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Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary Visits Ukraine



He stood alone for months in blocking a European aid package for Ukraine worth $52 billion but then meekly folded. He refused to accept Sweden as a new member of NATO for more than a year before eventually bowing to pressure from bigger countries and giving his unconditional assent.

The same pattern repeated itself on Tuesday when Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary made a surprise visit to Kyiv to meet the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, taking a path well trodden for more than two years by other European leaders but previously shunned by Mr. Orban.

Hungarian officials explained the previously unannounced trip as an effort to promote “peace” — Hungary’s euphemism for a settlement built on Ukrainian capitulation to Russian demands. Many observers saw it instead more as a move by Mr. Orban to try to end his isolation over Ukraine on the European stage.

Zsomber Zeold, a former Hungarian diplomat and foreign policy expert in Budapest, said the visit had “come as a complete surprise to me and many others” given that Mr. Orban has staked out such a hostile position toward Ukraine for so long. “The most plausible explanation,” Mr. Zeold said, is that “he wants to build up some kind of credibility within the European Union as not just a one-sided, pro-Russian actor.”

Hungary this week took over the rotating presidency of the European Union promising to “make Europe great again.” But the presidency is largely a clerical position, and Mr. Orban’s oft-repeated vow to “take over Brussels” has rested instead on a calculation that elections last month for the European Parliament would make Hungary’s governing Fidesz party a powerful new center of gravity for like-minded nationalist forces in the continental body.

That hope, however, has so far been hobbled by Mr. Orban’s reputation as the European bloc’s most Kremlin-friendly leader — a position with which only a few marginal figures want to be associated.

Peter Kreko, the director of Political Capital, a research group in Budapest that is often critical of the Hungarian leader, described Mr. Orban’s the trip to Kyiv as a “wise, unexpected surprise that can improve his chances of getting closer to the E.U. mainstream” and forging an alliance with conservatives like Giorgia Meloni, the Italian prime minister. While Ms. Meloni agrees with Mr. Orban on the need to tightly restrict immigration and protect national sovereignty, she has been put off by his pro-Kremlin stand on Ukraine.

“He knows that visiting Zelensky is code for being a ‘member of the club’, and he would like to send a strong message to E.U. leaders that he is in the club even if he plays the outsider many times,” Mr. Kreko said.

When Hungary last week announced the formation of a new right-wing alliance in the European Parliament called Patriots for Europe, Mr. Orban declared it the start of a “new era” of “peace, security and development” instead of “war, migration and stagnation” that “will change European politics.”

But the new Hungarian-led legislative alliance, which Mr. Orban predicted “will soon be the strongest right-wing political group in Europe,” only managed to attract two small populist parties from Austria and the Czech Republic. A tiny right-wing Portuguese party has since said it will join, too. Another possible addition is the far-right Italian party of Matteo Salvini, an outspoken fan of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who is struggling to overcome a dismal performance in the Europe’s June elections.

Europe’s most powerful nationalist parties have so far all stayed away, reducing Mr. Orban’s chances of becoming a central figure on the surging populist right.

Law and Justice, the former governing party in Poland, which has a far bigger economy, military and population than Hungary, shares Mr. Orban’s hostility to immigration and the Brussels bureaucracy. But it declined to join the new alliance, largely because of Hungary’s stand on the war in Ukraine.

Ms. Meloni of Italy has also shown no interest in joining forces with Hungary in the European Parliament and is sticking with her own group in the assembly.

By traveling to Ukraine, Mr. Orban “is trying to break out of political no man’s land in the E.U., and showing a more open approach toward Kyiv would be key in this regard,” said Edit Zgut-Przybylska, an assistant professor at the Polish Academy of Sciences who has written extensively about Russian influence in Hungary.

Speaking in Kyiv on Tuesday, Mr. Orban repeated his calls for “peace” but avoided any suggestion that achieving it depended on Ukraine’s giving up. The Hungarian news agency MTI said Mr. Orban called for a “time-bound cease-fire, which gives an opportunity to speed up peace talks.”

