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Burst Tomato Pasta Is the Ultimate Summer Pasta Recipe



I live for a summer pasta recipe. It’s equal parts casual and romanticize-your-life vibes. The idea of throwing together simple ingredients and watching them alchemize into a delicious dish is gratifying—and something about it just screams summer. And with all things Italian ease and intrigue defining these warmer-weather months, I developed a burst tomato pasta recipe that rises to the occasion.

At first glance, this dish might seem basic to the extent of boring—but trust me, it’s anything but. After one bite, you’ll be shouting from the rooftops about its unassuming deliciousness and just how pretty it looks piled onto your plate.

The secret? Incorporating three kinds of tomatoes into the sauce. While my favorite jar of marinara has its time and place, by leaning on three different tomatoes, we’re building upon flavors and textures that meld into the most luxurious and delicious sauce I’ve ever had. Get ready, your new go-to summer dinner is here.

sun dried tomato pasta

Burst Tomato Pasta Ingredients

Pasta. Use whatever shape you like, but for this recipe, I break out the spaghetti or bucatini. A noodle with lots of texture is also nice for helping the sauce cling to the pasta.

Sun-dried tomatoes. The low-key workhorse of any kitchen, sun-dried tomatoes are flavor-forward, briny bites of deliciousness. Plus, using the oil from the jar is a bonus bite of flavor.

Tomato paste. Another must-have ingredient to keep on hand, letting the tomato paste caramelize in the pan adds an element of umami. (This recipe’s je ne sais quoi factor.)

Fresh cherry tomatoes. It is summer after all. Use the best you can find and let them burst into sweet bites that balance the other ingredients’ savory flavor.

Shallots. Another bite of caramelized sweetness, I prefer shallots over onions, but use what you have on hand.

Garlic. Name a pasta that’s complete without it. I’m waiting.

Basil. For a fresh flavor, the herbaceous note is a must when paired with tomatoes.

the best summer pasta

Tips for Maximizing Flavor

While this is a very simple recipe, there are small steps you can take to lean in and create as much flavor as you can.

Caramelize the shallot and tomato paste. This is a must-do that takes a few minutes but is well worth the time. Cooking the shallots down brings out a lovely sweetness, and caramelizing the tomato paste until it goes from bright red to more of a brick-red color softens its acidity. Doing this step together also helps mellow out these ingredients’ flavors.

Burst the fresh cherry tomatoes. I like to add the cherry tomatoes to the sauce right before the pasta finishes cooking and heating them through until they begin to burst. To retain texture in the sauce, I don’t mind keeping the tomatoes mostly whole. However, to balance out the flavor, I burst and crush a few of them. This releases some of their sweet flavor and creates a saucy texture.

Finish the sauce with sun-dried tomato oil or butter. After your sauce comes together, I add just a bit more oil from the jar of sun-dried tomatoes or a pat of butter to help make it extra silky and smooth. Plus, it adds a warm and toasty flavor.

summer tomato pasta

How to Serve Your Burst Tomato Pasta

A simple tomato pasta is never complete without a dusting of parmesan and a side of crusty bread. Sprinkle on a bunch of fresh basil and some red pepper flakes for added flavor and color. Because of its simplicity and ease—not to mention its standout presentation—this recipe is perfect for summer entertaining. To round out the meal, consider these sides and salads to serve alongside your dish.

The Perfect Green Salad. Fresh and crunchy with a bright dressing, this salad is easy to toss together—and I’ve never met a guest who didn’t ask (beg) me for the recipe.

Sesame Salad. If you’re looking for a Caesar-esque salad, this creamy sesame salad checks all the boxes.

Grilled Romaine Salad. For summer al fresco dining, grilled romaine is a must.

the best tomato pasta
easy sun dried tomato pasta


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An easy, tomato-packed pasta recipe for summer.

  • 2 servings pasta of choice
  • 1 large shallot, finely chopped
  • 56 sun-dried tomatoes in oil, finely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 10 ounces cherry tomatoes
  • To serve: basil, parmesan, red chili flakes

  1. In a large stovetop pot, bring water to a boil. Add pasta and cook according to package instructions.
  2. While the pasta cooks, make the sauce. In a large stovetop pan, add 2-3 tablespoons of the sun-dried tomato oil. Add the shallots, chopped sun-dried tomatoes, and tomato paste. Cook for a few minutes until the tomato paste turns brick red and the shallots are caramelized. Add the cherry tomatoes and cook until they just begin to burst.
  3. Add a ladle of pasta water to the tomatoes and cook until the sauce has thickened. Finish the sauce with a bit of sun-dried tomato oil or a pat of butter.
  4. Add the pasta to the sauce and cook until the noodles are coated.
  5. Serve warm with desired toppings. Enjoy!

