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I Would Immediately Yell “I QUIT” If My Boss Asked Me To Do Any Of These Unfair Things Shared By Real-Life People



Previously, we spoke about a woman whose boss demanded she work a last-minute shift or be fired, so she quit. Inspired, dozens of members of the BuzzFeed Community weighed in with their own similar stories involving the most unfair or ridiculous request they received from their boss.

Headline: "This Woman's Boss Said She Had To Either Work Last Minute Or Be Fired, So She Quit, And People Are Cheering Her On," by Alexa Lisitza at BuzzFeedHeadline: "This Woman's Boss Said She Had To Either Work Last Minute Or Be Fired, So She Quit, And People Are Cheering Her On," by Alexa Lisitza at BuzzFeed


Here’s what they shared:

1.“I was uploading a Pride month post and had chosen a generic office picture to accompany it, which happened to have a person in a wheelchair in it (amongst a load of able-bodied looking people).”

“I was asked to remove said picture because ‘it looks like we’re trying to say gay people are disabled.’ I think that says more about said senior person than anything else. I obviously refused to remove the image.”


2.“I put my holiday in for a festival, and my boss came in the next day having booked his holiday that same week. We were a small shop; only one staff member could be off at a time. He actually admitted, when he saw I’d booked my time off, that he was in the wrong and should have checked the holidays that had been booked before paying for his own.”

“But he then expected me to rearrange my dates or pay the fee for him to rearrange his own holiday. I did neither, as I’m sure you can imagine. I did, however, post plenty of photos of me all over my socials that weekend of me having lots of lovely fun in the sun, rocking out to my faves.”


3.“I was working at the hospital in admissions and doing fertility treatments. Several women in our department were pregnant and going on leave. My boss comes up to me and tells me I couldn’t get pregnant.”

“I went off on him, telling him he had no right to say that to me. I was so appalled that he would say that to someone who was struggling to conceive. I turned him into Human Resources, and he claimed he was joking. My husband told me if I was uncomfortable working with him to quit. I turned in my resignation a few days later.”

Debby Cirelli

4.“I work for a pediatrician and had to translate because there was a language barrier between the patient’s family and the doctor.

“Right as we finished the consult, my boss/doctor told me to tell the patients they smelled badly. I told her I wouldn’t be saying that and walked away.”


5.“Hurt my knee while cleaning at work and was asked not to file for worker’s comp.”

“This was when I was a teen and didn’t know better. I wasn’t offered any sort of compensation for it at all. Ended up having to go to physical therapy.”


6.“While managing an apartment building, I found a tenant who had sadly unalived himself, and instead of calling the proper clean up people, the new owners wanted me to clean up the blood and bodily fluids myself and start showing the apartment asap.”

“I quit after they tried to harass me into doing the cleaning.”


7.“This was in the 1970s. My mom once worked with one of the worst sexist chauvinist pigs. Well, one day he told her she had to go with him out of town.”

“She told him she couldn’t go because she had young children at home and he said if she couldn’t go, she was fired. Luckily, she got a better offer with a female boss. She ran into that man afterwards and he asked her how her new job was, and she said, ‘It’s the best decision I made!’

A footnote: this guy is now married to one of my mom’s very domineering relatives. Love watching him squirm at large family gatherings!”


8.“This happened when I was 20, working a minimum-wage retail job.”

“I was on lunch when I checked my phone and saw I had so many messages asking me if I’d heard from my sister; there was a shooting at her school. I was sobbing uncontrollably when a coworker found me. I couldn’t talk, so I showed her the texts. She dragged me onto the sales floor to find our boss so she could tell her what happened and have her send me home. After she told her, our boss looked me in the eyes and said, ‘There’s nothing you can do if you go home. You’ll stay and finish your shift’ with zero emotion. I was so shocked I stopped crying.”


9.“My boss asked me to do the online defensive driving course FOR HIM!!! He’s a real piece of work!”


