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The Best Garden Color Schemes To Boost Your Curb Appeal



One of the simplest joys in my life right now is walking through my neighborhood and admiring my neighbors’ hydrangea bushes. Not every house has them, but the ones that do exude effortless beauty. They’re a burst of pink or blue blooms that I’m savoring, since I know hydrangea season doesn’t last forever. They remind me that color makes an incredible impact, especially when it’s part of a garden in front of your home. The lush pink blooms are friendly and inviting. They emit an air of playfulness, while the deep blue hydrangea bushes seem more peaceful and grounded in their beauty. Garden color schemes clearly set the mood for your outdoor living spaces, and it’s a step you don’t want to skip when planning your garden.

If you’d like to plant a garden but aren’t sure where to begin, I chatted with mother-daughter duo Brooke and Leila Giannetti, garden designers at Patina Meadow, as well as Madeline Hooper, host of the PBS TV show Garden Fit, to get their pro tips on all things garden color schemes. Ahead, learn how to design your garden with color in mind, as well as the best color schemes to try yourself!

Hydrangea bushes garden color scheme.

Where to Begin When Planning Your Garden

Before you head to the nursery, both Giannetti’s suggest taking time to think about the mood you want to set, as well as the intention you have for your outdoor space and garden. “Are you looking to grow food for your family? Are you trying to create a space mostly for visual interest? Either way, there are a few design tips to keep in mind,” the duo suggests.

Just like you would an interior space, they encourage using hedges and trees to enclose spaces, like an outdoor room. “This creates a sense of intimacy and privacy, almost like different rooms in a house.” As far as picking which plants and flowers  are right for your garden, Hooper says to lead with your heart and to not think too hard about what’s right or wrong. “Surround yourself with colors you love,” she says. “Allow yourself to react to what surprises you and delights you about a garden.”  

Hooper also suggests noticing what plants and flowers are working for your neighbors—that means the conditions you both share work well! And finally, if you’re feeling nervous as a beginner gardener, Hooper encourages taking some pressure off and to have fun. “It truly doesn’t matter how you start. You make mistakes. Plants die. You learn by trial and error!” she exclaims.  

Purple garden color scheme.

Why a Color Palette Is Important

“A garden color scheme provides unity and coherence in garden design. It ensures that all elements work together harmoniously, creating a space that is not only visually appealing, but also emotionally resonant,” the Giannetti’s share. “A cohesive color palette helps avoid visual clutter and creates a sense of calm and order, which is particularly important in a garden meant for relaxation and enjoyment.”

If you’re not sure what colors look best together, or just feel afraid to commit, Hooper suggests pots to start. “You don’t have to make the commitment to dig them into the ground necessarily,” she remarks. Knowing what colors and flowers you’re drawn to—as well as the ambience you’d like your outdoor space to have—will set the tone for creating the garden of your dreams.

“Ultimately, your garden should reflect your tastes and preferences. Choose colors that make you happy and create a space where you love to spend time!” the Giannetti’s add.

Four Garden Color Schemes We Love

You can’t go wrong with the following garden color schemes, recommended by Hooper and the Giannetti’s. Ranging from sweet and soft to dramatic and bold, choose the garden color scheme that speaks to your heart—as well as the outdoor space you’re longing to create. 

Soft Pastels

If you envision a garden fit for afternoon reading, morning meditation sessions, or casual dinner parties, a pastel color palette would be the dream. “We absolutely adore soft pastel palettes—light lavenders, pale pinks, and soft whites. This combination evokes feelings of calm, serenity, and soothing tranquility,” the Gianetti’s share. Hooper is also a fan of this color palette. “In my garden around the pool, I like to stick to cool pastel colors that go with the water color and gray stone coping,” she explains. 

Hooper loves various shades of pinks, blues and yellows and shares that Achillea moonshine, Astilbe ‘Peach Blossom’ and Geranium Roxanne look better and better in her garden each year. Both Giannetti’s love mixing purple with pink or white. “For a soft pastel palette, we would use plants like lavender and thyme, which not only add beautiful pastel hues but also a wonderful scent,” they share. “Pair these with pink and white roses or hydrangeas. The key is to maintain a limited palette and focus on texture for added interest.” 

Deep, Rich Hues

If you have an eye for the dramatic and want your home to pop, darker colors may be more your speed. The Giannetti’s recommend pairing deep, rich florals with lush greenery. “Dark tulips in spring, and rich purple hydrangeas in summer are excellent choices,” they advise. “Complement these with foliage plants like boxwoods and yews to add some structure, while complementing the color scheme. You could even add blackberry vines to add a functional touch of rich beauty!” 

Blackberry vines will, of course, produce fruit and the berries will turn from a deep red to black as they ripen, naturally providing a beautifully rich color palette. Another option? Orange and yellow blossoms provide stark contrast to deep purple blooms, making purple and orange an unexpected, yet beautiful color scheme to try. Mix gold and orange avens (Geum spp.) or yellow Hollyhock Alcea ’Spotlight Sunshine’ with purple or crimson scabiosa (or pincushion flower) for a stunning jewel-toned garden. 


A garden color scheme doesn’t need to include multiple colors. In fact, going monochromatic and picking just one color is a fantastic choice, especially if you have a color you’re especially fond of. For Hooper, that color is red. “The dramatic effect of planting beds or borders of one color is also a fun challenge, and for years I have had a red color-themed bed that I adore,” she gushes. “It’s more upkeep because I have to replant Dahlias Bishop of Llandaff each season, but they look great with red peonies, Dianthus Telstar Scarlet, and Echinacia purpurea ‘Sombrero Salsa Red’.” 

