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Monique Volz of Ambitious Kitchen Shares Her Cooking Secrets



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I always feel a spark of magic anytime I visit Ambitious Kitchen. The homepage is a study in all things aesthetic, eye-catching, and totally delish. Of course, there are the recipes rich with flavor and color, but there’s also the variety and volume of inspiring dishes Monique Volz develops (and tests, photographs, and thoughtfully writes about…). Having founded the healthy living and food blog over a decade ago, Monique claims a unique corner of the internet. It’s one that’s evolved alongside her growth as a blogger and business owner—and the vibrant, devoted community she’s built.

What Monique makes clear with every recipe is that what she creates isn’t just food—it’s a story. She weaves narrative, reflections, and personal anecdotes seamlessly into her recipes. From her writing, we learn not only about Monique, but about the ethos that runs through her brand. Ambition, in her words, isn’t just about getting things done. It’s about being present for the pursuit and honoring the journey that takes you to where you want to be.

Monique Volz drinking coffee.

Waking Up With Monique Volz of Ambitious Kitchen

Monique’s commitment to presence influences not only her work, but how she lives out every day. As a busy mom of three boys (under four, no less), Monique manages the shuffle of motherhood and running a small business with grace, acceptance, and a healthy dose of real talk. In reflecting on her morning routine, she jokes that she wishes she could share something more akin to the aspirational TikToks saturating every FYP. But she embraces the AM chaos, prioritizing those points of connection with her sweet family of five.

Often, in true Ambitious Kitchen fashion, that means sitting down to a tasty, nutritious breakfast. “Setting the tone for the day in a joyful way is important to me,” she tells us. It’s evident in how Monique describes her morning rituals and navigates her work, that she’s found a balance that supports her best in this season of life. By remaining mindful of what fills her cup—and aligning her day with exactly that—she’s able to consistently pour into her passions, grow her business, and make time for what matters most.

We sat down with Monique to learn more about her morning rituals. From her minimalist beauty routine (that yes, we will be stealing) to the outfit formula she swears by to her rules for success, Monique has plenty of inspiration to share. Let’s dive in.

Psst… For more delicious recipes (125 to be exact, including Glowing Skin Vitamin A Smoothie, The Best Cinnamon Rolls You’ll Ever Eat, Buffalo Chicken Chop Chop Salad, and more) pre-order The Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook, set to be released Fall 2024.)

Monique Volz living room.
Monique Volz drinking coffee.

Tell us about your career and starting a business. What has life been like as an entrepreneur?

I started Ambitious Kitchen when I was just 22 years old, and was able to take it full-time three years later, so this entrepreneurship journey has been what feels like most of my career. It’s been a blessing being able to share my passion for food and wellness with others for over 10 years now.

It’s also helped me heal from trauma, practice vulnerability, succeed, fail, and pick myself up again. It has taught me the importance of structure, time management, organization, and above all, determination.

From the beginning, I was determined to create a blog, even if I didn’t know what the path would be yet. In my 20s, I worked hard, often letting go of nights out and a social life to run my business and get it to where it is today. I’m so proud that I’m able to touch so many people’s lives with my recipes and storytelling. Whether that means getting them in the kitchen to try a new technique or recipe or just bringing my readers together for a joyful, comforting, and nourishing family meal. 

What has been your biggest learning over the past year?

To know my limits and to take breaks to be the best version of myself. To recognize when I am performing at my best and being willing to let go of things, or move things when I know my time or mental health will suffer. As an entrepreneur, I always want to say yes to everything, but setting boundaries has been critical, especially since I have become a mother.

Monique Volz journaling living room

How would you describe your personal style?

Feminine, romantic, and a little edgy.

What’s your daily uniform?

Black sweatshirt or shirt, jeans by Madewell, thick black belt, cute vintage colorful or patterned blazer or jacket, platform shoes or black boots! Pretty much my go-to outfit.

Monique Volz folding blanket

What does a typical day look like for you? 

It really depends. If I’m testing recipes, I’ll typically test them two days a week and do up to 5-6 recipes per day. They don’t always turn out perfectly, and I like to test most of my recipes 2-3 times before they go on the blog. When I’m not testing recipes, I’m writing and editing them, managing my employees, filming videos for our upcoming YouTube series, voiceovers or filming for reels, and doing A LOT of admin work. It’s crazy how much of my time has been spent doing the tasks I don’t love, but that’s a part of being an entrepreneur!

