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African History

Africans in Ancient Mexico-pt.5



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  1. @prcty

    November 18, 2009 at 5:26 am

    I remember listening to Dr Ben back at Rutgers Newark during the early 80s. His spirit lives on. Thanks. Mind blowing info!

  2. @Ayobami001

    December 2, 2009 at 3:30 am

    Peace Beloved!

  3. @nappyg1

    February 12, 2010 at 9:58 pm

    @prcty you know what hurts i grew up in the south and all they gave me is mlk and still to this day i really dont care for him that much. I am somewhat jealous that you had seen dr ben. it must have been great to sit and listen to a scholar

  4. @yahshuah29

    January 21, 2011 at 3:18 am

    @falitigate All of us are one no matter where we are on the planet. We are the shining ones the ancient ones all mythologies refer to! The atlantiens the Lumerians were our ancesters who seeded this planet gave birth to the human family & founded civilization! ALL BROWN PEOPLE ARE ONE!

  5. @buscadordeamor

    July 31, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    the idea of this video parts from the conception that it is an almost photografic representation or a black man carved in stone…it was not intended to be that so it is not a black man!..besides that it has been proven with genetical studies of the non mixed etnias of those regions of mexico..they had nothing that relates them to africans…other than all of us coming from the first human beings that evolved there…we mexicans created our own cultures with no influence from anybody!

  6. @buscadordeamor

    September 6, 2011 at 11:34 pm

    it is really sad to see the desperation shown in all these videos to demonstrate the idea that all of native american culture and civilization came from africa, taking giant leaps in arqueology, logic, etnography and in general all sciences to fill in the gaps that make ap this "theory"and ignoring the real science facts that prove otherwise..the most simple fact …take a look at the natives of the americas still surviving…they are so obviously not african!..really sad poor black ppl rootless

  7. @buscadordeamor

    September 6, 2011 at 11:57 pm

    far beyond the fake facts, the feeble scientific babbling, the one sided interpretation and paring of fotos that look alike to back up what is made up..I invite you to look here in youtube for images and videos of all the native americans from alaska to the patagonia, going though mexico and then seriously tell me that those faces and physicall features are really black african…you can see this documentary series 500 nations here in youtube also..

  8. @buscadordeamor

    September 19, 2011 at 12:58 pm

    @khemetian now afrocentrism takes the existence of the olmec heads that seemed to be black people to claim that africans civilized the entire mesoamerica. if that were the case then it is assumed that africans populated the zone, then logic dictates that they left descendants. can you please point out to me where they are? now to civilize a people it is basic to have a civilization first, can you please point out where in africa can we find examples of mesoamericanlike piramids or writing?. or..

  9. @buscadordeamor

    September 19, 2011 at 1:21 pm

    @khemetian ..any other cultural trait of mesoamerica we can find in africa? there are tons of human remains of the people that inhabited and inhabit mesoamerica that have not african but native american features. none has been found of an african. the round heads of the olmec are a physical trait that some ethnic groups in mexico have even today, the lips are carved that way to resemble the jaguar's, and a thing that all afrocentrics forget about they all have slanted eyes typical of native…

  10. @buscadordeamor

    September 19, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    @khemetian ..americans!..not african. the claims I make here are not based in racism, but it is just pointing out something that is truth, fact, scientificaly demonstrated. and also it is a defense of mesoamerican culture and civilization that owe no one else but themselves what they achieved. your people were denied their past, roots and culture being all put together in this continent, it is sad. but now you want to do something similar at the expense of mesoamerican culture and people..

  11. @buscadordeamor

    September 20, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    @khemetian skeletons in la venta are african? well my friend there is your chance to become famous and maybe rich!…call a press conference and anounce it to the world and publish it in scientific magazines, and even re-write anthropology books. because that info is unknown to the world!! really, only known by afrocentrists.
    you have convinced me with your flawless logic, arguments, inteligence and proofs, the elegance of your arguments is really a tribute to the intelligence of your black race

  12. @CaptainAJKool

    December 12, 2012 at 6:50 pm

    Shem, Ham, And Japeth were sons of Noah. All of them were black.

  13. @raefblack7906

    December 22, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    It must pay to be dumbass.

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