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  1. @andyboakye5154

    September 23, 2023 at 11:13 am

    Very interesting thank you, does Sudan have a oart to play in this discussion.

  2. @huh6486

    September 23, 2023 at 11:29 pm

    Around Applause 👏🏿 for you Brother ❤❤❤. Back to our Roots ❤❤❤

  3. @drc.drc.2274

    September 25, 2023 at 8:41 pm

    Thank you for acknowledging that us in the West struggle to find truth.

  4. @kingjams

    September 28, 2023 at 3:44 pm

    If modern day Egyptians can't give me the whole story, the beginning of the Egyptian Civilisation, if they can't pronounce or even mention these names, they shouldn't claim to be Egyptian at all.

  5. @vincentlentsela2147

    October 9, 2023 at 12:30 pm

    This Tau-Tau Mansa Mosupulogo Modise
    I say greatings

  6. @Fuz3j

    October 12, 2023 at 1:07 am

    Idont think the lemba are foreign. I think they are bantu and proto-hebrew. I think that as the natufians spread out of Africa and kicked started civilization. They came into conflict with people from the East. To that point they were kicked out of northwest Africa or what is currently now known as the Mideast and all were left with is white and Arab bastardized history that preports that the caananites were somehow semitics. Black Africans and just people bantu descent need to first invest in our power bases where we are. Build a coalition and reconnect to history and stop letting others tell us what they want us to believe. Get away from bastardized white wash and arab-centric histories.

  7. @christianmalutama7214

    October 16, 2023 at 10:07 pm


  8. @theblueblog8655

    October 21, 2023 at 5:16 am

    This gave me a spiritual orgasm.😅

  9. @TonYahu6704

    October 27, 2023 at 7:10 pm

    That would have been nuts, Israel in Uganda…

  10. @nompumelolo

    October 29, 2023 at 6:47 am

    all i see are lost power hungry men desperate to associate themselves with royalty. If we can accept white people as the original inhabitants of Europe and asian people as the original inhabitants of Asia, why do you find it hard to believe that modern day arabs are the original inhabitants of Egypt? Why not associate yourselves with the great lost civilization of Zimbabwe because THOSE are the descendants of BaNtu people? Stop stealing and co-opting Arabic ancestory 🙄

  11. @tydrensullivan7480

    October 30, 2023 at 11:51 am

    This is no longer a question. We know that Sudan is the author.

  12. @LozaPoza

    November 2, 2023 at 6:18 pm

    There was a DNA study done by leading Egyptologists testing the autosomal DNA results of the Amarna Dynasty, this is the dynasty of Tutankhamen, Amenhotep lll, Queen Tiye, Akhenaten and Nerfititi. The results showed that Southern Africans and Africans from the Great Lakes region were the closest living genetic relatives of the Kemetic royals tested. Factor this in with the cultural links between Southern African culture and Kemet for e.g. totem symbols, Nguni neck beads that look exactly like the neck pieces worn by the Ancient Kemites and even the linguistic similarities between many terms, its not far fetched that we as Southern Africans have a strong connection with Ancient Kemet.

  13. @Gelu345

    November 3, 2023 at 9:23 pm


  14. @Kemet3.0

    November 24, 2023 at 4:36 pm

    Yes, you are correct they are guiding principles (6:40). However, we have one creator.

  15. @ghostfreak007

    December 17, 2023 at 4:08 pm

    bro thinks egyptians are bantu whatever you are smoking is the bomb

  16. @kennye6088

    December 17, 2023 at 5:25 pm

    As a Jewish person, at the ripe old age of 72. I get mad and upset with my fellow Jewish sects. Because they are doing things today, that have got us into so much trouble in the past. And it is my sole belief…, that what the Light to White skinned Jews are doing today, will once again doom us to a worse fate.

    The Europeans over the centuries, have "White Wash" the Christian Bible. They have openly high jacked Christianity, a religion created by "Black Africans". To use it, to obtain social and political power, to garner wealth and position in the global realm.

    But the overall damage that the White European have done to Black African history, is so profound, it will take centuries to correct.

    Every Christian Bible, that was printed since the Church's approvals (1118 AD). Has depicted all Christians and Jewish characters as "White".

