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Black Dude Schools Mexicans on Their Own History



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  1. @DeathToLiberalism

    September 1, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    They were brought by Spanish settlers.

  2. @racist-mexicans-killa-4-li460

    September 4, 2013 at 8:07 pm

    There's these racist Mexicans in Pasadena, CA who are racist against blacks, but to pussies to admit to it for fears of getting their asses fucked up by black people. Here some youtubes as prove.

    1. Mexica Movement supporter vs Joe the plumber

    2. Differences between Chicago and L.A

    3. Citlalmina Anahuac part 2

    4. G Thug warning Kam and Marisol

    5. G Thug's history with racism

    6. The Real Mexica Movement Deception

    Donta & the allies vs Mexica Movement. Fuck Huitzilin

  3. @14MrRene

    September 14, 2013 at 11:24 pm

    this guy is stupid claming we dont know ourselves of course we do, we are indeginous and spaniard mixed which is called mestizo, and for the claims of blacks or olmec being in mexico before us if they where the mixed with the indeginous in are now us.

  4. @drgonzo212

    September 16, 2013 at 7:09 am

    You can't fix stupid and these people are far beyond fixing.

  5. @aguasfirulas

    September 24, 2013 at 3:25 am

    well Hispanic and Latino is not ethnicity is a cultural background!!!! Hispanic means somebody who speaks Spanish! and Latino means Somebody who has Latin Background that means when you speaks a language that came from Latin and such languages are Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian I'm Mexican so that means I'm Latino and Hispanic


    September 26, 2013 at 1:34 am

    we are Mexicas you


    September 26, 2013 at 1:35 am

    this dont know shit.

  8. @carlosgutierrez3725

    September 30, 2013 at 9:04 pm

    mexico and mexican is an ethnicity fool yes ther was black people becusae of their skin tone but they were mexicanos the word hispanic was made by the white people cause where we live in the us their was diferent spanish culters in the school u just marked hispanic, spanish is not a europe language u fool lol.ur this dude is black but im not gona say go back to africa or hese african cuase hese not from their but his ethnic is other wise he would be speakin spanish

  9. @mdanielson503

    October 8, 2013 at 10:23 pm

    Preach brother

  10. @gushernandez7005

    October 19, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    Ismail Ali Hey man just got to tell you something Mexicans don't see blacks as A threat you must be joking with that one. Apparently blacks are the only ones who seem to think that. Also Most Mexicans If not all are not part of the African American Sub culture. ILL give A good example of what I mean you know that Mexican Drug Lord that Gucci man made A rap song about yeah that man is Mexican not black so if you think about it who's coping who. Just think about it

  11. @gushernandez7005

    October 20, 2013 at 2:26 am

    Xm377moyocoyatzin I got your email and you might want to rethink what you have sent me on me supposedly – learning how to articulate. I reread my comment and I found no errors so nice try. I also noticed that when you were going back and forth with some other person on other postings that you pretty much had the same defense ( learn how to Articulate. Well how about come up with A new punchline. Don't think that for A second that your actually smarter than me I warn you that would just be plain-

  12. @gushernandez7005

    October 20, 2013 at 2:27 am

    – stupid.

  13. @therentsdue6616

    October 25, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    This black man is fucking stupid

  14. @terrencemalone2110

    October 29, 2013 at 10:59 pm

    you do no that mexican imatate nazi

  15. @mrwhatever213

    October 31, 2013 at 4:48 am

    He schooled you on your own history you dumb fuck. just like i ripped you in the other vid. tel me where he is wrong? you fuckers worship and claim a heritage that hates your fucking guts, and wants you dead! have you been to Spain? i have and they hate you guts! and hate you claim you are Spanish. you were a conquered people like blacks. we should be uniting instead of fighting. tell me were he is wrong!

  16. @morglife63

    November 1, 2013 at 8:18 pm

    I don't care what you say…. Mexicans are very jealous people. And what the fuck are Mexicans known for. When have Mexicans ever lead a movement.? When have Mexicans ever did anything of great importance? What have Mexicans ever contribute to this country? Mexicans talk all this shit about black's like they are just to proud with there la raza attitude. Get the fuck outta here with that. Mexicans come over here for a better life and they have the nerve to turn there noise up at black's.

  17. @camron512

    November 4, 2013 at 12:30 am

    Bottom line Is undocumented Mexicans shouldn't be protesting anything when they are here illegally. Can you you argue against that???!!???

  18. @Upsateca

    January 22, 2014 at 9:42 pm

    A close mouth doesn't get feed. the only way to create change is to demand it. also in reality the spearhead of the movement is documented Americans, such as my self, trying to make things better for family members. also the guy in the interview is a idiot he has know idea what he is talking about.

  19. @Upsateca

    January 22, 2014 at 9:46 pm

    im sorry but you are a little out of line here. Blacks arrived after the spinards. if you are talking about a black prince that is more than likely Yanga who was an African prince brought by the Spaniards that escaped and started a village in the mountains of Guerrero. Most Mexican have black in there biological make up bt its around 5% but in my case its only 3%.

