    How does a person making 65,000 a year as a Senator never having another job become a billionaire?
    Corruption- and you are the key –
    It ain’t “You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me. “
    Another way to say
    “You ain’t a slave if you don’t vote for me. “
    Black white red or brown Asian or otherwise. So stop being slaves of the Democrat Plantation that has been them since before 1862.

  26. @ericcaledonai9700

    June 19, 2024 at 5:08 pm

    Black Elites make money pushing racism.

  27. @huhmf4815

    June 20, 2024 at 8:24 pm

    Ok everyone should know the life we live is to make sure it's lab rats,crash dumbs and examples. But as long as my black folks sleep it's always gonna be effective.

  28. @doodad77

    June 21, 2024 at 4:51 am

    If consider recruitment or involvement with USA military, then regard injuries, injustice, civil, criminal, & human rights violations happening that are suppressed from exposure … There are risk, hazard, danger, & harm among human rights violations with atrocity happening among medical, health, & hospital in USA especially amid Veterans Exploitation Industrial Complex. Beside banal, irresponsible, & neglectful there are immoral, negligent, malevolent, & outright evil people among conniving intrusive parasitic NGOs, malfeasance, kleptocracy, & systemic corruption characterize deteriorated social institutions in USA that betray, coverup, obstruct, reprisal & retaliate, further endanger, harm, & violate happening amid Veterans Exploitation Industrial Complex from California to Ohio, San Diego to Chillicothe, Columbus, Lancaster, et al ridden with risk, hazard, harm, corruption, & violations. Advise beware & avoid all Veterans Admin/Affairs facilities along with Ohio Health (especially Columbus & Circleville OH locations) among others comprising that awful abusive dangerous network, since systemic corruption from federal to state, county, & city beside expressly promote & indulge anti-white male bias, discrimination, prejudice, & malicious racist-hate motivated incidents of assault & battery, with willfully inflict injury & trauma, abduction, torture, physical assault & battery, sexual assault & rape, fraud, slander, persecution, terrorism, bribery, malfeasance, collusion & complicit involvement among violations happening that get suppressed from exposure much less investigate, charge, pursue due process, & accountability else upon report then risk further harm from reprisal & retaliation while outright evil people are indulged to further harm & violate innocent people especially target military retirees & veterans with those characterizations mentioned.

  29. @absoluteward7811

    June 23, 2024 at 1:44 pm

    Bidens party was the party that supported this program the most in the first place..sshhh don't say anything about this part though, morons.

  30. @905royals

    June 24, 2024 at 3:26 pm

    Today in fake news

  31. @georgiakritikos4955

    June 25, 2024 at 3:54 pm


  32. @Kermondale

    June 25, 2024 at 10:43 pm

    They are [True-Israel]

  33. @robertmills1719

    June 25, 2024 at 11:57 pm

    Racism is never going to stop there shouldn't have been no segregation it should be more of an integration of all population that is fighting for the same right to exist being less than half a man to be a man that's a whole different story we should have stood together and create our own townships create our own destiny warning with the white man wanted was not the answer it was the downfall of our race we looked at one of the sit next to a white man and other than wanting to sit next to a black man creating a new generation of Heroes the United States government is not going to never in history no matter how many bills they sign allow black men and women to catch up live equal outside of being together the whole idea is to continuously keep the race down never given too much of an inch in order to change the statistics of poverty for Black America they work too hard to put it in place and they're never going to let it go they all said it is the black man fall for him not being able to make changes that would benefit him when in all actuality it is the government that is not and I repeat is not ever allowed truly equal

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