    And here is the reason that they are able to get away with it. Us Jews. Jews like myself…, are the reason. It is because, we Jews are passing…, as White. But being White…, is not our heritage. We come from Black African stock. We are the Black Africans from the Levant region of Northeast Africa. Which is known as "The Middle East" today.

    The name "Middle East", is a colonial name, given to the region by the colonial powers of Britian and France, in the 1920's. After they received "The Mandate" from the League of Nations. That area today, was never called the Middle East. Even the Crusades, never called it the Middle East.

    Jews that "exodus" themselves from Palestine over generations…, ended up in European countries, that were full of Slavics and Germanic people. Whom the Jews over the centuries, inter-bred with those people. Producing the "White Jews" of today. The Ashkenazi and the Hasidic Jews of Europe. Were once the Sephardic Jews that line the Mediterranean, around the 800-1000 AD. They ended up in the low countries, of German and Switzerland.

    But here is the damage that White Christian/Judaism, has done to Black African history.

    The leaders of Egypt (who were Black Africans) allowed Joesph to bring his people to Egypt. But here is were the damage is done and the stone is set against Black Africans. The Egyptians being Black themselves. Would never have taken in persons…, that did not look like them, or who did not speak the same tongue as they did. So if the leaders of Egypt allowed thousands of persons to enter their land. You could pretty much believe that they looked just like the Egyptians.

    Because remember.., Moses had to look like them, in order to rule over them. Or their Gods and holy men, would not have approve the arrangement, for Moses's position. Yet the Christians has gone completely out of their way, to paint the Jews/Hebrews as Whites. Depicting mentally, in the minds of White Christians. That the Egyptians enslaved Whites for hundreds of years.

    People must understand the deep dark thread, that Christianity has sewn. To ensure that their followers during the Crusades remained loyal to the Church. They broke the noses off of every Egyptian monument they came across. TO "bury" the facts and truth, that Black Africans built and ruled Egypt. One of the greatest kingdoms on the planet.

    That is why, the Israeli/Palestine Conflict is so wrong. The area has been called Palestine for centuries. Us Jews was stripped from the land centuries ago. Our claims are as old as water, and are base on the recalled memories of Who. Who wrote the Torah and Talmud. Was their material true and correct. Or filled with misinformation and half truths. Or is it a complete "Metaphor".

  17. @fetikalunga

    December 31, 2023 at 2:15 am

    Pseudo as hell 😂

  18. @obsaeikeland9371

    January 16, 2024 at 9:28 am

    Wish you would touch on Ethiopia and the different ethnic groups there and their part in Kemet as well as what kind of traces can be found today from the past influence of the African High culture 🙂 As an Oromo, I've done some small personal research as well through comparison and found many interesting things.

  19. @damzmpho586

    January 27, 2024 at 6:36 pm

    Question: Will black people take back Egypt?

  20. @kennedy-oringo

    January 30, 2024 at 7:32 am

    The Baganda in Uganda a bantu tribe have "Kintu and Nambi" in their culture as the first man and woman. Could it be that the concept of Adam and Eve was borrowed from there cause as said in the interview civilization started at the source of the Nile or grate lakes region. Just a thought.

  21. @theluxbotanica2901

    February 12, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    7:50 thank you 🙏🏾

  22. @mohamedhommos7748

    April 1, 2024 at 12:11 pm

    Cool man Finally found another channel Youtube that tells our story of My Ancient Egyptian.

    I'm so Blessed, Thanks for watching I'm from Egyptian Country North Africa.

  23. @bAkra60

    April 6, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    Kmt is differentiated based on dynasties.

  24. @LesibaMasenya-dj4zf

    April 7, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    That's why we need to publish in scientific journal systems, to destroy the neo-colonial euro-imperialistic narrative (hogwash) that is serving as poison to Blacks and spreading to infest humanity. Writing books is fine. But if we don't publish, where the work of Thau-Thau can be engaged by scholars from various academic fields he, himself, touches on in this interview, bcos if we end up with books only, we are as doomed as the day Blacks were literally invaded, colonized, and assimilated into Eurooeans

  25. @josephjourney3915

    April 7, 2024 at 4:43 pm

    My respects to you grand masters

  26. @bAkra60

    April 12, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    Therefore, it is important for Africans to do the translation of the texts and what is written on the walls.