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Blackened Salmon With Tropical Pico



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At Camille Styles, our love of delicious, nourishing food runs deep. In-person and on Slack, our conversations inevitably gravitate to what we’re currently cooking in our kitchens across the country. From our best taco recipes to soups when the cozy season calls for it to our enduring passion for sweet potatoes—food is endless fodder for conversation. And the dish that’s in constant rotation in my kitchen right now? Sara Forte’s blackened salmon recipe with tropical pico from her new cookbook, Around Our Table: Wholesome Recipes to Feed Your Family and Friends.

As the creator behind the healthy cooking site Sprouted Kitchen, Sara is an expert at making fresh, delicious dishes accessible to an ever-expanding audience. Her recipes pair creativity with honesty—acknowledging that as much as we’d wish otherwise, our time in the kitchen is limited. Sara understands food as a core tenet of the larger pursuit of wellness. And though that translates to nutrition, nourishment also takes into account what’s possible with the resources we have.

Blackened salmon with pico de gallo.

What’s more, food is also a means of connection. It’s the foundation for intimate moments spent in the company of family and friends. Sara’s latest cookbook, Around Our Table, creates space for this comprehensive understanding of food. It’s the sort of cookbook that evolves alongside of you. Instead of being steeped in shifting food trends, it serves as a guide for how food can support your life—no matter the season.

We sat down with Sara to talk about the intention behind her latest release. As she reflects, Sara’s passion for incorporating food into a full life is evident. Her recipes are on-the-fly friendly, bringing color and creativity to the table while keeping things simple and streamlined.

Tropical salsa.

Blackened Salmon With Tropical Pico

“This is your salmon for a crowd,” Sara writes in her cookbook. Whereas other salmon recipes forgo flavor for simplicity, Sara leans on fresh, heavy-hitting ingredients to streamline the prep and deliver a delicious meal, every time.

We also love that this salmon—and its accompanying pico—can be served in endless ways. Sara tops fish tacos with the pico or adds a little heft to the salsa with avocado for a standout, standalone appetizer. (With crunchy, salty chips, of course.)

Serving tips for your salmon abound. She enjoys it best “[…] generously seasoned and served with some punchy pineapple pico and avocado.” (I.e., the exact recipe you’re getting below.) “I serve it with coconut rice, but it could just as easily be wrapped into a burrito or even served over greens. This dish makes for excellent lunch leftovers, so don’t overthink the suggested serving number.”

And contrary to popular belief, salmon isn’t a year-round dish. Sara notes that you’ll find the freshest fish between May and September. And while frozen fillets work in a pinch, she advises staying away from “thin, flimsy tail-end pieces.”

With those expert tips in mind, read on for Sara’s blackened salmon recipe with tropical pico. And be sure to pick up Around Our Table for more recipes to keep in your everyday arsenal.

Excerpted with permission from Around Our Table by Sara Forte published by Hardie Grant Publishing, April 2024, RRP $40.00 Hardcover.


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A crowd-pleasing dish you can make in a pinch, this Blackened Salmon With Tropical Pico is the standout recipe of the summer.

For the Tropical Pico:

  • 2 cups / 330 g chopped fresh pineapple
  • 1 ripe mango, diced small
  • 1 Roma tomato, seeded and chopped
  • 1 bundle cilantro, chopped
  • 1/4 of a red onion, minced
  • 1 serrano, seeded to taste and minced
  • 1 lime, zest and juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • A few grinds of freshly ground pepper
  • Pinch of sugar

For the Salmon:

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil + more for the pan
  • 2 pounds / 900 g center-cut slab of salmon

For the Blackened Seasoning:

  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon light brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon finely ground coffee
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

For the Coconut Rice:

  • 1 cup / 200 g short-grain white rice, well rinsed
  • 1 cup / 240 ml water
  • 1 cup / 240 ml coconut milk
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Zest of 1 lime
  • Sea Salt
  • 2 large avocados, cubed
  • Fresh cilantro and microgreens

For the Tropical Pico:

  1. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix to combine. Keep covered in the fridge until ready to use.

