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How to Have a Good Day in 5 Steps



Move over, New Year, New Me. We endorse (read: highly encourage) a mid-year refresh. In fact, there’s no better time to take small, impactful steps toward a healthier, happier you. After all, today’s habits are tomorrow’s health. And good news! These habits are as budget-friendly (or free) as they come. With that in mind, we’re exploring five practical yet essential practices that will transform your life. If you’ve ever wondered how to have a good day—consistently—hit scroll. 

P.S. Circumstances will never be perfect. Rather than wait for that golden moment to change your habits, just choose something (small or significant!) to implement today. Before you know it, you’ll have transformed your well-being. Cheers to seizing July’s momentum.

Edie Horstman

Edie Horstman

Edie is the founder of nutrition coaching business, Wellness with Edie. With her background and expertise, she specializes in women’s health, including fertility, hormone balance, and postpartum wellness.

The Power of Habit

At Camille Styles, we love our daily habits. There’s no denying their profound impact on our lives. They’ve calmed our minds, improved our creative flow, made us more resilient, and helped us pause in the midst of our busy schedules. But what is it about habits that make them so powerful? For starters, our daily habits/rituals shape our future. They create a foundation for long-term well-being and success. Plus, by consistently practicing positive behaviors, we train our minds and bodies to operate more efficiently and effectively.

Lauren Ireland meditating

A Positive Ripple Effect

These habits—be it regular exercise, mindful eating, or consistent sleep patterns—have an incredible ripple effect. They translate into everything from improved physical health to mental clarity and emotional stability. Eventually, these consistent, daily actions lead to dramatic transformations. Moreover, the discipline and structure provided by healthy habits help us navigate challenges with resilience. Without a doubt, they enhance our overall quality of life. And the research proves it. 

Woman reading on couch.

How to Get Back Into a Routine

We all know good habits reap countless rewards. But if you’ve veered off track, committing (back) to them can feel like climbing Mount Everest. We get it. If you’re overwhelmed by the thought of getting into routine—or for that matter, starting a new one—here’s where to begin.

  1. Assess your current circumstances. Identify what aspects of your routine need improvement and what changes you want to make. Be realistic!
  2. Set clear goals. Define specific, achievable objectives for your new routine to give yourself direction and motivation. Take a peek at our steps to make your goals actually happen.
  3. Start small. Introduce one or two small changes to avoid feeling overwhelmed and to ensure consistency. For example, go for a five-minute walk after you eat lunch and commit to that for one week.
  4. Create a schedule. Plan your day with designated slots for your new habits, ensuring they fit seamlessly into your daily life. Pop them into your calendar to hold yourself accountable.
  5. Stay accountable. Speaking of accountability, track your progress and consider sharing your goals with a friend. You can also use a habit tracker for added accountability.
  6. Be patient and flexible. Allow yourself an adjustment period, and be open to tweaking your routine as needed! Perfectionism isn’t the goal here. Progress is.
Woman wearing loungewear drinking coffee.

All About Habit Stacking

When it comes to getting back into routine, one of the most effective ways to do this is via habit stacking. It’s a game-changer. Habit stacking is a powerful technique where you build new habits by linking them to existing ones. In turn, creating a chain of positive actions. This method leverages the momentum of your established routines. And this helps you integrate new behaviors more seamlessly. For instance, if you already have a habit of brewing coffee every morning, you can stack a new habit, like breathwork, with it. Or before you take your first bite of dinner, express gratitude for one thing that happened earlier that day.

Why does habit stacking work?

If you’re skeptical, hear us out. Habit stacking works because it makes it easier to adopt new behaviors. In essence, it reduces the mental effort required to build new habits—which, as mentioned, can feel taxing. However, by associating new habits with familiar cues, habit stacking requires less cognitive strain. It’s easier to remember whatever new habit you’re implementing! As you consistently perform these actions, positive change is inevitable.

Woman drinking smoothie on balcony.