10.“The new owner of my store owned two others of the same kind. The General Manager at one of the other stores needed to step down, so the owner and my store manager decided that I was the only one who could handle it and I ended up transferring. My first day there, almost every employee showed up late to their shift.”

“Two of the employees ended up getting into a fight in front of customers. Hell, the high schoolers that worked night shift were more capable than the adults. To top it all off, they were only going to give me a dollar raise to deal with all this. I decided it was definitely not worth it and was nice enough to put in a month’s notice for them to find a replacement. One night, I got a call from the owner where he told me that I could not quit, and that I CHOSE to take the job, and that I owe it to them to stay. I lost it on him and told him the exact date for my last day. They didn’t find a replacement until two days before my last. The guy quit after two weeks.”


11.“I was ordered to drive around during a blizzard to pick up my five coworkers since the buses weren’t running and the boss was leaving for vacation. It was my second day.”


12.I was the closing assistant manager for a Chick-Fil-A.”

“My great-grandmother was ready to say her goodbyes and got to, to every member of the family except for me, who had the closing shift that night.”


13.“Had a boss at a pizza place that had me clean the coils in a cooler. No big deal. I was new. I’ll do anything. He gave me the chemicals to do so and left. After cleaning, I noticed my hands, arms, and knees were burning.”

“Went to ask him about it. He informed me, ‘Those chemicals are corrosive and will eat you alive.’ Needless to say, I wish he had told me sooner.”


14.“My boss made us bring our own toilet paper to work.”


15.“I was to receive a very well deserved promotion after about a year and a half of very hard work, sometimes overtime and sometimes underpaid. I couldn’t wait for a raise and better responsibilities. My boss however had other plans. I came into work early at the last day of the work year and instead of a promotion, my boss handed me a mop.”

“He told me that since I arrived before the custodian, I would have to clean up a carpet spill near the front office. I was absolutely furious at him and told him then and there that I had been working there long enough to get to a better place, not to be in charge of the cleanup, as that was well below my expected and current pay grade. He then had the AUDACITY to say that my ‘outburst’ proved I didn’t deserve the promotion. (May I add that my boss is an absolute d**k and hates everyone that doesn’t suck up to him.)

…I shoved the mop into his hands and told him to do it himself, I quit. That was the best decision I made and I don’t regret it one bit. I am now working my way up in a much better and respectful company.”


16.“The heater went out, and he asked me to go on the snow-covered roof to reset it. I’m a receptionist.”


17.“It was Christmas Eve. My boss called me and another coworker, and we went to his house at 1 a.m. to set up a trampoline because his kids still believed in Santa Claus.”

“He came outside after an hour and told us ‘good job’ and gave us a bottle of water each. He quit two months later.”

Peter Deutz

18.“I work as a radiographer. The job required four weeks’ notice to leave. I gave them six, so they had as much notice as possible to advertise for my replacement. A few hours after handing my notice in, I was summoned to the manager’s office. It was a big department, so there were two male duty managers who were easily double my age then. They told me that they had already done the Christmas rota (Christmas was the week after I was due to leave), so it didn’t suit them for me to leave, and they were going to call my new job and negotiate my start date to after Christmas.”

“Young me honestly thought they were joking, but safe to say they weren’t. I was too intimidated to challenge them there and then. I gave them more than enough notice, upholding the end of my contract, and the fact the Christmas rota would need to be changed was their problem, not mine.”


19.“Working as a realtor, you are required to pass an ethics exam every other year.”

“My broker, who owned our franchise, asked me to take the ethics course and pass the test for him. He offered me $100 to pass an ethics course.”


20.“Worked in an office for a construction company on a military contract. The company would let pretty much anyone operate the big trucks and heavy equipment with or without a license. I kept my mouth shut as I was told. Until there was an accident, and I was told to lie outright to the inspector and say that someone else who was licensed was driving at the time.”

“To make matters worse, the driver was a 16-year-old illegally employed and not even legally able to be on a construction site. So not only were his injuries going to be swept under the rug and get him screwed, but the driver that I was supposed to say was driving would have that on his record as well. And I could have even been arrested for lying about it. Needless to say, that was the last straw, and when I refused, I was fired on the spot.”