“Combining different blooms in similar colors—like light lavenders from herb plants such as lavender and thyme, with pink and white rose varieties or hydrangeas—adds depth and variety without overwhelming the senses,” the Giannetti’s note. As with any garden color scheme, decide on the mood you want to create for your garden, then choose your color accordingly. A blue garden with blue hydrangeas, Phlox paniculata ‘Blue Boy’ or Delphinium ‘Million Dollar Blue’ will be calm and serene. A yellow garden with Alchemilla mollis or Baptisia ‘Caroline Moonlight’ will be bright and cheerful. 

Keep in mind that a monochromatic garden can include various shades of the same hue, so don’t be afraid to plan your purple garden with pale lavenders as well as deep purples that almost read black. “Even with a limited color palette, you can create a lot of visual interest through texture,” the Giannetti’s add. 


If you’re interested in a maximalist color palette where anything goes, rewilding is a garden trend you’ll love. Also referred to as meadowscaping, this garden trend relies on native grasses and wildflowers being allowed to grow freely.

“This idea of garden chaos being positive is a big deal,” Hooper remarks. “If you want different colors, you can do that, and it looks smashing.” If you have dreams of running through your own wildflower meadow, see what many would typically consider weeds in a new light. “Whatever seeds are in the soil—let them grow,” Hooper suggests. “Then keep what you like, and pull out what you don’t like.”

You can learn what is native to your area by doing a quick search through the National Audubon Society. From there, notice what colors and plants you’re drawn to. Because rewilding is in fact a bit wild, your color palette can remain simple if that’s more your vibe. Stick with a monochromatic palette and choose flowers in the same shade, or select up to four different hues for a multi-color meadowscape.

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What Could Sweat-Sensing Devices Tell You about Your Health?



What Could Sweat-Sensing Devices Tell You about Your Health?

Written by: Denise John, PhD


Published on: June 27, 2024

What Could Sweat-Sensing Devices Tell You about Your Health?

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Hypothesis and Emerging Research

Hypothesis and Emerging Research

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Some early observations support this concept (or parts of the theory), and there is scientific interest in elucidating exactly what’s at work.


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30 BBQ Appetizers Your Backyard Gathering Needs



There’s so much that’s synonymous with the carefree ease of summer. Breezy clothes, sun-dappled days, and of course—BBQ season. It’s time to take your gatherings outdoors, transitioning from the dining room to a dedicated picnic table. Friends stop by unannounced and welcomed with open arms. With the vibes high and our phones on do not disturb (except to take a few pics), there’s no better way to kick off the summer than with a dinner party to celebrate. And of course, the perfect place to start is with a few foolproof BBQ appetizers up your sleeve.

30 BBQ Appetizers Your Summer Dinner Party Needs

When it comes to summertime apps, the goal is to incorporate the fresh flavors of the season into every bite. That means dishes that are heavy on the herbs (green goddess dressing), highlight summer-fresh veg (eggplant dip), and go with the perfect margarita (guacamole!). Get your tastebuds ready—and prepare to dive in.

Dips and Spreads

Spring Crudité with Green Goddess Dressing

Spring Crudité with Green Goddess Dressing

Why We Love It: There’s a reason green goddess dressing went viral. To start, it’s gorgeous. Thanks to a cup of mixed herbs of your choice, a few tablespoons of chives, and parsley’s fresh bite, it’s the perfect accompaniment to your favorite crunchy veg. I like arranging a big platter and setting it on the table for everyone to graze as they please. A centerpiece and appetizer all in one? Brilliant.

Hero Ingredient: When fresh summer herbs are involved, I’ll always look for a little lemon juice/zest to brighten things up all the more

Smokey eggplant dip

Smoky Eggplant Dip

Why We Love It: For me, eggplant is a summertime staple. I love roasting it in the oven, enjoying it in ratatouille, or scooping up big dollops of baba ganoush with toasted pita. This recipe is a close cousin of the third option, taking all the creamy deliciousness of the traditional Levantine appetizer and adding a smoky, spicy edge.

Hero Ingredient: We have smoked paprika and freshly-ground, toasted cumin to thank for this dip’s complex and addicting flavor.

Simple Guacamole Recipe


Why We Love It: I know, I know—you already have a go-to guacamole that you’ve been perfecting for years. But… if there’s one recipe to convince you to try something new, it’s this one. Personally, I love a guacamole that lets the avocados shine, introducing a little heat with red onion, and in this case, a red chile. Balance it all out with a little zest from two limes, a few sweet tomatoes, and a touch of olive oil. Everyone will be asking you for the secret.

Hero Ingredient: When it comes to guacamole, your avocados should be nothing short of ideal. No brown spots and nothing underripe. We’re going for creamy, fruity perfection.

Za’atar Spiced Citrus Yogurt Dip

Za’atar Spiced Citrus Yogurt Dip

Why We Love It: Chances are your guests may be looking to cool down at your summer BBQ, and a yogurt dip will help do exactly that. The citrus makes this especially bright and refreshing, while the Za’atar is the spice blend you didn’t know you needed.

Hero Ingredient: Za’atar! Za’atar is a mix of herbs, sesame seeds, salt and sumac. This traditional Middle Eastern spice blend is the secret to most Mediterranean dishes and is totally delicious.

Carrot turmeric hummus and crudite

Carrot Turmeric Hummus 

Why We Love It: If beans make you bloat, this legume-free hummus is a must-try. The carrot turmeric combo makes this hummus bright orange and when surrounded by crisp veggies, this will be a colorful standout on your BBQ appetizer table.