What time is your wake-up call?

Typically between 5:30 and 6 a.m. My kids wake me up most mornings. I probably get 6-7 hours of sleep a night. I definitely wish it was more!

Monique Volz pouring coffee
Monique Volz kitchen

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Snuggle with my boys, talk to them about our day, and of course, drink a cup of coffee. 

What does your morning, pre-work routine look like?

I wish this sounded like one of those incredibly inspiring morning routines that you see on TikTok, but the truth is, mornings are very chaotic for us. We have three boys who are four years old and under, and getting them fed and dressed in the morning is busy. Typically I wake up between 5:30-6 a.m. with my kids. I’ll brush my teeth and immediately get downstairs to unload the dishwasher and start coffee. I drink coffee with Califia Toasted Coconut AlmondMilk (so good!) then I’ll make homemade pancakes, waffles, smoothies, muffins or take something out of the freezer if we are in a rush.

Spending time with my boys in the morning is so important to me, and I love being able to offer them something nutritious before they start the day. I always felt so rushed when I was a little girl to get out the door and my mom hardly ever made breakfast. Setting the tone for the day in a joyful way is important to me.

After breakfast, everyone gets dressed and then we walk or scoot to school by 8 a.m. or so. A few days a week, I do a workout and strength train before starting my day. I’d like to do this more, but it feels like I’m in a very busy season of life, and I’m accepting that it won’t last forever!

What rituals set you up for success?

I always write down a list of what I need to accomplish and then rank it in order of importance. It’s difficult for me to get through all of my to-dos on any given day, but assigning importance to tasks helps me prioritize.

Monique Volz morning beauty products.
Monique Volz skincare serum

Describe your morning beauty routine from start to finish:

There are two products that I currently use before I start my day. Dr. Dennis Gross daily peel pads followed by Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine SPF mixed with an organic rosehip seed oil. If I don’t have anywhere to be, I keep a fresh face without makeup, which I think is essential to clear skin! I switch it up often though. I like to keep my skin super hydrated and glowing.

Monique Volz opening refrigerator.

What will we always find in your refrigerator?

Siggi’s yogurt, Califia Toasted Coconut Almond Milk blend, Persian cucumbers, sambal oolek, gouchujang, honeycrisp apples, Siggi’s yogurt, cottage cheese, pickled jalapeños, and lots of fresh fruits.

Do you work out in the morning?

I used to work out almost every day, but now my focus has shifted from how often to the quality of my movement. I do heavy strength training three days a week and other days I’m out walking as much as I can.

Monique Volz smoothie

What do you eat for breakfast?

For breakfast, I typically like to enjoy baked oatmeal or smoothies. Lately I’ve been loving my blueberry muffin smoothie or my lemon poppyseed blueberry baked oatmeal.

Ambitious kitchen cat.
Ambitious kitchen coffee nook.

What’s your favorite getting-ready soundtrack?

Any of my Spotify playlists. Most of the time, I like to keep it chill. 

What’s always on your nightstand?

My Hydroflask water bottle and a good hand or body lotion. (I love Nécessaire body lotion!)

Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook
Monique Volz Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook

I’d carve out an hour to focus on self-care and self-health, whatever I needed to fill my cup. To be honest, I’d love to go for a long bike ride every morning by the lake or catch up with a friend or my mom over coffee or head to a fun workout class.

What are one or two things you do every day to live a more joyful life?

Put away my phone during moments that presence is important, like dinner or when I’m playing with my kids. I always feel more joyful and present when I don’t have my phone. There isn’t a need to take it out to capture moments—the moments simply exist and I’m there to soak them all in!

If you could pin your success down to one thing, what would that be?

Determination and ambition. Just wanting to succeed in what I do and figuring out what that looks like to me and how to do it. And never, ever giving up.

Monique Volz working on laptop

Sentence Finishers:

I never leave the house without: SPF.

If there were more hours in the day, I would: do more self-care.

Healthiest morning habit: going for a walk within 1 to 2 hours of waking up.

Worst morning habit: not drinking enough water and drinking LOTS and LOTS of coffee.

One thing I want to be known for is: inspiring others to feel their best.

The one thing I fear the most is: losing someone I love.

When I feel that fear, I: focus on the present.

The book I always recommend: The Body Keeps the Score.

One trait you need to succeed in life is: unapologetically being yourself and living YOUR truth.

Bath or shower? What’s your favorite bath product? Bath. Love Epsom or magnesium baths!

