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Concur Survey: Buyers Brace for ‘Challenging’ 12 Months Ahead



Business travel managers were nearly unanimous in declaring 2024 a “more challenging” year, facing demands including budget reductions, expanding responsibilities and a more demanding traveler population, according to an SAP Concur-sponsored survey of 600 travel managers across six global markets.

In terms of budget, 42 percent of respondents said their job will be more difficult over the next 12 months due to company directives to cut travel costs. Within the Asia/Pacific region, that percentage was 48 percent, according to the survey, which was conducted by Wakefield Research April 5-26. Some of those cuts are coming at the expense of sustainability initiatives, with 36 percent of travel managers indicating it would be difficult to meet expectations for more sustainable travel options with inadequate budgets. 

About a third of travel manager respondents said they have been asked to take a more strategic role at their company but have not received any additional training or education to do so, the survey indicated. That was more common for travel managers in the Americas and the Asia/Pacific region compared with Europe.

The most frequently cited challenges for the year were increased safety concerns and employees not using company booking tools, each cited by 38 percent of respondents. A companion survey of 3,750 business travelers across 24 markets showed 64 percent prefer making changes directly through suppliers rather than through company tools.

Business travelers surveyed were largely positive about business travel itself, with 76 percent saying they enjoy it and 67 percent considering it essential for career advancement. However, about a two-thirds said they have not had equal opportunities to take business trips compared with their colleagues—an increase of 4 percentage points for the same question in Concur’s 2023 survey—based on a variety of factors including seniority, age, gender, accent and whether they work from the company’s office.

Many travel managers, meanwhile, are seeking greener pastures, with 41 percent saying they likely would look for a new position in the next 12 months.

“Even among those looking to remain in their current role, 41 percent intend to push for changes to that position,” Concur said in the report, “demonstrating that staying put won’t necessarily equate to staying silent.”

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UK Outbound Group invites industry leaders to post-election meeting



Group hopes to discuss the sector’s future strategy and progress to date

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Key travel trends and market growth insights from MarketHub Europe 2024



MarketHub Europe 2024 by HBX Group highlighted current travel trends, technological advancements, and the influence of Gen Z on the industry during its inaugural day in Istanbul.

REPORT from ISTANBUL – MarketHub Europe, by HBX Group, shared key insights into current travel trends and market growth during its inaugural day, celebrated this week in Istanbul with the title “New Frontiers”.

Through different keynotes and round tables, the senior leaders of the group and representatives of tourism, technology and innovation companies, reflected on the challenges facing the sector, the need to balance technological advances with sustainability and ethical considerations, as well as the potential of technology to improve the travel experience and create new business opportunities. Key highlights were also provided on the constant evolution of travellers’ habits, with a special focus on European and Middle Eastern destinations.

Carlos Muñoz, HBX Group

Carlos Muñoz, Chief Commercial Officer of HBX Group, highlighted the increasingly important role of Gen Z and their consumer habits in defining travel trends: “With a clear focus on last-minute bookings and a preference for package tours, Generation Z is already reshaping the way the industry operates. In addition, their high awareness of sustainability clearly shapes their travel choices.”

HBX Group has registered a 25% increase in searches on its platforms, now totalling 5.6 billion per day. Globally, Europe remains one of the leading inbound and outbound markets, while the Middle East continues to grow.

Travel trends

Globally, the United States and Spain stand out as two of the main traveller receptors and London, Paris, New York, Dubai and Barcelona are the cities experiencing the highest demand. Although all regions have experienced growth in their bookings compared to 2023, China and Japan stand out notably.

  • Europe: consolidates its position as a destination after the continent achieved an increase of more than 60% in bookings as a destination compared to 2019. Spain and Italy are two of the most popular countries, with most travellers choosing Europe arriving from United Kingdom, United States, Germany and Spain.

London, Paris and Rome continue to be the favourite cities and the average stay is 3 nights, with a growing trend of 1-to-3-day bookings. Among the fastest growing destinations are the Balearic and Canary Islands.

  • Middle East: the relevance of last-minute bookings. Markets such as the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and France continue to be key outbound markets for tourism to the Last-minute bookings are crucial in this market, where they account for more than 40% of the total.

The average stay is around 3 nights, and Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Mecca are among the most popular destinations. Among the top ten favourites, Doha shows up as one of the fastest growing options.

  • Türkiye: Regaining its position as an issuing Antalya and Istanbul are the most popular destinations in Türkiye. According to data from HBX Group, in addition to domestic tourism, the main source market for Türkiye is the Middle East and, from Europe, Germany is particularly strong.

Bookings made by travellers from Türkiye have grown by more than 50% compared to 2019 and already exceed the bookings recorded last year. Among the most popular choices are domestic destinations, followed by the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and France in Europe, as well as the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East.

Theodore is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of TravelDailyNews Media Network; his responsibilities include business development and planning for TravelDailyNews long-term opportunities.

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Air New Zealand Receives 500K Liter SAF Delivery



Air New Zealand this week received 500,000 liters of sustainable aviation fuel manufactured by Chinese firm EcoCeres to its home country’s capital city of Wellington, the carrier announced Wednesday.

The SAF, which was blended by ExxonMobil, was made from used cooking oil and will be added to the carrier’s New Zealand-based fuel supply for its ATR aircraft, according to the airline. 

Air New Zealand earlier this year ordered 9 million liters of SAF from producer Neste

“We’ve seen increased international momentum around SAF in the past few months, with airlines, governments, airports, and fuel companies all getting on board with alternative fuels at pace,” Air New Zealand chief sustainability and corporate affairs officer Kiri Hannifin said in a statement. 

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