Hero Ingredient: Summer veg! Have plenty of farmers market finds handy for dipping into this gorgeous veggie-forward hummus.

Maman's kale, pea and ricotta spread

Kale Ricotta Spread

Why we love it: Not only is this dish light and tasty, it’s stunning. Wow your guests by bringing out this vibrant green spread in a bowl, or served in pretty individual glasses. It also couldn’t be easier to prepare—simply toss all your ingredients in a food processor. 

Hero Ingredient: Kale and peas may not be on anyone’s favorite food list, but full fat ricotta gives them a total makeover. Yum!

Indian Masala Street Corn Guacamole

Street Corn Guacamole

Why We Love It: I have very distinct summer memories of shucking corn on the back deck with my mom. Indulging in corn on the cob is a summer necessity, but adding it to guac? Sign me up! This Indian-inspired guacamole recipe flips the traditional recipe by seasoning it with chaat masala. Delish. 

Hero ingredient: All of the traditional guac ingredients are accounted for, but sweet corn and chaat masala really bump up the flavor.

Summer Crudités

Summer Crudités

Why We Love It: A veggie tray with ranch dressing may remind you of the prepared food section of the grocery store. But take it from me, a veggie board full of fresh summer produce and a homemade ranch elevates veggies and dip to summer crudités everyone will love.

Hero Ingredient: In season veg. Everything from cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, and sweet peppers. They all win!

Finger Food

Spicy Marinated Olives

Spicy Marinated Olives

Why We Love It: Charcuterie is always a vibe, and these olives pack a punch. Put them on top of hummus, baba ganoush, or simply nosh on them by themselves. 

Hero Ingredient: Naturally, a good quality green olive. Might we suggest a Castelvetrano or Cerignola?

Ricotta and Plum Bruschetta

Ricotta and Plum Bruschetta

Why We Love It: A sweet and savory bruschetta? Be still my heart. This fun twist on traditional bruschetta is sure to be a crowd pleaser. What’s not to love about a plump juicy plum paired with rich, creamy ricotta?  

Hero ingredient: Plums aren’t in season very long, so be sure to indulge all summer. I know I will! 

Southern Cheese Rounds

Southern Cheese Rounds

Why We Love It: Ok, let’s be real. Who doesn’t love a cheesy cracker? These homemade cheese rounds are crunchy, savory and are perfect for the center of your appetizer table. Just be sure to have plenty on hand—they will go fast!

Hero Ingredient: These rounds are a combo of cheese, butter, flour and rice krispies. The cereal gives these rounds their crunch, and I’m a sucker for cereal.  

Easy tomato bruschetta

Classic Easy Bruschetta

Why We Love It: Bruschetta is one of the easiest BBQ appetizers in the game, and it’s the one I always turn to when I need to serve something up, stat. Toast up your sourdough (brushed with plenty of EVOO, of course) and toss together your mix of tomatoes, garlic, and herbs. Let the bruschetta sit and top up your slices. Bonus: it’s just about the prettiest (edible) thing you’ll find on a plate.

Hero Ingredient: With a simple recipe like this, you want to be sure you’re using the best farm-fresh tomatoes you can find. They’re the focal point of the appetizer, so you want to make sure they shine.

Loaded sweet potato fries

Loaded Sweet Potato Fries

Why We Love It: In the world of BBQ appetizers, fries will always reign supreme. You’re welcome to serve the standard thick-cut, gold wedges, but loaded fries are even better. This recipe leans on our favorite frozen sweet potato fries (we used Alexia). Simply prepare them according to the package instructions and top to your heart’s delight.

Hero Ingredient: I love a Mediterranean vibe when it comes to loading up my fries. Creamy chickpeas, salty feta, tzatziki for a little tang, and kalamata olives. It’s a winning combo where every ingredient is the hero.

Cauliflower Nachos

Cauliflower Nachos

Why We Love It: While nachos are always welcome at any summer gathering, if you’re after BBQ appetizers that lean on the lighter side, make these. Your gluten-free friends will rejoice, happy to indulge in this classic summer snack. And though you’d never guess from the heap of (plant-based) cheese on top, vegan guests get to their snacking on, too.

Hero Ingredient: Nutritional yeast introduces a savory, umami element to the cauliflower seasoning—be sure to stock up for all your (dairy-free) cheesy needs.

Taco Salad Bites

Taco Salad Bites

Why We Love It: While we never turn down the opportunity to toss back a few tacos, sometimes it’s nice to get all of that good Tex-Mex flavor in a bite-sized snack. Pick up a bag of your favorite chip dippers at the store and fill them to the brim with this simple taco salad. The spicy cilantro vinaigrette is the final touch on these cute little taco bites.

Hero Ingredient: When it’s summer and the veg is in season, I will always default to corn.

Grilled Artichoke with Lemon Garlic Aioli

Grilled Artichoke with Lemon Garlic Aioli

Why We Love It: Artichokes are a favorite among everyone in my family. (So much so, that my sisters and I would beg for them at our birthday dinners—and my parents would happily oblige.) While I’ve steamed them in the past, grilling your artichokes yields a charred exterior and tender heart. Serve alongside bread for a light dinner or a steak if you’re going for a true BBQ appetizer. But the mayo? Non-negotiable.

Hero Ingredient: This recipe comes with such a short ingredients list that I’ll have to pick the obvious: artichokes are a summertime delight.


