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African History

How the Moors inspired the Renaissance



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  1. @mohamedamar6185

    February 28, 2021 at 1:20 am

    Moors very simply are the Moroccan 🇲🇦

  2. @shellza5303

    March 2, 2021 at 4:05 am

    Black means dead in eyes of the law is what a moor told me, 1492 when Europeans found lost at sea in North America how interesting

  3. @davidlawrence6089

    March 16, 2021 at 11:50 am

    What beat is this?

  4. @stonepony46

    March 28, 2021 at 12:52 am


  5. @levijerome6487

    April 4, 2021 at 8:34 pm

    What they don't want to teach you children in school

  6. @user-lu6yg3vk9z

    May 2, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Moors were black

  7. @acommonsense2548

    May 28, 2021 at 4:07 pm

    Nice post. A lot of people may get in their feelings over this but that's how the truth is.

  8. @John-pk9rw

    June 21, 2021 at 7:55 am

    Yeah they were black🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep believing that

  9. @fakehistoryhunter

    June 30, 2021 at 10:21 pm

    They ruled Spain is a nice way of saying invaded & colonised.
    Interesting claim about London not having a single streetlamp, would love to see you prove that.
    Either way, strange to pick London to compare with Cordova, why not bigger European cities or cities even in Spain before the Moors arrived?
    Because paved streets and yes street lights had been known in Europe for centuries before the time of the Moors.
    Much of what the Moorish cities had was already there before the Moors arrived, Spain was Roman and Visigoth before 711AD and was quite advanced.
    If you compare small backwards European areas with big modern parts of Al Andalus you get a strange perspective, biased even.
    Historians no longer use the biased misnomer 'dark ages' and although contact with the Islamic world absolutely influenced Europe it was only one of many events that led to THE Renaissance, by the time this Renaissance happened the Moors already had been almost completely removed from Europe and had been for quite some time.
    Besides Europe had several renaissances, including one in Spain before the Moors invaded.
    Europe had public libraries except not as we know them today, but churches, cathedrals and monasteries had libraries outsiders could come and study.
    Al-Andalusia had no universities, they had Madrasa, islamic schools attached to mosques.
    Some of those were places of higher educations but not, technically, universities.
    Those were an European invention but yes, probably, in part, influenced by the schools in Islamic regions.
    Europe also had many religious schools and institutions of higher learning, also not all universities.
    But suggesting the Islamic world had many while forgetting to mention Europe had them too is also missing out something.
    Greek & Roman texts were never completely lost to the Europeans.
    In the Byzantine empire these ways and the knowledge simply continued after the Roman empire ended, there, but also in Ireland, the old texts were translated, copied & taught.
    Of course Europeans already changed their clothes according to the weather and season, do you hear yourself say that out loud?
    In part of the world where the seasons can be quite extreme, where it can be warm and cold, rainy, etc. you seriously think people just wore the same thing all the time?
    People had been using products to get rid of bad odours and to smell nice since Roman times.

    Europeans had been bathing daily and using soap since pre-Roman times, they introduced soap to the Romans.
    The text you share about yearly baths and marriages in June is a myth.
    Europeans, even in the middle ages, washed daily, used hygiene products and bathed regularly, weekly, not annually.
    Also winter weddings were much more popular because that's when the barns were full and people didn't have to work as much.
    You're spreading fake history, nonsense.

    Although for much of Al-Andalus non-Muslims were left alone (besides being forced to pay protection taxes and sometimes being subtly pushed to convert) it wasn't all peace and happiness.
    More than once the Moors massacred large groups of Christians and Jews.

    It seems you got at least some of your information from a supremacist website.

  10. @aglidatlas3500

    July 5, 2021 at 12:29 pm

    the Moors are not black Moors have white or brown skin and are not black I don't know where you got these lies from

  11. @saciji

    July 9, 2021 at 8:47 am

    It is very interesting text but why spoil it with that dreadful, invasive noise loop? It's hard to concentrate with this rubbish overlaying what is a truly interesting, informative text

  12. @biggulp5856

    August 5, 2021 at 1:44 am


  13. @stonepony2285

    August 9, 2021 at 11:09 am

    Most of the Moors Israelites, went by way of SLAVE ships,

  14. @jimmytwotymes7460

    August 10, 2021 at 7:10 am

    Thank you for the video & the knowledge

  15. @tletransport1583

    August 13, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    Much respect for the truth being told without bias.