21.“I hit my head badly on the job once, and my boss wanted me to keep working rather than go to the doctor.”

“I told her to deal with it and went to the doctor (which I paid for out of pocket), and it was indeed a concussion.”


22.“I worked in a preschool, and my school was a large school broken down into three buildings. My building hosted four classrooms with a total of 57 students ages ranging from 1 to 4 years old. Our building had co-directors, which means not one, but two people in charge. One was the best friend of our senior management’s sister, and the other was a ditz. Between the two of them, I don’t know who was worse: S, or N. N would screw up constantly, and S always had her back without question.”

“We had a case of head lice in our 3-year-old room, which spread throughout the class and to our 1-year-old room. It stayed for the better part of six weeks because N told us we couldn’t send children home with live lice and/or nits present, as it was school policy they could stay. We tried telling her that was not the policy and she kept forcing us to not call parents to pick up their child with head lice. She also told us we didn’t need to check their heads upon arrival and that they were fine with lice and nits present. This was a major violation of both DHFS rules, and had licensing found out about this, our center would faced a write-up and a fine. We attempted to convince N otherwise, but all she did was argue, so we let the chips fall and watched as parents complained to senior management, who sadly ignored N’s leadership behavior.”


And finally…

23.“My VP asked me to impersonate his recently deceased wife to an airline and ask that her frequent flyer points be transferred him. When I objected he told me not to be so silly and just do it.”


WOW. Now I’m curious if you’ve experienced anything similar.

Tell us the most unfair request you’ve received or the most ridiculous thing your boss has ever asked you to do at work in the comments below. Or, if you’d like to remain anonymous, feel free to share via this Google Form. Your answer may appear in an upcoming post.

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New Jersey man with epilepsy uses hand-painted seashells to help find a cure



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Greater epilepsy awareness could be as simple as a walk on the beach, thanks to one New Jersey man.

Kyle Adamkiewicz, 33, has lived with epilepsy since being diagnosed at age 6. He is now combining his love of art with the power of nature to help bring his seizure disorder into the spotlight.

In Oct. 2022, Adamkiewicz began collecting seashells from the New Jersey shore, then painting and decorating them with heartfelt messages in search of a cure. He places his works of art along the seaside boardwalks in the hopes that they will inspire strangers to spread the word — and the shells.


“It started with just painting a few shells, and I figured no one would find them,” Adamkiewicz said in an interview with Fox News Digital. 

“And then I saw people posting them online, and writing so many good and positive comments about the shells and about finding a cure for epilepsy. That motivated me to keep making more and more and more.”

Kyle Adamkiewicz epilepsy shells

Kyle Adamkiewicz, shown above, now 33, has lived with epilepsy since he was diagnosed at age 6. He is combining his love of art with the power of nature to help raise awareness of his disease. (Adamkiewicz family)

“And now they have been around the entire world.”

Adamkiewicz doesn’t drive, so his parents — Chuck and Laurie Adamkiewicz — drive him to place his shells.


“We have shells with us in the car all the time, and he places them in different locations, different towns,” his mother told Fox News Digital.

Adamkiewicz estimates that he’s painted some 1,100 shells so far.

Many include messages about finding a cure for epilepsy, but he has also created themed designs for various occasions, like Shark Week and Halloween.

Kyle Adamkiewicz

Adamkiewicz has painted over 1,000 shells so far. “Our entire living room consists of nothing but shells and paint,” joked Adamkiewicz’s mother. (Adamkiewicz family)

“Our entire living room consists of nothing but shells and paint,” joked Adamkiewicz’s mother.

In addition to a hand-painted design, each shell contains Adamkiewicz’s initials, the year he decorated it and a QR code.

When people find the shells and scan the QR code, it takes them to a website. From there, they can access Adamkiewicz’s Facebook group, his Instagram account and a GoFundMe page set up to help raise funds for people to get “seizure alert” dogs.


It also links to the Epilepsy Foundation website, where people can learn what to do if they witness someone having a seizure.