Tomato salad with onion, being drizzled with lemon juice

Tomato Salad

Why We Love It: Summer isn’t summer without tomatoes. This salad couldn’t be simpler and is completely delicious. All you need are heirloom tomatoes, onions, garlic, oil, lemon juice and salt. This combo truly makes the tomatoes shine—though admittedly, you don’t need much to make a summer heirloom tomato even more delectable than it is on its own. 

Hero Ingredient: Ripe and juicy heirloom tomatoes, no doubt.

Simple Potato Salad with Smoked Chile Aioli

Simple Potato Salad with Smoked Chile Aioli

Why We Love It: Nothing says summer quite like potato salad. But friends, this is not the classic gloppy salad your grandmother favored (though we all have a special place in our hearts for her recipe). You toss fork-tender potatoes with an aioli-like dressing composed of eggs, garlic, lemon, and plenty of good olive oil. It’s easy and brings a beautiful, organic feel to your table.

Hero Ingredient: There are plenty of standouts to choose from, but I love how the jammy eggs play up the potatoes’ creamy texture.

Watermelon tomato caprese salad

Watermelon Tomato Caprese Salad

Why We Love It: Of all the many Italian dishes I can’t get enough of, Caprese has top billing. This riff on the classic adds watermelon to the mix, playing up the tomatoes’ sweetness. The result is a light and refreshing salad that’s the perfect amuse-bouche for a burger or steak.

Hero Ingredient: When summer rolls around, you can bet I’m eating my weight in watermelon. This salad is one of my favorite ways to get my fill.

Avocado caprese salad

Avocado Caprese Salad

Why We Love It: As if Caprese could get any better—adding avocado to tomato, basil and mozzarella just hits different. The added creaminess and buttery flavor the avocados add give this salad a fun and unexpected twist. 

Hero Ingredient: The avocado takes this classic to new heights!

Green salad with sesame dressing

Green Salad With Sesame Dressing

Why We Love It: Spoiler alert: salad doesn’t have to be boring. What sets this salad apart? Furikake, salted pistachios, parmesan and a creamy tahini dressing. Yum!

Hero Ingredient: It’s hard to pick a favorite, but pistachios in a salad always take it to the next level if you ask me. 

Mediterranean Kale Salad

Mediterranean Kale Salad

Why We Love It: I could easily eat Mediterranean food for the rest of my life and feel totally satisfied. Mediterranean ingredients are fresh and flavorful and hit the spot especially in the summer. This salad is no different! Be sure to massage your kale and grab your veggies from the farmers market for this BBQ appetizer.

Hero Ingredient: Crunchy chickpeas for the win. 

Strawberry caprese salad with burrata

Strawberry Caprese Salad

Why We Love It: Strawberries are at their peak in the summer. It’s a no-brainer to indulge in a strawberry salad this season, and this playful twist on caprese pairs the berry with creamy burrata. Serve with crusty bread and enjoy.

Hero ingredient: While the strawberries and burrata are the stars of the show, don’t skip the lemon zest. The citrus brightens everything up and ties it all together. 

White bean radicchio salad

White Bean Radicchio Salad

Why We Love It:  This savory salad is the perfect BBQ appetizer—it’s simple combo of bitter greens, beans and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is tasty and addictive. 

Hero Ingredient: Don’t sleep on radicchio! Leafy greens seem to be the go-to when it comes to salad, but this red leafed veg adds a pop of color and a bite that regular salads don’t. 

Radicchio Citrus Prosciutto Salad

Radicchio Citrus Prosciutto Salad

Why We Love It: Wow, ok—this combo needs to be studied for all the glory it brings to your salad plate. The bitterness of the radicchio, paired with the sweetness of the oranges  and the saltiness of prosciutto is truly *chef’s kiss* Don’t let summer pass you by without trying this one. 

Hero Ingredient: Can this three ingredient combo count as the hero? Because it absolutely should.

Italian Salsa Verde

Italian Salsa Verde

Why We Love It: Alison and Jay Carroll served up this salsa verde at their Joshua Tree home when we visited last month. And to say we were floored by its complex flavor is an understatement. While you might be more familiar with the Mexican salsa verde which features a sweeter, tomatillo base, this Italian spin is more acidic and delivers a delicious punch of flavor. Green olives, a few good glugs of olive oil, and herbs aplenty are all you need to make it your own.

Hero Ingredient: Go for a really fruity olive oil here. It’s the perfect pairing for the tangy green olives.


Shrimp Skewers with Tzatziki

Shrimp Skewers with Tzatziki

Why We Love It: Could it really be a list of the best BBQ appetizers without skewers? They’re one of the easiest summer recipes and can be customized in infinite ways. I love this combo of light, juicy shrimp with colorful and substantial veg. Taste the rainbow, y’all.

Hero Ingredient: Do yourself a favor and serve your skewers with this homemade tzatziki. You’re welcome.

Melon prosciutto skewer

Prosciutto & Melon Skewers

Why We Love It: I could wax poetic about my love of skewers. They’re simple, require just a few ingredients, and when someone asks you how they can help, you can put them to work. Think of these skewers as the classic Italian snack of prosciutto-wrapped melon, deconstructed. While I love packing all those flavors into a single bite, getting the salty prosciutto, sweet melon, and creamy bocconcini one by one is an experience to savor.

Hero Ingredient: When I tell you that bocconcini are small mozzarella cheese balls, my pick should be obvious.


Summer cheese board

Summer Cheese Board

Why we love it: A cheese board is appropriate for any season, but a summer specific one as a BBQ appetizer is especially lovely. Opt for softer cheeses like brie and chèvre (these work better in the heat than hard cheeses) and summer fruit. Edible flowers are optional, but add the sweetest touch.

