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African History

1491: The Untold Story of the Americas Before Columbus Trailer



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  1. @StyleSistaMary

    November 3, 2017 at 6:56 pm

    Wow looks fantastic!!

  2. @Majeston606

    December 19, 2017 at 2:57 pm

    Urantia book

    79:5.5.The story of this agelong contest between the red and yellow races is an epic of Urantia history. For over two hundred thousand years these two superior races waged bitter and unremitting warfare. In the earlier struggles the red men were generally successful, their raiding parties spreading havoc among the yellow settlements. But the yellow man was an apt pupil in the art of warfare, and he early manifested a marked ability to live peaceably with his compatriots; the Chinese were the first to learn that in union there is strength. The red tribes continued their internecine conflicts, and presently they began to suffer repeated defeats at the aggressive hands of the relentless Chinese, who continued their inexorable march northward.
    79:5.6.One hundred thousand years ago the decimated tribes of the red race were fighting with their backs to the retreating ice of the last glacier, and when the land passage to the West, over the Bering isthmus, became passable, these tribes were not slow in forsaking the inhospitable shores of the Asiatic continent. It is eighty-five thousand years since the last of the pure red men departed from Asia, but the long struggle left its genetic imprint upon the victorious yellow race. The northern Chinese peoples, together with the Andonite Siberians, assimilated much of the red stock and were in considerable measure benefited thereby.
    79:5.7.The North American Indians never came in contact with even the Andite offspring of Adam and Eve, having been dispossessed of their Asiatic homelands some fifty thousand years before the coming of Adam. During the age of Andite migrations the pure red strains were spreading out over North America as nomadic tribes, hunters who practiced agriculture to a small extent. These races and cultural groups remained almost completely isolated from the remainder of the world from their arrival in the Americas down to the end of the first millennium of the Christian era, when they were discovered by the white races of Europe. Up to that time the Eskimos were the nearest to white men the northern tribes of red men had ever seen.
    79:5.8.The red and the yellow races are the only human stocks that ever achieved a high degree of civilization apart from the influences of the Andites. The oldest Amerindian culture was the Onamonalonton center in California, but this had long since vanished by 35,000 B.C. In Mexico, Central America, and in the mountains of South America the later and more enduring civilizations were founded by a race predominantly red but containing a considerable admixture of the yellow, orange, and blue.
    79:5.9.These civilizations were evolutionary products of the Sangiks, notwithstanding that traces of Andite blood reached Peru. Excepting the Eskimos in North America and a few Polynesian Andites in South America, the peoples of the Western Hemisphere had no contact with the rest of the world until the end of the first millennium after Christ. In the original Melchizedek plan for the improvement of the Urantia races it had been stipulated that one million of the pure-line descendants of Adam should go to upstep the red men of the Americas.

  3. @pedrobondanini6996

    December 22, 2017 at 4:30 am

    Music ?

  4. @jennspence4612

    January 19, 2018 at 6:39 am

    Looking forward to watching this. 😀

  5. @sapointi

    January 20, 2018 at 5:29 pm

    This looks amazing i loved the book

  6. @shealaobrien1356

    September 3, 2018 at 12:13 am

    How can I watch the episodes on my laptop? can't find them on here

  7. @virginializcano3935

    December 13, 2018 at 12:25 pm

    How can we watch this? I live in the US

  8. @stefangats2513

    January 6, 2019 at 12:22 am

    make the DVD & think of the Majority

  9. @irawevnhuruhri4014

    February 8, 2019 at 2:11 am

    I paid for this but haven’t received how to stream what i paid for???

  10. @FtrainNY

    February 10, 2019 at 1:36 am

    It looks very interesting too bad its almost impossible to find a way to watch it.

  11. @dr.davefriends9032

    March 20, 2020 at 1:04 pm

    How to get the complete series? Any ideas people?

  12. @capthraw

    March 24, 2020 at 4:49 pm

    My DVDs of the series arrived yesterday. Looking forward to watching!

  13. @kathypiazza7228

    September 3, 2021 at 1:08 am

    I have been rewatching this series on Canada’s APTN television network. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning things I missed the first time I watched the series. Thank you very much, to the filmmakers.

  14. @alexanderayala2275

    March 17, 2022 at 1:20 pm

    They are my people I know that now I try to hide it from me 🇺🇲🌌

  15. @GypsyIrishNewfieNomad

    May 3, 2023 at 4:49 pm

    We are desendants of Adam and Eve , 1491 depicts we came from Mud , wood , clay etc ….Lies

  16. @sandiefernando4786

    August 24, 2023 at 4:00 pm

    I am an immigrant to Canada from Singapore. l watch many programs on APTN and I am on my second round of watching 1491. What a revelation!! Thank you for doing such a great job in the production of this series. It is so very educational. We need more of these documentaries. Thank you very much.

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Helen Pluckrose outlines some of the arguments later explored in depth in her bestselling 2020 book, Cynical Theories (co-authored with James Lindsay). The essay charts the pernicious influence of postmodernist thinking on two generations of academics and activists. If you want to understand how we got to a place where microaggressions are denounced as violence but the brutal terrorism of an intifada is considered righteous, this is an important primer.

Iona Italia reads Helen Pluckrose’s essay published in Quillette:


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