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13 High-Protein Snack Recipes That’ll Keep You Satisfied



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I’ll let you in on a little behind-the-scenes peek into my weekday afternoons. It’s a few hours after lunch, and like clockwork, my stomach starts to grumble. My midday meal isn’t to blame—I’ve made sure to fill my plate with energizing foods. Instead, I’ll chalk it up to the fact that with a morning workout under my belt plus a day’s worth of tasks, my energy is zapped. By mid-afternoon, it can feel like I haven’t eaten in days. Dramatic as that may be, there’s a truth to it. If you’re like me, then you’re familiar with the mid-afternoon hangries. But instead of reaching for another cup of coffee or a cookie to satisfy my sweet tooth, I have another solution. High-protein snack recipes that boost my days with sustained energy.

Listening to your body is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Tired? Take a break. Stressed? Try saying “no” to what doesn’t serve you. Hungry? Eat something energizing, wholesome, and of course, delicious. I ensured that each recipe below checked off all three boxes. Because even on the busiest work days, we all deserve high-protein snack recipes to look forward to.

Featured image from our interview with Megan Roup by Michelle Nash.

Sanne Vloet working out

Why We Should Prioritize Protein In Our Snacks

Contrary to popular belief, protein isn’t a one-and-done thing. That’s right—we need to be consuming protein consistently throughout the day to sustain energy, support muscle recovery, regulate hormones, and keep our blood sugar balanced. And when it comes to knowing how much protein we need, it’s different for everyone. The answer is nuanced. Factors such as age, gender, body composition, and activity level all come into play. We recommend speaking with your physician, dietitian, or a nutritionist for a personalized look into a protein plan that’s right for you.

Alongside quality sleep and regular exercise, protein can support women’s health in many ways. Consuming protein helps women build lean muscle mass, produce enzymes and hormones, and create a healthy environment for an embryo to grow. If you want to learn more about how protein supports women’s bodies specifically, our resident wellness expert, Edie Horstman, breaks down the importance of protein for women.

Woman reaching in cabinet.

The Best Store-Bought High-Protein Snacks

Brekki Dark Chocolate Oats

I consider oats a perfect breakfast food. Full of fiber, high in protein, and endlessly customizable, they’re my ideal start to the day. Since discovering Brekki’s line of ready-to-eat oats packed with chia seeds, buckwheat, almonds, flaxseeds, and other nourishing ingredients, I’ve now added oats to my everyday, afternoon snacking habits. The amount of protein per serving varies among the different flavors, but I’m obsessed with these dark chocolate oats that pack eight grams in each indulgent bite.

Protein Per Serving: 8 grams

24K Chicken Bone Broth Sachets

PSA: Bone broth is the sexy snack we should all be sipping on. (Vegetarians, this one’s for you.) Each sip soothes digestion while collagen supports healthy nails and glowing skin. Anti-inflammatory turmeric keeps your immunity strong while miso and a mirepoix give this broth a rich, savory flavor. I keep a sachet in my bag at all times for those moments when I need an energizing, hunger-beating boost.

Protein Per Serving: 12 grams

Chomps Original Beef Sticks

Meat sticks are back—but these are a far cry from the Slim Jims of yore. Chomps are packed with smoky, bold flavor and free from fillers, allergens, and added sugars. Made with 100% grass-fed and finished beef, they’re a simple, satiating high-protein snack you can feel good about buying in bulk.

Protein Per Serving: 10 grams

Justin’s Squeeze Pack Classic Almond Butter

Raise your hand in solidarity if you’ve also been known to dive into a jar of nut butter spoon first. Justin’s is for all the salty and sweet enthusiasts among us. These natural almond butter packets require zero stirring—and are perfect squeezed on apple slices or eaten all on their own.

Protein Per Serving: 6 grams

The Only Bean Crunchy Roasted Edamame Beans

Edamame is a powerhouse, plant-based protein source. If you love a little crunch, you’ll be obsessed with these beans’ salty, roasted flavor. They’re a great nut alternative if you’re getting tired of your afternoon almonds.

Protein Per Serving: 11 grams

We recently named these vegan, soy-free, and gluten-free bars as one of the very best protein bars. We’re obsessed with their soft chew, delicious flavor options, and the measly single gram of sugar they contain. (So many protein bars are packed with added sugars.) Oh, and they also boast 15 grams of fiber per serving. Does your protein bar do that?