Hero ingredient: A really nice cheese. The kind you splurge on. A good cheese board only needs one!

Pear and ricotta board

Ricotta Board With Pears

Why We Love It: Pears are in season starting in August, and this board is the perfect end of summer treat. Be generous with full fat ricotta and add slices of sweet pear to a board for a perfect grab and go BBQ appetizer. 

Hero Ingredient: While pear and ricotta make a delicious pairing, honey roasted pistachios take this board to the next level.

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Things To Do In Amish Country – Lancaster, PA





In the serene landscape of Pennsylvania Dutch Country, Lancaster County offers a fascinating glimpse into the traditional world of the Amish. This pastoral region, with its rolling farmland, covered bridges and horse-drawn buggies, seems lost in time – a place where a simpler way of life still thrives.

On a recent getaway to Lancaster, we had the chance to immerse ourselves in Amish culture, history, and legendary comfort food. What we discovered was an unexpectedly rich and rewarding experience, full of warm hospitality, delicious home-cooking, and a profound sense of peace.

A wide view of a farm field with two Amish farmers, one adult and one child, walking through freshly plowed rows. The background features lush green trees, farm buildings, and rolling hills.

Amish farmers, young and old, work together in Lancaster County fields | Photo: Better Living

From the moment we arrived, it was clear Lancaster moves at a different pace. The landscape is a patchwork of neatly tended farms, whitewashed barns and quaint shops. Along winding country roads, you’ll spot Amish families traveling by horse and buggy, women in bonnets working in gardens, and children riding on kick scooters.

This bucolic scenery alone makes Lancaster worth the trip. But to truly appreciate Amish Country, we found it’s the people, experiences and flavors you encounter that leave the most lasting impression.

Things To Do In Amish Country – Lancaster, PA

Stay at AmishView Inn & Suites: Serene Luxury Surrounded by Farmland

A rural landscape with fields of different crops in various shades of green and brown. In the foreground, two horses are pulling a farm implement across a field. The background shows more fields, hay bales, and a line of trees under a blue sky with wispy clouds.A rural landscape with fields of different crops in various shades of green and brown. In the foreground, two horses are pulling a farm implement across a field. The background shows more fields, hay bales, and a line of trees under a blue sky with wispy clouds.

The view of a working Amish farm from AmishView Inn & Suites | Photo: Better Living

Our immersive Amish Country experience began at the exceptional AmishView Inn & Suites. Situated on a AAA scenic byway with stunning views of surrounding Amish farms, this top-rated Lancaster hotel offers an upscale atmosphere with authentic Amish charm.

We stayed in the adults-only building and were utterly spoiled by our Grand King Suite. This spacious sanctuary featured soaring 10-foot windows framing idyllic farmland views, a kitchenette, a spacious living area, and super comfy king bed. 

And, when they say “AmishView,” they truly mean it. From sunrise to sunset, we could watch the local Amish farming and riding buggies right from the comfort of our room.

A spacious hotel room featuring a large king-sized bed with white bedding in the foreground. Two bedside tables with lamps flank the bed, and a plush, patterned carpet covers the floor. In the background, there’s a seating area with a gray sofa and armchair facing a window that offers an expansive view of green fields under a clear sky. To the right, there’s a wooden desk with another lamp and chair. The room is well-lit by natural light from the window and warm artificial lighting.A spacious hotel room featuring a large king-sized bed with white bedding in the foreground. Two bedside tables with lamps flank the bed, and a plush, patterned carpet covers the floor. In the background, there’s a seating area with a gray sofa and armchair facing a window that offers an expansive view of green fields under a clear sky. To the right, there’s a wooden desk with another lamp and chair. The room is well-lit by natural light from the window and warm artificial lighting.

Elegance meets comfort in the Grand King room at AmishView Inn & Suites | Photo: Better Living

Another standout feature was the large, luxurious bathroom. Each Grand King Suite has a Victoria + Albert clawfoot tub perfect for soaking, placed right in front of its own TV. There’s also a huge shower with frameless glass doors and gentle lighting that sets the mood. The bathroom has top-quality fixtures, a separate water closet, Tarocco shampoo and soaps, a lighted mirror for doing your makeup, and a hair dryer – everything you need to pamper yourself.

A spacious bathroom featuring a freestanding white bathtub with clawfoot detailing. Above the bathtub, there is a wall-mounted towel holder with a white towel hanging on it. To the right of the bathtub, there is a sink with a faucet and what appears to be soap on the counter. Above the sink, there is an oval mirror flanked by wall lights on either side, and to its right, there’s a magnifying mirror with lighting. On the left side of the image, mounted on the wall, is a flat-screen television. The walls are painted in light beige tones, and the flooring appears to be woodenA spacious bathroom featuring a freestanding white bathtub with clawfoot detailing. Above the bathtub, there is a wall-mounted towel holder with a white towel hanging on it. To the right of the bathtub, there is a sink with a faucet and what appears to be soap on the counter. Above the sink, there is an oval mirror flanked by wall lights on either side, and to its right, there’s a magnifying mirror with lighting. On the left side of the image, mounted on the wall, is a flat-screen television. The walls are painted in light beige tones, and the flooring appears to be wooden

The luxurious bathroom in the Grand King room at AmishView Inn & Suites | Photo: Better Living

Each morning we looked forward to the famous AmishView hot breakfast buffet, served in the sun-soaked Great Room. This generous and complimentary spread, praised as one of Lancaster’s best, fueled our days with hearty offerings like fluffy waffles, savory sausages, farm-fresh eggs and omelets made to order. Relaxing over coffee while horse-drawn buggies rode by in the distance was a great way to start the day in Amish Country!