Reality Check: Ditch These Habits

Before we dive into habits that support your well-being, what habits aren’t serving you? Of course, this looks different for all of us (we each have our vices). But generally speaking, habits to ditch include the following:

  • Procrastination: Delaying tasks increases stress and reduces productivity. Fortunately, we have the cure.
  • Negative self-talk: This undermines your confidence and mental well-being. Constantly comparing yourself to others does this too!
  • Overeating junk food: This doesn’t do your physical health, energy levels, hormones, or digestion any favors. Use the notion of “crowding out” these foods and replacing them with more nourishing ones.
  • Excessive screen time: If you know, you know—this reduces productivity and affects sleep quality. Consider a dopamine detox by swapping your phone for a page-turning book.
  • Skipping exercise: This negatively impacts everything from sleep to blood sugar balance. It’s so important to find movement you enjoy.
  • Impulsive spending: This is leads to financial stress and insecurity. If you currently subscribe to a slew of retailer newsletters, hit unsubscribe. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • Neglecting sleep: Affects mood, cognitive function, and overall health.
  • Multitasking: For most of us, this decreases efficiency and increases errors. Time batch, baby.
  • Holding grudges: This doesn’t do you (or your family, friends, or coworkers) any favors.
Sanne Vloet journaling.

How to Have a Good Day: 5 Essential Habits to Practice

Once you recognize behaviors that aren’t serving you, you can begin breaking unhealthy patterns (by replacing them with feel-good habits). Elevate your well-being with the following daily practices. Spoiler alert: these all reduce inflammation, fuel proper digestion, improve your self-worth, and so much more. 

1. Sunlight

If you’re like me, you love the sensation of warm sun on your skin. I crave it—particularly in the middle of a Colorado winter. 

The Benefits: Sunlight is a powerful, natural source of energy and vitality. We need it! Spending time in the sun is a mood-booster, enhances vitamin D levels, balances blood sugar, and regulates your circadian rhythm. It’s key for feeling more alert during the day and encouraging better sleep at night.

How to Implement: Aim to spend at least 15-30 minutes outside each day, preferably in the morning. Whether it’s a walk in the park, sitting on your balcony, or simply opening a window to let the light in, finding small ways to embrace sunlight can make a big difference.

2. Movement

Movement is essential for maintaining physical health, hormone balance, and stable blood sugar levels. To keep your body active and engaged, incorporate more standing and walking into your daily routine!

The Benefits: Frequent movement improves posture, increases energy levels, and enhances your overall physical well-being. It also supports mental clarity and reduces the risk of chronic diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Plus, it’s the secret sauce to mitigating the afternoon slump.

How to Implement: Set a reminder to stand up and move every hour. Take short walks during breaks, use a standing desk (or better yet, a treadmill desk!), or have a post-dinner dance party in your living room. 

3. Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is the foundation of a good day. Practicing good sleep hygiene—such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a restful environment, and avoiding stimulants before bed—can drastically improve your sleep quality.

The Benefits: Good sleep enhances cognitive function, mood, and overall physical health. It allows your body to repair and rejuvenate, leading to more energy and productivity during the day.

How to Implement: Establish a consistent bedtime routine. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and create a relaxing pre-sleep ritual, such as reading a book or practicing meditation, to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

4. Minimally-Processed Foods

It’s not secret that consuming whole, natural foods nourishes your body with essential nutrients and helps maintain optimal health. In essence, minimally processed foods are those that are as close to their natural state as possible. These include avocados, sweet potatoes, eggs, almonds, herbs, beans, etc.

The Benefits: Eating natural and organic foods improves everything from digestion to longevity. It’s also the catalyst for maintaining a healthy weight, reducing inflammation, and providing the nutrients your body needs to function optimally. Aim to choose organic options when your budget allows.

How to Implement: First and foremost, stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. That’s where you’ll find fewer processed foods (and more produce). Second, read labels. If you do buy packaged items, look for products with a short list of recognizable ingredients. Ultimately, simple swaps, like opting for fresh produce (a banana and a handful of walnuts) over processed snacks, can make a big difference.

Pro tip: as you transition to eating more whole ingredients and fewer ultra-processed foods, make sure to salt your meals appropriately! Your new meals may taste bland(er) because your palate is used to high sodium in most processed foods.

5. Mental Health

Last but not least (but an easy one to neglect): your mental health. It’s crucial for a balanced, happy life. Fortunately, a few minutes go a long way. Practices like meditation, breathwork, and listening to empowering podcasts help manage stress, improve focus, and foster a positive mindset. 