Protein Per Serving: 20 grams

Perfect Bar Snack Size Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Protein Bars

For when you need a little treat to keep you going, Perfect Bar has you covered. This snack-sized version of the brand’s larger bars clocks in at 150 calories and five grams of protein—pairing your chocolate craving with hunger-satiating nutrients. Replace your go-to Reese’s with this little delight. You’ll be obsessed.

Protein Per Serving: 5 grams

13 High-Protein Snack Recipes That’ll Keep You Satisfied

After you’ve explored and educated yourself on protein’s importance, it’s time for the fun part: high-protein snack recipes! Read on for the recipes that keep us satiated throughout the afternoon and beyond! Get ready to kiss the 3 p.m. slump goodbye.

L. Reuteri Yogurt

L. Reuteri Yogurt

Why We Love It: As a part of her gut-healing journey, Camille has been eating 1/2 cup of this homemade, probiotic-rich yogurt every day. She’s noticed not only a significant increase in energy thanks to the protein but also improved digestion and mood. Seriously, this yogurt works wonders in helping you reach higher levels of health and vibrancy.

Hero Ingredient: While it may sound complicated, there’s not a lot that goes into making homemade yogurt. Just three ingredients—whole milk, inulin powder, and a probiotic or reserved whey from a previous batch of yogurt—make the magic happen. Let’s give it up to this protein-packed, gut-healing trifecta.

Chocolate Banana Almond Butter Smoothie

Chocolate Banana Almond Butter Smoothie

Why We Love It: Though they’ve fallen out of favor on our Instagram feeds, I’m a forever smoothie stan. And while I’d encourage mindful eating above all else, smoothies are an easy solve for simultaneous sipping while you work away. Add to that the fact that you can blend up a bounty of good-for-you ingredients and well, everyone should believe in their magic. This chocolatey delicious drink, included.

Hero Ingredient: When it comes to this smoothie, there are countless superfoods to select from. But despite the limitless options, I’d have to go for the Greek yogurt. It’s my go-to when I’m looking for a rich, creamy texture and protein-packed deliciousness. For those who don’t do dairy, any high-protein alternative is great.

Strawberry Matcha Smoothie

Strawberry Matcha Smoothie

Why We Love It: While most might knock a smoothie for leaving you hungry just a few hours later, this matcha-filled sipper is as satisfying as they come. Yogurt bulks it out with protein, matcha provides sustainable energy, and antioxidant-rich strawberries help regulate blood sugar. You’re welcome to add a scoop of protein powder to make this all the more filling.

Hero Ingredient: This smoothie is packed with so many powerhouse ingredients, but I’ll give it to the coconut milk that keeps this sipper super creamy and filled with healthy fats.

Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Why We Love It: Maybe I’m in the minority, but I’ve loved cottage cheese my whole life. Thankfully, everyone seems to understand the hype now with recipes spreading far and wide all over social media. While I’m obsessed with cottage cheese ice cream, banana bread, and using it to top my toast, I could truly eat this breakfast bowl every day. It’s slated for breakfast, but you have the freedom to fit the portion size to your afternoon appetite. Simply spoon some cottage cheese in a bowl and customize with your favorite toppings, or let the options here inspire you.

Hero Ingredient: Full of protein and able to lean savory or sweet, cottage cheese has rightfully earned it’s spot in the limelight.

Vanilla Chia Pudding With Chestnut Honey & Berries

Vanilla Chia Pudding With Chestnut Honey & Berries

Why We Love It: Contrary to popular belief, high-protein snack recipes don’t always have to be savory. And while I tend to reserve chia pudding for breakfast, it’s time I let it shine during other meals of the day. What can definitely be enjoyed as a snack can totally double as dessert. It’s light and literally zero effort. A magic pair.

Hero Ingredient: A little honey or maple syrup keeps things just sweet enough.

Simple bowl of green guacamole

The Only Guacamole Recipe You Need

Why We Love It: Plenty of recipes claim to be the be-all and end-all of guacamole. But trust me, this perfectly creamy, perfectly spicy take is it. This recipe keeps things simple with a minimal mix of ingredients. Avocado (of course), plus a red onion and chile for heat. Add to that a few other choice components, and you have the easiest crowd-pleasing appetizer that’s perfect for any party. You’re also fully welcome to keep it all to yourself. I’ll definitely be doing the same.

Hero Ingredient: The lime juice cuts through and balances the richness of the avocados beautifully.

