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African History

Were Black Slaves of the 1600's European Royalty of a Swarthy or Tawney HUe? Tuesday 8/20/19



There are many portraits of common Blacks still in existence in Europe, for those still not convinced of the degenerate lying nature of the Albinos, we offer their explanation for these native European Blacks – THEY’RE AFRICANS! That’s right, whenever a portrait of a European Black is encountered, the explanation is always, it’s an African. For even the dimmest reader would know that humans breed and congregate in extended family groups, tribes, and larger groups. So upon seeing a few, the question would be, where are the rest? As we all know, they best way to hide something in plain sight, is to call it something else. Thus Russian General Gannibal is described as an African.

The lessons learned in the previously detailed degenerate habits of the Albinos need to be learned well, for the material following will test your cognitive abilities. As we have seen, the Albinos use the trick of declaring all Blacks in Europe as recently expatriated Africans to explain their lingering vestiges. This same trick is used extensively in other settings in the proceeding material, great attention must be paid to it.

In the preceding pages we demonstrated that up to the late medieval: Europe, and in this case Britain, was teeming with Black nobility and commoners. Yet today, just a few hundred years later, there are NONE, ZERO, native Blacks in Britain. Here we present the 2001 census results for Britain.


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  1. @the_ohioplaya

    August 23, 2019 at 6:39 am kurimeao on the French

  2. @maryblackwell2321

    August 13, 2020 at 5:41 pm

    so, your presentation is horrible. your guest speakers are horrible. your visuals are not in line any of your speach. while i applaud your efforts, i believe that you really need to go to school, learn how to talk, learn how to present your case.

  3. @Proudmary7

    December 26, 2020 at 12:20 am

    I have a mix of native, black European, and Anglo-Saxon. Does the Anglo Saxon definitely mean they were albino?

  4. @latishiaeddarif2888

    October 6, 2022 at 6:39 pm

    Yall were ahead of your time.

  5. @idratherbeaphilthanajustin9533

    December 25, 2022 at 12:40 pm

    Swarthy doesn't mean black skinned, it means dark featured.

  6. @atrilliongazillion3373

    April 9, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    That skimming off the top metaphor was 🔥

  7. @amoscarr89

    February 27, 2024 at 2:56 am

    Excellent show as usual family! I found out by doing my own genealogy that I have a lot of melanated European ancestors as well. This would possibly explain why some of my ancestors were classified as Mulatto (base on the usage of the word Mulatto: Indian mixed with European or Negro (reclassified American Indian)blood. The melanated Europeans on both my lineage (maternal and paternal) were of Royal descent. Stewarts, Douglass, Dunbar, Baker, Howland, Howes/Hawes, Kerr/Carr, Ewing, Brown/Browne, Tilley, and many others. I accept this fact and it is what it is. Now I know where and how I fit in this story and I know who my ancestors were and are and I’m not ashamed of it. My American Indian ancestors and my melanated European ancestors made some great achievements as well as made some bad and unrighteous decisions. Peace!

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