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African History

History of African-Americans – Animation



This video presents History of African Americans.

History of African Americans began when 20 Africans were dropped in the English colony of Virginia in 1619. They worked as indentured servants who were bound to an employer for a limited number of years. The blacks were documented into slavery in Virginia in 1661 and in all the English colonies by 1750. During that time, they were considered an inferior race with heathen culture. They were forced to work in the farmlands of the New World. They were sold as merchandise by European traders on slave ships across the Atlantic Ocean to the West Indies. At least one-sixth of them died during the journey due to shock, disease and suicide.

During the period of the 17th and 18th centuries, Africans and African Americans were forced to work as slaves on tobacco, rice, and indigo plantations of the southern coast. Legislation was passed by President Thomas Jefferson in 1807 to end the slave trade in America. However, it did nothing but boosted the domestic slave trade in the country. Meanwhile, there were still free black people making up one tenth of the entire African American population. But while in the South, they were subject to restrictions imposed on slaves, in the North, they were not allowed to vote, own any property and travel freely.

Abolitionists in Britain and the United States in the 1840-1860 period developed large, complex propaganda campaigns against slavery. Among the free blacks in the North were emerging African American leaders in many states such as Philadelphia, Boston, and New York City. They initially held national and state conventions in early 1830. However, these people share different opinions on how to deal with slavery and discrimination. Thus, African Americans founded Liberia in West Africa, which foreshadowed the development of Pan-African nationalism.
According to the Missouri Compromise of 1820, there must be an equal number of slave and free states. But this was abrogated, leading to slavery in all American territory. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of America on the antislavery platform of the new Republican party. At the beginning of 1861, a movement, known as the Civil War, was launched in an attempt to liberate all the country’s slaves. In September 1862 he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, stating that all slaves were to be free.
After the Civil War, nearly four million slaves were freed, gained their citizenship and the right to vote by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments respectively. However, all of these new provisions were ignored, especially in the South.
During reconstruction, with leadership from educated African Americans from the North and abroad, they gradually wield political power in the South. However, it didn’t last long due to economic pressure and violent antiblack activities such as ones from Ku Klux Klan. The white supremacy once again dominated, leading to racial separation all over the Southern states. In the post-Reconstruction years, both African Americans in the South and the North struggled to find a job, so many of them decided to migrate westward.

In 1900, nearly 8 million African Americans still lived in the South, however, due to economic depression, more African Americans moved Northwards and were then embroiled in WWI. During the war thousands of black officers were commissioned and many served abroad in labour battalions and service regiments.

Due to the Great Depression of the 1930s, a large number of African Americans lost their jobs amidst inherent discrimination. African Americans were aided with low cost public housing, education and more jobs.

The Civil Rights Movement was the persistent and deliberate step of African Americans in the 1940s and 1950s. The culmination of the Civil Rights Movement was in 1963 when King addressed the crowd of about 250,000 demonstrators gathered on the Mall from Lincoln Memorial. The march aided in securing the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned discrimination in voting, public accommodations, and employment.

The dramatic political breakthrough came in the 2008 election, with the election of Barack Obama, the son of a black Kenyan father and a white American mother.
The post-civil rights era is notable for the New Great Migration, in which millions of African Americans have returned to the South, often to pursue increased economic opportunities in now-desegregated southern cities.

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  1. @kennyking5606

    January 8, 2024 at 4:19 pm

    I am Nigerian 🇳🇬 , my African American brothers and sisters are truly resilient. We have been through alot as a people

  2. @billstevens9190

    January 11, 2024 at 7:27 am

    I don't care you people celebrate some black man the was crewing other women. Celebrate Trump on the murders his supporters did.

  3. @mackl8305

    January 14, 2024 at 2:03 pm

    I really hope ppl dig deeper than this quick summary surface level history.. although a big part of it,there was more happening than the fight for being treated fair

  4. @billstevens9190

    January 15, 2024 at 2:34 am

    King was screaming other women beside he's wife .,what so great about him???!!.

  5. @user-kj7uy5lj2x

    January 25, 2024 at 12:21 am

    Aku Ra urusan koe meh Urip piye ning America Ra urusan.aku Ra seneng corone pemerintah mu Ning uripku sak enake Dewe pecudang.

  6. @maryloebiggiles6776

    January 26, 2024 at 12:07 am

    This is clearly written by someone who doesn't want our children to know that slavery was a bad thing that brutalized a significant portion of humanity through kidnapping, torture, a reign of terror and subjugation. They were not "indentured servants" but "enslaved people" who were torn from their homes and their families, separated from children and loved ones, at the mercy of "Christians" and white people who turned a blind eye to their humanity and innate God-given dignity. This version of history does so much harm by soft pedaling what was evil. Great pains were taken to sanitize the events to make them unobjectionable. And isn't that part of the problem? We're not really telling the whole truth or history as it happened because we're so afraid at how it might reflect on us. Without properly acknowledging the horrors of slavery, it will be impossible to acknowledge our own positions of power and privilege and make real and lasting change. I challenge the video makers to make a better video that honors the people and truth of this bitter and appalling period of US history. We must do better.

  7. @TheNomad3000

    January 29, 2024 at 7:59 pm

    You know you don’t have to be black to be African American.

  8. @Jakubgogo

    February 12, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    If you want your children to tell more stories in a nice and accessible way about the black heroes who contributed to ending slavery in America. I wholeheartedly recommend this children's book :
    A Journey Through Black History by Lilli World
    I love it!

