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African History

Africans on the MOORS Coats of Arms in Europe



Moor’s Heads of Europe

The contributions of the Moors will forever be remembered through Moor’s heads which appear all over Europe–as paintings, statues, and on the official coats of arms (and flags) of municipalities, religious groups, and noble families. The Europeans positively portrayed the Moors — often adorning them with crowns, pearls and gold. When examining the portrayal and background history behind each European Moor, we gather important clues about the identity of true Moors:



The coat of arms of Abfaltersbach, a small town in the southern Austrian alps, is unique because in the way in which the Moor is portrayed. Holding the olive branch symbolizes peace–a direct contradiction to any false legend claiming these Moors were the heads of the captives or enemies. The combining of the head with the lion’s body can be traced to the sphinxes of Egypt and the Nubian lion god of Dedun. It’s worth mentioning that the lion’s body is depicted in a similar manner to those found on the coats of arms of European royalty as well as the government of Morocco.


Coburg, the ancestral home of the British royal family Saxe Coburg-Gotha, otherwise known as Windsor. The town is known for its picturesque castles and museums, but its most popular resident is the Coburg Moor which appears on the town’s edifices, coat of arms, and flag (as shown below). As previously mentioned, the town’s history tells that this was the catholic church’s patron saint from Thebes (Luxor), St. Maurice. Therefore, according to both the town’s history and the Catholic church, for which he is a patron saint, Maurice was an Egyptian. Again, we can see that the gold earrings and necklace, which could be symbolic of opulence and high regard.


According to town history, the coat of arms is descended from the stamp/seal of noble family, Gaasbeek (Corneille de Man, 1691 AD).


The birthplace of Pope Benedict is adorned with a crowned-head Moor which may be seen at the Freising castle and on the town’s official coat of arms and flag.

The pope uses the same representation of the Moor on his official papal coat of arms. As the pope put it in his autobiography, the “caput aethiopicum” has been used by Freising bishops for over 1,000 years. More importantly, he admits that he does “not know its meaning.” Nonetheless, we are aware that legend tells of Abraham of Freising’s encounter with a bear and how his Black servant defeated this bear. Abraham promised to reward his servant by depicting his head on the town’s coat of arms. Although this legend explains why the pope has the bear on his coat of arms, the legend is still questionable since the Moor is crowned like a king. Regardless, the story and portrayal of the Moor affirms the presence of Blacks in Medieval Europe and their high status.


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  1. @CushiticSomalianMale

    November 7, 2010 at 4:38 am

    Dr. Khalid Muhammad are a prime example of a decendant of the Moor's that invaded europe and civilized the whites out of their so-called, DARK-ages…..

  2. @hebrewmatrix

    August 10, 2011 at 12:11 pm

    WHITE SKIN IS IN FACT A CURSE BY GOD NOT BLACK …READ LEVITICUS 13,NUMBER 12,2 king 5:27 The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow…….I REALLY CAN NOT STAND WHEN WHITEY SAY HE IS THE CHOSEN PEOPLE WHEN KNOWINGLY THE BIBLE SPEAKS AGAINST THEM AND WHITE SCHOLARS SAYS BLACK SKIN IS DOMINANT AND WHITE SKIN IS RECESSIVE…..

  3. @TheSweetSarahize

    December 23, 2011 at 8:48 am

    @waxonify What is "SAD" but true is the utter idiocy of children with absolutely NO knowledge, understanding or fact-based study of simple truths who instead resort to either inventing your own outlandish lies or regurgitating the nonsensical baseless excuses of some high-school drop out. I find those of your ilk quite amusing but unworthy of further discourse. LOL at you. I won't be polite to people like yourself who demonstrate no respect for the truth. Face it genius WHITES were the slaves!

  4. @TheSweetSarahize

    August 6, 2012 at 11:09 pm

    Let's get a few things perfectly clear. I do NOT "attack" people who "comment intelligently" but I have/do and WILL continue to not only ATTACK those who comment ignorantly but I may also DELETE their most offensive comments AND block them from further commentary. I don't even excuse the subtle innuendo of those trying to be CLEVER. YOU may never see the original comment that warrants an "attack".

    Now that we understand each other… Did you say that you are a "sensible high school drop out"?

  5. @TheSweetSarahize

    August 13, 2012 at 5:34 am

    Please do not waste my time with any more of your foolishness.

  6. @dj13willi

    August 16, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    I lived in Europe as a kid too. My dad was in the airforce

  7. @webwowo

    February 22, 2014 at 9:52 pm

    what website can I find this information?

  8. @Demonte202

    January 7, 2015 at 4:37 am

    West african them people was black Israelites living on west side of Africa ran out of israel from roman persecution in 70 ad they ran into africa so they can blend with the hamites black people in America and Europe was shemetic people from shem son of noah

  9. @christineroth7363

    August 8, 2015 at 2:21 am

    The cities you mention have all chosen Saint Maurice, the Christian martyr, as their patron. Therefore, these cities have his head on their crest and statutes everywhere in their cities.
    He is considered a Christian hero because he refused to sacrifice and worship Roman Gods and was willing to die for it.
    Only in the Hitler era were these crests removed and on the dot in 1945 they were reinstalled the way you saw them in Germany/Austria.
    God is good and he created this world for good people. Cruel people vanish: the Assyrian empire fell, the Babylonian empire fell, the Roman empire fell, the Third Reich fell, because they were cruel. God is good!
    According to the hagiographical material, Maurice was born in AD 250 in Thebes, an ancient city in Egypt near the site of the 20th-century Aswan Dam. He was brought up in the region of Thebes (Luxor—Egypt) and became a soldier in the Roman army. He was gradually promoted until he became the leader of the Theban legion, formed of 6600 soldiers.[4] Maurice was an acknowledged Christian at a time when the Church was considered to be a threat to the Roman Empire. Yet, he moved easily within the pagan society of his day.[5]
    The legion, entirely composed of Christians, had been called from Thebes in Egypt to Gaul to assist Maximilian to defeat a revolt by the bagaudae.[3] The Theban Legion was dispatched with orders to clear the St. Bernard Pass across Mt. Blanc. Before going into battle, they were instructed to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods and pay homage to the emperor. Maurice pledged his men’s military allegiance to Rome. He stated that service to God superseded all else. To engage in wanton slaughter was inconceivable to Christian soldiers he said. He and his men refused to worship Roman gods.[5]
    However, when Maximilian ordered them to harass some local Christians, they refused. Ordering the unit to be punished, Maximilian had every tenth soldier killed, a military punishment known as decimation. More orders followed, the men refused as encouraged by Maurice, and a second decimation was ordered. In response to the Theban Christians' refusal to attack fellow Christians, Maximilian ordered all the remaining members of the 6,600 unit to be executed. The place in Switzerland where this occurred, known as Agaunum, is now named Saint Maurice-en-Valais, site of the Abbey of Saint Maurice-en-Valais.
    So reads the earliest account of their martyrdom, contained in the public letter which Eucherius, bishop of Lyon (c. 434–450), addressed to his fellow bishop Salvius. Alternative versions[citation needed] have the legion refusing Maximilian's orders only after discovering a town they had just destroyed had been inhabited by innocent Christians, or that the emperor had them executed when they refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods.

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Iona Italia reads Helen Pluckrose’s essay published in Quillette:


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