  16. @daniquefinigan9308

    September 11, 2021 at 10:24 am

    We need this video in Spanish (learning |aprendiendo) necesitamos este video en Espanol

  17. @islandbirdw

    September 18, 2021 at 5:23 am

    My only critique is to lower the music volume a tad, it competes with your voice over too much to my ear, the content is rare and oh so needed. Thanks

  18. @HunnitAcreWoods

    September 26, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    You Forgot To Add The Story Of Mauri/ Carthaginian Rulewes Of Iberia… Barcelona & Cartagena link to ancient Moorish history
    Also, Mauri/Moorish Tribes Can Be Found In Ghana/Mali

  19. @hamzaalmdghri8741

    October 7, 2021 at 12:07 am

    Moor is an Amazigh word It means land, local or original It was mentioned by the Phoenicians and the Romans, and it doesn't mean sub-saharan as Niger-Congo or Pygmies or Nilotic or proto Bantu or somali or Bushmen Khoisan ( San ) or Ethiopians or Egyptian Copts wheat-skinned

  20. @hamzaalmdghri8741

    October 7, 2021 at 12:10 am

    When Christians won wars against Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, they began to paint the amazigh aka Berber as black Africans for political and ethnic reasons. The current state of Mauritania took the name of Mauritania from the present Morocco,
    the Kingdom of Mauritania was in northern Morocco hundreds of years before Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.

  21. @hichamtetouan2095

    October 11, 2021 at 9:48 pm

    Moors mean morrocans coming from Marrakech which significant moor akuch in amazigh which means land of god
    And moors majority of them are white not black

  22. @charleswilliams677

    November 2, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I was somewhat taken bck. As to why you never mention the moors where mobites kushites & kananites who are the original people of Amexum an the lands Al-Morocs & Dr Yusef Ben Jochannan described who the moors where also in his Book we the black (moors) jews vol 1 & 11 I notice the renker within u 🤔

  23. @charmagnebarnes8682

    November 13, 2021 at 8:43 am

    Please do more

  24. @isaiah7640

    December 14, 2021 at 8:24 am

    I don’t put much emphasis on colour but being black doesn’t necessarily mean negroid. The black race has had many variations that have come out of Africa since the dawn of mankind.

  25. @spiritualinsiderr

    January 14, 2022 at 2:55 pm

    Omg this was 4 years ago.. what happened

  26. @ferbsol2334

    January 18, 2022 at 10:19 am


  27. @BriefInsights

    January 18, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    It seems many people are still missing the point of this video. Yes, we discuss the controversy surrounding the term Moor and the origins of the Moorish people, but the point was to explore their advancements and credit them with those advancements in contrast with the primarily Eurocentric history that is taught in schools.

  28. @stonepony2285

    February 11, 2022 at 9:47 pm

    Thank you sir

  29. @lolafemmefatale1503

    February 19, 2022 at 5:01 am

    How do I know the Moors were black because black people stay styling and bathing we have been forever trendsetters

  30. @sabrinalecrivainmediaTM

    February 20, 2022 at 5:28 am

    My question is… if they build the archetecture then we're are the evidence? So much was recorded yet not that? Looks like they just dressed up fly and was just there.

  31. @madtrades3138

    June 25, 2022 at 1:53 pm

    It's ridiculous when people say the moors of spain are not Arab. Ofc they are Arab. The conquest of the Spanish peninsula was led by Arabs and was under the unmayad empire from Damascus. But Europeans have always tried deleting this from their history. The same year the last Arab was pushed out of spain was the same year Columbus discovered america. It's pretty obvious that Europe developed due to the knowledge left by the Arabs

  32. @TheMoor8654

    June 30, 2022 at 5:12 am

    Truth and lies strangely mixed. Moor mean any dark skinned complexion people. All people misclassified as black are Moors stop your lies.