  9. @suuu1402

    February 12, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    Worst community

  10. @damiandamiano3651

    February 15, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    3 words = WE WUZ KANGZ , nothing more in the topic i guess

  11. @kimaniglenn5494

    February 19, 2024 at 10:08 am

    Your wrong Africans and natives been intermingling in the west indies creating a rising afro indigenous population that then migrated to North america….THERE ARE BLACK NATIVES A LOT OF AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE AFRO INDIGENOUS

  12. @kasindiisango9609

    February 25, 2024 at 9:37 am

    Africans were in America thousand years before slavery. Go search about the OLMEK. Or in the modern era , in 1312 The Emperor BAKARI II of Manden empire landed in America with 200 Ships. Facts !!!

  13. @ishowspeedfan9218

    February 26, 2024 at 10:12 pm

    Its not only the Portuguese,Spanish,English that ddid slavery it was the Arabs too you know and not many people know that and in the UK the racism is horrible bc when the east/south asains came to the UK the Jamicans helped them but jow the asians are so racist so don't let people go around saying onoy white people are racist bc we weren't and are still not the only ones btw this ain't hate to the asians im just spitting out the truth.

  14. @Wicked_RotF30

    February 29, 2024 at 6:29 pm

    Blacks were all over the world before slavery!!!!!!

  15. @user-dp8kt6ht3p

    March 2, 2024 at 10:25 am

    I am African American tho

  16. @Shawn-ej9vf

    March 4, 2024 at 7:01 pm

    I’m white I also have family in South Africa. So I’m African American right?

  17. @hamasno1fan

    March 8, 2024 at 10:34 pm

    Should be titled "European history of Black Americans" we were here before slavery. You think they didn't have ships in Africa??

  18. @elsfordhonore9550

    March 12, 2024 at 8:47 pm

    Bs look at the Olmec head 🤣

  19. @user-qc1lo8se7e

    March 14, 2024 at 1:17 am

    What about Tubman she was important

  20. @cbryant9078

    March 14, 2024 at 11:59 pm


  21. @FamilleTerrestre1979

    March 17, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    why don't they bring the blacks back to Africa ?

  22. @cero360

    March 21, 2024 at 1:06 pm

    😂 🧢

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African History




11 Reasons Tp Prove That Africans Were in America 2000 years Before Colombus.
Let me take you on a journey through some of these fascinating pieces of evidence of African presence in America 2000 years before Columbus. Take them with a grain of salt if you have to, but I think they are worth some consideration.
1. Olmec Heads: The colossal stone heads created by the Olmec civilization in present-day Mexico, which date back to 1500 BCE to 400 BCE, feature distinctly African facial features. These heads feature facial features such as broad noses, full lips, and round faces that clearly resemble those of Africans more than the indigenous populations of the Americas. Tell me this is not a black man right there. The detailed and realistic nature of the Olmec heads suggests they were based on real individuals. It is no wonder not surprising that some researchers contend that these features indicate an African presence in pre-Columbian America.

2. African Artifacts in the Americas: Artifacts such as cotton from Africa and tobacco pipes found in pre-Columbian sites in South America have led some to speculate about transatlantic contact. In addition, metal artefacts with similar metallurgical techniques to those used in West Africa have been found in pre-Columbian American sites.

Before the next point kindly give us a like. I know to you it’s a simple click, but to us it means a lot.
3. Botanical Evidence: Certain plants like the bottle gourd and the sweet potato are thought to have originated in Africa and Asia but were present in pre-Columbian America, suggesting possible ancient transoceanic contact.

4. Linguistic Evidence: Some linguists claim to have found similarities between certain Native American languages and African languages. Some proponents argue that there are similarities between ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and symbols found in Mesoamerican writing systems, such as those of the Maya. The Mandinka word “makala,” meaning “rice,” is compared to the similar-sounding words in some Native American languages.

Dr. Clyde Winters points to shared vocabulary and phonetic similarities, such as the word “yu” in Mandinka meaning “to give” and a similar-sounding word in the Olmec language with the same meaning.
Leo Wiener, in his early 20th-century work “Africa and the Discovery of America,” cited examples such as the Wolof word “tem” (to cut) and its similarity to the Algonquian word “temagun” (an axe).

5. THOR HEYERDAHL’S RAFT EXPERIMENTS: The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl demonstrated with his expeditions (Kon-Tiki and Ra) that it was possible to travel across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using ancient boat-building techniques, suggesting that such voyages could have occurred in ancient times.

6. Ancient Maps: Some historical maps, such as the Piri Reis map, allegedly show parts of the American continent with a level of detail suggesting pre-Columbian exploration, potentially by African or other non-European civilizations.

7. Skull Analysis: Studies of certain skeletal remains, such as the Luzia Woman found in Brazil, have shown features that some anthropologists argue resemble those of African or Australoid populations rather than Native American populations.

8. Accounts from Early European Explorers: Some early European explorers, such as Vasco Núñez de Balboa, reported encountering dark-skinned peoples in the Americas upon their arrival.

9. Cultural Similarities: Some researchers point to cultural parallels between African and American civilizations, such as pyramid building, similar religious practices, and iconography, as potential evidence of contact.

10. Presence of Black peoples in Asia, Australia and the Pacific. If Black people can be found in as far as the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia many Islands in the Pacific, why can’t they be found in the Americas? I mean it makes no sense for the Americas to be the exception right?

11. Genetic Studies: While controversial and not universally accepted, some genetic studies have indicated the presence of haplogroups in Native American populations that are also found in African populations, suggesting ancient intermingling.


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