Ricotta with Pears and Honeyed Pistachios

Ricotta with Pears and Honeyed Pistachios

Why We Love It: Sometimes, you just need a gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing snack to brighten up your afternoon. When that particular craving hits, this is always my go-to. It calls for only seven ingredients (counting the crusty bread) and couldn’t be simpler to whip up. As far as high-protein snack recipes go, this might just be the prettiest.

Hero Ingredient: Camille calls ricotta the “little black dress of your cheese drawer.” I couldn’t agree more.

Raspberry Cocoa Energy Balls

Raspberry Cocoa Energy Balls

Why We Love It: As someone who always seems to be in motion, my favorite high-protein snack recipes are those that I can take with me on the go and pop in my mouth as I please. So it seemed like my snacking dreams had become a reality when I discovered these energy balls. The good news? They’re almost as simple to make as they are to eat. It’s your food processor that does all the work.

Hero Ingredient: Sticky and sweet, dates are my forever fave.

Avocado Toast with a Jammy Egg

Avocado Toast with a Jammy Egg

Why We Love It: What at first might seem like an oversight on this writer’s part is actually the most genius trick in the game. A slice of avocado toast is a snack that’s sure to brighten anyone’s afternoon—and this one is made all the better (and boasts a boost of protein) thanks to the jammy egg. It defines deliciousness and can be jazzed up or made simpler thanks to its endless customizability.

Hero Ingredient: Is there anything more satisfying than popping open a perfect avocado?

Copycat Homemade Perfect Bars from Erin Lives Whole

Copycat Homemade Perfect Bars from Erin Lives Whole

Why We Love It: When Perfect Bars took the snack world by storm a few years ago, you can bet I was on board. While some (most?) protein bars at the time were full of sugar and impossible-to-pronounce ingredients, Perfect Bars decided to disrupt the snack game, packing 20+ superfoods into every single bar. And while I love their convenience, oftentimes, I’ll take the homemade route versus picking something off the supermarket shelves. These are easy to make and even easier to devour. You’ll have no problem making it through the rest of your work day with one of these on hand.

Hero Ingredient: Honey not only holds everything together, but it makes these Perfect Bars perfectly sweet.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies from Well Plated By Erin

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies from Well Plated By Erin

Why We Love It: When it comes to cookies’ crave-worthiness and nutritional benefits, not all are created equal. Case in point, these PB and protein-packed delights. They’re budget-friendly and soft and chewy (hot take: all of the best cookies should be). Oh, and they only take one bowl to whip up. You’re welcome.

Hero Ingredient: The soft, chewy cookie I elaborated on above? You can thank the half-cup of creamy peanut butter for that.

Baked Egg Muffins from Eating Bird Food

Baked Egg Muffins from Eating Bird Food

Why We Love It: When recipes for egg muffins started making their way around the internet, those focused on getting their fill of protein first thing rejoiced. Well, I’m here to say that you have my full permission to enjoy these in the afternoon as well. Actually, scratch that—you don’t need anyone to tell you that you can munch on these whenever you want. They’re simple to prep and easy to pop in a glass container to take with you to work.

Hero Ingredient: I’m of the opinion that feta cheese is always a yes. It’s salty, it’s tangy, and it holds its own in these eggy bites.

Blueberry Cauliflower Smoothie from Gwyneth Paltrow

Blueberry Cauliflower Smoothie from Gwyneth Paltrow

Why We Love It: Whatever your stance on goop may be, it can’t be denied that Gwyneth’s got an enviable glow. Her secret to vibrant, healthy skin? This smoothie. Blueberries are the key to a clear complexion and the secret to making this smoothie a pretty purple delight.

Hero Ingredient: Protein-packed almond butter fills your cup with healthy fats.

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Jordan Harper Breaks Down Barefaced’s Buzziest Products



We may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

Open up my medicine cabinet and it’s immediately obvious: this girl is a skincare junkie. I’ve tested all the best moisturizers, decided which eye creams are worth the splurge, and found serums to rival any in-office treatment. But with so many brands entering the space every day, it can feel impossible to keep up—and decide where to direct your beauty budget. The brand that sits front and center on my (admittedly overcrowded) skincare shelf? Jordan Harper’s Barefaced.

Now, I’m wary of anything buzzy. As much as I love diving into trends and dissecting new-to-me beauty rituals and routines, I want the science and anecdotal evidence as proof. With celeb backing and the expertise of a nurse practitioner advising every formulation, I knew I needed to get my hands on Barefaced for myself.