A well-balanced breakfast plate featuring scrambled eggs, crispy bacon strips, a sausage link, diced potatoes, and a cinnamon roll. A white mug of coffee completes the meal.A well-balanced breakfast plate featuring scrambled eggs, crispy bacon strips, a sausage link, diced potatoes, and a cinnamon roll. A white mug of coffee completes the meal.

A plate from the legendary AmishView breakfast buffet | Photo: Better Living

Be sure to take advantage of the hotel’s indoor pool, whirlpool and well-equipped fitness center. Feel free to wind down each evening with a soothing swim or soak and view the brilliant sunset over the farmland. 

Interior view of a jacuzzi at Amish View Inn with agitated water. The jacuzzi is surrounded by beige tiles and has steps leading down into it. Large windows offer a view of the outside, showcasing green fields and a fence. A black plaque with white text is visible on the wall.Interior view of a jacuzzi at Amish View Inn with agitated water. The jacuzzi is surrounded by beige tiles and has steps leading down into it. Large windows offer a view of the outside, showcasing green fields and a fence. A black plaque with white text is visible on the wall.

The large whirlpool in the indoor pool area of AmishView Inn & Suites | Photo: Better Living

From check-in to check-out, AmishView Inn & Suites was the perfect home base for our countryside adventure. From breathtaking farm views, to delicious homestyle breakfasts, and its fantastic location – we were completely immersed in local culture. We can’t wait to return!

Savor Local Flavors at Smokehouse BBQ and Brews

Smokehouse BBQ and Brews at AmishView Inn & Suites – Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

As much as we adored AmishView Inn & Suites, one of Lancaster’s biggest draws is undoubtedly the phenomenal Pennsylvania Dutch cooking. Luckily, one of the area’s best restaurants is literally right next door.

The Smokehouse Stacker | Photo: Better Living

Smokehouse BBQ and Brews serves up mouthwatering barbecue and comfort food classics in a relaxed setting just next door. The tantalizing scent of slow-smoked meats hits you the moment you enter and the atmosphere is fun, casual, and inviting. 

Everything here is made from scratch using local ingredients. You can taste the quality, from the succulent Burnt Brisket Ends basted in White Horse sauce to the mammoth Smokehouse Stacker piled high with beef, pulled pork, slaw and fixings. Alongside honey-butter slathered corn muffins and decadent mac n’ cheese, it’s a carnivore’s dream.

The Smokehouse Rib Combo | Photo: Better Living

The Smokehouse Rib Combo with a half-rack and your choice of smoked meat is the best of both worlds. We opted for the pull-apart tender pulled pork and were gleefully covered in barbecue sauce by the last savory bite.

Don’t forget to sample their locally crafted brews, spirits and wines for an authentic taste of Lancaster. After a meal here, you’ll understand why Smokehouse is a pilgrimage-worthy destination for barbecue lovers!

Shop for Handcrafted Treasures at Plain and Fancy Country Store

Plain and Fancy Country Store – Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

Before leaving Smokehouse, be sure to browse the adjacent Plain and Fancy Country Store. This spacious shop carries a carefully curated collection of handcrafted Amish clothing, toys, crafts, decor and foods that showcase the community’s incredible artisanship.

There’s also a mouthwatering array of authentic Pennsylvania Dutch sweets and snacks like whoopie pies, shoofly pie, chow chow and jams made from Amish family recipes. It’s the perfect spot to pick up unique gifts and tasty souvenirs.

Explore The Quilt Shop at Miller’s: Amish Quilting at Its Finest

The Quilt Shop at Miller's - Lancaster, PAThe Quilt Shop at Miller's - Lancaster, PA

The Quilt Shop at Miller’s – Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

Amish Country is legendary for its stunningly intricate handmade quilts. At The Quilt Shop at Miller’s, you can witness the fascinating tradition of Amish quilting in its full glory.

Established in 1998, this specialized store boasts over 1000 gorgeous hand-stitched quilts, wall-hangings, pillows and textiles made by local Amish and Mennonite artisans. Displayed in a bright 3500 sq ft showroom, the craftsmanship and artistry on display is jaw-dropping.

Vibrant and iconic patterns burst from each quilt in a kaleidoscope of color and detail. The stitching is impossibly precise, with thousands of tiny uniform stitches creating a supple yet substantial texture. The amount of time required to complete this process can vary depending on factors such as the size of the fabric and the complexity of the design, with some quilts taking up to 1000 hours to finish! 

Whether you’re a serious collector or simply an admirer of handmade beauty, The Quilt Shop at Miller’s provides an incredible opportunity to own a one-of-a-kind, future heirloom that can be cherished for generations. With a range of sizes and designs for every taste and budget, you’re sure to find an amazing quilt to take home.

Stock Up on The Flavors of Amish Country at Locally Made Food Shop

Locally Made Food Shop – Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

Speaking of take-home treats, no visit to Lancaster is complete without stocking up on authentic Pennsylvania Dutch foods and baked goods. And there’s no better place to get your fix than Locally Made Food Shop.

Located next to The Quilt Shop, this delightful store features a vast selection of Amish-made sweet and savory delicacies prepared using traditional recipes and local ingredients. Shelves are lined with jars of chow chow, pepper jam, bacon dressing, fruit butters and pickled everything alongside fresh-baked shoofly pies, gooey whoopie pies, sticky buns and signature breads.