For the Blackened Salmon:

  1. Preheat the oven to 300°F / 150°C. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Spray or rub it with oil. Dry the salmon with a paper towel and place it on the oiled parchment sheet.
  2. Mix all the blackened seasoning ingredients together. Mix in the oil and gently rub it all over the flesh of the salmon.
  3. Start the rice. Combine the rinsed rice, water, coconut milk, sugar, lime zest, and salt together. Stir to mix. Bring the rice to a boil, then down to a simmer. Cover and cook for 18 to 20 minutes until cooked and tender. Set aside.
  4. While the rice cooks, roast the salmon. Bake for 15 minutes, then turn the heat up to broil and cook another few minutes until the top starts to char. Timing will vary by oven, but assume somewhere in the 2-minute ballpark. The salmon should be cooked to about medium in that time; add 5 minutes to that first bake if you prefer it well done. Remove to rest.
  5. Serve the slab of salmon over the rice on a platter, flaking it apart with a fork, with the avocado and pico over the top. Garnish with cilantro and microgreens.

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The Best Electric Kettles You Can Buy in 2024



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There was a time in my life when I didn’t understand the hype behind an electric kettle. Even in the colder months, Austin’s weather often has me opting for a green smoothie in lieu of a latte or tea. But in the spirit of leveling up all areas of my life and romanticizing even the most mundane moments, warm bevvies—and their inherent coziness—are now a staple in my routine. So of course, this change of heart prompted me to seek out the best of the best electric kettle. Spoiler alert: I’ve been changed for the better.

Like any kitchen appliance, there are a few factors to consider when deciding on the best electric kettle. You’ll need to evaluate what you’ll be using your kettle for, how often, and how much water you’re looking to heat up. (Do you keep to one pour-over or are you a full pot kind of person? Be honest.)

If the hunt seems a bit overwhelming—never fear. We’ve rounded up the best electric kettles for all your warm and cozy needs.

Woman pouring tea in electric kettle.

The Best Electric Kettles to Level up Your Morning Routine

This comprehensive list has an electric kettle for just about everyone. From affordable options to luxury splurges, these kettles will make brewing the perfect bev a breeze. With stunning colors, innovative elements, and easy-to-use specs, you’re sure to find your fave.

Our Top Picks:

  1. Best Electric Kettle Overall: Fellow Corvo EKG Electric Kettle – $165 at Fellow
  2. Best Basic Electric Kettle: Breville 57oz Soft Top Pure Stainless Steel Electric Kettle – $89.95 at Target
  3. Best Budget Electric Kettle: Bodum 34oz Electric Bistro Gooseneck Water Kettle – $59.99 at Target
  4. Best Gooseneck Electric Kettle: Stagg EKG Electric Kettle – $195 at Fellow
  5. Best Aesthetic Electric Kettle: Alessi Plissé White Electric Kettle – $109 at Care & Barrel

1. Best Electric Kettle Overall: Fellow Corvo EKG Electric Kettle

This is THE electric kettle. Whether you opt for the classic matte black or one of the Wooden Accent models, the Corvo EKG Kettle will be a staple in your morning/evening routine. The kettle keeps heat time to a minimum while still providing exact temperature control. We also love that it isn’t excessively heavy—making pouring your water less of a hassle.


  • Exact temperature control
  • Hold mode to maintain temperature
  • Quick heat time
  • Minimalist design


  • No auto shut-off option
  • Small volume for the price


  • Capacity: 0.9 L to max fill line
  • Heating element: 1200-watt

2. Best Basic Electric Kettle: Breville 57oz Soft Top Pure Stainless Steel Electric Kettle

If you’re looking for a fairly simple electric kettle to add to your kitchen, this stainless steel kettle from Breville is your best bet. The soft opening lid prevents any hot water spills or splashes and helps to stagger the steam release. Its 360-degree base has concealed storage for the kettle’s cord and a removable scale filter.


  • Soft top lid gently releases steam and prevents potentially hazardous hot water splashes
  • Auto shut-off lid
  • BPA free materials


  • Only sold in stainless steel finish
  • Slight discoloration of plastic pieces over time


  • Capacity: 1.7 L
  • Heating element: 1800-watt concealed element

3. Best Budget Electric Kettle: Bodum 34oz Electric Bistro Gooseneck Water Kettle

This slim and stunning appliance is one of the best electric kettles for those looking for a less pricey option. The temperature-controlled gooseneck kettle makes it the perfect addition for all your hot coffee and tea needs while enhancing your aesthetic space. Our Managing Editor, Isabelle has had this kettle for over two years and her love is still going strong. The sleek design is perfect for a small kitchen with limited counter space, and her only qualm is the limited temperature control options.