Morning beauty products.

Jordan Harper, Founder of Barefaced, Shares Her Glowy Skin Secrets

Barefaced first came on my radar after I caught tennis darling and lifestyle brand founder Paige Lorenze dishing about the products on Instagram stories. Her AM skincare ritual leans on the brand’s antioxidant-packed Toning Pads to exfoliate and the Overachiever to hydrate and soothe. At the end of the day, the Hydrating Lotion and Everyday Eye Hero offer some much-needed moisture before going to bed.

But because I know that so much of social media is smoke and mirrors, I went straight to the source to better understand the efficacy behind these buzzed-about products—and why our favorite celebs can’t get enough.

Jordan Harper Barefaced founder.

Jordan Harper

Jordan Harper is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner and Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist focusing on preventative/restorative skincare solutions. She is also the founder of the skincare brand, Barefaced whose mission is to simplify skincare and help you achieve healthy, vibrant, beautiful skin.

Odette Annable bathroom

Paige Lorenze uses Barefaced to get her signature glow. How do the Barefaced products in her skincare routine work together to give her that coveted, lit-from-within complexion?

At Barefaced, our philosophy is “Less but Better.” We intentionally formulate all our products to work synergistically, ensuring you get the maximum benefit from each. Using the core four products, we call them the Bare Necessities, to promote long-term skin health is what really gives the lit-from-within glow.

When your skin is properly exfoliated, hydrated, and protected the glow speaks for itself!

Iskra Lawrence

What should everyone include in their morning and evening skincare routines?

After treating thousands of patients as a nurse practitioner, I recognized a common theme: my patients didn’t know which products they actually needed for their skin to be healthy. You can do all the face masks and hydrating serums you want but if you’re not using the core four products to prevent, protect, correct, and repair the skin, your skin lacks the essential nutrients it needs to be healthy. Remember, glowing skin is healthy skin.

The core four products include an exfoliant, vitamin C, a retinoid, and SPF. At Barefaced, we understand that the skincare industry is vast and starting a daily routine can feel overwhelming and confusing. To simplify this process, we’ve curated The Bare Necessities bundle. This collection features the core four products essential for improving skin health and strengthening the skin barrier.


These treatment pads are packed with AHAs, BHAs, antioxidants, and hydrating ingredients to tackle dullness, rough texture, and breakouts.

Vitamin C

Formulated with pro-collagen ingredients, Liquid Gold brightens, defends against damaging environmental stressors, and minimizes the appearance of premature fine lines and wrinkles.


Our key ingredient, RetinAL, surpasses all retinols in strength by about 20 times while working about 11 times faster. Encapsulated in a time-released formulation, RetinAL Skin Therapy also includes bakuchiol and other soothing ingredients to ensure it’s well tolerated with minimal sensitivity.


These broad-spectrum, oil-free SPFs are crafted for everyday wear, catering to all skin types and tones.

We always say, if you’re not wearing a daily sunscreen, investing in other skincare is a waster. Daily SPF is the ultimate anti-aging product. What sets [our sunscreens] apart is their added skin benefits. They’re more than just sunscreen, formulated with these key ingredients:

  • Caffeine. Works as an antioxidant to delay the skin’s aging process and helps tighten the skin/pores.
  • Niacinamide. Provides anti-aging benefits while brightening, helping control oil production and reducing redness.
  • Lactic Acid. Helps reduce the appearance of dark spots, boosts natural moisture levels of the skin, and improves skin’s firmness.
  • Hyaluronic Acid. Provides intense hydration and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

How to Build on Your Basic Skincare Routine

Once you’ve established this strong foundation, you can gradually expand your routine to target specific concerns like breakouts, dark spots, or skin aging. Prioritizing healthy skin initially before tackling other concerns is vital, as healthy skin is better equipped to address your additional concerns more effectively.

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15 Summer Side Dishes Every Guest Will Love



There’s never a better time of year than *right now* to simplify your meals. (And life, for that matter!) The warmer season sees us soaking up long, late-into-the-evening al fresco dinners, complete with fresh and vibrant mains and summer side dishes that inspire. With the weather ripe for outdoor dining, having an arsenal of delicious and easy-to-prep side dishes is the easiest way to elevate any meal. From refreshing dips to tangy slaws and fruit-forward salads, the possibilities are endless. We’re here to guide you through a selection of delicious summer side dishes sure to please any crowd.