The Benefits: Prioritizing mental health enhances emotional resilience, reduces anxiety, and promotes a sense of inner peace. All things we love! Additionally, these practices can improve your overall mental clarity and help you navigate daily challenges with greater ease.

How to Implement: Dedicate a few minutes each day to mental health practices. Start your morning with a brief meditation session, incorporate deep breathing exercises before you hop onto a Zoom call, or listen to a motivational podcast during your commute. Find what works best for you and make it a daily habit.

Camille Styles wearing activewear.

Start Today for a Better Tomorrow

Implementing these five habits will transform your day-to-day life. Trust. They’ll help you feel more energized, focused, and balanced. With habit stacking in mind, start with one practice and gradually incorporate the others. Remember, consistency is key. By making these habits a part of your daily routine, you’ll set the foundation for a healthier and happier you. 

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41 Things to Do on a Hot Day



As much as I love summer, the Texas heat can get to me. If you’re nowhere near a lake, beach, or pool (even kiddie pools suffice!), you’re probably also looking for things to do on a hot day. Coming up with the ideas that see you braving the world beyond air conditioning can be a major struggle. Since I don’t function very well in this level of heat and humidity, I’ve even found myself typing “brain slowing down in heat” into Google. Desperately. I was a little relieved to find out it’s a real thing. 

If you’re anything like me, you might feel stuck between wanting to make the most of these fleeting summer days and not being able to step outside without being coated in sweat. So, until the fall chill settles in a few months from now, I’m doing my best to make nice with triple-digit temperatures and lots of time indoors. If you’re also looking for fun things to do on a hot day, welcome. You’ve come to the right place.

41 Things to Do on a Hot Day

Say it with me: just because it’s too hot to go outside doesn’t mean I’m going to squander the summer. I’ve rounded up a list of creative, tasty, relaxing, and productive things to do on a hot day that I can turn to every time I feel boredom starting to get the best of me. Whether you spend your ideal summer day on the water or you’ve come here looking for things to do on a hot day inside, I have ideas for us all.

From making homemade popsicles to giving yourself a facial massage, consider this list your go-to for boredom-busting, memory-making ideas that’ll keep you busy through Labor Day—and beyond. 

Teressa Johnson floral studio

Creative Things to Do on a Hot Day

1. Build the ultimate summer playlist. Combine all of the songs that make you happy into one perfect playlist. That way, you’ll have something cued up and ready to go for pool days, beach walks, al fresco dinners, and one-person dance parties. Or, take inspiration from our summer playlist

2. Discover your enneagram type. Find out how your personality can teach you more about yourself, others, and how you interact. But remember, you’re more than just your type!

3. DIY flower arrangements. Since it’s too hot to go outside, bring nature indoors with a bundle of affordable flowers. Steal these expert tips for making a Trader Joe’s bouquet look like it was professionally designed.

4. Give your home a fresh look for free. If the heat is going to keep you inside, you might as well make sure you feel right at home. Check out these seven styling tips to create a whole new look without spending a single penny.

5. Write a letter. One of the things I miss most about summer camp is putting pen to paper and updating friends and family on my many adventures. Break out your stationery and say hi to a friend, loved one, kid/niece/nephew at camp, or just leave a note on your partner’s pillow. 

6. Break out the board games. Embrace some friendly competition with a good old-fashioned game night. Check out our list of approved boredom-busting board games

7. Find inspiration on YouTube. The platform is a treasure trove of ideas to update your home or wardrobe, try out a new beauty routine, experiment with interesting recipes, or learn productivity tips to completely shift your day. Wondering where to start? The Camille Styles YouTube channel is our obvious fave.

8. Revisit your vision board. We’re halfway through the year—how are you making progress toward the goals you set back in January? Reflect on what you manifested for yourself at the beginning of 2024 and re-evaluate, pivot, and set new goals if necessary.

9. Make your own art. We love hanging gorgeous, one-of-a-kind pieces in our homes, but we don’t always love the price tag that comes with them. Set aside an afternoon to make DIY textured canvas art. It’s a simple way to bring a minimalist vibe to your space.

10. Switch up your rental. You don’t have to own a house to make it special. Steal interior designers’ top tips for making your space feel like home.

Lemon Icebox Cake

Tasty Things to Do on a Hot Day

11. Make your own ice cream. If you’ve never made homemade ice cream before, you’re missing out. I scream, you scream, we all scream for these healthier homemade ice cream recipes that you have to try this summer. 