  33. @TheMoor8654

    June 30, 2022 at 5:16 am

    Black is an adjective and people are nouns Moor is the proper noun not black the color that means pale and Civiliter Mortuus in law, meaning to be dead in the eyes of the law and having no rights or liberties. Anyone calling Moors black is an Agent and a sellout. Very disrespectful to refer to our ancestors Moors as black.

  34. @user-xu5dt5uq1p

    July 1, 2022 at 3:20 am

    Hhhh moors not black you you take pictures from black guard slavery in north africa
    Moors( arabs and berbers )
    Not black

  35. @urbnctrl

    July 22, 2022 at 12:02 pm

    MEDUSA HEAD ON ME! If you know, you know.

  36. @randyanderson3077

    September 8, 2022 at 5:40 am

    Very good ! really enjoyed 🎥 video.

  37. @roccoy5982

    September 17, 2022 at 12:23 am

    Amazigh not black

  38. @daphnecollier9264

    October 11, 2022 at 4:51 pm

    No more knowledge! Please continue spreading TRUTHS.

  39. @AfriasporaFilms

    October 12, 2022 at 12:40 am

    No. Lies. Told. Well balanced and thorough production. Would love to see a part 2 about Moorish nautical prowess, ship building, ocean going sailing, and mapmaking of the Americas prior to the Inquisition and Columbus’ voyage in 1492. Yes, Moors sailed to the Americas for trade and returned before Columbus. Columbus learned how to sail and navigate the Atlantic from them. He used an Arabic speaking interpreter to communicate with the Native Americans. Why aren’t we told more about this?

  40. @Renwoxing13

    November 21, 2022 at 11:49 pm

    ⚫️ This information should really come as no surprise to anyone.

    ⚫️ Just think about it for a second :

    🖤 All of Europe existed in a zone of seasonal weather. ( or think about constantly raining Britain even )

    🖤 They had to worry about and prepare for the cold seasons every year. They had to stock food, wood, and whatever else just to survive… EVERY SINGLE YEAR !

    ⚫️ These other countries who were lower down the earth and closer to the equator :

    🖤⚫️⬛️◼️◾️▪️➖ They basically enjoy a cheat code hack of god mode ➖▪️◾️◼️⬛️⚫️🖤

    🖤 They have had much, MUCH, MUCH more time to dedicate to luxuries, mental stimulation, & other hallmarks of civilization !

    🖤 I mean look at ancient India which was the Apple of the worlds eye for millennia, and China as well Enjoyed Long periods of more advanced civilization !

    ⚫️ The same is true for the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, Olmec / Toltecs, etc when compared to the American / Canadian Indians who also suffered under the same “handicap” that Europe did ! ➖ ( They we’re even further back on the scale of civilization then Europe because America was Colonized Much, Much more recently the Europe, but it is the Exact Same “handicap” that Europe suffered ! )

    ⚫️ Which might I add makes the rapid Flourishing of Europe even more impressive !

    ⬛️ Just think about it for a second :

    ⚫️ When a more backwards people is introduced to a more advanced civilization
    ◼️ ( as long as they are given a space free from oppression & are offered freedom on life ) –
    ◾️ then everything is new to them, and they are open to new things.
    ▪️ So they become a people who are constantly in “discovery”, a people who end up loving new things, learning new knowledge, and a people constantly trying to progress into the future with new thoughts, ideas, & ways of life !

    🖤 So this bred a joy in all things new, acceptance of new & even foreign or crazy ideas ( crazy to other people, but CRAZY AS A FOX )
    ⚫️ Thus they progressed at lightning speed, caught up to all things contemporary, and lusted for new things, praised new ideas & inventions, & Eventually SURPASSED all prior civilizations BECAUSE of their love of new things, and willingness to accept not only the ideas of foreign / other peoples, but encouraged their own people to create new things !