  27. @aaronrhines1484

    May 12, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    Thank you for saying that brotha.

  28. @aaronrhines1484

    May 12, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Excellent!!!!

  29. @gggg4444b

    May 14, 2024 at 8:07 am

    It is so relaxing to listen to these two men speak – wonderful. Love from Ireland. 🍀

  30. @Venzilith

    May 19, 2024 at 8:13 pm

    I would love to hear your intake on the following please. For some years my inner spirit has kept repeating that our downfall came from "the only tribe that never got colonized." It kept pushing that there was some pact with the foreigners to allow them (the tribe) to benefit the pillage of our gold and resources in exchange of information on how to infiltrate us and its not for nothing that out of all nations they re the one keeping the ark of the covenant. The ark belongs to the pale nations but for some reason its kept in their house?! Pale nations never liked us why would they let their sacred object at our house?! It would seem to be the covenant between them and the foreigners to never get invaded . My inner spirit went on to elaborate on how and why (this particular tribe) feels and acts superior to us , they are hybrids and were sons of mixings just like the arabic, indian, italian, spanish, greek asian nations are hybrids hence their loyalty to the foreigners. (Notice how all these hybrid nations all pledge allegiance to that side of themselves and never us?! ) We need to have a conversation about this, i dont know if anyone else had that revealed to them, i will be waiting. After learning this i have always find it sad seeing how the rastafari movement was based on the crowning of a man who is a direct descendant of that line of people that started it all.

  31. @Venzilith

    May 19, 2024 at 8:30 pm

    We also need to dive into the foreigners . Who are they and where did they come from. They obviously not from this planet. I have never met an indigenous person from this planet that was allergic to "real food" non gmo food. These people had to modify our biosphere in order to survive. Bunch of plants were genetically modified to suit their genes (carrots corn bananas etc do ur search) snow is and was never natural i believe they engineered it and i go as far as believing that the great flood was caused by them in their early years of trying to change our climate. If you watch them , they spent all their money and years looking up in space when we indigenous look down in water, (in haitian vodou we have a sayingg that says once you die you go back to the water and i have heard other indigenous people say this.) Also the way these people trashed our planet and always prepare to nuclear bomb it as if they know its not their home ( if you only had one home why would you even consider creating something that could annihilate it forever) they ve been destroying our trees our ozone layers our waters … i mean…. you think that the fires in our amazonian forest ( the last one left standing).are natural?! And now they ve found a way to go to mars… honestly i cant wait for them to leave but its like they re tryong to cripple us as muxh as possibld before they leave and we re not united enough to do something about it…. im rambling here and i have no ill towards them but i honestly think these people are a plague and we must have f8cked up royally somewhere for the big architect to let them HAPPEN To us.

  32. @zolisamaine3518

    May 29, 2024 at 7:39 pm

    Ra : Leader
    Ma : Unquantified Mass eg Water
    Sedi : To Guide
    "Lesedi the light guides us in darkness."

    Ra : Monna – Father
    Mora : Moshemane – Son
    Moradi : Mosetsane – Daughter
    Mosadi : Mme – Mother
    Modise : Sherpard
    Mmuso /Busa : Govern or Guide. (MOSA wa DI dichaba)
    Ramasedi comes from the guidelines of your father through your mother.

  33. @wilberforcewilpower3254

    June 20, 2024 at 12:47 pm

    Well nice conversation from unpopular opinion. But the host of unpopular Opinion should not interrupt the speaker/guest while speaking, hes should at least be patient for an extend period of time. The grandmaster was deriving his knowledge but constantly was interupted due to the expression of the host. More time should be given to the guest to speak. It will be helpful.

  34. @user-yx7qf2ex9t

    June 30, 2024 at 7:42 pm

    Long Live Hunhu Ubuntu Botho Maa't

  35. @adriananthonyalastairbarko9117

    July 2, 2024 at 4:07 pm

    I would like to be more enlightened could someone here suggest some books I could read?

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