15 Summer Side Dishes Your Guests Will Devour

Whether you’re planning a beach picnic, backyard barbecue, or a casual get-together with friends on the patio, these summer side dishes are perfect no matter the occasion. Each recipe makes the most of all the fresh, seasonal ingredients at your fingertips. And what’s more, they celebrate the essence of summer—lending a burst of color and crisp flavor to your table. With your grocery list at the ready, let’s dive into all the best summer side dishes to accompany your summer feasts.

Spicy Watermelon Feta Salad

Spicy Watermelon Feta Salad

Why We Love It: When summer rolls around, I’m all about dishes that balance sweet, savory, and spicy flavors. Creating a recipe that hits this trifecta is hard—but this watermelon feta salad delivers. The feta’s rich, salty bite contrasts with the sweet, juicy watermelon. And the jalapeño’s punchy spice is all I need to confirm: this is the official side dish of the summer.

Hero Ingredient: Basil leaves might be my favorite summer ingredient. The aromatic herb enhances this salad’s overall flavor profile, tying all of its elements together.

Kale Pea & Ricotta Spread

Kale Pea & Ricotta Spread

Why We Love It: I’ve never met a spread I didn’t love—and proceeded to dive into, crudité-first. This spread is not only packed with fresh summer flavor (think: peas, garlic, lemon juice, and a little heat from the red pepper flakes), but it’s also a breeze to whip up. Pull out your food processor and you’re already halfway there.

Hero Ingredient: I love a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg sprinkled into my creamy dips. It’s warm, nutty, and—with a hint of clove and tobacco—adds a beautiful complexity to this simpler-than-it-seems summer side.

Street Corn Guacamole

Bhutta Street Corn Guacamole

Why We Love It: It’s an unspoken rule: guacamole is a must on any summer table. And though people like to keep theirs simple, I’m here for this Indian-inspired spin. Corn (sliced freshly off the cob) is a summertime classic. When mixed with a vibrant medley of avocados, jalapeño, cilantro, and unexpected spices, you have a summer side that’s right at home alongside your favorite tacos, protein of choice, or with as many tortilla chips as you can manage.

Hero Ingredient: Chaat masala—end stop. It adds a complex blend of tart, spicy, salty, and tangy flavors that awards this dish the title of The Most Interesting Guacamole in the World.

Snap Pea Salad

Snap Pea Salad

Why We Love It: When the temps reach into the triple digits, the oven is off and we need sides that deliver all the fresh flavor. This snap pea salad satisfies with an addictively crunchy texture. The goat cheese and feta, plus the creamy white beans, keep things interesting and make this salad more satiating than your typical summer go-to.

Hero Ingredient: This mustard-y champagne vinaigrette has quickly become a staple drizzled atop all of my salads. You’ll love its sharp acidity and slightly sweet tang.

Crispy Torn Halloumi Salad

Crispy Torn Halloumi Salad

Why We Love It: When you want a summer side that leans closer to the satisfying end of the spectrum, this torn halloumi variation is your go-to. It’s comprised of a blend of simple ingredients that complement and contrast each other to create a truly addictive dish. And I love how, when you tear the halloumi, it boasts all these beautiful, craggily nooks and crispy bits that lend plenty of satisfying texture.

Hero Ingredient: Halloumi will always be the hero ingredient in my heart. Its flavor is mellow but not at all boring, and it can stand up to all sorts of cooking methods. Though it’s usually expensive, I’d argue that it deserves staple-status in your kitchen.

Simple Tomato Salad recipe

Simple Tomato Salad

Why We Love It: My relationship with tomato salads: the simpler, the better. Summer is peak tomato season (I’d argue you should never buy tomatoes outside of June through September), so of course, you want their vibrancy to shine. With just six ingredients, this tomato salad follows my rules to perfection—and reaps the delicious benefits as a result.

Hero Ingredient: The tomatoes, hands down. All the other ingredients (salt, lemon juice, sunflower oil, garlic, and onion) serve simply to enhance your tomatoes’ flavor. Opt for farmer’s market, fresh tomatoes—you’ll be happy you did.

Samosa Chaat Sweet Potato Fries

Samosa Chaat Sweet Potato Fries

Why We Love It: While sweet potato fries may not seem like an obvious homemade summer side dish, they might be one of my favorites on this list. Why? 1) Hello, french fries. 2) Counting salt, this recipe calls for just five ingredients. So when you’re in a pinch and want to serve something statement-making, these sweet potato fries are always your answer.