12. Use up your summer fruit in a cobbler. While chocolate is welcome every other month of the year, I think that all summer desserts need fruit. Try one (or all) of these cobbler, crisp, or crumble recipes and let us know which one is your favorite. If you’re feeling ambitious, top your culinary creation with a scoop of homemade ice cream, too. 

13. Create a swoon-worthy snack spread for dinner. For when it’s too hot to even go to the grocery store, turn to Camille’s tried-and-true “snacks for dinner” formula. It’s festive, delicious, totally customizable, and requires little-to-no cooking. AKA, perfect for lazy summer evenings. 

14. Throw a make-your-own-pizza party. Does anyone else’s family struggle to land on a dinner idea that’ll satisfy everyone’s taste buds? Growing up, we all liked different things, so make-your-own pizza night was a real crowd-pleaser. Plus, it’s just FUN. Get creative with your topping combos or try out Camille’s current fav.   

15. Build a dinner menu using only summer ingredients. One of the best parts of summer is undoubtedly the produce. Check out what fruits and veg are in season and try our favorite summer recipes.

16. Make homemade popsicles. There’s nothing like a popsicle to help you beat the heat. Get creative by making your own popsicles in these popsicle molds, or try out our Mango Lassi Popsicle recipe if you need inspiration. You can also simply add your favorite fruit juice for an easy summer treat. Throwing an adults-only party? Try one of these boozy popsicle recipes instead. 

17. Have an indoor picnic. Pull out your favorite picnic blanket, light some candles, and create a dreamy indoor picnic in your living room. This is the ideal setting to enjoy one of these picnic-perfect recipes. Skip the heat and the bugs, keep the fun and the food. 

18. Steal these no-cook dinner recipes. In my house, the oven is off from June through early September, and I love leaning on these easy recipes that make the most of the summer’s bounty.

19. Find your new signature drink. Spicy Mezcal Paloma, Lillet Rosé Spritz, or the best margarita you’ve ever had—the options abound.

20. Host a summer bake-off. We rounded up all the best key lime pie recipes across the internet to name the zestiest, creamiest winner. Now, it’s your turn to decide.

Relaxing Things To Do on a Hot Day

21. Have a 90s movie night. Because we all need to watch The Parent Trap at least once a summer. Design your ideal movie marathon with our go-to 90s must-watch list. Don’t forget the popcorn!

22. Treat yourself to a spa-worthy facial at home. Give your skin a break from sunburns and sweat with this five-step facial from Camille’s esthetician. Both your skin and your mind will thank you. 

23. Create an at-home meditation space and get your zen on. One of my summer goals is to finally master meditation, starting with carving out a meditation spot in my home.

24. Take a power nap. Sometimes the best way to beat the heat is to sleep through it. We tend to forget that while summer is all about fun, it’s about rest, too! Make the most of your snooze with these sleep products designed to help you get your best-ever R&R.

25. Learn the art of facial massage. Did you know that giving yourself regular facial massages can have anti-aging benefits, relieve stress, and make your skin glow from within? Find out exactly how to do an at-home facial massage and try it for yourself.

26. Pick up that book you’ve been dying to read. Curl up on the couch in your breezy summer uniform and immerse yourself in a good book. Need a book rec? These are the best beach reads that make the perfect summer escape.

27. Daydream about your next big trip. One of the best parts of travel? The planning process. Check out our guides to Ibiza, Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Kyoto. And don’t forget these underrated summer destinations if you’re craving a quick trip.

28. Consider a dopamine detox. Although challenging at first, it might be the best way to experience (truly restorative) rest. Follow this guide for trying the detox yourself.

Productive Things To Do on a Hot Day

29. Clean out your closet. Take advantage of your time inside and get organized. Summer is the perfect season for getting rid of clothes you don’t want or need and moving your winter wardrobe into storage. Because we could all use more space for our sundresses and swimsuits. 

30. Get your groove on with a cardio dance workout video. In Texas, it’s so hot that working out outside is dangerous, so I turn to my favorite workout videos to stay active. My personal favorite? A fun and sassy cardio dance class. Learn more about dance cardio workouts and get ready to groove.