With its abundant variety of locally made delicacies you can’t find elsewhere, Locally Made is an absolute must-stop for foodies. Just leave extra room in your vehicle – you’ll need it for all the mouthwatering goodies you’ll want to bring back!

Dine at Miller’s Smorgasbord: Serving Amish Feasts for Nearly a Century!

A plate loaded with various foods from Miller's, including fried chicken, roast beef with horseradish, mashed potatoes, corn, candied yams, and salad. A plate loaded with various foods from Miller's, including fried chicken, roast beef with horseradish, mashed potatoes, corn, candied yams, and salad.

A hearty and satisfying plate from Miller’s Smorgasbord – Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

No visit to Lancaster County is complete without indulging in an authentic Pennsylvania Dutch smorgasbord. And for almost 100 years, Miller’s Smorgasbord has been the go-to spot for experiencing this delectable Amish tradition.

Miller’s story began in 1929 when Anna Miller started serving her famous chicken & waffles to hungry truckers while her husband repaired their rigs. Word of her delicious down-home cooking quickly spread, and soon Anna’s humble truck-stop diner evolved into Miller’s Smorgasbord, a Lancaster institution now in its fourth generation of family ownership.

Interior view of Miller's Smorgasbord showing multiple food stations, including a "Soups & Breads" area. The space has carpeted floors and pendant lighting. Interior view of Miller's Smorgasbord showing multiple food stations, including a "Soups & Breads" area. The space has carpeted floors and pendant lighting.

You’ll find over 1000 delicious items at Miller’s Smorgasbord – Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

Today, the restaurant serves a massive smorgasbord menu featuring over 100 items, all made from scratch using Anna’s time-honored recipes and fresh local ingredients. But while the menu has expanded, the warm hospitality and commitment to homestyle cooking remains unchanged.

Dinner at Miller’s is a belly-busting affair, so arrive hungry and wear your stretchy pants. 

Endless rows of Pennsylvania Dutch comfort foods span as far as the eye can see – succulent slow-roasted beef, crispy fried chicken, savory chicken pot pie with homemade noodles, creamy baked cabbage, and so much more.

A bowl of chicken pot pie with chunks of chicken, carrots, and potatoes visible in a creamy broth. A spoonful is being lifted from the bowl.A bowl of chicken pot pie with chunks of chicken, carrots, and potatoes visible in a creamy broth. A spoonful is being lifted from the bowl.

Miller’s authentic, Amish chicken pot pie | Photo: Better Living

Be sure to try Anna’s original chicken and waffles, an Amish Country classic featuring tender, juicy fried chicken atop a golden malted waffle – a heavenly pairing of sweet and savory. Other must-try dishes include the mouthwatering Swedish meatballs, beef burgundy, and an endless supply of fresh, peel-and-eat shrimp.

Just when you think you can’t possibly eat another bite, the dessert bar offers a decadent selection of baked pies, cakes, and more.

Miller’s Gourmet Apple Pie and Pennsylvania Dutch Shoofly Pie are local legends, while the Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake and Warm Chocolate Pecan Pie are decadent delights sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. Pace yourself and save room for a slice (or two).

A slice of chocolate cheesecake with a chocolate cookie crust and chocolate whipped cream topping on a white plate. A slice of chocolate cheesecake with a chocolate cookie crust and chocolate whipped cream topping on a white plate.

The decadent chocolate mousse cheesecake at Miller’s Smorgasbord | Photo: Better Living

Nearly a century after Anna Miller served her first chicken and waffle, her legacy of fabulous food and gracious service continues to draw locals and visitors alike. Making the pilgrimage to Miller’s Smorgasbord is a cherished Lancaster County tradition that offers an authentic taste of Amish culture, where everyone leaves stuffed and smiling.

Take a Scenic Drive Through Amish Countryside 

A picturesque landscape of Lancaster County, showcasing vast golden wheat fields, a traditional white barn with a black roof, and a distant view of more farmland and silos under a clear blue sky.A picturesque landscape of Lancaster County, showcasing vast golden wheat fields, a traditional white barn with a black roof, and a distant view of more farmland and silos under a clear blue sky.

Expansive farmlands and iconic Amish barns in Lancaster County. | Photo: Better Living

One of the most memorable parts of our trip was simply driving around Amish Country. As we meandered through the picturesque backroads of Lancaster, we were treated to stunning views of emerald fields, charming farms, and classic red barns. The scenery was dotted with quaint roadside shops, where we found unique handmade goods and delicious local treats.

a large, speckled white and brown longhorn cow standing in a field with vibrant green grass and wildflowers. The cow’s prominent horns curve outward and slightly upward. In the background, there is a serene landscape of farmland with rows of crops under a soft pink and orange sky at sunset. a large, speckled white and brown longhorn cow standing in a field with vibrant green grass and wildflowers. The cow’s prominent horns curve outward and slightly upward. In the background, there is a serene landscape of farmland with rows of crops under a soft pink and orange sky at sunset.

A longhorn cow grazes at sunset in Amish Country – Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

We often encountered horse-drawn buggies, adding to the timeless feel of the landscape. The abundance of farm animals was also a delight—longhorns, horses, sheep, and lots of adorable baby animals greeted us at nearly every turn. It was pure joy to see them grazing peacefully in their fields.

A close-up portrait of a baby brown Jersey cow. The cow's face fills most of the frame, with its large eyes, wet nose, and fuzzy ears clearly visible. The background shows a grassy field and some farm buildings in the distance under an overcast sky.A close-up portrait of a baby brown Jersey cow. The cow's face fills most of the frame, with its large eyes, wet nose, and fuzzy ears clearly visible. The background shows a grassy field and some farm buildings in the distance under an overcast sky.