  • Back-lit LED display
  • Multiple steam vents for stable internal pressure
  • Less expensive than other models


  • Limited temperature control options
  • Start button screen is difficult for some users


  • Capacity: 34 fl oz
  • Heating element: 1200-watts

4. Best Gooseneck Electric Kettle: Stagg EKG Electric Kettle

If you’re looking to splurge on any of these kettles, let it be this one. The Stagg kettle features a slim gooseneck spout for perfecting your pour-overs. Additionally, this kettle comes with exact temperature control and a speedy heat time.


  • Numerous color options + wooden handles
  • To-the-degree temperature control
  • 60-minute hold mode


  • Higher price than most electric kettles
  • A slow pour from the spout
  • Sensitive over-boiling feature


  • Capacity: 0.9 L
  • Heating element: 1200-watt

5. Best Aesthetic Electric Kettle: Alessi Plissé White Electric Kettle

This electric kettle is the perfect pick for the design-oriented. While it leans on the more expensive side, its aesthetic value is worth every penny. Not only is this electric kettle an appliance that you’ll use on the daily, but it’s also one that can be left on display in your kitchen for all to take in its beauty.


  • Comes in black or white
  • Artful and aesthetic design
  • Quick boil time
  • Cordless


  • Made entirely from thermoplastic resin
  • Lighter and less sturdy compared to models made from heavier materials


  • Capacity: 57.5 fl oz / 33.8 fl ox
  • Heating element: 1500-watt
Woman pouring coffee electric kettle.

Other Electric Kettles to Consider

Hearth & Hand™ with Magnolia Cuisinart Cordless Electric Kettle

Convenience meets functionality with this electric kettle from Target’s Hearth & Hand line. For a reasonably priced kettle, this pick has plenty of power at 1500 watts and room to spare with a capacity of 1.7 liters. The 360-degree base connector acts as a cordless power base that takes up minimal room in any kitchen.

Zwilling Enfinigy Cool Touch Kettle

With this kettle from Zwilling, you won’t have to worry about spills when pouring your hot beverage. The outside remains cool to the touch while the double-walled body keeps your drink perfectly hot. This kettle comes in a stunning matte black or stainless steel and holds 51 ounces.

Fellow Clyde Electric Kettle

If you’re after an option that doubles as a countertop centerpiece, this pick from Fellow takes the cake. The kettle features a drip-free pour spout, a heat-resistant handle, and a 1.5-liter capacity and comes in green and black.

KitchenAid ® 1.25-Liter Silver Electric Tea Kettle

Sleek and streamlined, this kettle is the pick for the minimalists among us. Its pared-back exterior aligns with any style and the modern features ensure a perfect cuppa. With a smooth stainless steel body and LED features, it’s the elevated version of the traditional tea kettle we all know and love.

Woman drinking tea in kitchen

How to Pick an Electric Kettle

There are a couple of important elements to consider when selecting the best electric kettle. As one beverage drinker’s needs may be different than another’s, we’ve laid out the top three things you should consider before making your purchase.

Kettle Capacity

How much water are you planning on heating up? Do you drink several cups of coffee or tea? Capacity is one of the most important factors to take into consideration when choosing your perfect electric kettle. You may want to stick to a capacity of around 1.5-1.7L or more if you’re brewing for 2+ people, whereas you can most likely get by with a capacity of one liter or less if you’re aiming for 1-2 cups of your drink of choice.

Temperature Control and Boiling Speed

If you’re seeking out a kettle that can reach an exact temperature, you may need to opt for a more expensive model. But if you’re simply looking for a kettle that can keep water hot, then you may be able to find a more generic electric kettle.

Additionally, the speed at which water can heat up is a factor to consider in your selection process. If you find yourself short on time (or simply a lack of patience) when brewing your bev, look for a quick-heating electric kettle as opposed to one with a more lengthy heat time.

Selecting Your Spout

How fast or slow your water pours from the electric kettle depends on the spout size and length. If you’re looking for a slower and more precise pour, typically a long, tapered or gooseneck spout is the best option. This can also prevent spills and splashes of hot water that escape from your kettle. If you’d rather have a larger and faster pour, select a spout with a wide and short opening.

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Sweet Potatoes With Dates Are a Satisfying Plant-Based Meal



If I had to choose only one food to eat for the rest of my life, it would probably be sweet potatoes. So when I say that these charred sweet potatoes with dates are my new favorite way to eat them, you know it’s a statement I don’t take lightly.