31. Start an indoor herb garden. Nothing pairs better with summer dinners than fresh herbs, and why buy them when you can grow them? If you don’t have outdoor space or if it’s too hot to garden, check out the best indoor herb garden systems.

32. Commit to a journaling practice. It comes with countless benefits and can be a fun way to learn more about yourself. Camille breaks down exactly how to start a journaling practice, and you can steal these journal prompts to keep you inspired.

33. Connect with your mind and body through yoga. Current research shows that a consistent yoga practice supports positive long-term changes in brain health. Reap both the physical and mental benefits of yoga by trying out these 10 stress-relieving yoga poses in your house. If you want more, check out these five facial yoga exercises to give your skin that lit-from-within glow.

34. Kick back and dive into a new podcast. Whether you’re looking for podcasts that will lift you up, motivate you, help you in your career, or guide you through parenting, we’ve got you covered. Use this time inside to learn something new about yourself, your life, and the world around you.

35. Make a gut health-boosting plan. Tired of digestive discomfort? It could be time to go all in and commit to supporting your gut health. Incorporate these 11 gut-friendly habits and start feeling the difference immediately.

Kids jumping into pool on a hot summer day.

Things to Do on a Hot Day With Kids

36. Visit a skating rink. Typically reserved for the wintertime, there’s hardly a better way to cool off than going straight to the source itself. Gather the fam and get ready for a good time.

37. Support local movie theaters. While big movie theater chains are sure to be showing all the big summer blockbusters, there’s nothing better than the small cinema experience. Oftentimes, these local theaters have quirky seating and couches that are fun to cozy up in. And of course, AC!

38. Have a water balloon fight. Fill up a bunch of water balloons in the backyard with your hose. Break out into teams and have at it! This was one of my favorite things to do in the hot weather as a kid and it definitely still holds.

39. Go to a baseball game. While this may not be your go-to on a super steamy hot summer day, if the temps drop just enough, it’s one of the best ways to spend the day as a whole family. If you can, try to find seats in the shade.

40. Set up an obstacle course. If the summer heat just isn’t going away, design an obstacle course for your kids indoors. Use what you have like pillows, couch cushions—anything! It’s one of the most fun and creative indoor activities you can do on a hot day. Alternatively, you can set up a scavenger hunt. Trust me: the kiddos will have a blast.

41. Make hot dogs over the fire. Once the heat wave has let up a bit in the evening, take advantage of the slightly cooler temps and cook dinner outside. Bonus points for following the meal up with s’mores.

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8 Dreamy Bedroom Styles to Transform Your Space



When it comes to design styles, I don’t like to be boxed into just one. Perhaps it’s my Gemini sun, but I like it when I can embrace all the interior styles I love. My living room leans coastal, my office is ultra feminine, and I’m currently planning the cottagecore bedroom of my dreams. 

8 Dreamy Bedroom Styles to Transform Your Space

For the longest time, I put my bedroom design plans to the side, since it’s a space that guests don’t really spend time in. But I can see now that creating a calm, serene bedroom is intimate and lovely—and I wish I hadn’t put it off. It’s been fun exploring different bedroom styles to see what fits. If you want to discover your own bedroom style, or you want to give your bedroom a whole new aesthetic, read on for all the inspo.

If you find yourself daydreaming about running away to the countryside, the cottagecore aesthetic will be right up your alley. A cottagecore bedroom is cozy, simple, and inviting—think vintage furniture, lots of florals, wood, stone, and anything that reminds you of sunny, bucolic bliss. Keeping your color palette soft with pastels and warm neutrals will help set the tone for a calm and relaxing space. Nature-inspired accents like potted plants and flowers are also a must!


Who doesn’t want to live close to the water? Luckily you can bring the beach vibes to you, no matter where you live. A coastal-inspired bedroom includes crisp whites, soft blues and greens, woven furniture, and nautical accents. This bedroom style evokes a calm and serene beach-like ambience all year long. Bonus points if you have large, open windows and tons of sunshine. Gauzy curtains can add to the relaxed vibe of your space, especially if there’s a light breeze outside. All you need are ocean sounds and you’ll be transported to the seaside for the sweetest of dreams. 