  20. @brandongomez1986

    February 7, 2014 at 2:09 am

    He's right black thank you sir mexican were made with Indians black

  21. @jorgefunes9478

    February 13, 2014 at 3:36 am

    gosh afro centrics obsess over latin america

  22. @brandongomez1986

    February 22, 2014 at 4:46 am

    Mexicans are Indian blacks and Spanish and it depends we're your from down south every ones like 70% black down in Veracruz it's like going to Africa or like the Dominica up north you have more native blood I'm black from veracity there a lot of black Mexicans seeing a Indian or a white is really weird down here

  23. @redskinjim

    March 15, 2014 at 9:07 pm

    Obama voter

  24. @teresagdavila5442

    April 10, 2014 at 4:53 pm

    That’s what I call  negroidiosyncrasy!
    Eso es a lo que llamo negrosincracia!
    and…honey…this individual doesn’t know anything about history, including his own roots. 
    Please change the ridiculous title:
    Black Dude Schools Mexicans on Their Own History
    Viva Mexico!!! XOXO

  25. @gerrybro6243

    May 29, 2014 at 5:56 am

  26. @joaquinflores3547

    June 24, 2014 at 8:08 pm

    Shure Olmecs are not Black most of the Mexicans are Mestizo There Indian and Spaniard so this guy is just lost haha

  27. @umdbro6176

    November 17, 2014 at 1:48 am

    This dumb fuck lol.

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African History

BLACK AFRICANS Are Ancestors To Early CHINESE Settlers



BLACK AFRICANS Are Ancestors to Early CHINESE Settlers.

Did you know a remarkable historical connection between black Africans and early Chinese settlers dates back centuries? Today, this video uncovers a new perspective on Chinese civilization and its relationship to Black Africans. Through this exploration, we will discover the long-lasting impact of their shared experiences, illuminating the profound influence of their intertwined histories.

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11 Reasons Tp Prove That Africans Were in America 2000 years Before Colombus.
Let me take you on a journey through some of these fascinating pieces of evidence of African presence in America 2000 years before Columbus. Take them with a grain of salt if you have to, but I think they are worth some consideration.
1. Olmec Heads: The colossal stone heads created by the Olmec civilization in present-day Mexico, which date back to 1500 BCE to 400 BCE, feature distinctly African facial features. These heads feature facial features such as broad noses, full lips, and round faces that clearly resemble those of Africans more than the indigenous populations of the Americas. Tell me this is not a black man right there. The detailed and realistic nature of the Olmec heads suggests they were based on real individuals. It is no wonder not surprising that some researchers contend that these features indicate an African presence in pre-Columbian America.

2. African Artifacts in the Americas: Artifacts such as cotton from Africa and tobacco pipes found in pre-Columbian sites in South America have led some to speculate about transatlantic contact. In addition, metal artefacts with similar metallurgical techniques to those used in West Africa have been found in pre-Columbian American sites.

Before the next point kindly give us a like. I know to you it’s a simple click, but to us it means a lot.
3. Botanical Evidence: Certain plants like the bottle gourd and the sweet potato are thought to have originated in Africa and Asia but were present in pre-Columbian America, suggesting possible ancient transoceanic contact.

4. Linguistic Evidence: Some linguists claim to have found similarities between certain Native American languages and African languages. Some proponents argue that there are similarities between ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and symbols found in Mesoamerican writing systems, such as those of the Maya. The Mandinka word “makala,” meaning “rice,” is compared to the similar-sounding words in some Native American languages.

Dr. Clyde Winters points to shared vocabulary and phonetic similarities, such as the word “yu” in Mandinka meaning “to give” and a similar-sounding word in the Olmec language with the same meaning.
Leo Wiener, in his early 20th-century work “Africa and the Discovery of America,” cited examples such as the Wolof word “tem” (to cut) and its similarity to the Algonquian word “temagun” (an axe).

5. THOR HEYERDAHL’S RAFT EXPERIMENTS: The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl demonstrated with his expeditions (Kon-Tiki and Ra) that it was possible to travel across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using ancient boat-building techniques, suggesting that such voyages could have occurred in ancient times.

6. Ancient Maps: Some historical maps, such as the Piri Reis map, allegedly show parts of the American continent with a level of detail suggesting pre-Columbian exploration, potentially by African or other non-European civilizations.

7. Skull Analysis: Studies of certain skeletal remains, such as the Luzia Woman found in Brazil, have shown features that some anthropologists argue resemble those of African or Australoid populations rather than Native American populations.

8. Accounts from Early European Explorers: Some early European explorers, such as Vasco Núñez de Balboa, reported encountering dark-skinned peoples in the Americas upon their arrival.

9. Cultural Similarities: Some researchers point to cultural parallels between African and American civilizations, such as pyramid building, similar religious practices, and iconography, as potential evidence of contact.

10. Presence of Black peoples in Asia, Australia and the Pacific. If Black people can be found in as far as the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia many Islands in the Pacific, why can’t they be found in the Americas? I mean it makes no sense for the Americas to be the exception right?

11. Genetic Studies: While controversial and not universally accepted, some genetic studies have indicated the presence of haplogroups in Native American populations that are also found in African populations, suggesting ancient intermingling.


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