“Most people don’t really know how to handle someone if they’re having a seizure,” Adamkiewicz told Fox News Digital. “They just turn their back and walk the opposite way.”

Epilepsy shell

In addition to a hand-painted design, each shell contains Adamkiewiczs’s initials, the year he decorated it and a QR code. (Adamkiewicz family)

“One out of 26 people in the world have epilepsy, but it’s basically a hidden disease that nobody really wants to know about.”

The Adamkiewicz family has a map of the world hanging on the wall — with pushpins to mark where the shells have been found, they told Fox News Digital.

In addition to locations across the U.S., shells have also been scanned in Mexico City, Greece, Italy, Panama, Canada, Nova Scotia, France, South Korea and Germany, Adamkiewicz said.

“One out of 26 people in the world have epilepsy, but it’s basically a hidden disease.”

“People will find the shells and take them to those places,” Adamkiewicz said. “And sometimes people will ask me for shells to take to wherever they are traveling.”

He’s also partnered with the hospital to get kids with epilepsy involved in his project, bringing shells in for them so they can paint their own designs.

Touching lives

Beyond helping to find a cure, Adamkiewicz has a goal of reducing bullying of people with epilepsy.

Kyle and Laurie Adamkiewicz

Adamkiewicz is pictured with his mother, Laurie Adamkiewicz. In April, he underwent a procedure to implant a responsive neurostimulation (RNS) device in his brain, which will gather data about his seizure activity. (Adamkiewicz family)

“When I was growing up, if my parents or brother weren’t there, I was always made fun of in school and in the neighborhood,” Adamkiewicz said. “Especially right after I had a seizure — the kids would just stare at me and make fun of me.”

He went on, “I want people to know it’s OK to be friends with someone with epilepsy.”


At one point, during second and third grade, he estimates that he was having 100 seizures per day.

“It’s been a very hard and lonely life for Kyle, and very painful to see as a mother and father,” Laurie Adamkiewicz added.

The goal, she said, is that the shells will help to make life a little easier for those with epilepsy — and their families.

Epilepsy shells

Adamkiewicz said his seashell project has been a therapeutic endeavor for him. “If it’s been a really bad day, that’s mostly what I’ll be doing,” he said. (Adamkiewicz family)

Adamkiewicz’s mother recalled a man who posted about a personal experience on the Facebook group.

“His son had passed away, and the man goes to the ocean every morning to say good morning to his son,” she said. “And there was the epilepsy shell, and he said he started crying. He said it was just like a gift to him.”

She added, “You never know whose lives you’re touching.”

Taking control

Since age 12, Adamkiewicz has been a patient at NYU Langone’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, one of the largest programs in the nation, where he’s had a series of brain surgeries.


In April, he underwent a procedure to implant a responsive neurostimulation (RNS) device in his brain, which will gather data about his seizure activity.

Neurosurgeon Peter Rozman, M.D., performed the surgery alongside his mentor, Werner K. Doyle, M.D., Adamkiewicz’s longtime doctor.


Adamkiewicz and his mom, Laurie Adamkiewiz, are pictured with some of his painted shells. (Adamkiewicz family)

“This system has the capacity to actually record brain activity in the form of electrical waves that detect when the seizures start, so it can deliver an impulse to the brain at that time, with the goal of aborting the seizure,” Rozman said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

The data collected by the device is sent to the neurologist, who uses that information to program the device to better capture and treat the seizures, he said.

“Over time, people see more and more improvement in their seizures,” Rozman said.

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Rozman praised Adamkiewicz’s seashell project, emphasizing the importance of increasing awareness of the condition.

“And it gives him an outlet, too,” the doctor said. “Having other people to talk about your condition with and being part of a community can be very helpful.”

Epilepsy shell

Each shell contains a QR code that a person can scan to access information, resources and fundraisers for epilepsy. (Adamkiewicz family)

In a way, Rozman said, Adamkiewicz is turning his epilepsy into a good thing.

