African History

Black in Africa VS Black in America #slavery #africa #ethnicity #blacklivesmatter #history




  1. @Moroccan-American

    April 25, 2024 at 8:33 pm

    Im American. I go by Nationality.

  2. @Dmante-xe3rk

    April 28, 2024 at 3:28 pm

    Africa is not a country

  3. @Rip_nakajima

    May 4, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    The good ol days👴🏻

  4. @Phoenixflame-ov6le

    May 15, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    Stop it… Slave don't carry the definition that they indoctrinated us to believe today… Its indentured servitude… and they got paid, bit the minimum… and guess who was beside them??? WHITES! yep, even in the cotton fields. And during the BARBARY SLAVE TRADE. It was more poor whites brought here than they say Africans were. Learn the true history! Poor whites came from poland, spain, Germany ect to serve out sentencing for crimes or bcs they were fleeing religious persecution or was just under productive and was exiled from their land. TELL THAT TRUTH!

  5. @KetezRiley-li4yb

    May 16, 2024 at 12:12 pm


  6. @joywilliams9892

    May 19, 2024 at 1:48 pm

    If you want to come to America, it's only race. Just know that before you come, or stay over there. Because you WILL be in foe a rude awakening.

  7. @xrxsux3204

    May 21, 2024 at 12:21 pm

    الموسيقى أفسدت كل المقطع

  8. @SomeoneIsHome

    May 26, 2024 at 5:31 am

    Caribbean person here, i see myself similar to Africans. Coming to America to a black urban area was the biggest culture shock o ever felt. Race is sometimes the ONLY thing about them. Personality doesn't matter, likw a cult. Race only. It's dystopian.

  9. @marcopowell8465

    May 27, 2024 at 5:36 pm

    Would that be the case in South Africa? Weather you like it or not nobody gives a dam about your tribal identity they only see your blackness it was because of Tribalism that the slave trade happened that is not thought in your schools in the continent so you have no knowledge of slavery and colonialism you are educated by your old colonizers you get a colonial education in other words you think as colonial subjects this is a fact because of Tribalism black africans need a more expensive identity that transcend Tribalism and religion this is a challenge for the 21centry the world only sees your blackness so is the element that brings all together besides ethnicity so what not own our blackness and make it a badge of HONOR because we are black africans first and foremost so understand what I'm saying you most know the real history of Africa besides Tribalism work fantastically for your colonizers they played one tribe against the other we must transcend Tribalism blackness is what we all have in common race is what we naturally are

  10. @777BossTown1

    May 29, 2024 at 6:25 am

    Here's the problem with the dude speaking when in America. Tribalism which extends to xenophobia doesn't work in Africa and when you bring that mindset to The United States it puts a wrench in what our people fought and died for? Therefore we have started delineating ourselves from you, not because of your culture but because your used as buffers and crash dummies for yt supremacist!

    They love your colonized mindsets and use that against Black Americans. We have to call you out on it if we expect your being used?

    We fought in this country for everything we have and will not let foreigners African, Caribbean, Asian or European tear it down without a fight, it is what it is…

  11. @Dakidd-pb9zc

    June 3, 2024 at 5:32 pm

    So, in other words, Africans are completely ignorant of how the rest of the world sees people with black skin. The lack of urgency to unite also suggests that they are unaware of the fact that their own black skin is, and has been exploited and under constant attack on and off the continent for centuries!! I'm not even sure how that's even possible, but here we are!!

  12. @yourweldingcoach

    June 8, 2024 at 9:41 am


  13. @queenspacegirl1393

    June 9, 2024 at 5:08 am


  14. @MunirDivine

    June 10, 2024 at 8:54 pm

    You don’t know black people. You aren’t qualified to explain us. Blacks are a made people through selective breeding for a general purpose. Where everyone was taught about these new people. You’re coming from the the perspective based on what you were taught. It’s so much deeper than racism and slavery. And way too complex to simplify it like this. You just enjoy talking bad about the made people like everyone else for views. This isn’t teaching at all.

  15. @roderickstockdale1678

    June 14, 2024 at 5:43 am

    Did he say Ulora was an Ebu? Sound got distorted there!

  16. @roderickstockdale1678

    June 14, 2024 at 5:47 am

    How do they label ethnicities in Africa?

  17. @hellofamily5757

    June 16, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    It’s all tribalism.

  18. @user-hv5hu9de6m

    June 28, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    Tusskee air men ❤ ??? They will be there ??

  19. @fabolousjada5070

    June 29, 2024 at 5:01 pm

    Same in the Dominican Republic we know we part African and Americans want us to say “ we black “ NO were Dominican a mixed breed


    July 4, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    Lets hope its honest and he stay there, we have too many migrants already

  21. @amanda-ht7yy

    July 13, 2024 at 7:19 pm

    I'm going to say this to the motherland. AFRICA!! A HOUSE THAT'S DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF WILL NOT STAND!!!!!

  22. @Fadeinwow

    July 15, 2024 at 3:08 am

    Ita strange to say this when africans are killing white farmers and taking their farms, didn't know how to run them leading to mass starvation in surrounding areas. I like the karma, but it shows they do indeed see race. When politicians in africa talk about killing white people, you can't then claim africans don't see race. Obviously race is less important when everyone is the same race, but the moment another race is introduced, suddenly race is important again.

    So white people are seen as really bad because race has been a big thing for a long time, but this simply proves white people are better because they allow other races into their countries, actually welcoming them to come legally. When black people talk about how important and moral diversity is, you have to say white people are the most moral then, because they welcome diversity far more then anyone else.

    It's actually strange how people of color find diveristy to be so important in all white countries, but don't have it in their own countries. Diversity in positions of power is so important, but you didn't care about it until you went somewhere that you weren't the majority. If it's so good, why do we not see these people pushing for it at their home countries? I've never heard a black american say african countries need more diversity in political positions. So do they truely believe in this, or is it only because it benifits them?

    Personally I think white people were stupid for giving up power for people who have shown they wouldn't do it for you. Especially in places like America, where white people will become a minority. Do you really think they will still want diveristy in positions of power, when white people are a minority? Fuck no. White people will be fucked in america and the country will now belong to brown people. White people will need to move back to Europe and America will slowly lose its status as a world power. Hopefully that will be a wake up call to other white countries and they will follow Poland and their refusal to take in immagrents and give up their country to others. It's wither the uk or England that already have white people as a minority and that's pretty fucked up. Do you think any other race would willingly become a minority in their own country?


    July 16, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    Its blk culture killing blk culture. Stop blaming it on yt supremecy..grow up already

  24. @lylm4147

    July 18, 2024 at 7:16 am

    Now you come here from America and tell us your name is Shaniqwa; shatiqwa; Shaniqwa what tribe is that?

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