A curious bay cow greets visitors on an Amish farm in Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

As we passed by the local farms, we observed Amish families working together to tend their crops. It was heartwarming to see generations of farmers, even young children, all contributing to the labor with a sense of purpose and community. This simple yet profound way of life was a beautiful reminder of the value of hard work and togetherness.

 an aerial view of an Amish family engaged in farming activities. Two adults are tending to a horse-drawn plow, which moves through a field with distinct rows of soil. Several children sit on a flatbed attached to the plow, surrounded by fresh produce or plants. This scene reflects traditional farming methods without modern machinery, characteristic of Amish communities. an aerial view of an Amish family engaged in farming activities. Two adults are tending to a horse-drawn plow, which moves through a field with distinct rows of soil. Several children sit on a flatbed attached to the plow, surrounded by fresh produce or plants. This scene reflects traditional farming methods without modern machinery, characteristic of Amish communities.

An Amish family tending to their fields in Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

Driving these backroads provides an intimate glimpse into the Amish way of life and an invitation to slow down and embrace the simple pleasures we so often overlook. 

Visit the Charming Village of Bird-in-Hand

The Old Village Store in Bird-in-Hand, PA | Photo: Better Living

During your stay, definitely plan to visit the charming village of Bird-in-Hand, just a 5 minute drive from AmishView Inn & Suites. Seemingly frozen in time, this little hamlet looks like it was plucked from a pastoral painting.

The story goes that in 1734, two road surveyors debated whether to stop for the night, noting “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” The name stuck, and today Bird-in-Hand retains the same folksy appeal that convinced those colonial surveyors to stay.

Bird-in-Hand Farmers Market | Photo: Better Living

At the heart of town is the Bird-in-Hand Farmers Market, a sprawling bazaar packed with fresh produce, local crafts, smoked meats, jams and Amish staples. Nibble your way through the stalls enjoying PA Dutch pretzels, funnel cake, fudge and endless samples. The baked goods are particularly divine – don’t miss the sticky buns or raspberry cream cheese pie.

Beyond the market, you’ll find plenty of quaint shops, buggy ride tours and restaurants serving authentic fare. We loved poking into the country stores brimming with handcrafted items, antiques and souvenirs. 

Modish at Bird-in-Hand | Photo: Better Living

Visiting Bird-in-Hand feels like stepping into a Norman Rockwell scene, a nostalgic vision of small-town America that time forgot. Spending an afternoon here provides a captivating glimpse into a simpler era, brimming with authentic country charm and nostalgic appeal.

Embrace Simplicity and Tradition

A scenic countryside view at sunset. An Amish horse-drawn buggy is traveling on a road in the foreground. To the left, cows are grazing in a field. The sky is filled with dramatic orange and pink clouds, creating a colorful sunset backdrop. Modern houses are visible in the distance.A scenic countryside view at sunset. An Amish horse-drawn buggy is traveling on a road in the foreground. To the left, cows are grazing in a field. The sky is filled with dramatic orange and pink clouds, creating a colorful sunset backdrop. Modern houses are visible in the distance.

A horse-drawn buggy at sunset in Amish Country – Lancaster, PA | Photo: Better Living

Lancaster and Amish Country offer a chance to escape modern life’s fast pace and reconnect with simpler living. Here, the focus is on faith, family, community, and living harmoniously with the land. Every moment, from shared food to crafted goods, feels intentional and meaningful.

Amish Country is not just a quaint look at the past; it’s a reminder to value our roots, cherish communities, and make time for life’s simple pleasures.

When modern life becomes overwhelming, treat yourself to a peaceful getaway in Lancaster. Let this countryside rejuvenate you, and return home with a newfound appreciation for simplicity.

Ready to explore this unique corner of Pennsylvania?

Book your stay at AmishView Inn & Suites and start planning your trip now!

FAQ on the Amish

Amish farmers working in a green field, baling hay with horse-drawn equipment. Several horses are hitched to the machinery, while one farmer stacks hay bales on a trailer.Amish farmers working in a green field, baling hay with horse-drawn equipment. Several horses are hitched to the machinery, while one farmer stacks hay bales on a trailer.

Amish farmers bale hay using horse-drawn equipment | Photo: Better Living

What is the origin of the Amish? 

The Amish trace their roots back to the Anabaptist movement in 1525 Switzerland, which emphasized adult baptism and separation of church and state. In 1693, a group led by Jakob Ammann broke off to form their own sect, which became known as the Amish.

What language do the Amish speak? 

The Amish speak several languages. Pennsylvania German, also known as Pennsylvania Dutch, is the primary language used at home and in church. This is a dialect of German with some English influence. Most Amish learn English at school, making it their second language. A few communities, especially in Indiana, speak a form of Swiss German.

Where are Amish communities located? 

Amish communities exist in 31 U.S. states and several Canadian provinces, with the largest populations in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. Lancaster County, PA has both the oldest and largest Amish settlement. In total, there are approximately 2,200 local church districts, each typically consisting of 20-40 families.

What is the Amish population? 

As of 2023, experts estimate there are roughly 308,000 Amish in North America, including adults and children. Because their communities tend to have high birth rates and low attrition, the Amish population is rapidly growing, with numbers doubling about every 20 years.

Are there different types of Amish groups? 

Yes, there are many distinct affiliations within the Amish, each with their own specific practices, lifestyles and beliefs. Customs like dress, technology use, occupations and even buggy styles can vary significantly between different Amish orders. When talking about “the Amish” it’s important to recognize this diversity between subgroups.

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