“It’s beneficial on both sides — for raising awareness and also allowing Kyle to have more control and to drive the story,” he said. 


“It can be such a devastating thing to have to deal with on a daily basis, and having some sort of license and control over that is really important.”

Adamkiewicz agreed that his project has been a therapeutic endeavor for him.

“We want to teach people how to be kind, and how to help.”

“If it’s been a really bad day, that’s mostly what I’ll be doing,” he said.

“Like earlier today, I was painting some shells and had my ear buds in, just listening to some music. I’m just so focused on painting the shells that I zone everybody else out.”

Epilepsy shell

Adamkiewicz’s shells have been found in many cities and countries around the world, including in Paris, France. (Adamkiewicz family)

Adamkiewicz and his mother are also working on a children’s book to teach kids more about epilepsy and what to do if someone is having a seizure.

“When someone has a seizure, it can be frightening to other children,” said Laurie Adamkiewicz mother.

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“So the goal is to get some information out there, to take the stigma away from the person who has epilepsy … We want to teach people how to be kind, and how to help.”

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26,000 Evacuate as Wildfire Spreads in Northern California



When a fast-moving wildfire began marching across thousands of acres of Butte County on Tuesday, David Pittman didn’t panic. He packed up his family, including their 90-pound African sulcata tortoise, and drove to his sister’s house across town in Oroville, Calif.

That’s where he’s planning to stay for the next several days — at least until firefighters get a handle on the Thompson fire, which has engulfed several homes and vehicles and has prompted about 26,000 people to evacuate, including Mr. Pittman.

“I hate to say it, but we’re experienced in this kind of stuff,” he said on Wednesday.

Mr. Pittman, 70, is the mayor of Oroville, a small Northern California town that has roots in the Gold Rush and is tucked near the state’s second-largest reservoir about 65 miles north of Sacramento. He is also a retired local fire chief who has watched his region face calamity after calamity in recent years.

In 2017, officials ordered residents to flee Oroville as thundering rapids from an emergency spillway at nearby Oroville Dam threatened to overwhelm the town. The next year, in 2018, one of the deadliest wildfires in American history, the Camp fire, killed 85 people and nearly wiped the town of Paradise — about 20 miles north of Oroville — off the map.

In 2020, a record-breaking fire season left millions of acres scorched across California, including “right into the city of Oroville,” Mr. Pittman said. In 2021, the second largest fire ever recorded in California, the Dixie fire, burned an area larger than New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Dallas combined. It was sparked by damaged PG&E power lines near the waterway that bisects Oroville, the Feather River.

The various disasters, experts have said, are symptoms of widening climate extremes, which have plunged the West into near-constant whiplash between catastrophic floods and raging wildfires. This year, climate scientists warned that a hot summer in the West could dry out vegetation that grew abundant during a wet winter, turning what was lush green into prime tinder and making for a hazardous fire season.

For many Oroville residents at evacuation centers on Wednesday, fleeing from wildfires is becoming routine.

Sitting in the 106 degree heat outside a church shelter a few miles from the fire, Vernon Englund, 78, said this was the third time he had evacuated in four years from fires.

“We’ve been evacuated enough times that we keep to-go bags, and I just hooked up my R.V. and took off,” he said. “But I probably should have been more worried than I was, because the fire got closer than I ever thought that it would,” he added.

For Ashlie Boocks, 22, who had driven to the church shelter on Tuesday after seeing “ash the size of my palm” drifting from the sky, this was her second evacuation in three years.

On Tuesday night, she said, she drove to a spot where she could see the whole mountainside glowing with flames. “It was lit up and it was just horrible,” she said. “You’re seeing propane tanks exploding. You can hear them.”

“This is not something that should be common,” she added.

Pacific Gas & Electric, California’s biggest power utility, shut off power this week in some parts of Northern California, including Butte County, because of the increased fire risk, including nearly 2,000 homes and businesses in eight counties on Tuesday, The Sacramento Bee reported.

