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Demand for Travel Among German Tourists Increased



As the summer holidays draw near, Germany is abuzz with a fervent desire to travel. Tour operators are witnessing an unprecedented surge in demand, with some hotels already fully booked.

Kerstin Heinen of the German Travel Association (DRV) captures the mood, stating, “Germans are brimming with excitement for travel this year.” Despite economic fluctuations, holidays have reclaimed their position as a top priority for Germans, marking a significant shift from the travel restrictions of the past few years due to the Corona pandemic.

Two-thirds Want to Go on Vacation

A recent survey conducted by the market research institute Innofact on behalf of Norisbank found that 63.5 percent of Germans are planning a holiday trip this summer. This is the highest percentage in five years and surpasses pre-COVID-19 2019. Additionally, Tui, the world’s largest travel group, reported that 60 percent of their summer program was fully booked in May.

DER Touristik, another major player in the travel industry, also reported strong demand for travel and booking figures. A spokesperson stated, “We see that demand continues to increase. Travel will remain a priority in 2024.” Following the insolvency of competitor FTI in early June, both tour operators plan to increase their capacities to accommodate more travelers. FTI’s insolvency has created a void in the market, and DER Touristik and Tui are stepping in to fill this gap, indicating their confidence in the future of the travel industry.

Holidaymakers Are Drawn to the Mediterranean

Tourism expert Torsten Kirstges from the Jade University of Applied Sciences in Wilhelmshaven noted that after the travel restrictions during the past few years, holidaymakers are once again showing interest in faraway destinations. “The classic tourist spots are becoming popular again,” he said. Especially in the Mediterranean region, with Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Greece being the primary choices. A Tui spokesperson mentioned that Mallorca is experiencing exceptionally high demand, and the CEO Sebastian Ebel had previously warned that there might be limited availability on the Germans’ favorite holiday island during the summer. The spokesperson also added that famous Greek islands could also see high demand.

Long-distance Travel Is in Demand Again

There’s been a significant increase in air travel since 2022, and it has now returned to pre-pandemic levels. This increase has been observed despite higher ticket prices. Many Germans travel not only to the Mediterranean but also to destinations in Asia or America. The increased interest in long-distance travel can be attributed to numerous factors, such as, for example, the desire for new experiences after a long period of travel restrictions, the availability of vaccination and testing facilities in these destinations, and the perception of these destinations as safe and secure for travel. There’s a lot of ground to make up for the travel lost during the pandemic. Asian destinations such as the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia are seeing unprecedented demand among Germans, as are North America, Mauritius, and the United Arab Emirates.

Holidaymakers Spend More

Holiday expenses of German travelers are increasing. According to experts, travel spending has gone up mainly due to inflation. However, this doesn’t reduce the desire to travel. To manage costs, people may shorten their trips by a day or two or spend less on vacations.

On the contrary, Tui and DER Touristik have reported no savings in holiday costs. Many customers are spending more and opting for better hotels or additional features, as both tour operators have observed increased spending. The high demand for travel has led to increased prices of travel services, including flights and accommodations. Moreover, there is a rising demand for cruises, with many fully booked ships, further driving up the prices of these services.

Germany Remains the Number One Travel Destination

The holiday regions in Germany continue to benefit from the strong desire to travel. The most popular travel destination for Germans is still Germany itself, with around a quarter of all holidaymakers choosing to stay within the country. Popular destinations within Germany include the coastal areas along the North and Baltic Seas, such as Bavaria and its mountains, and cultural hubs like Berlin and Munich.

The recent flooding in parts of Bavaria is expected to have a minor impact on travel patterns. While it may temporarily disrupt travel to these areas, similar natural disasters have shown that people will return to these areas once the floods recede and the tourist infrastructure is restored. The resilience of the tourism industry in these regions is a testament to the strong demand for travel among Germans.

Lower Saxony is confident about the upcoming season. The booking situation for the islands, inland areas, and the coast is looking positive. The average occupancy rate is between 75 and 90 percent, indicating strong demand for these destinations.

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Global air passenger traffic continues to rise, outpacing capacity



But North America sees lagging demand growth in latest Iata figures

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CTO Chairman calls for preparedness and solidarity during hurricane season



CTO Chairman Kenneth Bryan calls for vigilance and solidarity among Caribbean nations during the hurricane season, emphasizing preparation, swift recovery, and international support for resilience against climate change impacts.

GEORGE TOWN, CAYMAN ISLANDS – Chairman of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), Kenneth Bryan, has issued a strong call to all Caribbean people to continue exercising vigilance during this hurricane season by preparing for storms, while also being ready to respond and recover swiftly.

“Even as we protect life and property here in the western Caribbean, we stand in solidarity with the people of St. Vincent and the islands of the Grenadines who have been severely impacted by Hurricane Beryl,” said Bryan, Minister of Tourism and Ports of the Cayman Islands. “Their pain is our pain, and their struggles are felt across our entire region,” said the CTO Chairman, who noted that “when one member of our Caribbean family is affected, we all feel the impact. But together, we must unite and support each other through these challenging times”.

The CTO is committed to working closely with relief organizations to ensure a coordinated and effective response to hurricane impacts.

“We recognize the critical importance of preparedness. As hurricanes become more frequent and intense due to climate change, we urge all residents and businesses to take necessary precautions. Secure your homes, stock up on essential supplies, and have a clear plan in place. At the same time, we must be ready to support our neighbors and contribute to swift recovery efforts,” Chairman Bryan emphasized.

“Climate change poses a significant threat to our region, and we must be proactive in our response. This hurricane season, let us demonstrate the strength of our Caribbean spirit by preparing diligently and standing in solidarity. Our collective efforts will make a difference and ensure that we emerge stronger and more resilient,” Chairman Bryan added.

Chairman Bryan also called on the international community to assist the region with rebuilding infrastructure, restoring essential services, and helping communities get back on their feet. “We contribute the least to and suffer the most from the changing climate, so we need the global community to help provide resources for improved building standards, better communication systems, and more resilient infrastructure to mitigate future hurricane impacts.”

Vicky Karantzavelou

Vicky is the co-founder of TravelDailyNews Media Network where she is the Editor-in Chief. She is also responsible for the daily operation and the financial policy. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism Business Administration from the Technical University of Athens and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wales.

She has many years of both academic and industrial experience within the travel industry. She has written/edited numerous articles in various tourism magazines.

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American Increases Investment in ZeroAvia



American Airlines has agreed to purchase 100 hydrogen-electric engines from ZeroAvia intended to power regional jet aircraft, the carrier announced Tuesday. 

American also has increased its investment in the “clean aviation” company, in which it first invested in 2022. Details of ZeroAvia’s Series C financing round were not disclosed.

ZeroAvia is developing hydrogen-electric engines for commercial aircraft, with the potential for “close to zero inflight emissions.” The company is flight testing a prototype for a 20-seat plane, and has designed an engine for larger aircraft, such as the Bombardier CRJ700, which American operates on certain regional routes, according to American.

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