This dish is a flavor adventure that speaks to all the senses. Sweet potatoes slowly roasted to release their natural candy-like sweetness, then quickly charred for those crispy edges. A luxurious date-studded brown butter drizzled over the top. Crunchy seeds and peppery arugula to wake it all up and make you go in for another bite. Yes, these are that good.

Read on for how these charred sweet potatoes with dates come together. Warning: you may never make sweet potatoes any other way.

charred sweet potatoes with dates on plate

The Ultimate Healthy Summer Side

This dish not only offers a satisfying mix of textures and flavors but is also packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber—it’s a recipe that will leave you feeling so nourished and energized.

Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants. The seeds add a boost of healthy fats and protein, while dates bring a natural sweetness along with essential minerals like potassium and magnesium.

camille styles setting table
dinner party table with charred sweet potatoes

Ingredients You’ll Need

Gather a handful of simple ingredients to make this dish:

  • sweet potatoes
  • olive oil
  • seeds (I like a mix of sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds)
  • butter
  • dates
  • honey
  • Aleppo pepper
  • arugula
  • cilantro
charred sweet potatoes with dates

How to Make Charred Sweet Potatoes With Dates and Arugula

  1. Roast the sweet potatoes. You’ll roast them on a baking sheet with a little water and sealed with foil. This helps evenly roast and lightly “steam” the potatoes to get them extra tender.
  2. Prepare the topping. This seedy sweet brown butter is where it’s at. You’re going to melt some butter over the stove, add your seeds, and lightly brown them. Then you add your dates, olive oil, honey, salt, and Aleppo pepper. HEAVEN.
  3. Char the sweet potatoes. This is what takes these over the top. Warm some olive oil in a cast-iron pan, then cut the potatoes open and sear them cut-side down in the skillet to get those crispy bits.
  4. Put it together. Top your charred sweet potatoes with the seed mixture, some fresh arugula and cilantro leaves, and a sprinkle of flaky salt.

Tips for Success

  1. The perfect potato. Opt for medium-sized sweet potatoes that will cook evenly. And feel free to experiment with any type of sweet potato! Classic orange potatoes or yams are naturally sweet and not too heavy, whereas Japanese sweet potatoes are a bit more dense and starchy (also delish). And for something that feels really elevated, opt for purple sweet potatoes. The vibrant, colorful presentation is stunning.
  2. Ideal substitutions. If you can’t find Aleppo pepper, red pepper flakes work just as well but use a bit less to manage the heat. Feel free to sub any type of seed, or even slivered almonds, in place of the pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame seeds I used here.
  3. How to serve. This dish pairs wonderfully with grilled or roasted meats like this yogurt-marinated chicken. It can also stand alone as a hearty vegetarian main, with a green salad served alongside.
holding sweet potatoes with dates
man serving sweet potatoes with dates

Feel free to meal prep the roasted sweet potatoes ahead of time and refrigerate, then char them and add your toppings just before serving. Easy! Scroll on for the recipe for these sweet, savory, and extremely satisfying charred sweet potatoes with dates.


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These charred sweet potatoes with dates are a sweet and savory dish that pairs beautifully with grilled meats—and is hearty enough to standalone as a vegetarian main. Prepare to be obsessed!

  • 4 sweet potatoes
  • Kosher salt
  • Olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 5 dates, pitted and quartered
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for sweet potatoes
  • Pinch kosher salt
  • Pinch Aleppo pepper (or sub with less red pepper flakes)
  • 2 cups arugula
  • 1/2 cup cilantro leaves
  • Flaky salt

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 F.
  2. Use a fork to prick the sweet potatoes a few times. Place on a baking sheet and pour ¼” water into the pan. Cover with foil and seal, then roast until tender, about an hour. Let cool.
  3. In a small saucepan, heat the butter over low heat, along with the seeds, and cook just until butter and seeds begin to brown, 3 – 5 minutes. Stir in dates, olive oil, honey, salt, and Aleppo pepper. Remove from heat.
  4. Heat a cast-iron skillet over medium heat, then add olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan.
  5. Halve the potatoes lengthwise and then crosswise. (Each sweet potato will yield 4 pieces.) Sprinkle cut sides with a pinch of salt. Place sweet potatoes in pan, cut-side down.
  6. Brown for 10 minutes in the pan. Transfer to a serving platter and top with seed mixture, arugula, cilantro, and flaky salt. Enjoy!


You can roast the sweet potatoes ahead of time and refrigerate, then char them and add your toppings just before serving.

  • Prep Time: 20
  • Cook Time: 90
  • Category: Side dish

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