Farmhouse interiors continue to be wildly popular. It’s hard not to fall for its rustic charm! Opt for wood furniture, black chandeliers, and a neutral color palette if you love this bedroom style. Farmhouse blends both old and new together seamlessly. Incorporating vintage and handcrafted items like quilts or other textiles is a fantastic way to personalize your bedroom and make it extra cozy, all while leaning into the farmhouse aesthetic. 


Neutrals reign supreme in a minimalist bedroom. Even if the rest of your home is filled with color and pattern, a minimalist bedroom might be exactly what you need when it comes to a good night’s rest. This bedroom style is easy on your nervous system—whites, creams, and taupes keep everything simple and relaxed. To keep a minimalist bedroom balanced, be sure you’re finding a variety of textures and contrast in your textiles. Embrace different hues of the simple, yet beautiful, neutral color palette as well.

Pro tip: To really embody the minimalist style, keep your phone out of the bedroom. A distraction-free bedroom will make falling asleep that much easier, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t kick your phone out sooner. 


Maximalism has been trending all year. This bedroom style is all about bold, eclectic decor, colors, and patterns. It’s highly individualized, and really about decorating with whatever brings you the most joy. Look for unique art, elaborate bedding, and interesting decor pieces to make your bedroom your own, personalized retreat. One specific maximalist trend I’ve been loving is pattern drenching, or adorning your room with a single pattern, top to bottom. This trend embraces a matchy-matchy vibe—why not have your wallpaper, drapes and bedding all go together? It’s a fun way to feel cocooned in your own personal style. 

If you love bright color palettes, decor that makes you smile, and pieces that are just plain fun—your aesthetic is whimsical. There’s a sense of playfulness to these spaces, making this a perfect bedroom style if you want your room to feel magical and inspiring. Don’t hesitate to buy quirky furniture (the strawberry side table I keep seeing on TikTok comes to mind!), hang fairy lights from the ceiling, or splurge on the canopy bed that makes you feel like a queen.  


Rich color palettes, atmospheric lighting, and a taste for sophistication are what moody bedrooms are made from. Deeper hues like black, navy, and burgundy are go-to’s for this bedroom style. While some might prefer a lighter, brighter color palette, others crave the cozy, intimate atmosphere a darker room creates. Painting the walls will instantly switch up the vibe in your moody bedroom. Opt for a large piece of art with colors that match your nightstands or pillows to create a balanced space.

There’s a lot of beauty in simplicity, and this bedroom style oozes peace and tranquility. 

Japandi is a blend of Japanese and Scandinavian design aesthetics. Imagine if hygge (the Scandinavian practice of embracing all things cozy) and wabi-sabi (the ancient Japanese philosophy of contented slow living) joined forces to create the ultimate relaxed environment and you have Japandi. Known for its clean lines, natural textures and neutral color palette, it’s a perfect bedroom style to try if you’re looking for some zen.

Choose white and cream linens, keep a sprig of something green like eucalyptus on your nightstand, and keep your space a clutter-free zone. This will result in a peaceful and inviting bedroom that will make you want to curl up and catch up on some zzz’s. 

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The 12 Best Face Masks for Sensitive Skin (2024)



If you have sensitive skin, it’s almost always a good idea to maintain a simple skincare routine. Typically, all you really need is a good cleanser, serum, and moisturizer, but if you want to add a self-care-worthy treat to your routine, it doesn’t hurt to incorporate one of the best face masks for sensitive skin.

Ahead, you’ll find gentle face mask recommendations, like the super popular (and Camille’s favorite) Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask and the ultra-hydrating Blue Lagoon Mineral Mask. These face masks will become your new skin saviors without any harsh ingredients. So kick back, relax, and treat yourself to a mini at-home spa day with the best face masks for sensitive skin. 

Featured image from our interview with Sanetra Nere Longno.

Camille Styles best face masks for sensitive skin.

Our Top Picks

  1. Camille’s Top Pick: Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask — $49 at Summer Fridays
  2. Camille’s Other Favorite: Activist Manuka Honey Mask — $65 at Activist Manuka
  3. Camille’s Splurge Pick: Blue Lagoon Mineral Mask — $95 at Blue Lagoon
  4. Best Dermatologist Recommended: Neutrogena Hydro Boost Moisturizing Sheet Mask — $3.59 at Target
  5. Best Face Mask for Dry Sensitive Skin: Youth to the People Superberry Hydrate + Glow Dream Mask — $52 at Sephora 

The Best Face Masks for Sensitive Skin

1. Camille’s Top Pick: Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask

The Camille Styles team has sworn by this viral mask for years because of how it revives parched and tired skin overnight. The nourishing formula is jam-packed with gentle skin hydrators like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide to replenish and smooth even the most sensitive skin types. Even if your skin is pretty reactive, you can rest assured your complexion will stay calm and happy because this mask is non-comedogenic, fragrance-free, and also has the National Eczema Association’s Seal of Acceptance.