Unian, a Ukrainian news outlet, quoted Mr. Orban as saying “peace is an important issue. The war in which you are living now has a very intense effect on the security of Europe.” He made no public criticism of Mr. Zelensky over the treatment of Ukraine’s Hungarian minority, previously a major bone of contention often raised by Mr. Orban, and instead thanked Mr. Zelensky for listening to his views on a possible cease-fire.

Professor Zgut-Przybylska said Mr. Orban’s trip “does not mean that the Hungarian government will make a U-turn in politics.” Instead, it fit into what the prime minister has himself described as Hungary’s “peacock dance”: a policy of fluttering feathers to different sides depending on the moment.

“Orban has been playing this ‘peacock’ dance for a decade,” she said, “and Hungary’s energy dependency on Russia will remain stronger than ever.”

Russia, perhaps worried that it could be losing its most reliable friend in the European Union, played down the significance of Mr. Orban’s visit. Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, was quoted by Tass news agency as saying Mr. Orban’s presence in Kyiv did not reflect a change in Hungary’s position but only its responsibilities after assuming the European Union’s rotating presidency. “We don’t expect anything,” Mr. Peskov said.

An early sign that Mr. Orban wants to shed his toxic image as a Kremlin puppet, said Mr. Zeold, the former diplomat, came last month when he gave a warm welcome in Budapest to the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, a robust supporter of military assistance to Ukraine.

Mr. Orban assured Mr. Stoltenberg that he would not veto NATO support for Ukraine at a summit this month of alliance leaders in Washington. He still insisted that Hungary would not provide funds or military personnel for any joint assistance efforts. But the promise not to play the role of a spoiler at the summit calmed worries that Hungary might torpedo proposals for a new system to provide more predictable, long-term security assistance and military training to Ukraine.

Positioning himself as Europe’s champion of “peace” against what he derides as Europe’s “warmongers” has played well politically at home for Mr. Orban. His Fidesz party won a landslide election victory, its fourth in a row, in 2022 after smearing the main opposition leader as a reckless leader bent on sending Hungarians to fight against Russia in Ukraine. That was a lie but, repeated noisily by news media outlets controlled by Mr. Orban’s party, it helped destroy the opposition.

In the run-up to last month’s European Parliament election, Fidesz warned that Europe’s support for Ukraine risked triggering World War III and railed against what it said were proposals in Brussels to impose mandatory military conscription across Europe. No such proposals existed, but the fear stirred up by Fidesz helped the party win the vote in Hungary for the European legislature, though a strong showing by an upstart conservative rival reduced the scale of Mr. Orban’s victory.

Conscription, the E.U.’s foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, said, “is a national decision” and not something Brussels could ever impose.

Domestic political expediency, however, has crimped Mr. Orban’s appeal beyond Hungary’s borders. His most vocal supporters abroad have been right-wing Americans like Donald J. Trump. In Europe, only Slovakia has been vociferous in opposing support for Ukraine.

And that, said Mr. Zeold, is a problem for Mr. Orban, whose soaring ambitions reach far beyond just Hungary’s less than 10 million people.

“The Hungarian domestic political scene is too small for Orban,” Mr. Zeold said. “He wants to play on a bigger playing field. And that is the E.U.”

Marc Santora contributed reporting.

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Yellowstone National Park ranger injured in shooting



A shoot out at Yellowstone National Park left a suspect dead and a park ranger injured, the National Park Service (NPS) said in a statement Thursday afternoon.

The deceased suspect, who has not been identified, was making threats with a firearm at the park’s Canyon Village complex overnight Wednesday and into early Thursday when rangers were called to the scene, NPS said. 

Gunfire was exchanged between the suspect and the rangers, which ultimately led to the suspect being killed.


A shoot out at Yellowstone National Park left a suspect dead and a park ranger injured, the National Park Service (NPS) said in a statement.  (DEA/W. BUSS/De Agostini via Getty Images)

One Yellowstone law enforcement park ranger was injured. The ranger is in stable condition and being treated at a nearby regional hospital, NPS said. 


Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park

Lamar Valley and the Absaroka Mountains, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.  (VWPics/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

An area around the Canyon Lodge complex remains closed for the investigation. The complex is located in northwestern Wyoming and is popular for tourists visiting the historic park.

The FBI is leading the investigation with support from NPS special agents.  

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Thompson Fire In Northern California Slowing As Some Residents Will Be Allowed To Return



A destructive wildfire that engulfed buildings and forced 29,000 people to evacuate the area near Oroville in Butte County, Calif., is showing signs of slowing, officials said.

Fire crews battled flames overnight, and on Thursday morning, the spread of the blaze, named the Thompson fire, remained relatively stable, at around 3,700 acres burned. The fierce winds that initially drove the fire weakened through the night, and officials said they planned to repopulate some areas today that were previously under evacuation orders.

On Thursday afternoon, the Butte County Sheriff’s Office lifted evacuation orders and warnings for more than 20 zones, and downgraded evacuation orders to warnings for roughly another 20, allowing thousands of residents who had been displaced by the fire to return to their homes.

So far, four firefighters have been injured and four structures destroyed as a result of the blaze, according to Cal Fire’s incident report. The fire has also consumed vehicles, based on news coverage.

“Overall, things are looking pretty good,” said Kevin Colburn, a spokesman for Cal Fire. “The fire is not doing what it was doing on the first day. It’s not burning with a rapid rate of spread. It’s pretty much staying in the footprint that it’s in.”

Mr. Colburn added that while officials were feeling “more confident” about the slowing spread of the fire and the ability of firefighters to contain it, there was still a lot of work to do, and the situation could change. As of Thursday morning, the fire was 7 percent contained.

Some people who returned to the area on Thursday remained uneasy. Angel Williams, the assistant manager at Foothill Boarding and Grooming in Oroville, spent the morning moving a group of dogs back into kennels after they were evacuated on Tuesday.

The nearby hills were charred black, and a hot, smoky breeze moved through the complex. The facility was not damaged, but Ms. Williams was trying to reduce the number of animals in her care, sending dogs to the owners’ emergency contacts in case the situation changed.

“We’re still on standby,” Ms. Williams said, noting that the fire was still burning only a few miles away. “I’ve had a massive headache all day because I’m so worried.”

Much of California is experiencing a brutal heat wave. Temperatures in Oroville on Thursday were expected to reach 110 degrees, with even hotter ones expected in the coming days. The rising heat, coupled with low humidity, could contribute to increased fire activity, officials said. On Wednesday, two smaller fires ignited within a few miles of the blaze near Oroville, but they were quickly contained.

Butte County has been the scene of a number of destructive fires in recent years, including the Camp fire, in 2018, one of the deadliest wildfires in American history. It killed 85 people and almost completely destroyed the town of Paradise, about 20 miles north of Oroville.

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Labour set for general election landslide, according to exit poll



Labour is set to win a general election landslide with a majority of 170, according to an exit poll for the BBC, ITV and Sky.

If the forecast is accurate, it means Sir Keir Starmer will become prime minister with 410 Labour MPs – just short of Tony Blair’s 1997 total.

The Conservatives are predicted to slump to 131 MPs, their lowest number in post-war history.

The Liberal Democrats are projected to come third with 61 MPs.

The Scottish National Party will see its number of MPs fall to 10, while Reform UK is forecast to get 13 MPs, according to the exit poll.

The Green Party of England and Wales is predicted to double its number of MPs to two and Plaid Cymru are set to get four MPs. Others are forecast to get 19 seats.

The exit poll, overseen by Sir John Curtice and a team of statisticians, is based on data from voters at about 130 polling stations in England, Scotland and Wales. The poll does not cover Northern Ireland.

At the past five general elections, the exit poll has been accurate to within a range of 1.5 and 7.5 seats.

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