    🖤 So when a People are INFUSED with a love for all things new
    ➖ You Get a World power Like Europe then America !
    ➖ You Advance far beyond all your peers, old teachers, & the Civilizations that you were once enraptured by and looked up to !
    ➖ You Invent things that solve problems that none of your old Idols had !
    ➖ Sadly, the very Boon, gift, & BUFF that made your civilizations the wonders of the world is also the curse that doomed your civilizations to eventually lag far behind, and be surpassed by the new players who have just entered the game !

    ⚫️ Your Peoples, philosophies, & ideologies end up being less welcome to new things, You become AVERSE to Change, your empire suffers from a sense that you & your ways are superior, unsurpassable, & that things should remain as they are because you are already at the pinnacle of what humanity can become !¡! !¡! !¡!
    ➖ This BUFF TURNED CURSE is / can be COMPOUNDED Several Times Over when You have Civilizations that are older then yours ( your civilization is literally built right on top of the remnants of the older empires glory ) Civilizations that were more advanced ( stone masons, artists, even thinkers ) then yours ! ➖ Thence you aspire to become as great as the old empire, which becomes the insidious deception that fools you into thinking that former glory is the Pinnacle & to aspire no higher !

    ⚫️ This is what caused the whirlwind that was the FLOURISHING of EUROPE / AMERICA , This caused your empires to fall behind by CENTURIES . This birthed the advancement so profound that in mere decades real time, you were surpassed by millennia in ideology, knowledge, & the search for excellence !

    ⚫️ The Most Important Takeaway I Can Give You Is This :

    ⚫️ Things Like Colonization, The Spreading of Military Bases from America, The radio, Telephone, & Television of Old :

    ➖ Those things helped your countries ( non 1st world, to 3rd world hellholes… so their such a thing as a fourth world country !? ) They helped give you a slight push forward, and let your countries reach a stage of development behind the “ REVOLUTION of Knowledge “ by only a century or so.

    ⚫️ HOWEVER :

    🖤⚫️⬛️◼️◾️▪️➖ THE INTERNET ERA ➖▪️◾️◼️⬛️⚫️🖤

    ⚫️ Is A Complete & Utter Game Changer !¡! !¡! !¡!

    ⚫️ Thanks to the Internet age ; Your countries and peoples now, FINALLY are reaching near parity with the 1st world, and you have the opportunity to catapult yourselves forward to being equal, or even superior if given enough time !¡! !¡! !¡!

    🖤 What Can a I Say Except GOD Speed, Good Luck, & The Planet Changes In Cycles

  41. @hansolodolo92

    December 12, 2022 at 7:06 pm

    "moors wasnt black" is a hilarious thing for a person to say. You know how much evidence you have to ignore to hate black people that much😂😂.

  42. @alielmekkaoui2243

    February 16, 2023 at 1:04 am

    Why do you make pictures of Black people the moors are not black. Even almoravids who were from the Sahara who were a bit darker are not really black. So stop the spreading lies Morocco was never Black and will never be Black and we will fight the agenda of Afrocentrics who want to populate our country to change its population they will not succeed In their agendas.

  43. @mythic7539

    March 7, 2023 at 8:09 pm

    They weren't black they were berber and arab stop stealing our amazigh history embrace your own culture

  44. @bintzohra4028

    May 2, 2023 at 7:33 pm

    Blackcentrist history falsifying propaganda. The real Moors were not black! Berbers are predominantly Mediterranean.

  45. @blackdreamhunk3413

    May 20, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    I experienced racism when I said moors were black on youtube. I even was giving proof and links and youtube was deleting my comments and sources.

  46. @giacaro180

    May 25, 2023 at 2:44 pm

    No, but that was a nice try tho!

  47. @marvinhuey6295

    July 3, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    And this is why they don't teach critical race theory

  48. @blackdreamhunk3413

    September 11, 2023 at 7:31 pm

    As blackdreamhunk2 I experienced racism on the topic moors right here

  49. @assilkt5049

    November 16, 2023 at 8:24 pm

    The moors weren’t blacks

  50. @negambeymuksingkali1489

    February 12, 2024 at 12:22 am

    better keep on studying, it comes from Egypt for high priest of Anu

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