2. Camille’s Other Favorite: Activist Manuka Honey Mask

Honey isn’t just a sweetener to add to your food. Antioxidant-rich Manuka honey, in particular, is known for its powerful healing properties, and Camille loves using this mask from Activist Skincare when she’s experiencing any sort of skin flare-up. 

Made with 100% Manuka honey, this luxe yet simplistic formula may help clear up rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and acne. If you’re not struggling with any of those skin woes, this is still a worthy addition to your routine since it can help promote skin regeneration and leaves behind a healthy glow. 

3. Camille’s Splurge Pick: Blue Lagoon Mineral Mask

People travel thousands of miles (and spend thousands of dollars) to step into the geothermal waters of Iceland’s Blue Lagoon. The springs are known to have anti-aging benefits and help enhance the skin barrier. Luckily, you can experience the revitalizing power of the Blue Lagoon from the comfort of your home with this mineral-rich mask. The formula is infused with bioactive Blue Lagoon Seawater, which can help calm your complexion, regardless of whether you use it on your face as an overnight mask or all over your body as a plush restorative cream. 

Sheet masks are a quick and easy way to increase hydration, and few compare to Neutrogena’s affordable Hydro Boost mask. Dermatologists constantly recommend this brand (and product) for how it quenches dry skin in contact with hyaluronic acid. The gel texture also adds to the overall treatment since it can soothe and balance skin as you wear it. 

Pro tip: Store it in your fridge for 30 minutes before using for extra calming coolness. 

5. Best Face Mask for Dry Sensitive Skin: Youth to the People Superberry Hydrate + Glow Dream Mask

If you’re after plump, radiant, soft skin, this mask is a must-have. Filled with antioxidant-rich super berries (think acai, prickly pear, and goji berries) as well as THD Ascorbate (a potent yet gentle form of vitamin C), the thick overnight mask feels like a rich cream that envelops the skin. Come morning, your complexion will look brighter and bouncier, like you just came from a high-end facial. 

6. Best Brightening Face Mask for Sensitive Skin: Tatcha Violet-C Radiance Mask

Some people with sensitive skin may have a complicated relationship with vitamin C. While it’s considered the gold standard for brightening and evening out skin tone, the ingredient can oftentimes cause irritation. However, Tatcha crafted the ideal vitamin C-infused mask so those with sensitive skin can reap the benefits sans irritation. Violet-C combines two forms of the antioxidant with the brand’s signature Hadasei-3 complex to deeply hydrate and boost radiance. You’ll see a difference in how you glow after just one treatment. 

Pro tip: You can use Tatcha’s “Is This Right For Me?” quiz on the product page to find out if the formulation will gel with your skin type.

7. Best Calming Face Mask for Sensitive Skin: Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Gel Mask Extreme Detoxifying Hydrator

Redness doesn’t stand a chance against this ultra-calming cucumber gel mask from Peter Thomas Roth. Whether you struggle with rosacea or are dealing with a pesky sunburn, slathering this across your face will provide you with some instant relief.

Botanical extracts like cucumber, papaya, chamomile, bilberry, and aloe vera quickly soothe and draw moisture into the skin, helping speed up the reparative process and warding off any future dryness. Best of all, you can use it either as a quick at-home spa treatment or leave it on overnight for a major boost of hydration. 

8. Best Overnight Mask for Sensitive Skin: Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Overnight Hydrating Face Mask with 10.5% Squalane

Every winter, my skin freaks out due to the dry, cold temperatures. As soon as I feel my skin starting to get dry and tight, I pull out this thick balmy mask. Mega hydrators, including squalane—a natural moisturizer that locks hydration into the skin—and glacial glycoproteins make the skin a water magnet to keep it hydrated through even the driest of seasons. Since introducing this into my routine, flakes and dry patches have disappeared for good. Plus, it’s paraben- and fragrance-free, which adds major points for folks with sensitive skin.