Hero Ingredient: I’m a toppings girl at heart. Give me all the yogurt, mint, cilantro, red onion, and jalapeño. Oh—and a drizzle of lime for good measure.

Simple Potato Salad with Smoked Chile Aioli

Why We Love It: It’s not summer without a potato salad. And while potato salads of yore might have looked more like a gloppy mess than a delicious summer side dish, this recipe understood the assignment. Yukon gold potatoes roasted in olive oil get tossed with soft-boiled eggs and a smoky-spicy aioli to bring it all together. This recipe is your sign to step away from the sub-par grocery potato salad.

Hero Ingredient: I will happily devour the smoked chile aioli straight with a spoon.

Avocado Caprese Salad

Avocado Caprese Salad

Why We Love It: I’m here for the trend of deeming any salad that involves tomatoes and mozzarella a caprese—and this avocado spin is my newfound fave. I love how the avocado introduces a creamy texture and rich, buttery bite to the salad’s fresh components. The result is so satisfying, and I’m obsessed with all the colors this salad packs.

Hero Ingredient: Camille opted for burrata here, and I live by the rule that burrata makes everything better.

The Best Simple Green Salad

The Best Simple Green Salad

Why We Love It: Sure, you probably don’t need a recipe for a green salad. But—an herby, crunchy, green salad tossed with the best shallot vinaigrette of your life? For that, you need Camille’s secrets. I love the variety of greens this salad packs, and the mixed herbs add so much fresh flavor.

Hero Ingredient: Toasty, buttery, finely chopped walnuts reign supreme.

Burrata, Fig, & Arugula Salad

Burrata, Fig, & Arugula Salad

Why We Love It: Let this be a PSA to start adding fruit to your salads, stat. Figs, when halved lengthwise, display a beautifully ornate cross-section that yields plenty of visual interest. In terms of flavor, they add a fruity element—a mix between strawberries and dates—to the mix, and their jam-like quality plays up the creamy burrata to perfection.

Hero Ingredient: The candied nuts add a perfect crunch, and if you make extra, the leftovers are an ideal afternoon snack.

Strawberry Caprese Salad

Strawberry Caprese Salad

Why We Love It: To reiterate: fruit belongs in your summer salads. When strawberries are at their freshest peak-summer, this salad is a must-make. You’ll macerate the strawberries, drawing out their natural flavors and concentrating their fruity bite. Paired with freshly torn basil and burrata (bless), this salad is summer personified.

Hero Ingredient: How can wax poetic about summer-fresh strawberries and not call them this salad’s hero ingredient?

Green Salad With Sesame Dressing

Green Salad With Sesame Dressing

Why We Love It: When you’re keeping your salad simple, it’s all about the dressing. Case in point, this summery green salad with a ginger-packed tahini vinaigrette. And while the salad itself only calls for four ingredients—baby greens, freshly grated parmesan, roasted and salted pistachios, and furikake—it layers in so much flavor and texture that’s sure to keep all your guests satisfied.

Hero Ingredient: Furikake (a Japanese seasoning made with toasted sesame seeds, nori, salt, and sugar) is an unexpected—though obsession-inducing—topping. Get the big bottle: you’ll be putting it on everything.

Fennel Salad

Fennel Slaw

Why We Love It: Every summer gathering needs a quick and easy slaw. Although pulling out the coleslaw mix and blending a quick dressing works in a pinch, this fennel salad is just as fast—and might even call for fewer ingredients.

Hero Ingredient: Fennel needs to start getting the good press it deserves. While some people are put off by the anise-like flavor, I love its fresh, pleasantly sweet bite. All of that is amplified in this simple dish—the herbs, citrus, and slight sweetness from the honey give this standout veg the star treatment.

Bitter Greens, Citrus, and Prosciutto Salad

Why We Love It: Can we—right now—all agree that bitter flavors deserve a spot in our daily diets? Bitter ingredients make the perfect foundation for creamy additions. Some examples: coffee with cream, lemon with butter, and arugula with olive oil. As Camille notes in this recipe: it’s all in the balance. And balance, this salad perfects. I’m obsessed with the spectrum of hues, flavors, and textures this salad takes on. It’s salty (prosciutto), it’s crunchy (pistachios), and it’s one of the best summer side dishes you’ll make this year.

Hero Ingredient: This salad is a compendium of underrated ingredients. Let this be a shoutout to the balsamic vinegar that yields a rich, complex sweetness to every bite.

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