The Thompson fire, which erupted on Tuesday morning, remains small compared with the major fires in past years; as of Wednesday night, it had burned nearly 3,600 acres of mountainous terrain near Lake Oroville and was 7 percent contained, according to Cal Fire, the state’s firefighting agency. So far, eight injuries have been reported as a result of the blaze. And the authorities have not yet said how many structures have been damaged, though the fire has consumed homes and vehicles, based on news coverage.

Several state water facilities were affected by the evacuation orders, but there was no risk to Oroville Dam, which is the tallest dam in the United States, the California Department of Water Resources said on Tuesday night.

Mr. Pittman noted that the extreme heat baking the state this week, along with unpredictable winds, would make containing the blaze particularly difficult. Temperatures in Oroville were expected to reach 110 degrees on Wednesday and even higher toward the end of the week, according to the National Weather Service.

“We have up-and-down breezes that are pushing the fire around,” he said. “The fuels are ready to burn. So the crews have a tough job.”

He added, “I’m standing outside, and I can feel the heat through my T-shirt.”

Evacuation centers were full, he said. A large fireworks display that typically draws more than 10,000 people to Oroville was canceled to ensure that emergency workers could focus on responding to the fire.

Oroville officials on Wednesday temporarily banned the use of fireworks of any kind in the city, but stopped short of prohibiting legal sales, which local nonprofit groups have long used to raise funds in the summer. In Butte County, fireworks are illegal except in the cities of Oroville, Gridley and Biggs, where those with a “safe and sane” seal can be used.

“The last thing we need is somebody who’s purchased fireworks from a local fire stand going out and doing something stupid,” Sheriff Kory Honea of Butte County said at a news conference late Tuesday. “Don’t be an idiot, cause a fire and create more problems for us.”

Fireworks may not be as visually impressive as usual, anyway: The mayor said that the smoke in downtown Oroville was at one point so thick that he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face. Some evacuees have gathered there with trailers or recreational vehicles, but many businesses were closed.

Brian Wong said that his restaurant, Union Patio Bar and Grill, would remain open with reduced staffing because workers were dealing with their own evacuation orders. Evacuees would receive a discount, he said.

“We’ll just do what we can,” he said. “Today is about serving the community.”

But Mr. Wong, 53, said he wouldn’t be on site. Instead, he plans to stay at his home with his father-in-law, where they hope to protect the property by extinguishing any flames that get close.

Although his house is under an evacuation order and most of his neighbors have fled, Mr. Wong said that he was reluctant to do so after seeing residents of Paradise and other communities struggle to obtain insurance payments or other emergency aid.

“A lot of those cases are still not settled,” he said. “A lot of people that have properties — they’re not going to get what they were owed. So I really didn’t want to leave.”

He added that many of his neighbors had been required to pay skyrocketing insurance premiums, while others had simply gone uninsured as companies dropped coverage in many areas of California.

Mr. Wong, who has lived full-time in Oroville for more than 25 years, said that he and his family had taken precautions recommended by fire experts to clear brush on the property. He had also packed his truck full of valuables and said he was ready to leave if necessary.

Still, as of Wednesday afternoon, he was hunkering down and watching the plumes of smoke, hoping that his neighborhood would be spared.

Amanda Holpuch, Jonathan Wolfe and Yan Zhuang contributed reporting.

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‘I’m running’, Biden says, as pressure mounts on campaign



By Gareth Evans and Kayla EpsteinBBC News, Washington & New York

EPA Image shows Joe Biden and Kamala HarrisEPA

President Biden and Vice-President Harris presented a united front to Democrats on Wednesday (file image)

US President Joe Biden worked to calm senior Democrats and staff on his campaign on Wednesday, as reports suggested he was weighing his future after his disastrous debate with Donald Trump last week.

Mr Biden held a closed-door lunch with Vice-President Kamala Harris at the White House as speculation mounted over whether she would replace him as the party’s candidate in November’s election.

The pair then joined a call with the broader Democratic campaign where Mr Biden made clear he would remain in the race and Ms Harris reiterated her support. “I’m the nominee of the Democratic Party. No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving,” he told the call, a source told BBC News.