9. Best Clay Mask for Sensitive Skin: Mara Spirulina + Ashwagandha Volcanic Sea Clay Detox Mask

Most clay masks can be a bit too stripping for sensitive skin, but this one is an exception thanks to its combination of volcanic ash, algae, and ashwagandha (a plant that can help boost hydration). The creamy clay formula gently detoxes pores and keeps irritation at bay. Rather than feeling tight after washing this off, your skin maintains a soft and supple bounciness courtesy of hydrating honey and soothing green tea. 

10. Best Exfoliating Mask for Sensitive Skin: Alpyn Beauty Wild Huckleberry Brightening Peel Mask for Sensitive Skin

Exfoliating is usually a one-way ticket to irritation for those with sensitive skin. However, Alpyn Beauty cracked the code and developed an ultra-gentle mask that delicately sloughs away dead skin, blackheads, and other impurities without leaving you red, raw, or dry. The secret lies in an all-natural eight-acid complex that utilizes good-for-you alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to dissolve dull, dry skin. It also contains chamomile and colloidal oatmeal that help deeply moisturize and soothe the skin to maintain a happy complexion. 

11. Best Hydrating Mask for Sensitive Skin: First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Oatmeal Mask

All it takes is 10 minutes for this mask to work its magic and rebalance the most dehydrated complexions. With colloidal oatmeal as the hero ingredient—a dermatologist-recommended skin soother that can boost hydration and calm eczema flares—this mask helps the most sensitize skin types. Shea butter and sea buckthorn also magnify the restorative benefits of the oatmeal to keep your skin soft and conditioned. 

12. Best Face Mask for Acne-Prone Sensitive Skin: Peach Slices Snail Rescue Intensive Wash Off Jelly Mask

Acne-prone sensitive skin can be tricky: You want a lightweight mask that won’t clog pores or cause any adverse reactions while still addressing breakouts. This mask does all of that with the help of snail mucin. The featherlight jelly has become a popular ingredient in the skincare world. It helps repair texture and nourishes every inch of your skin to diminish the appearance of acne scars, discoloration, and dehydration. 

Mary Ralph Bradley wearing yellow sweatsuit.


Regardless of your skin type, it’s always important to look at the ingredients list before using a new product. However, this is crucial for those with sensitive skin. Some of the most common additives in skincare can be known to cause irritation (including fragrances and essential oils), so you’ll want to ensure the face mask you choose only contains the gentlest ingredients. Colloidal oatmeal, hyaluronic acid, squalane, and cucumber are four ultra-nourishing ingredients that are known to soothe and replenish the skin barrier, making them more than ideal for sensitive skin. The majority of the masks on our list contain at least one of these. 

Your Concerns

Is your skin extra dry and flaky? Are you struggling with an acne flare-up or dealing with rosacea? Think about your skin’s specific needs before selecting a face mask. By choosing one catered to the concern you’re trying to address, you’ll get one step closer to achieving clear, bouncy, healthy skin. 

If you’re looking to pack on the hydration, look for a mask with mega hydrators like glycerin and hyaluronic acid. The Summer Friday’s Jet Lag Mask contains both. For those with acne-prone skin, the Peach Slices Snail Rescue Intensive Wash Off Jelly Mask will help clear up breakouts and prevent acne scars. As for rosacea, you can’t go wrong with the super soothing First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Oatmeal Mask.

Pro tip: Allergic reactions can sometimes be a symptom of sensitive skin, so make sure to perform an allergen test prior to using a new product. Apply a small amount of the product to a clean patch of skin on the inside of your arm and leave it on for the instructed time. After 7 to 10 days, if you don’t experience any itchiness, swelling, or redness, you’re good to go. As always, if you have any big concerns, you can talk to a dermatologist to make sure you’re using products that won’t irritate your skin.


Most often, masks will come in one of two formats: Either a squeeze tube or a tub. The packaging has no effect on the performance of the formula itself and comes down to personal preference. That said, dermatologists often recommend opting for tubed products, as it’s easier for bacteria to manifest and contaminate products in tubs when you’re scooping the product out with your bare hands. If you opt for a tub, make sure you’re always using clean hands to apply the product.

Prices were accurate at the time of publication. 

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