That same phrase was repeated in a fundraising email sent out a few hours later by the Biden-Harris campaign. “Let me say this as clearly and simply as I can: I’m running,” Mr Biden said in the email, adding that he was “in this race until the end”.

Questions have been swirling around whether the 81-year-old will continue with his campaign following the debate with Trump, which was marked by verbal blanks, a weak voice and some answer which were difficult to follow. It sparked concern in Democratic circles around his fitness for office and his ability to win the election.

Pressure on Mr Biden to drop out has only grown in the days since as more polls indicate his Republican rival’s lead has widened. A New York Times poll conducted after the debate, which was published on Wednesday, suggested Trump was now holding his biggest lead yet at six points.

And a separate poll published by the BBC’s US partner CBS News suggested Trump has a three-point lead over Biden in the crucial battleground states. That poll also indicated the former president was leading nationally.

Name-calling and insults – key moments from Biden and Trump’s debate

The damaging polling has been compounded by some Democratic donors and lawmakers publicly calling on the president to stand aside. Ramesh Kapur, an Indian-American industrialist based in Massachusetts, has organised fundraisers for Democrats since 1988.

“I think it’s time for him to pass the torch,” Mr Kapur told the BBC. “I know he has the drive, but you can’t fight Mother Nature.”

And two Democrats in Congress also called for a change at the top of the party’s ticket. The latest, Representative Raul Grijalva of Arizona, told the New York Times it was time for Democrats to “look elsewhere”.

Despite this, the White House and the Biden campaign have vehemently denied reports he is actively weighing his future and say he is committed to defeating Trump for a second time on 5 November.

The New York Times and CNN reported on Wednesday that Mr Biden had told an unnamed ally he was evaluating whether to stay in the race.

Both reports said the president had told the ally he was aware his re-election bid was in danger and his forthcoming appearances – including an ABC News interview and a Friday rally in Wisconsin – were hugely important to his campaign.

A spokesperson rejected the reports as “absolutely false”, shortly before White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faced a barrage of questions about Mr Biden’s commitment to the race.

She said the reports he may drop out were untrue: “We asked the president [and] the president responded directly… and said ‘no, it is absolutely false’. That’s coming direct from him.”

Mr Biden met 20 Democratic governors from around the country, including California’s Gavin Newsom and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, later on Wednesday. Both have been tipped as potential replacements if Mr Biden were to stand aside.

“The president has always had our backs, we’re going to have his back as well,” Maryland Governor Wes Moore told reporters after the meeting.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul said the two dozen governors who had just met the president pledged their support and that Mr Biden had vowed he was “in it to win it”.

But Ms Harris is still considered the most likely replacement. The 59-year-old has been hampered by poor approval ratings, but her support has increased among Democrats since the Biden-Trump debate.

Biden points to White House record after shaky debate

The vice-president gave an immediate interview on CNN after the debate, projecting calm as she expressed full support for the president.

“She’s changing nothing,” a source close to Ms Harris told BBC News, adding that she would continue to hit the road on behalf of the campaign.

“She has always been mindful to be a good partner to the president,” said Jamal Simmons, Ms Harris’ former communications director.

“The people who ultimately will make the decision about who the nominee should be mostly are people who are pledged to him. Her best role is to be a partner to him.”

Members of the Democratic National Committee are charged with voting to officially make President Biden the party’s nominee at the August convention, putting him on the ballot nationwide.

One member, who has spoken to other delegates and requested anonymity to speak frankly about sensitive discussions, told the BBC that the nomination should go to Vice-President Harris if Mr Biden opted not to run.

“If we open up the convention, it will cause pure chaos that will hurt us in November,” they said.

A report by the Washington Post, meanwhile, said Mr Biden and his team recognised that he must demonstrate his fitness for office in the coming days.

He appeared at a Medal of Honor ceremony on Wednesday, and has planned trips to Wisconsin and Philadelphia later in the week.

Courtney Subramanian, Adam Levy and Brajesh Upadhyay contributed to this report

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